MTL - God Emperor-Chapter 18 Year-end assessment

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Beware of § Over §lv The following is a typo according to Pinyin: Baidu = Shrimp = Hey = Yan = Brother = guan = guan = kandrunk = letter = 张 = zhang 街 = I did not punish Zhang Ruochen Instead, she punished Xiao Fei, and Lin Fei took a long sigh of relief and immediately pulled Zhang Ruochen aside.

Lin Fei still couldn't believe what just happened, saying "Dust, have you really become a real warrior?"

"Yes!" Zhang Ruochen nodded and no longer concealed.

"You have just become a warrior, you have to take part in the end-of-year assessment. What should I do in case of danger?" Lin Fei was a little worried.

Zhang Ruochen said, "Even if you don't do anything, aren't you in danger? Mother, don't worry, I will do my best and do my best."

Only young warriors under the age of 20 can participate in the end-of-year assessment.

King Yunwu County has nine sons and 13 daughters.

The five princes, six princes, seven princes, eight princes, and nine princes are all under the age of twenty. In addition to the seven princes who are not in Wangcheng, the other four princes will participate in the assessment.

In addition to the direct princes and county masters, the families of the king's relatives and relatives will also each select three of the best young warriors to participate in the end-of-year assessment. For example, the Lin family.

Those relatives and relatives of the royal family have already rushed to gather on the periphery of the royal military field, forming camps.

In Wangcheng, some important figures, such as the powerful martial arts in the polar region, the lord of the Zongmen, and the head of the large-scale homeowner, also received invitations and came to the royal family martial arts to observe the ceremony.

Please Baidu, thank you!

"Madam, the invitations of the royal family in the past were also sent to Qingxuan, but you have never been there. This year, how do you plan to visit the ceremony?" Mo Hanlin followed Qin Ya and asked a little puzzled.

Despite the cold winter, Qin Ya was wearing a crimson long dress, exposing two white jade arms, and the clavicle of sexuality / feeling, as if she could not feel the cold.

Qin Ya's eyes had a somewhat charming smile, her lips were rosy and crystal clear, and she said, "I met someone I was interested in, so I naturally wanted to know more about him."

"The boss is talking about the Nine Princes?" Mohan Lin said.

"Oh! Is there anyone else besides him?" Qin Ya laughed.

Two months ago, after Zhang Ruochen went to Qingxuan, Qin Ya sent someone to check him specifically.

What surprised Qin Ya was that the tenacious young man had not opened the mark of Shenwu in the past 16 years, just an ordinary person. In addition, he is frail and ill, and is ill in bed all the year round.

She even found Zhang Ruochen's miserable situation in the palace, the grudges of Lin Fei and the Lin family, and so on.

However, such a boy even spent 100,000 silver coins to buy a large amount of elixir and two real martial arts treasures from Qingxuan.

Where did he come from?

What's the secret on his body?

In Qin Ya's opinion, the nine princes, who were looked down upon by everyone, were so confused that she couldn't figure it out.

Driven by curiosity, she intends to go to the end-of-life assessment in person, and wants to see how many secrets are hidden in Zhang Ruochen's body?

"Madam, have you actually come to the royal family martial arts? It is really unexpected." Lin Fengxian saw Qin Ya wearing a crimson long dress from a distance and greeted the other party.

In Lin Fengxian's eyes, Qin Ya is also a very mysterious woman.

He had only seen Qin Ya once, and was not familiar. However, he knew that the other party possessed huge financial resources, which was enough to affect the economic operation of the entire Wangcheng city, and it was definitely not a fairly simple woman.

It is said that in Wushi, five out of ten shopkeepers are helping her.

It's just that the boss's wife has always been a dragon without seeing God. Even the owner of a large family wants to see her very difficult.

If she can associate with her, it will only be good for the Lin family.

Qin Ya glanced towards Lin Fengxian, her eyes slightly raised, and said, "Next?"

Mo Hanlin whispered, "Madam, he is the Lin's head, Lin Fengxian."

"The Lin family? Oh! Something interesting!" Qin Ya's eyes lighted up, and she immediately showed an elegant smile, saying "It was the Lin family owner, it was rude, rude!"

Lin Fengxian didn't expect Qin Ya to be such a good-speaking woman, and laughed. "Two years ago, when Lin went to Qingxuan to buy a batch of elixir, he had asked to see the boss. But unfortunately, the boss had something urgent to go out, and Lin was just Just glanced at the lady from afar. Two years later, the lady became more beautiful! "

"Two years ago ..."

Qin Ya was completely unimpressed, but still had a smile on her face.

She looked over at the Lin family warriors behind Lin Fengxian, and stared at Lin Cuishan, saying, "This one should be Miss Lin Jiaer, isn't she? It's a little beauty, and it makes the slaves feel ashamed."

Lin Cuishan was standing behind Lin Fengxian, dressed in snow-like white clothes, swaying blue silk, with a soft body, a beautiful and delicate face, and she was just a standard little beauty.

But to say that the lady is not as good-looking as her, but not necessarily.

It can only be said that each has its own temperament.

"Lady, do you even know the little girl?" Lin Fengxian said in amazement.

Qin Ya naturally didn't know Lin Cuishan, but she investigated Zhang Ruochen. Among them, one of the people who has the greatest influence on Zhang Ruochen is this Lin Damei.

Therefore, she made a note of Lin Cuishan by the way.

Qin Ya smiled and said, "One of the four beauties of Yunwu County, the slave family naturally heard about it. It is said that even His Highness Nine Princes has always been pursuing Lin. It is really envious!"

A sixteen or seven-year-old young warrior from the Lin family sneered, "The nine princes are just passionate about themselves. With his qualifications, even a hundred years of training is not worthy of Sister Shaner."

Another older Lin family young warrior laughed, "After the end of the year, my sister Shane will be engaged to His Royal Highness Seven Princes. The nine princes are toads who want to eat swan meat, which is not only stupid but ridiculous."

The two young soldiers of the Lin family are called Lin Chengwu and Lin Tianwu.

Lin Cuishan, Lin Chengwu and Lin Tianwu are the three best young geniuses. On behalf of the Lin family, take part in the end-of-year assessment.

Qin Ya touched the white chin, as if she had discovered something terribly secret, saying "Miss Lin had to get engaged with His Royal Highness Seven Princes. It is really a congratulation. If the news goes out, I am afraid the whole city Women will be jealous of it! "

Lin Cuishan pursed his lips gently, his eyes exuding a bit of joy. After all, being able to marry the Seven Princes is definitely the dream of countless women in Yunwu County.

She is now very close to her dream!

At the end of the year, the assessment is divided into a text test and a martial arts test.

Wen Kao is not taken seriously.

Even if I got the first place in the text test, it was only a few words of praise at best. Only in the martial arts test, can you get a generous reward from the royal family if you perform well.

Wu Kao has begun!

The first round of martial arts test strength.

In the field, there are colored stone plates of different sizes, which are divided into ten heavyweights.

The smallest stone plate, only half a meter in diameter, weighs a hundred pounds!

The largest stone plate, three meters in diameter, weighs a thousand pounds!

Test your strength in order from age to age.

Xiaojun advocated that Yu Lin was the first to enter the battlefield. This year, she is only six years old. She is one meter tall, looks pink and carved, and is cute and cute.


Xiaojun went to the half-meter-diameter colored stone plate and stopped. The vital energy in his body moved in the meridians. Her hands clasped the edge of the stone plate, and it seemed a bit laborious. After all, she lifted the stone plate in the hundred pounds.


She tried to throw the stone plate out, and the stone plate fell to the ground one meter away.

The little county owner looked a little disappointed, and stared again at the second stone plate.

The second stone plate weighed two hundred pounds. The small county master could not lift the stone plate with all his strength, and eventually he had to give up and retreat.

"Xiao Junzhu, when he was four years old, he opened the mark of Divine Martial Arts, and now he can lift the stone plate in a hundred catties. It is really amazing. In the future, it will definitely be an amazing girl.

The King of Yunwu County sitting above also nodded his head gently. There was an extra genius in his children, and he was naturally very happy.

Subsequently, the Ten County Masters and the 11 County Masters also tested their strength, and they were fourteen and ten years old, respectively.

In order to reach the middle stage of the Yellow Pole, the master of the ten counties lifted a 200-pound stone plate and shot it seven meters away. Unfortunately, she was unable to lift the 300-pound stone pan, and eventually gave up.

The ten county masters also reached the middle of the Yellow Pole, and also lifted a two-hundred-pound stone pan and shot six meters away.

However, considering that the age of the Shizuo prefecture is four years younger than that of the prefecture, the overall performance of the Shiju prefecture is even better.

The first three county leaders are all under the age of fourteen, and they are all women. They are weaker than men in strength, so they can only lift up to two hundred pounds of stone plates.

Next is the contest between real geniuses.

Lin Cuishan, fifteen years old, is the youngest of the three warriors of the county. Therefore, she became the next young genius who entered the battlefield.

She skipped the nine stone plates in front and walked in front of the tenth stone plate.

The tenth stone plate has a diameter of three meters and weighs a thousand pounds.

"Get up!"

Lin Qishan moved the qi in her body with only one hand and clasped a stone plate larger than her body with one hand, and easily lifted the heavy stone plate over her head.

Ordinary people simply cannot imagine that such a slim body can bear such a terrible weight.

She's only fifteen years old!

Lin Yunshan twisted his fingers, and the heavy stone plate flew out of the palm immediately, fell to the ground 15 meters away, and smashed a huge pit in the ground.

"Oh my god! That's amazing! The Lin family gave birth to another great genius."

"It's just a woman. Her body can't be compared with a man, but she can lift a heavy stone plate with one hand. How strong is her cultivation?"


The king of Yunwu County sitting above also showed a look of wonder, saying "Who is this talented girl? Such a talent, even if compared with the Jiujun Lord, I am afraid it is almost the same!"

The queen was very satisfied with Lin Cuishan's performance, and smiled, "King, she is the daughter of the Lin family owner, named Lin Cuishan. In fact, Chen Ye also thinks that she is very good. She intends to get her engaged with the Seven Princes and form Make sense. "

"It turned out to be the little girl, and the King had some impression of her. With her talents and family background, she still deserves seven."

The King of Yunwu County frowned slightly. It can be regarded as a sweetheart. At the beginning, the king also discussed with the Lin family and planned to give them a baby kiss. Unfortunately, the matter of three years ago happened, and the matter of leaving a wife was gone. "

The queen smiled. "The king is confused! How can Lin Qiushan's current talent be regarded as the nine princes? The two of them are no longer from the same world, and the gap between them will only widen in the future."

"With her talent, even if she is a side concubine for the Seven Princes, I believe she will be quite willing. The Lin family will never miss this opportunity to please the Seven Princes."

King Yunwu also nodded gently, and had to admit that the nine princes' talents were indeed far less than Lin Nishan. This is also impossible!

In martial arts, the combination of strong men and weak women is very common.

However, if the combination of strong women and weak men is too large, neither the man nor the woman is a good thing! Character-character anti-pass-filter Please use Chinese characters to enter the ferry and you can watch it, see the most. New% chapters & sections. Easy. Look. Small. Say.