MTL - Emulator: Opening Talent Super Gigolo-Chapter 15 , have to add money

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The unprecedented strength of his mind made him quite confident!

This is a level upgrade!

"It's a pity that my practice knowledge is too poor..."

I don't know anything about the level of Taoism, but I only know that spirituality is not something that ordinary people can have.

Most of the one-level warriors have a mental strength of only four or five hundred.

As for myself, the light value is twice as high as theirs, not to mention the vastly different levels.

While thinking about clicking the simulation again, he was suddenly stunned.

"This time it will cost 10,000 gold."

Increased the amount of money required by the system to start the simulation.

Look at the description column: Host Realm Zero Realm, Dao Mind Heart, each simulation consumes 10,000.

Lin Changan was helpless, but it really improved, tenfold!

This simulation of myself requires a full 10,000.

It's normal to think about it. The consumption of the system is obviously different for each realm and Dao Heart that needs to be simulated and relied on.

"However, at this rate, I can only simulate five times?"

10,000 times, I feel a little distressed just thinking about it.

The current self has not yet opened up Linghai to become an official practitioner, and the way to make money is extremely poor.

Finally caught a wanted criminal, but only got 70,000.

The previous thirteen simulations, each time 1000, left 57052 in the balance.

"If five simulations can really improve talent, it's definitely worth it!"

Lin Changan thought about clicking OK and started the simulation again, and he couldn't wait to see the results.

[You jump into the city, the surroundings are pitch black, as if shrouded in dense fog. 】

[Suddenly there is a long sigh in your ear, you are unmoved. 】

[There seems to be a little devil lying on your shoulders, your expression is as usual. 】

[Someone whispered in your ear, your face full of disdain. 】

[You enter your own house, look at yourself in the mirror, and you start guessing. 】

[You in the mirror brought out scissors, in reality you brought out a rock, and you won. 】

[You in the mirror looked terrified, then screamed and disappeared into the mirror as a puff of smoke. 】

This time the simulation simply gave Lin Changan a feeling that everything was going smoothly!

The spiritual level plus 1.61 times the sticking to the mind, the general weirdness can't cause damage at all.

[Continuing inward, you find that the white-collar workers in the building next to your house have turned into ghosts. 】

[It doesn't seem to be that simple here. 】

[On the way forward, you saw Tongyou grass, which is more than a hundred years old, and you put it away. 】

[All kinds of weirdness are invalid for you. 】

[In a naturally formed underground house, you found a piece of Mingyu. 】

[The owner of the house is back, two meters tall and half a meter long. When he sees you, he opens his big mouth with a horrific smile. 】

[In his mouth, you can see the meat residue and organs that have not been chewed. 】

["Anyone else entered here before me?" This is your last thought before dying. 】

After coming back to his senses from the simulation, Lin Changan's expression brightened.

This trip finally paid off.

It is quite rare that the herbs that are more than a hundred years old are of great value for practitioners who open up the yin attribute spiritual sea or practice ghost magic.

"One can sell for tens of thousands of yuan, but I don't know how many there are."

As long as there is a little something, it means there is more.

Just like finding a cockroach, it means you have tens of thousands of cockroach eggs in your home.

"Mingyu is obviously also very valuable, but it is a little dangerous."

"Besides, who was the person who entered before me? He walked so far and was eaten by giants."

Lin Changan thought for a moment, staring at the cracks in the ground.

If Chu Li can get a pass, it is very likely that others can too.

"So it's an unlucky ghost? But how did this unlucky ghost pass through the turbulent flow of space?"

Relying on the A-level talent [Gou], I can enter with the best luck again and again. Why is this person?

Lin Changan decided to simulate it again, moving forward at full speed without stopping on the road to see if he could find any clues about this person.

Can you travel to this dungeon four times in the same way?

No, it's okay...

Thinking of Chu Li rushing back in a hurry, her face was full of joy.

Entering the car, his delicate and beautiful face raised slightly, his face full of arrogance, and a card appeared in his hand: "Pass, take it!"

She didn't know how to get a pass.

Lin Changan looked at this card, but did not go to get it.

He lit a cigarette: "Boss, I went to inquire just now. According to the guards, according to the initial test, this dungeon may be D-level or C-level, not an ordinary E-level dungeon..."

Chu Li was obviously taken aback.

Class D? C grade?

D-level and above dungeons are too dangerous, and can be described as a narrow escape.

"So, you're not going?"

But, if Lin Changan doesn't go...

But this is a huge sum of money!

Chu Li even wanted to jump in by herself.

Moreover, it has cost tens of thousands to get the pass, and this investment cannot be wasted.

"Go." Lin Changan said lightly, if you don't go, it's not a waste of simulation, and he spent more than 20,000 yuan.


"Yes, go," Lin Changan slowly exhaled a smoke ring, "but, you have to pay more."

Chu Li was stunned for a while, her face showing embarrassment and reluctance: "You... how much do you want?"

"Sixty percent."

Lin Changan didn't go too far.

Generally speaking, it should be divided into five or five, because Chu Li is responsible for opening up the relationship and selling it later, otherwise the opportunities and various treasures inside will be difficult to shoot.

The proprietress is quite reliable in the black market.

It is very important to have no Changan does not want to be targeted for selling these things.

Hearing Lin Changan's words, Chu Li let out a long sigh of relief.

It's only reasonable to ask for 10% more!

Even, it was much better than she imagined!

Then he hugged Lin Changan's face and dragged him to him: "Little Changan is so kind to elder sister! He doesn't like elder sister, right?"

While thinking about it, he was about to pull it to his chest.


Lin Changan's voice was indifferent.

Thinking back in my mind at this time, this boss doesn't know what to do, so he treats himself like this.

Very cold to ordinary people.

I can't wait to take advantage of myself every day.

He thought of Su Xi'er, and he seemed interested in himself.

"So what's so special about me?" Lin Changan realized that he definitely had a problem!

But the boss is just an ordinary person, do you really know that he is special?

But this passion...

"Well! You don't have to hide if you like my elder sister! It's okay! My elder sister is so pretty, it's normal for you to like me." Chu Li held her chest out with a serious face.

Lin Changan looked up and down.

I have to say, her face is exquisite, and she has a seductive charm that makes people want to lust.

The face of melon seeds, the fox eyes, the bridge of the nose is straight and straight, and the lips are small.

Looking down, a pair of beautiful legs are slender and straight, and the thin black stockings have an amazing beauty and allure.

With a firm mind, Lin Changan's face turned straight: "Okay, that's it."

After taking the pass, he gritted his teeth and started a simulation of 10,000 times. When he clicked, he felt blood dripping from his heart.

[The simulation starts. 】

[In the dungeon, you kept moving forward without delaying, and soon came to the naturally formed underground house. 】