MTL - Extreme Pampering After Marriage-Chapter 746 Let's go together

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  Wen Shuli has a good appearance, and when he smiles, he is even more charming, "The company hasn't signed a new person for a long time, let alone you are an artist worthy of investment. I believe that high investment and high return."

  The implication is that only she has such treatment.

  Qu Huai'an remained silent, secretly thinking whether he was really worthy of such a large investment from them.

  Wen Shuli tapped the desktop with his finger, seemed to think of something, and said in a chatty tone: "Actually, your treatment is not the best in the company. Someone once had better conditions and treatment than you, but unfortunately she doesn't want to do this."

  Qu Huaian did not hesitate for too long, and finally signed the brokerage contract.

  Not long after returning, the agent arranged by the company came to meet her, and the assistant arranged by the company also came to ask her about her daily taboos, eating and traveling, and other requirements.

  The second time the agent came to the door, he brought a bunch of scripts, including TV dramas and movies, all of which were the latest big investments in the entertainment industry. Of course, there were also some low-cost investments, but they were just brought along, and she was allowed to choose slowly.

  Qu Huaian did not rush to choose scripts, but read them one by one. In his spare time, he continued to learn acting from his teacher, practiced his lines, and read a newspaper every morning.

  Since she has decided to do this business, she wants to make a good achievement, instead of being a packaged vase and becoming a traffic puppet.

  Three months later, Qu Huai'an finally chose a script, which was a low-budget movie, about a girl who was deaf and mute, who was discarded at the side of the road when she was born, and was picked up by someone to bring her up. A series of things happened.

  When the manager saw that she had chosen this script, he couldn't help reminding her, "This script was handed over by a new director, and Mr. Wen has no plans to invest in it."

  The meaning is obvious, this is a low-cost movie, the salary will not be high, and the movie release announcement and so on may not be able to keep up.

   "I'm new too." Qu Huai'an replied softly, but his attitude was firm.

  She likes this story, and also likes the girl named Chujiu in the story.

  When the agent took over her, Mr. Wen specially greeted her and wanted to respect her wishes, so it was hard to say anything more, so I called the director to meet and talk.

The director originally wanted to invite Luo Tianxue to play the role in Chu Jiu, but Luo Tianxue's status is too high now, and the script was rejected by her agent before she got the script. Fearing that she couldn't find a suitable heroine, Qu Huaian took the initiative to find on him.

   Originally, he was still a little worried about whether Qu Huai'an, a newcomer, would be able to play Chu Jiu well. After watching the TV series she acted in and learning that she was hearing impaired, he immediately made a decision to cast Qu Huai'an.

  As for the leading actor, he is also a newcomer who just graduated from film school, and there is no such person in the entertainment industry.

   Qu Huai’an went to the hospital for the deaf and mute for a month. While studying the script, he observed the daily living habits of these special groups of people.

   A month later, she entered the group with a white suitcase.

  Although the director is a newcomer and the conditions of the crew are not very good, the director is very demanding, and the staff is also very professional and dedicated. Everyone is giving their all for this movie.

In the third month of filming, the first TV series she starred in was launched. Originally, she was supposed to do promotion with the male lead, but she didn't want to be distracted and delay the filming, so she refused the promotion, and even her agent wanted to do a promotion for her Weibo's proposal was also rejected, and he devoted himself to the production team, polishing the work.

  The effect of the TV series was very good. It can be said that it was a hit. The male lead gained 500,000 fans overnight, while the female lead...

  The fans of the show are crying, they can’t find the post of the beautiful sister, so they can only cry and call the heroine sister to come out to business under the drama blog every day.

  However, the heroine seems to have disappeared from the world, there is no news, and even the slightest bit of her past can't be found on the Internet.

   Some netizens speculated whether this is a fairy who came down to experience life. When she retired after the film, Wen Shuli's film and television company came out to claim it. This is her own artist.

   All the fans rushed to the company’s Weibo to ask for her sister’s information. The official blog didn’t give much information, but just posted a photo of Qu Huaian filming a movie on the set, to reassure fans that this is an actor who speaks through his works.

   Fans opened the Weibo of the fan club, and wanted to ask the company for an itinerary, but the news from the company was always that the crew was filming. In order to keep the content of the movie secret, they didn't even provide a few photos.

   The support club is bored and counts **** on Weibo every day, and some of them start to scold the company and their managers...

  My sister is relying on a TV series to become popular, so she should take advantage of the trend to open up Weibo and participate in some variety shows and fashion activities, instead of being locked up in the crew and not even promoting the TV series.

  Who will remember who she is after the TV series is over?

  The company and the agent scratched their heads helplessly when they saw the fan's coquettish actions, and sighed heavily when they saw the heroine who was discussing the script with the hero.

  Think they don't want to?

   It's because the ancestor didn't want to.

Qu Huai'an didn't go online when he was filming, and he didn't know about the serious crimes committed by the company's agent on the Internet. He was studying the script with the director and colleagues every day, how to perform this part, and whether he could act better…

  Following the change of seasons, Qu Huai'an finished the Mid-Autumn Festival with the crew and ushered in the National Day, the crew finally wrapped up.

  She went back to the hotel and shut herself up for a day and a night. The next day, she finally got out of her role and attended the wrap-up banquet.

   She didn't drink too much this time, because she was going back to Mocheng the next day.

  When the TV series aired, the director helped her sign up for the Best Newcomer and Best Actress in the National Drama Awards, and she was also nominated for two nominations.

  The awards ceremony was held on a TV station in Mexico City, and her manager and assistant driver accompanied her back home.

  Checking into the hotel, looking at the tall buildings and buildings outside the window, Qu Huaian feels lost for a while.

   Had it not been for this awards ceremony, she might not have returned to the city.

  She wants to Mumu, but she is afraid of seeing Mumu.

   And, that person.

  A manager and an assistant came in, and the assistant was carrying an ironed dress, followed by a makeup artist and a photographer.

   The red carpet is naturally indispensable for the awards ceremony. This is the battlefield for female stars, and everyone is working **** this aspect, sending out press or push announcements.

   Qu Huaian looked at the beautiful backless dress, his almond eyes slightly wrinkled, "Can I skip the red carpet?"

  She didn't like the atmosphere, surrounded by countless spotlights, asked questions by the host, and created a lot of topics.

  Everyone was stunned for a moment, and the assistant said weakly: "Sister Huai'an, it doesn't respect the organizer if you don't walk the red carpet."

  Qu Huaian was silent for a moment, "Okay, then can I not wear a dress?"


  The agent has been with her for a long time, so he naturally knows what kind of temperament she is, so he immediately asked the assistant to change into a simple dress, and asked the makeup artist to apply a simple base makeup for her.

  Called the organizer, hoping to cancel the interview with her, or simply go through the motions during the interview.

  Therefore, Qu Huaian wore an extremely simple white French dress and walked the red carpet in front of countless cameras, skipping taking pictures, skipping interviews and directly entering the infield.

   Fans waiting to see her photos: ? ? ? ?

  In the end, the agency sent a few photos of her, all of which were unretouched, natural and casual.

For a while, there was an uproar on the Internet. On the one hand, the fans felt that the company was too perfunctory. Other actresses were limited and high-end. The red carpet took three minutes and a few minutes for Jian Cai, while Qu Huaian wore simple clothes and makeup. It's simple, just forget about everything, even the photos you send out are so casual, you don't pay attention to them at all, and you don't respect fans.

  Another convenience is that netizens think that female stars should be so simple, why do they have to do it so grandly, and even with light makeup, the appearance is very resistant, and there is no need for intensive work at all.

   There was a lot of noise on the Internet. At the award ceremony, Qu Huaian greeted and chatted with the actors he had worked with, and didn’t look at his phone. Naturally, he didn’t know that because of his behavior, the agent and the company had taken another big blame.

   Someone proposed to take a group photo, but Qu Huai'an didn't refuse, and even made a bee to the camera with a light smile.

  The photo was posted on the Internet, and the fans quickly crawled along the network cable. Seeing the beautiful photo of their owner, they sucked and scolded the manager vigorously.

  The manager came to Qu Huai'an with a mobile phone in his hands, "I really can't bear this blame."

   Qu Huaian took the phone and saw the message in the comment area, Dai Mei frowned lightly, said nothing, and returned the phone to the agent.

  The awards ceremony began. At the beginning, there were some soundtracks, editing awards, and then the highlight.

   Qu Huai'an was shortlisted for Best Newcomer and Best Actress, and naturally became the focus of attention tonight. In the end, she missed Best Actress, but won the Best Newcomer Award.

   When she came to the stage to accept the award and delivered her acceptance speech, she thanked the company, the director, and the crew one by one according to the manuscript given by her assistant in advance, and then said something that was not in the manuscript after a pause.

"Taking this opportunity today, I also have something to say to the audience and fans who are watching the live broadcast. My agency, my agent, they are all very good people, and they respect my wishes very much. I like acting very much. In the future, I only want to act, and I will not do anything else.

  If everyone really likes me and likes to watch me act, then respect my decision, and I will use my works to meet you in the future. When we can't see each other, I hope everyone can live a good life, love their families and friends around them, and share a beautiful life together. "

   After finishing speaking, she bowed deeply to the nearest camera.

  The scene was silent for three seconds, and then there was thunderous applause.

   Qu Huai'an straightened his back, lifted the hem of his skirt and walked off the stage from the side. Just as he stepped down the last step, he saw a familiar and tall figure in the dim light, and his heart suddenly stopped.

   "Sister Qu..."

   A familiar voice sounded, and Qu Huai'an came back to his senses, and saw Xie Yumu walking from the backstage. He had grown a lot taller than before, his eyes were bright, and his facial features had also grown.

   "Mumu..." she said jerkyly.

  The meeting was caught off guard, she was unprepared, and she didn't even know how to face them.

   Xie Yumu didn't feel unfamiliar with her at all, and took the initiative to hold her cold hand, "Why didn't you leave without saying a word, and didn't answer my phone! Did old man Xie bully you again?"

Qu Huaian didn't dare to look at the expression of that person at the moment, and squeezed out a sorry smile to Xie Yumu, "I'm sorry, Mumu, it was my fault not to say goodbye, I apologize to you. I hope you can forgive me. "

  Xie Yumu snorted softly, "That depends on your performance. There will be an event in our school tomorrow. If you come, I will forgive you."

   Qu Huai'an hesitated and did not answer. Now that she and Xie Tingxi have divorced, it is not appropriate to go to his school.

  Just as he was about to find a reason to refuse, the man who had been silent all this time suddenly said, "Let's go."

   "I haven't followed Sister Qu..."

   Xie Yumu didn't finish his words, Xie Tingxi glanced at him, a cold light appeared in his eyes, and swallowed the rest of the words abruptly.

   Xie Tingxi thought he hadn't seen her, and walked away with two long legs without looking back.

  Before Xie Yumu followed, he turned his head and told, "Sister Qu, you must come tomorrow, I'll wait for you, see you soon."

   Qu Huai'an waved his hand at him, and involuntarily looked at the receding figure in his eyes, fascinated.

   Long time no see, he seems to be a lot more majestic.

After a while, her agent came to her because her statement was another day of quarrel on the Internet. Some people said that she was crazy, and a celebrity should be in business. Cooperate with the publicity, what kind of cafe does what, and some people said that a celebrity is just a job. It is normal to not want to face the camera other than work, and we must respect other people's choices.

  The manager has lost his temper, and it's up to the fans and netizens to quarrel. She came to inform Qu Huaian that there will be a celebration banquet at the end of the awards ceremony, and she must attend.

   The celebration banquet invited many people, besides the director and producer, there are also investors.

  When Qu Huai'an saw Xie Tingxi who was being crowded in, he missed a beat unexpectedly.

  She was only concentrating on filming, and from the beginning to the end, she didn't know that the investor behind the show was actually Xie Tingxi.

  How could he be willing to invest in his own film?

   Seeing her in a daze, the manager pinched her arm secretly, and said in a low voice, "What are you doing in a daze, thank you for a cup."

  Although it's not fun to accompany investors, sophistication at the wine table is essential.

   Qu Huai'an was pushed up by his manager before he recovered his senses. Holding a glass of wine, he looked at the handsome and noble man opposite, and said in an unnatural tone: "Thank you, Mr. Xie...I respect you..."

  The man rolled his eyelids lazily, glanced at her, picked up his glass and drank it down.

  Qu Huai'an also drank it all in one gulp. Just as he put down his glass, he heard a man's gentle voice, "Congratulations to Ms. Qu, she won the Best Newcomer Award tonight, and she has a bright future."

  I thought he was willing to drink this glass of wine out of gentlemanly demeanor, and he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of everyone, but he didn't expect him to congratulate himself.

   I just don’t know how much sincerity and how much lies in this congratulations.

   Xie Tingxi drank it down again.

   Qu Huaian naturally wants to follow him to drink another cup of yellow soup.

  All the people here are good people. Seeing that Xie Tingxi praised a newcomer so much, they naturally toasted with him to congratulate him.

  The manager helped her block some of it, but Qu Huai'an still drank a lot. After the celebration banquet, she was almost drunk.


   Two in one! This episode is indeed coming to an end... I guess it will be the end of this month [see you tomorrow]