MTL - Elf: Begin To Develop a Goddess Beast, Choose a Day To Get Married-Chapter 189

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Compared with Super Fire-breathing Dragon Y, it is still a bit underwhelming.


Super Fire-breathing Dragon Y let out a roar, seemingly emitting bursts of ridicule.

Su Han's fire-breathing dragon was very unconvinced. Facing this super fire-breathing dragon Y, which was twice its size, it was not at all timid.

This is also the reason why so many people like fire-breathing dragons. Let’s not talk about whether this guy is strong or not. This arrogant person who will not give in easily is worthy of the respect of many trainers!

"Hahahaha, Su Han (good enough), are you going to laugh at me? I thought you were going to release some powerful elf, but I didn't expect it to be just an ordinary fire-breathing dragon."

"How can an ordinary fire-breathing dragon be the opponent dragon of my super fire-breathing dragon Y."

"As far as I know, there is only one fire-breathing dragon super-evolution stone in Xia Guo, and this fire-breathing dragon super-evolution stone is in my hands."

"Why, don't you want to use the giant wristband to make the fire-breathing dragon extremely giant? Or do you have a fire Z ring?"

Meng Tianming became more and more proud.

Although the giant fire-breathing dragon is huge in size, it is only strong on the outside.

The most important point is that after the super-evolution of the fire-breathing dragon, the total racial value will increase by 100 points, while the giant transformation only increases the upper limit of HP and skill power, and will not have any effect on the racial value.

So compared to super evolution, gigantic transformation is still far behind.

As for the Z ring, although it is powerful, it only has one shot, and it will be gone when used up.

225. During the live broadcast, the immortal fight shocked the audience

"What on earth did Su Han think? In the face of the super fire-breathing dragon Y, he sent fire-breathing dragons. Don't you know how to suppress the racial value?"

Yashina was puzzled by Su Han's actions.

"Don't look at me, I don't know what he wants to do?"

Yang Jie said when she saw Yasina looking at her.

She is also very puzzled about this. Su Han obviously has so many powerful elves, such as the goddess beast, the flower fairy beast, the Badola beast, and the Regilock, why did he send a fire-breathing dragon?

Do you want to hone your fire-breathing dragon's will through this battle?

If this is the case, it would be too harsh for a fire-breathing dragon.

The fire-breathing dragon will do it, and so will the super fire-breathing dragon Y. Moreover, the racial value of others is 100 points higher than yours, and the level of both sides is similar.

The fire-breathing dragon takes the head and hits the super fire-breathing dragon Y.

Meng Tianming thought so too.

Therefore, when he saw Su Han released the fire-breathing dragon, he would laugh at it.

"Laugh while you have the chance now. There won't be a chance later."

Su Han said lightly.

He is not a fool, how could he not think of anything that Yashina, Yang Jie, and Meng Tianming could think of.

The reason why he dared to release the fire-breathing dragon to confront the super fire-breathing dragon was naturally based on it.

"Fire-breathing dragon, can you hear my voice?"

In his heart, Su Han called for the fire-breathing dragon.

Fire-breathing Dragon 203, who was still facing off against Super Fire-breathing Dragon Y, seemed to have received some information and was stunned for a moment.

After confirming that the voice came from its own trainer, Su Han, it turned its head slightly and nodded to Su Han.

"very good!"

"Is this the feeling that resonates with the elves?"

"It's amazing."

Su Han thought so in his heart, and said to the fire-breathing dragon again in his heart:

"Fire-breathing dragon, it's up to you later."

Fire-breathing dragon received the message and nodded again.

"Really? Then I want to see how long you can be arrogant!"

Although Meng Tianming didn't know what medicines were sold in Su Han's gourd, in order to avoid too many nightmares, he decided to solve Su Han as soon as possible.

Furthermore, super evolution has a time limit, and if it drags on, the situation will only become more and more unfavorable for him.

"Super Spray (agdi) Fire Dragon Y, use jet flame!"

Meng Tianming ordered.


The super fire-breathing dragon Y roared, and then, a pillar of fire with terrifying high temperature was ejected.

This is much more terrifying than ordinary jet flames.

"What are you doing!"

"Are you going to fight as soon as you come?"

Seeing this, Yang Jie and Yasina quickly evacuated the scene.

They don't want to be affected.

"It's just right, fire-breathing dragon, use the jet flame."

Su Han decided to test Super Fire-breathing Dragon Y to see if it was really that powerful.


The fire-breathing dragon also spewed out a pillar of fire, but the diameter was obviously twice as small as that of the fire-breathing dragon Y.


The two pillars of fire collided in the middle, causing an explosion.

But soon, it will be clear who is stronger and who is weaker.

I saw the jet flame of the fire-breathing dragon, which was quickly engulfed by the jet flame of the super fire-breathing dragon Y.

The flaming pillar of fire ejected by Super Fire-breathing Dragon Y devoured the Fire-breathing Dragon and Su Han behind it with a smashing trend.

"Ha, haha, Su Han, now you know Lao Tzu's true strength, right? How can a mere fire-breathing dragon be the opponent of Lao Tzu's super fire-breathing dragon Y!"

Seeing this, Meng Tianming couldn't help laughing proudly.

What he didn't tell Su Han was that from the very beginning, he had secretly turned on his mobile phone and broadcasted it live.

He wants the whole world to see how he defeated Su Han!

Although, defeating Su Han now, it is impossible to restore his reputation, but he wants to let the world know that they are all wrong.

Even if the divine beast was not subdued by Meng Tianming, his strength, Meng Tianming, was stronger than Su Han, and he didn't know where to go!

a few minutes ago.

In the Douhu live broadcast room, countless people are watching the live broadcast.

"Meng Tianming is on the air again? This guy still has the face to start the broadcast?"

"Isn't the platform actually banning such an immoral streamer? Just because he used to be the tenth-ranked super freshman with a lot of popularity?"

"Nonsense, it is precisely because he is famous and can bring benefits to the platform that the platform will block him."

"Mom, this is too realistic."

"That's not it. I'm a young anchor, and I can be permanently banned if I open a yellow accent. I'm still watching people with bad behavior."

"The world is going down!"

"Okay, okay, stop yelling, watch the live broadcast."

"It's amazing, Meng Tianming actually found Su Han. What does he want? Do you want to trouble Su Han?"

"Isn't this nonsense? Because Su Han admitted that the divine beast was caught by him, which led to Meng Tianming's disgrace, and Liangzi of the two was completely taken over."

"Oh, it's funny, Meng Tianming can't even conquer the beast, why does he challenge Su Han?"

"I can't say that. Meng Tianming is the tenth supernova and the ninth in the professional league. Does Su Han have any impressive records?"

"Indeed, just subduing the divine beast doesn't mean much."

"I'm lucky, I just threw a pokeball and conquered the high-level elves. It's not unheard of."

"You are lucky, you can conquer the beast with just a poke ball?"

"I'm afraid you haven't seen the scene where Su Han's celestial beast kills a giant fire-breathing dragon with one arrow. If you have seen it, you will never say such a thing."

"Heavenly Beast, the only Wife Beast in my mind."

"Because of the goddess beast, in the duel between the two, I stand for Su Han!"

"Someone Zhang is talking nonsense here, Meng Tianming beat Su Han with an egg!"

The live broadcast room immediately attracted countless onlookers, and the scene was once very confusing and chaotic.

There are those who support Su Han and Meng Tianming.

However, due to Meng Tianming's counterfeiting incident, which had an extremely bad influence on him, most people were on Su Han's side.

In addition, Su Han's recent deeds made his popularity soar for a time. Many people have heard of his deeds and know that he has a beautiful elf, a goddess beast.

For this reason, the vast majority of people in the live broadcast room were almost on Su Han's side.


Not long after the live broadcast started, Meng Tianming showed his main force, the fire-breathing dragon, and then used the super evolution stone to directly evolve the fire-breathing dragon into the super fire-breathing dragon Y!

This time, in the live broadcast room where the barrage was flying all over the sky (most of them were scolding Meng Tianming), the barrage was suddenly less visible to the naked eye.

"Super evolution???"


226. Su Han's fetters evolve!

This situation is only short-lived, and soon, people have come back to their senses.

Immediately afterwards, the barrage bounced back and densely covered the entire screen again!

"Wow, I was slapped in the face so quickly, can someone Zhang go back?"

"Super fire-breathing dragon Y? It's too handsome!"

"It is said that the attribute values ​​of Super Fire-breathing Dragon Y are not even inferior to second-level divine beasts!"

"So, who did you think of Bian Meng Tianming before? Now you know, this is the background of the top ten super freshmen in the youth training!"

"Those who can be ranked in the top ten of the youth training super freshmen are all capable. Don't deny his strength because of his bad conduct."

"Yes, strength and character should be viewed separately."


"Unexpectedly, Meng Tianming has hidden a hand, and he is indeed a former professional player. So, isn't Su Han completely out of luck~?"

"Not necessarily, didn't he also subdue the divine beast Reginok?"

"Unless Reggie Locke was really subdued by him and completely obeyed his orders, Su Han would not have any win-rate in this matchup."

"Yes, after all, that is Super Fire-breathing Dragon Y!"

"Too domineering, super fire-breathing dragon Y!"

As Meng Tianming used the super evolution stone to evolve his fire-breathing dragon into the super fire-breathing dragon Y, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was directly detonated.

People changed their views at the beginning, and now, they think, maybe it is possible, that Su Han is not Meng Tianming's opponent.

And the next scene seems to verify everyone's thoughts.

Su Han even used an ordinary fire-breathing dragon to face Meng Tianming's super fire-breathing dragon Y. Not only that, but when the super fire-breathing dragon Y used the flames, Su Han also asked the fire-breathing dragon to use the same move to deal with it.