MTL - Dragon-Blooded War God-v40 Chapter 1199 Tianshu Stone

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I heard that Huang Shanke said so, Jiang Shenwu probably understood. Although the original three-layered forging division on the mobile phone side is scarce, each one still wants to personally create a stateless soldier. After all, the creation of a stateless soldier requires a stateless crystal as the core, and a stateless crystal, as an ancient material, is now basically only available from some ancient remains. For example, Jiang Shenwu got a stateless crystal this time, and others want to get a stateless crystal, the difficulty is quite large. Therefore, many forging divisions have never had the opportunity to build a stateless soldier, including the Huang Suike. Obviously, Huang Shanke heard that the Emperor Shenlong was planning to find a soldier to build a stateless soldier, so he would come over and ask the situation, and the Emperor Shenlong directly shouted Jiang Shenwu. Come over. If it is not Jiang Shenwu just came to the Tiehuang Fortress, it is very likely that the Emperor Dragon will take Huang Suike to find the Wuji Xuanbing Holy Land to find Jiang Shenwu. Anyway, now Jiang Shenwu has finally got the chance to build a stateless soldier. The uncharacteristic army he wants to build is of course the level of Super Dragon. "The non-status soldier, I have not seen it with my own eyes. It is said that this thing can transform the shape of any war pattern. I don't know if it is true?" At this time, the young woman in purple clothes chuckled and looked at Jiang Shenwu. There is a curious color in his eyes. She also lazy and stretched out, showing a very attractive body. As a superb dragon of the supreme level, the charm of this young woman in purple can not be under the Emperor Dragon. Unfortunately, Jiang Shenwu does not know who she is... and, Jiang Shenwu’s current level, is also embarrassed to ask who the other party is. What's more, he asked who is the young woman in purple? On the contrary, it seems that some deliberate and intentional misconduct. Therefore, Jiang Shenwu did not ask who she is. Regarding the question of the young woman in purple, it was Huangshan’s smile that made a solution. “Purple loves the predecessor, this stateless crystal can indeed transform any war pattern. If the material is good enough, it can accommodate two thousand pieces. War pattern, two thousand battle lines can be converted into attack warfare at the same time, can also be transformed into a defensive war pattern... As long as it is built, at the same time, it can accommodate enough warfare types to enter, and you can switch at will! Isn't it very strong?" The young woman in purple, who was called "Zi Ai's predecessor," was a little envious when she heard the exclamation. This kind of warrior, but she dreams of, can be used in many different occasions. "Wow, 羲皇姐, you can be a pro-disciple." Purple love dragon looked up and down with Jiang Shenwu, his eyes filled with curiosity. "Oh, the stateless soldier, this legendary existence is directly obtained by you." It’s amazing. I don’t know if you said that you are lucky, or should you say something about you?” The young woman in purple is the purple dragon. Now she is very interested in Jiang Shenwu, all kinds of look at Jiang Shenwu, can not wait to eat him. It’s the Emperor Shenlong. There’s not much volatility in this. I only chuckled and said, “Jiang Shenwu, creating a stateless soldier, but needs a lot of top materials. You can talk to Master Huang Suike and see him. What kind of material is needed. Um." Jiang Shenwu nodded. "In fact, it is not too much trouble." Huang Shanke smiled and said, "The existing general forging materials, in my opinion, are not particularly suitable for building a stateless soldier. It is not insufficient toughness, but the strength is not enough. Mainly the main material search, as for auxiliary materials, I can do it here, not worth a few dollars." He said that it is not worth a few dollars, the concept can be different. To know that he is the 7th-level forging division, this is one of the highest-grade forging divisions of the Dragon Protoss now! How rich is he? The average person is absolutely unimaginable. Therefore, he said that it is not worth a few dollars. It is likely to be a high price for outsiders. Of course, since he said that auxiliary materials are available, then of course it is better. Jiang Shenwu thought about it and said, "I have some gold here, but the quantity is not a lot. Sheet metal?" Huang Shanke suddenly squinted. "This is a good thing. If you want to make a super-god-level dragon." Soldiers, sheet metal as the main material, it takes about ten. But in addition, some other main materials are needed. The so-called main material is the material that plays a major role in the process of forging. If you are forging an ordinary Super Dragon soldier, five gold is enough, but if you want to forge a stateless soldier, the material needed for forging will naturally exceed that of other dragons. Next, Huang Shanke mainly talked about other major materials. The first is the core material used to neutralize the existence of various warfare. The amount of this material is related to the inside of the stateless soldiers, the maximum number of warfare can be owned. This material is called "Tianshu Stone Liquid". Tianshu Shishi, which is hard to come by, can be said to be quite rare materials. Of course, this material is occasionally available on the market. Basically, 200,000 gold dragon coins can be purchased. Want to add a fourth type of battle pattern among a warrior, you need to use a Tianshu stone. And if you want to add a fifth battle, you need four copies of the stone! The sixth kind is that it requires nine copies... For Jiang Shenwu, if you want to create a favorite stateless soldier, you need at least nine kinds of Tianshishi liquid, that is, a total of ninety days. Pivotal fluid! If you want to add a tenth battle, you need more forty-nine Tianshishi liquids... It can be said that this is simply unimaginable consumption. Even for the Emperor Shenlong, this is not a small amount. Even if it is only ninety-one days of stone, it adds up to 18 million gold dragon coins. With so many resources, you can even unveil a heavenly sacred product. It’s so horrible! No wonder this material, even the yellow fir customers are not necessarily direct, because the value is too high, the key is that this day, the core stone is not want to buy can buy. If you want a few copies of light, you can find a way to buy it. However, Jiang Shenwu needs a lot of it, so it is not so easy to buy. For Huang Suike, it is not so easy to get 90 copies of Tianshi Stone. Therefore, Huang Shanke directly handed this matter to Jiang Shenwu... Perhaps it was also the intention of the Emperor Shenlong, it was a test for Jiang Shenwu.

Dragon Blood God of War