MTL - God Emperor-Chapter 19 Shocked

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は Prevent § Over§lv The following is a typo according to Pinyin: Baidu = Shrimp = Hey = Yin = Brother = guan = guan = kandrunk = 信 = 张 = zhang 街 = Those who will enter the battlefield to test their strength, It's Zhang Ruochen.

"Jiudi, you have to be careful, don't be crushed by the boulder." Hachioji, who stood aside, smiled coldly.

On the periphery of the royal family ’s martial arts field, a warrior sneered, "The nine princes participated in the end-of-year assessment to take their own humiliation. It was too short for three months. It ’s almost impossible to lift the stone plate. "

"The small county master lifted a stone of 100 pounds at the age of six. The nine prince is now sixteen years old. You don't need to guess that he will certainly not lift the stone. This is the real shame!"

"Instead of coming out to shame, he should not take part in the end-of-year assessment."

Zhang Ruochen ignored the argument at all, his eyes seemed very calm, and the waves walked towards the martial arts in no surprise.

When Zhang Ruochen walked past, it was Lin Linshan who came back.

Five steps apart, the two stopped at the same time, staring at each other.

Lin Juishan stared deeply at Zhang Ruochen, shook his head and sighed. "Cousin, you should not take part in the end-of-year assessment. With your qualifications, even after completing the spinal washing, you ca n’t lift a hundred pounds of stone Pan. If you do this, you will not only be ugly, but your mother and Lin also have no light on their faces. Why? "

Zhang Ruochen frowned, and said, "Cousin Nishan, you are really good and have good talents, but you can't devalue others as worthless, right?"

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Lin Cuishan stared at Zhang Ruochen, a little more disappointed in his eyes, "Why can't you listen to the advice? For you, ordinary life is the best choice. Why do you want to? Going to martial arts? You're not fit to go this way! "

Originally, in the interest of being a good playmate with Zhang Ruochen when she was a child, she advised Zhang Ruochen not to blame herself.

But Zhang Ruochen is too stubborn, don't look at how much he weighs?

Lin Jueshan has nothing to say about this kind of person who doesn't control himself or listen to people's advice, but just feels that Zhang Ruochen is too stupid.

"Treasure yourself!" Lin Cuishan leaned towards the white chin and walked towards the outside of Wuchang.

Two people passed by.

Lin Cuishan stepped out of the field and was sought after and praised by countless young warriors, like the stars holding the moon, and surrounded her in the center.

At only fifteen years old, she was able to lift a heavy stone plate, and she could throw the stone plate fifteen meters away. This kind of power made many young warriors present at the scene feel ashamed.

Moreover, she is so beautiful that she is one of the four young beauties in Yunwu County, and she is destined to become the most conspicuous girl in the sky.

"Congratulations to the Lin family, and the Lin family gave birth to another genius. With Miss Lin's talents, I am afraid that few of the young generation in the entire city can compare with her." A martial arts master in the city said with appreciation.

The owner of the Wang family laughed and said, "It is said that Miss Lin is about to be engaged with the Seven Princes. It is really a talented woman!"

Lin Fengxian listened to the flattery of everyone, and naturally was very comfortable.

Of course, there are also many people who stare at Zhang Ruochen who is standing in the martial arts, and most of them have a playful smile on their faces.

All families who have some friendship with the royal family have some understanding of the frail nine princes.

The seven talented princes and the nine princes, like the waste, are like two extremes, which makes it hard to believe that they are all the sons of King Yunwu County. The gap between the two is too big, one is a dragon and the other is a worm.

It can be said that Nine Princes' participation in the end-of-year assessment was a joke to everyone.

Of course, Qin Ya, who was sitting outside the royal court, didn't think so. When she saw Zhang Ruochen walking into the military field, she finally opened her eyes as if she was full of sleep.

"It really makes me look forward to it!" She recently revealed a charming arc.

In the spotlight, Zhang Ruochen walked in front of the first stone plate and stopped.

At this time, there was a lot of laughter outside Wuchang.

Sixteen years old, but can only choose the first stone plate to test his strength, is there anything more funny than this?

With the exception of the eight princes with a mocking face, the faces of the other princes and the county lords were all pale. They felt that Zhang Ruochen was embarrassing the royal family and made them also dull.

Zhang Ruochen stayed beside the first stone plate for a moment, then went on to the second stone plate, and then walked towards the third fast stone plate ...

"What is he doing?" The crowd was puzzled.

Zhang Ruochen walked in front of the tenth stone plate and finally stopped.

"What? He wants to lift the tenth stone plate? It's too much for him! If I remember correctly, he opened the mark of the martial arts three months ago."

The eighth prince snorted and said, "With his talents, even if he has practiced for thirty years, it is impossible to lift a stone of stone. Stupid!"

Lin Qishan also stared at Zhang Ruochen, who was standing beside the tenth stone plate, and shook his head gently.

When everyone's eyes were on Zhang Ruochen.


Zhang Ruochen stepped on the ground, and a fumes of anger spread from the soles of his feet to the ground. Qilang, centered on his soles, spreads in all directions.

Under the vibe of the qi, the heavy stone plate immediately flew over a meter high.

Zhang Ruochen stretched out a hand, moving in motion, catching a huge stone plate with a diameter of three meters, supported by five fingers, as if holding a saucer, easily lifting the stone plate over his head.

Seeing this scene, the entire royal family military field immediately calmed down, and many people even forgot to breathe.

Zhang Ruochen's body stood upright, like a javelin, holding a heavy stone plate, as if he didn't use any power, it seemed very relaxed. ,

"This ... how is this possible?" Hachioji turned pale and his lips trembled.

The princes and the county masters were all stunned, their heads were blank, they couldn't believe that the boy standing in the field would be the nine princes.

While the crowd was still shocked, Zhang Ruochen suddenly punched the bottom of the stone plate.


The heavy stone plate was hit and flew up ~ ~ Flying five meters high.

Subsequently, the stone plate fell at a faster rate.

Under the impact of speed, plus the weight of the stone plate itself, the impact force is definitely far more than one kilogram.

However, Zhang Ruochen held the stone plate steadily again, and then, holding the stone plate with one hand, was very stable and very slow, and gently put the stone plate back on the ground.


The entire royal family Wuchang is fried!

Everyone couldn't believe the scene that they saw in front of him. The hand that Zhang Ruochen showed just now is definitely more shocking than the power that Lin Nishan showed just now.

He was only sixteen years old, and he opened the Seal of Divine Martial Art three months ago.

What simply couldn't happen happened in front of everyone. Character-character anti-pass-filter Please use Chinese characters to enter the ferry and you can watch it, see the most. New% chapters & sections. Easy. Look. Small. Say.