MTL - Escape from Marriage 100 Days: Sweet Wife Steals a Treasure-Chapter 496 clue

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After half an hour, there is still no trace of thoughts.

"What should I do? Father will come back soon after fishing. If he knows that Xiao Nian is gone..." Lin Ma fell on the grass, and she was almost fainted with tears.

"Lin Ma, you go to rest for a while, I know where the little thoughts are."

Lin Ma immediately looked at her in surprise. "You... you know?"

"Well, I am going to find a little thought, don't worry, be careful!"

"I will accompany you! You can't see your eyes again!" Lin Ma is still not at ease.

Because the people on the side of Huo Yandong recently stared too tightly, Xiao Qiao had to lie to Grandpa and Lin Ma to get their own eye disease, but it was not a serious illness. It would be good to take some medicine for a few months.

"It's okay, Lin Ma, you listen to me and go to rest. I promise you can see the little thoughts when you wake up?"

Listening to Xiao Qiao's tone, Lin Ma walked into the house with suspicion, and tossed her old bones for a morning.

After Lin Mama entered the house, the determination and confidence on Xiao Qiao's face disappeared without a trace. Instead, he was panicked and helpless.

Xiao Qiao immediately went to the door of the yard, "Xie Hao! Ling Hao!"

Not long after, the two men came out from the dark.

One of them was wearing a black vest, a strong, bronzed skin, and the other was wearing a white shirt. The text was weak and looked like a white-faced scholar.

These two are the dedication of Huo Yandong's men, one article and one Wu.

Nowadays it has been sent to protect a woman, so both of them are somewhat dissatisfied with this errand.

However, Huo Yandong confessed that if she needs help, they must obey, so she heard that she had to appear.

It is said that this is the first time she has called their name these days.

Just listening to the movement inside seems to be the child is gone, is it to let them help find someone?

"Miss, what is the order?" Ling Hao asked gently, no emotions.

"Have you seen a small child here?"

Xie Tao and Ling Hao heard that they are shaking their heads.


Xiao Qiao continued to ask, "Is there any suspicious person?"

"No." Ling Hao's answer is still the same.

Xiao Qiao is anxious. "How come?"

"Do you not believe us?" Xie Wei, who is grumpy, is obviously annoyed.

Ling Hao stopped him and explained to Xiao Qiao unhurriedly. "From the morning to the present, only the father of the palace who took the fishing rod to go fishing. At 7:28, he lived in the villa 500 meters away. Li Xu, the chairman of Anxu Group, and his lover opened the baby z4 from here. At 9:12 and 1 minute, Zhao Wu, who runs the orchard, passes through the cargo, 10 points..."

"Enough!" Xiao Qiao smashed his eyebrows and interrupted Ling Hao.

Xie Wei snorted, "No one can take people away under our eyes!"

But now people are gone, and by then they can't escape the responsibility of protecting the bad things.

Ling Hao seems to think of something, his face has changed, and he said, "Is it that time..."

"Is there a clue?" Xiao Qiao asked nervously.

Ling Hao indulged, "Because there is a primary school nearby, so many children at noon learn to pass through here. If the child came out of the yard at that time, mixed in the crowd, we did not pay attention and it is very possible!" 2k novel reading network