MTL - Extreme Pampering After Marriage-Chapter 747 obsession suspense

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  The crowd dispersed, and the manager helped Qu Huai, who was barely standing still, to get up, "I'll take you back."

   Just as Qu Huaian took a step, his knee hit the chair next to him, and he groaned in pain.

  The manager also drank a lot. When she turned around to ask what happened, someone had already taken her hand away and grabbed Qu Huai'an's shoulder, "I'll take her back."

  The manager opened his eyes wide to see the man's face clearly, and he stuttered, "Thank you, Mr. Xie..."

  Xie Tingxi directly hugged Qu Huai'an, glanced at her lightly, and walked towards the door.

  The manager's chaotic mind came to his senses, and he hurried to catch up and intercept, "Mr. can't take her away."

  Although he said he was an investor, Mr. Wen handed Qu Huaian into his own hands, so he had to protect his artists.

  A young man took the initiative to send a woman back, and she was still a drunk woman. If you think about it, you know it's uneasy and kind.

   Xie Tingxi paused, probably thinking that she was a qualified agent, and said with a pleasant face: "If you have any questions, call Mr. Wen."

  Mr. Wen?

   Before the manager could react, he had already walked out sideways with Qu Huaian in his arms.

  Qu Huai'an was drowsy from drinking, and stared at him with wide almond eyes, as if wanting to look into his heart.

   Xie Tingxi carefully put her into the car, told the driver to drive, took out a bottle of water, unscrewed it and fed it to her mouth, "Drink some water."

   Qu Huaian drank water obediently, but stared at him without blinking.

  Xie Tingxi put the water back and saw that she was still staring at him, "What are you looking at me for?"

  She blinked her eyes, her drunken voice mixed with softness, "I dreamed of you again, Xie Tingxi."

  Xie Tingxi was taken aback, "What?"

   She ever dreamed of herself?

   Qu Huai'an came to his side, took the initiative to wrap his slender hands around his narrow waist, and muttered, "Xie Tingxi, why do I dream of you every time I get drunk?"

  If she doesn't drink on weekdays, she can't dream of him.

   Xie Tingxi realized that she was drunk last time, and afterwards thought she was dreaming, dreaming of herself...

   Thought she would not remember anything when she woke up, but she did.

   "You don't want to dream of me?" He wrapped his arms around her shoulders, gently brushing the scattered hair behind her ears with his fingertips.

   Qu Huai'an shook his head gently, resting his chin on his shoulder, his voice was soft and soft, "I dreamed of you, I am very happy..."

  Hearing this, Xie Tingxi's thin lips curled slightly.

   "Xie Tingxi, I'm living a good life now, and my heart is very at ease. I don't want to go to find my brother anymore. I hope that you can also live a good life, treat Mumu better, and treat yourself better."

  Xie Tingxi's heart was so soft that he turned his head slightly and put his cheek on her cheek, "Then can you treat me better?"

  Qu Huaian was silent for a while, let go of his arms around his waist, looked up with confusion, "I... don't know how to treat you."

"From the moment I lied to you, there should be no chance between us. You are such a utilitarian person, how can you tolerate others betraying you, you never give your heart to anyone, how can you really love I?"

   As he spoke, his eyes suddenly turned red.

  If Qu Huainan hadn't died, if there hadn't been Yun Youwei's lesson from the past, maybe the relationship between them would not have been so tortuous.

  People's hearts are unpredictable and fickle, how could she believe that Xie Tingxi would fall in love with her sincerely.

  Afraid that this is another conspiracy, afraid that he will lose completely in the end.

  Xie Tingxi never thought that she had so many worries and worries in her heart, and it's no wonder she thought so. Whoever let herself do all the bad things is so calm and almost ruthless.

  The warm thumb gently rubbed her frowning brows away, and said in a hoarse voice: "An'an, have you ever thought that I am also a human being, and I also have times when I can't get what I want, and I am obsessed with suspense."

   And she is his obsession.

   It's not that I haven't thought about giving up. There are thousands of women in the world, and there are countless better than her. Why does it have to be her?

  For so many nights of tossing and turning, he kept telling himself, never mind Xie Tingxi, she is just a woman...

  I persuade myself like this every time, and every time my reason loses out to my emotions.

  He wants Qu Huaian, even if her heart is not with him, he doesn't want to give up.

  There are so many women in the world, but there is only one Qu Huaian.

   Unique and irreplaceable Qu Huaian.

  Qu Huai'an was stunned, his red lips were lightly pursed, and he didn't speak for a long time.

  The car stopped at the entrance of the hotel, and Xie Tingxi carried her in. This is a hotel under the Fuxie Group, and he entered Qu Huaian's room smoothly.

  When Xie Tingxi put her on the bed, he sat down and stroked her smooth skin with his fingertips. Under the orange light, his low voice seemed as gentle as water.

"For so many years I have been calculating, no matter when I will not lose, but now I lost to you. Think about it for yourself, if I really want to take revenge on you, why should I marry you if I really want to take revenge on you? ?”

   "Do you know what it means for you to marry me?"

   Qu Huaian shook his head slowly.

  He replied with a chuckle, "It means that if I have something in the future, you, like Mumu, can legally inherit my property."

  The way to avenge the revenge is to let her inherit her property.

  Qu Huai'an's bushy eyelashes trembled suddenly, and his black and white pupils were full of astonishment.

  Never thought that he forced himself to marry him back then, and there was such a deep meaning.

   Probably because her surprised appearance was too cute, Xie Tingxi had a thought, and couldn't help lowering his head and pecking his pink lips.

   "Silly girl, do you still think I want to take revenge on you?"

  Qu Huaian lowered his head in shame, and shook his head slowly.

   Xie Tingxi pinched her chin and raised it, forcing her to look at him, and whispered: "An'an, let's try again."

   Qu Huai'an met his soft eyes like water, and his cold heart softened.

   "I'm afraid..."

  Afraid of hurting you again, hurting myself.

  Xie Tingxi seemed to know what she was worried about, and parted her thin lips, "Help me take off my glasses."

   Qu Huai'an hesitated, but still raised his hand to pinch the temples of his glasses and slowly took off his glasses.

  The moment the glasses fell, he lowered his head and kissed her lips.

  The glasses in Qu Huaian's hands slipped to the carpet, and his body tensed up involuntarily. His slender arms touched his chest, but they didn't push him away, but climbed onto his shoulder helplessly.

   Xie Tingxi's lips fell on her ear, every word, even his breath was full of affection, "Don't be afraid... I will make you happy."