MTL - God Emperor-Chapter 20 Round 2 assessment

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Defend § Over §lv The following is a typo. Pindu is the standard. Baidu = Shrimp = Hey = Yan = Brother = Guan = Guan Cho = Kan Drunk = Letter = Zhang = zhang Street = "He ... his power ... how Will it be so strong? "Lin Nishan's teeth clenched his lower lip, his eyes staring at Zhang Ruochen.

This result was too difficult for her to accept.

Lin Fengxian was also stunned, staring at Zhang Ruochen standing in the martial arts, the whole person seemed to be petrified.

The average young warrior can only see that Zhang Ruochen's power is strong, but the hearts of those warriors who have cultivated deeper are even more shocked.

First of all, when Zhang Ruochen stepped on the ground, he was able to shake a heavy stone plate more than one meter high from the ground, which was not really just a force of anti-shock.

Instead, he injects the true energy from the body into the ground, and the gas evaporates into waves, hitting the bottom of the stone plate.

Under the layers of waves, the stone disk flew up.

If only by the force of the anti-seismic, flying up the heavy stone pan shock, even the martial arts soldiers who have achieved great success in the Yellow Pole Realm would not be able to do it.

His ability to control infuriating was exquisite and meticulous, so that many of the older martial arts presents were amazed and somewhat ashamed.

Secondly, the heavy stone plate fell from the air at a height of five meters. How terrible the impact was, it was not that the martial arts of Huang Jijing could catch it.

However, Zhang Ruochen still used the true qi and turned it into waves, hitting the bottom of the stone plate to offset the falling force of the stone plate.

Because of this, he was able to catch the falling stone plate steadily. The fastest \\ faster \\ new \\ just \\ in \\\\

Such a means can only be seen by those who are truly martial arts with superb eyesight. It is precisely because they can see the clues that the martial arts strong presence will be shocked and feel incredible.

The nine princes are more subtle than the masters of Xuanji Realm.

A martial arts wizard was born!

When Zhang Ruochen walked out of the field and passed by Lin Cuishan. Lin Guishan stared at him coldly, and said, "You are hiding deep enough, do you want to humiliate me on purpose? I tell you, the power of humans can be quickly increased to by taking Tiancaibao Incredible point. "

"However, if you really fight, you won't win if you are strong. The year-end assessment has just begun, and I will let you see the real gap between us later."

Lin Cuishan couldn't see Zhang Ruochen's exquisite use of qi, so he thought that Zhang Ruochen had good luck and took some kind of natural treasure to have the powerful power now.

In fact, it is true that some ordinary people mistakenly take the kiwifruit and suddenly become powerful.

Hearing Lin Cuishan's words, Zhang Ruochen shook his head gently, too lazy to care about her, and walked towards Lin Fei.

"My dear, I did it!" Zhang Ruochen said.

Lin Fei, who was standing among the concubines, seemed to be chopped by lightning, her eyes were crystal clear, and a little trembling said, "Dust, is it really my dust?"

Lin Fei hugged Zhang Ruochen tightly and cried out.

She waited for this day, too long.

I thought that it would never be possible to wait for this day. I did not expect that Zhang Ruochen did it. He became a martial artist and a young strong man! Make everyone look good and make everyone laugh at him.

What she wants is actually very simple, she just wants a fair treatment.

The concubines, court ladies, and eunuchs standing aside, after seeing this scene, they began to think, "In the future, you must not offend Princess Lin!"

"it is good!"

The king of Yunwu County suddenly stood up and stared at Zhang Ruochen with excitement, saying, "Nine children's big instruments were late, and the king was very pleased. Regardless of the end-of-year assessment results, the royal family banquet celebrated for three days. Jiu'er, but could not let the king be careful Take a look? "

"Dust, hurry up, come and meet your father."

Lin Fei wiped away her tears and immediately pulled Zhang Ruochen towards the king of Yunwu County.

"Meet the King!" Lin Fei and Zhang Ruochen saluted at the same time.

The King of Yunwu County stared at Zhang Ruochen's careful gaze, and said, "Your cultivation has reached the Yellow Pole Realm?"

Just now, Zhang Ruochen showed his strength and naturally could not hide the eyes of King Yunwu County.

Zhang Ruochen said, "Yes!"

"In three months, reaching the extreme level of the Yellow Pole Realm is by no means ordinary people. Jiuer, what adventure have you got in the last period?" Yunwu County Wangdao.

Zhang Ruochen said humblely, "I have gotten some adventures back to King Uighur. But that's my secret. I have the right not to say it, and I don't want to make it public."

"Bold! But the king is your biological father, what secrets can't even your own father tell?" The Queen said angrily.

The king of Yunwu County raised his hand slightly to stop the queen from continuing to speak, staring at Zhang Ruochen with a little admiration, saying, "Every warrior has his own secret. Since you don't want to say it, the king will not force you. Participate in the end-of-year assessment well, Wang is looking forward to your next performance. "

The next person to enter the battlefield is the Jiujun master.

Nine counties advocated that Yuxi was born with a natural beauty, white skin, and tall body, exuding an elegant and noble temperament.

She is only one day older than Zhang Ruochen, and her martial arts talents are not under Lin Nishan, nor is her beauty under Lin Nishan. She is also one of the four beauties in Yunwu County.

The Jiujun Lord also lifted the tenth stone plate and threw it 13 meters away. His strength was slightly weaker than Lin Nishan. Lin Cuishan flew the stone plate fifteen meters away.

The owner of Jiu County frowned slightly, walked out of the battlefield, stood beside Zhang Ruochen, with a charming smile in his eyes, "Jiudi, wait for Wang Shan to hunt later, you must be careful! I'm yours Rival! "

Zhang Ruochen is the same age as the Jiujun Lord, so he often played together as a child. After the Lord of Jiu County opened the mark of Shenwu, he spent time repairing martial arts, and the relationship between the two gradually became rusty.

Now Zhang Ruochen is even more unfamiliar to the Jiujun Lord, but just nodded softly and stopped talking.

The next person who entered the battlefield was Hachioji Zhang Ji.

Originally, Hachioji thought that he had reached the mini pole position, and he could easily crush Zhang Ruochen at the end of the year, and he could even be praised by King Yunwu County.

However, Zhang Ruochen behaved too shockingly, which severely damaged his self-confidence.

"I must lift the tenth stone plate! Zhang Ruochen is just a waste. He can do it, and I can do it."

Originally Hachioji had just reached the pole position, and he did not want to lift the tenth stone plate at all. But under the pressure of Zhang Ruochen, he desperately wanted to lift the tenth stone plate.

"Get me up!"

The eighth prince clasped the huge stone plate with his hands, and the blue veins on his whole body stood out. He actually lifted the stone plate slowly.

However, just after being lifted half a meter high, with five fingers sliding, the stone plate suddenly fell and hit the instep of Hachioji.


There was a screaming pig-like scream in Hachioji's mouth, "My feet, my feet ... help ..."

His ankle bone was broken.

Later, he fainted and lay in the middle of the battlefield like a dead pig.

The two guards rushed into the battlefield immediately, removed the huge stones, and carried the Hachioji down.

Next, another young warrior entered the battlefield.

These warriors are all over the age of sixteen. They are elites selected from various families.

Among them, there were three people who performed the best, and all of them had reached the Yellow Pole, and threw the stone plate 20 meters away.

The five princes, nineteen years old, were trained by Huang Jijing, who threw the stone plate 20 meters away.

Situ Linjiang, 17 years old, the first master of the young generation of the Situ family, Huang Jijing Daji Weiwei, threw the stone plate 23 meters away.

Xue Kai, nineteen years old, was the grandson of the Chao State Master, and the Xijiwei in the extreme pole position threw a stone plate 24 meters away.

In the first round, the strength test. Except for Zhang Ruochen, Lin Cuishan, and Jiujun Zhu, all three performed best.

Next, the second round of assessment Wangshan hunting.

Only the warrior who raised the tenth stone plate is eligible to participate in the second round of assessment.

In the first round, forty-three young warriors raised the tenth stone plate.

The guards moved forty-three strong antelope horses to the battlefield. Each antelope horse looked like a baby elephant, with sharp one-horned horns, and was awarded silver armor.

On the back of the antelope horse is a 1.5-meter-long wire bow and five thunder arrows.

The state teacher stood on the stone platform and said loudly, "You can lift a heavy stone plate, which shows that your strength is already capable of confronting the first-order brute. However, you must remember that even the first-order brute The power is also stronger than you think. The speed of the first-order wild beast is even more amazing ~ ~ With your strength, only using the thunder arrow can you break the skin of the wild beast and turn the wild beast Shoot. "

"Everyone has only five arrows. The greater the number of brutal animals that have been shot, the stronger the brutal animals that have been shot. Competition on the school field. "

"Wangshan is full of danger and may even kill you. If you encounter a second-order barbaric beast, you will immediately escape!"

"Wang Shan hunting, now."

Lin Jishan's legs kicked to the ground, and he leapt lightly, showing a graceful and dexterous figure. He fell on the back of one of the antelope horses and stared at Zhang Ruochen. Weakness, now is the time to really exert my strength, I hope you don't get too far away from me. Drive! "


Lin Nichan waved a whip on the antelope's buttock, and the antelope immediately opened its iron hoof, went away, and rushed into Wang Shan. Character-character anti-pass-filter Please use Chinese characters to enter the ferry and you can watch it, see the most. New% chapters & sections. Easy. Look. Small. Say.