MTL - Five Years Later, She Bombarded the Palace with a Miniature Version of the Regent-Chapter 16 Five years later

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  Chapter 16 Five Years Later

Five years later.

  In the mansion, there is an endless stream of guests.

   "Master Yu, this is our birthday gift for you." A minister handed the gift with both hands.

  Other visitors also presented gifts one after another.

  Yu Zhongcheng stood there, glanced at the birthday gifts, and asked his servants to take them away.

  He is now highly valued in the court, and he doesn't like this little gift.

   "Prince, the regent is here."

   Right at this moment, a voice came from outside the door.

  When Yu Zhongcheng heard this, a smile appeared on his tense face, and the creases at the corners of his eyes were folded.

  He tidied up his clothes, and hurriedly took Mrs. Chen to meet him.

  After everyone reacted, everyone was shocked.

   "Prime Minister Yu is really amazing. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and the Regent have come in person. The courtiers in the capital, even the Duke of the county, have never received such treatment."

   "That is, do you still remember that incident five years ago..."

   "Of course I remember. Back then, the regent was poisoned by the new concubine, and everyone was carried off the imperial mausoleum. Everyone thought he was dead, but they never thought that he would come back to life overnight."

"This matter is too mysterious. At that time, we all thought that when he woke up, he would settle accounts with the Yu family. After all, his concubine is the concubine daughter of the Yu family. Who knew that instead of blaming the Yu family, he pleaded for Yu in front of the emperor. In the past five years, with his help, Yu Xiang has been proud of his officialdom."

   "Why is the regent so nice to the prime minister? Didn't he say that the regent princess poisoned him?" A small official who was promoted from a small place couldn't help asking.

   "Hey, you don't know about this? Of course it's because of the Yu family's daughter. I heard that the regent was awakened by the Yu family's daughter."

  Everyone wanted to say something, but at this moment two slender and tall figures appeared, and they quickly fell silent.

  Feng Weizhou is dressed in brocade and jade robes, holding a folding fan, with a warm complexion. As soon as he appeared, the female relatives in the yard blushed with embarrassment.

  Compared to him, Feng Yili next to him made the ladies yearn for and nervous.

  Feng Yili wore a black python robe, with sharp edges and corners that exuded a sense of coldness, a pair of dark eyes that were deep and unusual, making it difficult to understand his thoughts, and the aura all over his body made people dare not look directly at him.

   Everyone murmured in their hearts, hearing that the Prince Regent had become more eccentric and aloof since the incident five years ago. Seeing it today, it seems to be the case.

   "Your Majesty has met His Royal Highness, the Prince Regent." Yu Zhongcheng hurriedly took the lead in saluting.

  The rest of the people also knelt on the ground one after another.

  Feng Weizhou closed the folding fan and said with a smile: "Prime Minister, you don't need to be too polite. I am here to celebrate your birthday today. There are not so many etiquettes. Come here, bring the birthday gifts of the father and the palace."

   Soon, a blood coral and a night pearl were brought in.

   "The blood coral was given to Yu Xiang by the emperor, and the night pearl was given by the palace. I don't know if Yu Xiang likes it?" Feng Weizhou asked with a smile.

  When everyone heard this, their eyes were so greedy.

   Those are blood coral and night pearls! Which one is taken out is priceless.

  The emperor really favors and trusts him.

   And His Royal Highness the Prince. It is heard that he has admired the prime minister's daughter-in-law for many years, and has intended to marry the emperor many times.

  So, the prince is now Aiwujiwu?

  Yu Zhongcheng coughed lightly, and he pretended to be flattered and said: "I naturally like it, and I thank the emperor and the prince for their great love."

   "Jiang Ying, bring me the king's birthday gift." At this time, Feng Yili said calmly.

  Everyone's attention was drawn to them, and Jiang Ying came with his guards, carrying a huge box.

  As soon as the box was opened, a dazzling light shone out, and inside was... a whole box of night pearls.

  Ye Mingzhu looks exactly the same as Feng Weizhou's just now, but bigger and more numerous than his.


   Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

  Compared with the Prince Regent, the night pearl of the crown prince they marveled at just now was a bit shabby.

   Prince Regent What does this mean? Is this a coincidence, or is it on purpose?

   Probably did it on purpose, after all, his relationship with the prince has always been bad.

   "Thank you, the Regent." Yu Zhongcheng was also taken aback for a moment, but he quickly recovered his expression of composure, and thanked him politely.

   "Why do you need to thank me, you and this king are one family." Feng Yili said in a deep voice, his dark eyes were extremely calm.

  When everyone heard this, their thoughts began to change again.

  They didn't think about the "former Regent Princess" who was dead, after all, she was a dead person with a sinful body.

  If it’s not the former princess regent, then the regent’s meaning is not…

  Thinking of something, some people's hearts jumped for joy.

   "Have you heard? In fact, the regent is also interested in Yu's daughter, and he also intends to ask the emperor to marry him."

"No way…"

   "There's nothing wrong with it! She is the regent's savior. She is beautiful and talented. The empress has personally named her 'the most beautiful woman in the capital'. It is normal for the regent to want to marry her."

  The people around couldn't help muttering again.

   And at this moment, a graceful figure of Pingting walked slowly.

   "Wanrong has met His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, the Prince Regent, and Daddy." Yu Wanrong blessed her body and said softly.

  A gust of wind blew, and the tulle on her face was gently blown up, revealing her small red lips. Many men present looked straight at her.

   If she is really the number one beauty, it is already hard to sit still without showing her whole face.

   "Sister Wan Rong." Feng Weizhou smiled and nodded to Wan Rong. When his eyes looked at her, they were so gentle that water dripped out.

  The noble ladies around looked at it, their teeth were about to fall out.

  The prince is so gentle to her, she must be the princess.

   "Rong'er, why don't you hurry up and take His Royal Highness and the Regent to your seats." Chen Shi coughed and reminded Yu Wanrong.

   "His Royal Highness, Regent, this way please."

  There are seats on the left and right sides, Feng Weizhou sits on the left, and Feng Yili sits on the right.

  Where does Yu Wanrong sit?

  Everyone looked at her curiously, thinking in their hearts whether the eldest lady would choose the crown prince or the regent.

   "His Royal Highness, the regent seldom comes to Yu Mansion as a guest. In order to show the friendship of the landlord, how about Rong'er sitting with him?" Yu Wanrong covered her mouth and asked Feng Weizhou in embarrassment.

  Feng Weizhou looked calm, he nodded, "Uncle Nine Emperors rarely participates in this kind of activities, he must be cautious, Rong Er, you are very considerate."

   Soon, Yu Wanrong sat down at Feng Yili's side.

  Although there are still two positions between the two of them, but looking over there, there is only Yu Wanrong, a woman.

  Everyone couldn't help but mutter in their hearts, could it be that Miss Yu prefers the regent?

  There was a person sitting beside him, Feng Yili's eyes darkened, he picked up the teacup and took a sip, all his emotions were hidden in silence.

   Soon, everyone else was seated, the diva started to play music, the dancers started to dance, the singing and dancing in the courtyard was peaceful, and everyone was intoxicated by it.

  But at this moment, a clear female voice came from the door.

   "It's so lively in Yu's house, I don't know if Yu Xiang still remembers, what day is it today?"

  The voice fell, and a woman slowly appeared in front of everyone.

   Seeing her appearance clearly, the wine glasses in many people's hands fell to the ground with a "bang".

  (end of this chapter)