MTL - Five Years Later, She Bombarded the Palace with a Miniature Version of the Regent-Chapter 15 drugged, fled

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  Chapter 15 was drugged, escaped

   Turning around quickly, Yu Yunxi saw Yu Wanrong and two men in black appearing here.

  She looked serious, stood up quickly, and stared at the other party vigilantly.

   "The stone gate of the imperial mausoleum is really hard to pry open. If it wasn't because of the reminder from the prince brother, I really wouldn't be able to get in."

  Yu Wanrong looked at Yu Yunxi, spoke in a provocative tone, and walked towards her step by step.

   "What are you doing here? Don't tell me, you're here to catch up with me." When Yu Yunxi spoke, she couldn't hide her hatred.

  Looking at Yu Wanrong's face, she thought of the nanny who had been killed.

   "What can I do here, of course, to see if my good sister is dead."

  Yu Wanrong covered her mouth and smiled lightly, she stared at Yu Yunxi intently.

   "I told Nanny Liu to 'entertain' you well, but sister, you still have the strength to speak now. I'm really disappointed."

   "Sure enough, you colluded with Nanny Liu. So, you were the one who killed the nanny?" Yu Yunxi suppressed the urge to tear Yu Wanrong apart, and questioned in a trembling voice.

  Yu Wanrong sneered, and then said slowly: "Well, after the old woman knew she was your weakness, she wanted to run away. I couldn't persuade her, so I asked someone to wipe her neck."

  Her relaxed and complacent posture, as if a human life is not as important as an ant in her eyes.

  Yu Yunxi's heart hurts so much that she can't breathe.

  Why is Nanny so stupid...

   "Yu Wanrong, you colluded with Nanny Liu, didn't you think that you would bring trouble to the Prime Minister's Mansion?" Yu Yunxi raised her head and scolded in a cold voice.

   "I don't care, I will see you doomed!" Yu Wanrong's smile suddenly subsided, and she roared crazily.

   "Do you know how many years I have admired the elder brother of the prince? He is mine, but he actually said that he wants to marry you as a concubine."

Staring at Yu Yunxi, she said to herself, "It's all because of that piece of warm jade! The elder brother of the prince came to me that day and asked for that piece of warm jade, so I asked my mother. But my mother said that you took the warm jade back , the elder brother of the crown prince hurriedly followed us to the Prince Regent's mansion after hearing the words..."

   "Bitch, you are so kind. You knew that the prince's brother wanted that piece of warm jade, so you took it back on purpose. Tell me, are you going to use this to take away my crown prince's position?"

   As she said that, Yu Wanrong rushed over, trying to grab Hua Yu Yunxi's face.

  The good thing is that Yun Xi reacted well now, and quickly avoided it.

  Unable to hurt Yu Yunxi, Yu Wanrong became more mad.

   "Sister, my good sister, can you give me Nuanyu? Then I will save your life." She smiled sinisterly, and her smile was very permeating.

   "You're dreaming!" Yu Yunxi directly refused.

   "Oh, it really is tough."

  Yu Wanrong smiled strangely again, and she gave the two men in black a look.

  The two men came over immediately.

  They were men, and they were extremely fast. After a while, Yu Yunxi was caught.

   They also pried her mouth open and stuffed something in it.

   "Cough cough cough..." Yu Yunxi knelt on the ground, she coughed desperately, trying to spit things out.

   "It's useless, that thing has strong medicinal properties, and the entrance is polarized." Yu Wanrong sneered.

   "What did you feed me?" Yu Yunxi looked at Yu Wanrong angrily.

  Yu Wanrong casually played with her nails, then snorted coldly: "You will know later."

  After a while, Yu Yunxi finally knew what kind of medicine it was.

  Her face was flushed, and she was lying on the ground with a hunched body, extremely embarrassed.

   "Tell me, where is Nuanyu? If not, I will let two men have **** with you in the mausoleum of the regent." Yu Wanrong walked over and looked down at Yu Yunxi.

   "You're dreaming!"

  Yu Yunxi's sanity was already a little unconscious, she bit her tongue fiercely, the pain and blood barely kept her sane.

   "You are as tough as your mother." Yu Wanrong was a little annoyed.

   "Your mother also used this method to frame my mother back then, right?" Yu Yunxi raised her head with difficulty, sarcastically.

   "That's right. The reason why she was accused by thousands of people is my mother's handwriting. And you, Yu Yunxi, will follow in her footsteps."

  Yu Wanrong leaned over, lifted Yu Yunxi's chin, and smiled darkly.

  So what if she looks good, isn't she going to die at her hands?

  Yu Wanrong clapped her hands, and walked slowly to the side, while the two men couldn't wait to take off Yu Yunxi's clothes.

  After walking to the corner, Yu Wanrong waited to hear Yu Yunxi's humiliating begging for mercy.

  But after waiting for a long time, Yu Yunxi didn't make a sound, but the two men yelled in pain.

   She frowned and turned around quickly.

   It turned out that the two men were lying in a pool of blood, and there was a blood hole in their necks.

  Yu Yunxi had already stood up, holding a hairpin in her hand.

  Her entire face was stained red by the splashed blood, and her eyes were filled with monstrous hatred and murderous aura.

  Watching Yu Yunxi approaching step by step, Yu Wanrong's expression changed suddenly.

  She backed away quickly, her voice weaker, "Sister, calm down, I was just joking with you."

  But Yu Yunxi didn't intend to listen to her at all, but walked over faster.

   Arriving in front of Yu Wanrong, Yu Yunxi raised her hand, about to stab it with a hairpin.

  But at the critical moment, when the properties of the medicine came up, her body softened, and she staggered uncontrollably.

   Seeing this, Yu Wanrong seized the opportunity and picked up the object next to her and threw it at her.

  Yu Yunxi's eyes turned cold, she turned sideways and hid.

  She quickly reached Yu Wanrong's side, and the two began to fight.

   "My face, my face..." Yu Wanrong touched her cheek, and found that her fingers were covered with blood, and a hideous bloodstain was hanging across her cheek.

   "Ah, my face!"

  She screamed, she was most proud of her appearance, and now it was ruined by Yu Yunxi.

  She got angry, like a crazy woman, trying to ruin Yu Yunxi's face.

  But Yu Yunxi has been abused by the servants of the government since she was a child, and she has been beaten countless times, and Yu Wanrong can't hurt her at all.

  In just a short while, Yu Wanrong was covered in injuries all over her body.

  She was trembling, the eyes she looked at Yu Yunxi for the first time were full of fear.

  This **** is like a ghost.

  Finally, finding an opportunity, Yu Wanrong crawled towards the entrance of the cave.

  Yu Yunxi wanted to chase after her, to avenge her mother and the nanny, but at this moment she had exhausted all her strength, and she couldn't chase after her at all.

  When she reached the entrance of the cave, Yu Wanrong turned her head and said through gritted teeth, "Bitch, don't be complacent. The medicine in your medicine is extremely poisonous. If you can't find a man within an hour, you will surely die."

   After she finished speaking, she got up, stumbled and ran away.

   "Pfft..." Yu Yunxi spat out a mouthful of blood heavily.

  She knew that what Yu Wanrong said was true.

  But within an hour, where is she going to find a man?

  Suddenly, her eyes fixed on the cold jade coffin.

  She moved over there, turned over and went in.

  The cold jade coffin is not small, it can accommodate two people.

  She sighed: "You are my husband, you should be able to save my life."

  She was originally very resistant to losing her virginity in order to get rid of the poison, but if that person was him, she would not have such a hard time accepting it.


   After an unknown amount of time, Yu Yunxi crawled out of Han Yu's coffin with difficulty, her clothes were disheveled and her expression was exhausted.

  Damn it, it hurts her to death!

   "You wait, I'll go to Jiang Ying to rescue you right away." She assured the person in Hanyu's coffin.

  Because she really has no way to take him away now, she has to find someone to come over.

   Dragging her tired body, Yu Yunxi walked out towards the hole that Yu Wanrong pried open.

  But what she didn't expect was that when she walked out, there were killers ambushing outside.

   "Miss said, if you see Yu Yunxi, kill her!"

  The murderer held a sword in his hand and rushed towards Yu Yunxi directly.

   That lady must be Yu Wanrong.

  Yu Yunxi fell to the ground, her body could no longer hold on.

  She smiled wryly, this time she was really going to die at the hands of Wan Rong's people.

  But before she passed out completely, she saw a sword piercing the body of the killer in front of her, and a group of people in green shirts appeared.

   "Quick, save the young master!"

   This was the last sentence she heard before she lost her consciousness.

  (end of this chapter)