MTL - Feminist God-Chapter 18 The forty-eighth boyfriend

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  Chapter 18 The forty-eighth boyfriend

Among them, a girl led by the three of them, Lin Qing was quite amazed. Her **** hair was casually draped over her left chest, her face was slightly rounded, her appearance was very mature, her big eyes were dark and bright, and the corners of her mouth were smiling. She is very slim and slim, and she exudes a seductive and seductive noble lady temperament!

  Lin Qing looked at it and lowered his head, thinking that this girl should be the legendary high match.

  After the girl named head entered the door, she looked around with a pair of beautiful eyes to see if there was any good position, and she clearly saw Lin Qing who was approaching the door.

  The girl was taken aback for a moment, even though she only saw Lin Qing's side face, she was immediately astonished!

  She has played with a lot of boys, and knows countless boys, but none of them can stand shoulder to shoulder with Lin Qing.

   It was as if anyone would be eclipsed in front of him. This kind of handsomeness can already be called a male god!

  The girl immediately made a decision in her heart, she must chase after this handsome boy, and play with his body and emotions wantonly!

   Immediately, regardless of the surprise of the two little girls behind her, she hurried over and said to Lin Qing with a self-proclaimed charming smile on the corner of her mouth, "Hi, how are you handsome."

   After finishing speaking, he graciously sat beside Lin Qing, staring straight at him and waiting for an answer.

  At this moment, Lin Qing frowned slightly, the fragrant wind blowing by his side, and the other party's career line was so dazzling, it made him start to feel a little distracted.

  Lin Qing nodded, as a response to the other party, and at the same time, the movement of eating with his hands became quicker. He didn't want this girl to be entangled, because she felt that she was not simple, or that she was troublesome.

"Let's meet handsome guy. My name is Zhou Hani. You see, we are so destined. Give me a mobile phone number." The girl still doesn't know what Lin Qing is thinking. After reporting her name, it doesn't seem like other people will blush when they see Lin Qing. On the contrary, he was very generous and struck up a conversation, ready to ask for contact information.

In her cognition, chasing boys must be bold. If you are timid, the boy you like will be taken into the arms of other women sooner or later, so based on her experience in dating boys, Zhou Hani thinks that she has already succeeded halfway. Sitting at a dining table in Haizhong, isn't it easy to get a contact?

  Of course, even if Lin Qing is arrogant, she has a hundred ways to deal with it. As long as she has enough money, no matter what handsome male god, she will immediately become like a little sheep waiting for her favor!

  She has seen this kind of man a lot. On the surface, he is a high-ranking male god. In fact, as long as he has money, he can lower his tall head and work hard to serve you in some places!

   These are not groundless rumors. You must know that she gave enough money at the beginning, so she and the sisters in the dormitory took turns to spoil that handsome counselor!

   Zhou Hani licked her seductive red lips with lipstick, and couldn't wait in her heart!

Immediately, a pair of beautiful eyes stared straight at Lin Qing, thinking that today, no matter what, I have to ask for the contact information of the other party, and we will talk in advance at night, otherwise, when it is time for military training, the competition and pressure will be great .

   Zhou Hani is such a coquettish name!

When Lin Qing was thinking like this, he drank the last half bottle of wine, feeling extremely refreshed all over, shook his dizzy head, then burped Zhou Hani, and said, "Am I familiar with you?" ?”

  The meaning of this is self-evident that if you don't give it, he doesn't even know the other party!

  But who is Zhou Hani? She is not afraid that Lin Qing will refuse, but she is afraid that he will not give her a chance to refuse. As long as the other party speaks, it proves that she still has a chance.

   Zhou Hani and Lin Qing, who were a little frustrated, were not like other boys sitting here drinking, and suddenly had a plan. It doesn't matter if you don't give us your contact information, it's okay to sit and drink together.

  She doesn't believe that a weak boy can drink better than a girl. As long as he gets drunk, not only can he get to know each other better, but he can also take advantage of the opportunity. Maybe it can be the best of both worlds!

   "Shall we have a drink together?" Zhou Hani showed two small canine teeth, with an expression of wanting to succeed.

  The female companions behind her didn't know what she was thinking, so they also surrounded her and joined her in inviting Lin Qing and the others to drink.

   After all, there are three real boys here, and each of them looks good. If they are all drunk, wouldn’t they be able to do whatever they want?

  Although that top grade belongs to Sister Hani, maybe Sister Hani is happy, and they may also taste the taste of top grade boys!

  Lin Qing was at a loss for words for a while, and he himself refused, but the other party was still haunted by a dog skin plaster, and he didn't know how to refuse the other party anymore, but fortunately, Liang Qingshi screamed in time: "What do you want to do?"

  The noisy small restaurant immediately fell silent, and everyone looked here curiously.

"Everyone keep eating, are we kidding around?" Zhou Hani stood up and explained to the diners in the restaurant, then sat down next to Lin Qing again, and gave Liang Qingshi an annoyed look, blaming him for being nosy, otherwise today would be a day You can taste the best.

   And looking at the handsome face on the side and the elegance between the brows, Zhou Hani is sure that this superstar has never had a relationship with a woman so far!

  Thinking of this, Zhou Hani felt hot in his heart.

  Nowadays, boys who have never had **** with the opposite **** are as rare as ever. What kind of luck did Zhou Hani get today to meet a top-notch guy who has never had **** with women?

Zhou Hani smiled, looked at Lin Qing directly, and became more and more satisfied in his heart. He exhaled like an orchid in Lin Qing's ear, and whispered: "You don't know me very well, so I have nothing to say, but it doesn't matter, in the future you will become I belong to Zhou Hani's forty-eighth boyfriend, everything about you belongs to me!"


   Oh my god, the forty-eighth boyfriend? !

  Hearing this, Lin Qing's face turned dark, and if it wasn't for the backrest of the chair, she might have fallen over directly.

  In his heart, what face does this kind of woman have to strike up a conversation with him? !

   "Sorry, please stay away from me, I'm not interested in you!"

Lin Qing's cold words resounded loudly. If the beautiful woman beside him was in his previous life, maybe he would spend a few beautiful nights with her, but now, he doesn't want to get in touch with this kind of woman, because the other party has forty-seven before. Boyfriend, he may not be able to control this kind of lustful girl with rich emotions.

   "Then are you interested in money? As long as you become my boyfriend, I can buy you bags, cosmetics, etc., as long as you like it!" Zhou Hani changed the topic with strong temptation.

  She has never been short of money, and the money she spends on men every month can buy a nice building in some second-tier state capitals.

  “I will earn money to buy things I like, and I don’t need other people’s money, and I won’t do so in the future.”

  Hearing Lin Qing's serious words, everyone at the table was stunned, including Liang Qingshi and Wang De.

   "What did you say? You mean you earn money to buy things you like?"

   Zhou Hani smiled, with obvious sarcasm in the corner of his eyes.

  (end of this chapter)