MTL - Harry Potter and the Badger Who Can’t Magic-Chapter 71 peeling skin

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"This mirror is the key to finding the Philosopher's Stone," Quirrell murmured, tapping his hand along the surrounding frame. "Only Dumbledore can figure out what's here, but he's in London at the moment. By the time he gets back, I'll be flying away with that magical stone."

"Hey, listen." Auston bumped Harry lightly and said in a low voice,

"I'll grab Quirrell in a while, and you'll get close to him and touch him, do you hear?"

Harry glanced at the cane wrapped around Auston and himself, and said nothing.

Quirrell had just turned to the back of the mirror to check.

"Hey, do you hear that?" Auston raised the volume slightly, frowned and bumped him again.

Harry gave him a helpless look,

"Stop dreaming, we're **** with rattan now."

Auston twisted inside the rattan for a while, then smiled mysteriously.

The rattan snapped off automatically.

While Harry was still full of astonishment, Auston walked over and slashed the vines on him with his short sword.

"When I go to hug him, you can touch his exposed skin with your hands." Auston picked up the cane on the ground and handed it to Harry, carefully instructing him.

"Huh? Why should I touch his skin," Harry asked. "Wouldn't it be better for you to just give him this sword?"

"Shh—" Auston put his index finger to his mouth, motioning him to keep silent.

Because Quirrell had already turned back. He greedily looked at himself in the mirror,

"I saw the Philosopher's Stone. I'm offering it to my master. But where is it?" Quirrell murmured.

Harry was so frightened that he immediately put the cane around him again, pretending to be still bound.

After Quirrell began to study with no one else, Auston lightly bumped him again.

"Listen, Quirrell has two souls now," Auston said to Harry, glancing cautiously at Quirrell, "one of his own, and the other of that half-dead Voldemort. And There is a holy magic about you that can corrode that broken body that carries two dirty souls, and that magic is why Voldemort couldn't kill you years ago."

Auston looked at Harry's touched blue eyes and said, "After you kill Quirrell, I'll take care of Voldemort."

Harry looked at him for a while, then nodded heavily.

"Hey! What are you doing!" Quirrell turned around.

"No whispering!" he warned them, then turned back, looked at the mirror and said to himself, "I really don't understand, is the magic stone hidden in the mirror? Should I break the mirror?"

Harry and Auston exchanged glances, they both knew how to get the Philosopher's Stone from the Mirror of Erised.

"What's up with this mirror? What exactly does it do? Help me, Master!" Quirrell pleaded.

Auston stared at the back of Quirrell's head, waiting for the terrifying voice from the back of his head, "Take advantage of that boy, take advantage of that boy named Potter..."

Startled, Harry took a half step back.

Quirrell listened to his master and turned to Auston and the others. "Okay, Potter, come here."

He snapped his fingers again, and the cane on Harry was back in Quirrell's hands.

"Come here," Quirrell said again. "Look in the mirror and tell me what you see."

Harry glanced at Auston, Auston nodded heavily at him, and he walked towards Quirrell nervously.

Quirrell leaned behind him and looked in the mirror with him. Exposed the back to Auston.

Auston dropped the cane, clenched the dagger in his hand, and moved forward carefully.

Harry closed his eyes, stood in front of the magic mirror, and opened his eyes. Auston noticed that his pockets were bulging, and he should have gotten the Philosopher's Stone.

"How?" Quirrell asked impatiently. "What did you see?"

"I saw myself shaking hands with Dumbledore," Harry lied. "I won the House Cup for Gryffindor."

Quirrell started cursing again. "Go away from me," he said.

Just as he was about to reach out and push Harry away, Auston suddenly jumped up from behind him and slammed Quirrell's arms around him.

"Harry! Quick!" Auston's hands were clasped on Quirrell's chest to prevent him from moving.

Harry grabbed Quirrell's hand and tiptoed to press his other hand tightly against his face.

As Auston expected, when Harry first touched Quirrell, his skin peeled off like a moldy wall.

Quirrell screamed and threw Auston away, and Auston was smashed against the stone wall and rolled back to the ground, feeling his rib break again.

"Ah—, Master! What's wrong with my body?" After Quirrell shook off Auston, he desperately avoided Harry's hand.

Harry put his hand over the scar on his forehead as soon as he touched Quirrell, and the same sharp pain eroded his forehead.

"Quick! Catch him." The voice behind Quirrell's head rang again. "The Philosopher's Stone is in his pocket. Catch him!"

"Grab him! Grab him!" Voldemort screamed. Quirrell lunged forward, knocking Harry to the ground, riding on top of him, grabbing Harry's neck with both hands, and his hands started peeling again as soon as they touched Harry's skin.

"Master, I can't catch him—my hand—my hand!"

Quirrell was still pinning Harry to the ground with his, but his hand had loosened from Harry's neck, and he was staring at his palm in confusion.

"Then kill him, fool, act quickly!" said Voldemort in a harsh voice.

Quirrell raised his hand, ready to chant a death curse. Harry's eyes widened in horror.

At this moment, Auston struggled to get up, ran forward, and knocked Quirrell over.

His spell missed. Harry jumped up and grabbed Quirrell's arm, refusing to let go. Quirrell screamed, desperately trying to shake Harry off.

Auston rode on Quirrell and wouldn't let him move. Quirrell's arms and face peeled off all the skin, and he screamed like a resurrected corpse.

In the end, Harry finally let go of his hand, he couldn't hold Quirrell anymore, he clutched his forehead and fainted.

At the same time, Quirrell was dying. He no longer had an inch of intact skin from his face to his ankles.

Auston was still holding on to him. He knew that the big man was going to escape. After a few more minutes, Dumbledore would come back, and he would not be able to run away by then.

While he was still thinking, a black smoke gradually rose from Quirrell's mouth.

The black smoke slowly gathered together, forming a terrifying snake face. Exactly what Auston saw on the back of Quirrell's head.

He bared his teeth threateningly at Auston, then floated towards the demonic fire at the door.

Seeing that he was about to escape, Auston hurried over and pulled down the stone door above the magic fire.

With a bang, the stone door fell to the ground, and at the same time as dust splashed on the ground, Auston and Voldemort were also locked in the stone room.

"Don't try to escape!" Auston looked sullenly at the snake face full of black mist, "You still haven't paid the debt you owe me!"
