MTL - How Come These Monsters Have Health Bars-Chapter 429 Lonely Squad, Supreme Godhead

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Why do these monsters have blood bars? Chapter 429: The single team, the supreme godhead

Back in the broken space, Li Jing completely forgot the idea of ​​trying to find a large army, and devoted himself to the work of picking up the godhead.

It's not that Li Jing doesn't want to go to the big army.

The Supreme Holy See is so mobilized, no doubt to collect the godhead.

But so far, let alone figures, he hasn't even seen a trace of anyone.


The Holy See has a clear destination, and they know where the most godheads are left behind.

The godheads scattered and buried in the broken space are not their goal, and they are obviously unable to collect them.

Holy Spirit Guidance is the basic magic.

Anyone who believes in the highest faith can use it.

But they are not like Li Jing, who can summon Lingling's consciousness.

If possible, Li Jing naturally wants to join the army.

With Lingling there, the godhead scattered in the broken space will be in his pocket sooner or later.

On the side of the Holy See, he didn't want to miss it.

But I can't find anyone, so there's no need to force it, right?

Under the guidance of Lingling, Li Jing digs three feet in the ground every time he goes, and accurately finds the godhead she senses and puts it in his pocket.

Cooperate with the speed of his nine realms.

That is really picking up Godhead and picking up soft hands.

In less than two hours, Li Jing picked up more than 200 pieces of godhead, and by the way, more than ten complete **** bones.

Although most of the godheads picked up are low-rank, the median is relatively rare, and the high-rank is even rarer.

But this number is really unusual.

To say that the supreme **** system is really cruel.

The Byzantine pantheon seems to be completely rubbed by them on the ground and slaughtered.

Most of the more than 200 pieces of godhead that Li Jing picked up were of Byzantine gods, and there were very few supreme gods, only about twenty pieces.

This makes Li Jing not curious.

According to the types of godheads he picked up, it is not difficult to judge that the situation at the beginning was completely one-sided.

How did the Byzantine gods repel the highest gods, so that they had no time to collect the spoils after the fierce battle, so they had no choice but to retreat?

The reason for this is definitely not just that this space is broken.

Dazzling, more than an hour has passed.

Guided by Lingling, the sharp-smelling "Godhead Crusher", Li Jing picked up another hundred pieces of godhead, settled on a ruin, and entered the time of the sage.

Godhead is a good thing, no doubt about it.

But in the blink of an eye, a guy has more than 300 godheads, and he is really a bit rare.

Seeing that Li Jing stopped moving, Lingling blinked in confusion.

"Why didn't you go? Tired?"

"I can't talk about being tired, I just think it's not a problem to pick it up like this."

Li Jing responded and said.

"The godhead in my hand is enough, and your rations are enough. We might as well find something more meaningful to do."

"Okay! Then what do you say we're going to do?"

Lingling nodded unequivocally.

Li Jing was not mean to her at all.

More than 300 pieces of godhead came all the way, and half of them went into her pocket as a snack reserve.

So many godheads, enough for her to eat for decades.

This amount is even more than the amount she has eaten since she was born!

Godhead is good.

But she couldn't eat that much either.

On the one hand, she would be full after a few bites of light snacks. On the other hand, it would take time for Godhead to digest it, so she was not simply an early adopter.

Under Li Jing's generous giving, Lingling was quite satisfied.

The idea of ​​messing with someone is too firm.

How can one feel comfortable by Li Jing's side when he has no relatives and no reason to stay in the Supreme Divine Realm?

There is a godhead to eat, and there is an evolving world that can be used as a place to live.

Someone is a little weak, but is very good to her, isn't it?

Li Jing didn't know that Lingling, like Chen Yuran, had a subtle change in mentality under the feeding of himself regardless of the cost. Lingling had already said beforehand that he would live in his small universe, so he didn't need to think about how to trap this little guy. .

Now that he said he was looking for something meaningful to do, Li Jing couldn't help but have the idea of ​​looking for a large army.

After a little thought, he asked Lingling.

"There are a lot of people who believe in the supreme faith in this space, but I'm not sure where they are now, Lingling, can you find them?"

"Where can I find this?"

Lingling shrugged and said.

"I'm not the main **** of the supreme gods, they have nothing to do with me."

"It doesn't work if someone is using the Holy Spirit to guide them?"

Li Jing asked.


Lingling shook her head and babbled.

"The guidance of the Holy Spirit does have some connection with me, but in essence it's just that I made a deal with the Supreme God many years ago, allowing the Supreme God and their believers to use my little will to find things related to faith. If Tens of thousands of years earlier, I could indeed use that part of my will to sense it, but now that part of my will has long been abandoned by me."

Hearing those words, Li Jing frowned.

"Will, can you still give up?"

"I advise you not to try it lightly, it will cause headaches for many years."

Lingling said something very seriously, humming.

"I gave up that part of my will mainly because the scumbags of the supreme gods were not human beings. They secretly increased the occupation of my will under the guidance of the Holy Spirit by using artifacts, so as to cross the border to find other gods and clans to fight in the Quartet. Every time they do this, I have to fall asleep. After a few years, I didn't see them honoring me after they harvested the godhead, so I just cut a hundred."


Li Jing.

How to give up part of his will, he didn't know.

But he was sure.

The result of giving up part of the will is definitely not just a headache for a few years.

Listen to Lingling's next words.

The supreme gods rely on Lingling to find other gods and clans without giving her any benefit. Isn't this simply narrowing the road?

Just as he was thinking, Li Jing was shocked and asked.

"Lingling, you have the ability to search for other gods and clans across the border, so you should be able to search for the gods that may exist in this space?"

"It's natural."

Lingling nodded and said.

"But I already looked for it when I came here. There are no living gods in this space."

Li Jing was not surprised by this answer.

If there are living gods in this shattered space, under the premise that there are many gods on the ground, how powerful must he be?

Without thinking much, Li Jing asked again.

"If it is a descendant of the supreme **** or a saint, can you sense it?"

"this is okay."

Lingling responded and said.

"But you have to tell me which main **** they serve."

After all, she explained.

"I can't directly sense the descending angels and saints. After all, they are not the main gods and have no godhead. My induction is mainly from the godhead that matches the power of the gods, not the gods themselves. The descending gods and saints usually have in the body. The power or power of the main **** they serve. If I know and am familiar with the main god, it is not difficult to find them."

Hearing Lingling's narration, Li Jing's eyes lit up.

Who is the main **** that Wella believes in?

He doesn't know.

But it's not a big problem.

He knew who Alicia served.

"Goddess of Radiance, do you recognize her?"


Lingling stayed for a while, said.

"That little bitch, of course I recognize it, no matter how bad it is, it is one of the seven supreme gods of the supreme **** system."

bitch, smash?

Li Jing looked strange, and then asked.

"Isn't there only one supreme god?"

"There is only one supreme god, but supreme is not his only divine position, but he ranks first."

Lingling said something casually, then swayed her two little feet and closed her eyes.

It was obvious that people had begun to try to sense, but Li Jing shut up and said nothing.

Not for a while.

Lingling opened her eyes and pointed to the south.

"People are in the south, far, far away."

When he got the direction, Li Jing waved his hand and took out the flying sword Qingfeng without hesitation, and Yujian rose up and turned into a streamer and shot out.

He and Lingling are always going east.

This will turn to go to the south to find the large army that has entered the Shattered Space seven days ago, and the long journey is inevitable.

But with direction, distance is not an issue.

Feijian Qingfeng, who has achieved an eighth-level immortal weapon, has a terrifying speed.

In the true sense, it has reached the speed of light, not to mention that the space where the sword light passes is distorted, showing a trend of tearing along the way.


It's just a trend.

Spaces are not torn apart so easily.

less than an hour.

Li Jing walked the path he walked after he entered the Broken Space.

Not long after, he stopped in front of a dilapidated palace.

Here, there are traces left by large troops.

I don't know what happened to the large army here. There are torn corpses everywhere around the dilapidated palace.

They have been dead for some time.

The blood on the ground had already dried up.

It is worth mentioning that.

Most of the people who died here belonged to the Holy See and the Church in the present world, and only a small number were expeditions from the present world and people from the Western Continent.

The Holy See and the Church in this world, Gao Yi, rush to the front in the face of danger?

Li Jing didn't think that would be the case.

So many people came, most of them were cannon fodder.

Wella had mentioned to him beforehand when he was approaching the sea of ​​death, and it was necessary to ensure that enough people who were not affiliated with the Holy See and the Church entered the broken space to avoid affecting the plan of this trip.

I have already entered, why are the people of the Holy See and the Church in this world still rushing ahead?

In this regard, Li Jingsheng guessed.

The evil spirits or other dangers here are more sensitive to the power of the supreme belief.

Their main target of attack will be those who belong to the Supreme Holy See and the Church in this world.

Without staying in place, Li Jing continued on.

A stump and a broken arm, nothing to see.

The danger of hindering the large troops, causing them to drop dead bodies on the ground, has apparently also been eliminated.

After about half an hour, Li Jing's powerful Jiujing Yuanshen managed to capture the existence of a small poking person in the extreme distance, hovering and frowning slightly.

in induction.

There are no orthodox immortal practitioners in this little poke.

They are not moving, they are standing still.

Is this a dropout or...?

After thinking for a while, Li Jing put away the flying sword Qingfeng and replaced the robe of a church believer with the style of the Eastern Continent. He ordered Lingling to hide in his clothes so as not to be seen, and then turned into thunder and lightning to shoot at the crowd.


He found the group of people he was sensing.

As soon as he approached, he found that the group of people were all from the Western Continent, and they were all practicing the magic system.

They camped in place, guarding the surroundings.

Half of the team of more than 20 were wounded.

Three of them were seriously injured, lying there with too much air in and out, as if they were dying soon.

Looking at the clothes of this group, it seems that they belong to the same clan, and each has a clan emblem in the shape of an angry lion on the placket.

Thinking that he could ask someone when he finally met someone, there would be no one else within his sensing range, and Li Jing fell to the ground.

his arrival.

The first time aroused everyone's vigilance.

When they turned their heads and saw that the visitor was an oriental man with black hair and black eyes, everyone was a little surprised, but all of them breathed a sigh of relief.

It is clear.

It's not humans that they are nervously guarding against.

Li Jing took everyone's performance in his eyes, looked at the three who were most seriously injured and probably wouldn't last long, and smiled friendly.

"need any help?"

For Li Jing, everyone was not defenseless.

When going out, who doesn't guard against others?

Li Jing was alone, which made him even more suspicious.

However, after hearing Li Jing's words, everyone immediately showed an expression of hope.

Magic system, notoriously violent.

The ability to treat, they are not without.

Compared with the orthodox immortality, their treatment methods are of the type that cannot be seen on the table.

Orthodox immortality is mostly a panacea.

Not only can you improve your cultivation by taking medicinal pills, you can also heal injuries in an extremely efficient way. Many fatal injuries that cannot be saved in the eyes of the magic system are not a problem at all in the face of orthodox immortals.

"Bang bang bang!"

The people who were in good condition immediately knelt on the ground.

Except for the three seriously injured, the other wounded also fell to their knees unequivocally.

A beautiful magician with a sad brow spoke up.

"I beg your Excellency to save my young master's life."

Li Jing didn't mind saving people at will.

Now that you have encountered it, it is nothing to rescue it.

It seems suspicious that he is alone, and he is well aware of it.

This wave is mainly to gain the trust of the people in front of this vote.

However, in the blink of an eye, this group of people knelt on the ground, which was beyond Li Jing's expectations.

He didn't expect this group of people to be so straightforward.


One of the three seriously injured was extremely honorable.

"Get up, don't kneel."

Li Jing smiled and stepped forward to examine the three people who were seriously injured.

He didn't have any healing medicine.

However, after a long time in the Eastern Continent, there were quite a few ready-made ones in his pocket.

The three seriously injured were a young man and two old men.

All three were in a coma.

The young man was wearing a broken armor, and even in a coma, he still held a long sword with a special pattern, which contained very powerful magic fluctuations.

This eye is supposed to be a magic knight.

The two old men were wearing robes, and the robes showed fluctuations that were no weaker than the seventh level of the spiritual weapon.

It is clear at a glance which is the young master in the mouth of the female magician.

However, Li Jing did not take special care of this one.

If you want to save people, you must save them all.

After roughly examining the three of them, Li Jing flexed his fingers and popped three spiritual powers one after another.

On the surface.

All three were dying from severe trauma.

This young master was the worst. The chest of the armor, which was of good quality when it was intact, was torn apart, and the chest was in a mess, and the beating heart could be faintly seen.

Such an injury should be easily healed by healing magic.

But on their wounds, there is an evil force at work.

With a nine-level cultivation base, Li Jing's vision and cognition can be called vicious.

He judges easily.

In the face of this evil power, it is not only difficult for ordinary healing magic to take effect, but also for magic pills.

The three spiritual powers fell respectively, shaking away the evil power on the wounds of the three.

Li Jing took out two medicinal pills that had miraculous effects on trauma, and waved them out with his spiritual power.

A little bit of fluorescent light was scattered, and the serious trauma on the three people was healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Just a blink of an eye.

The three of them were no longer injured, and their breathing gradually stabilized.

With Li Jing's hand, everyone present was stunned for a moment.

They had their hopes on someone, but they never imagined that someone's means could be so effective.

"The Age of Rebirth"

this person...

What a cultivation base! ?

Everyone was surprised, Li Jing turned his head to look at the wounded numbers who were standing aside, and found another medicinal pill that was dissolved and spilled.

In an instant.

The wounds of the wounded were healed collectively.

This time, everyone on the spot couldn't hold back.

The female magician headed by Wei Yin had just stood up, and her legs softened and she wanted to kneel down.

When Li Jing saw this, the corner of his mouth slammed, and he waved a stream of air to hold the person, and smiled bitterly.

"The ritual of kneeling is popular in the East, why do you Westerners like it too?"

The female magician was supported by the airflow, and her body froze when she heard the words.

Anyone with eyes can see it.

The young man in front of him looked ordinary, but he was actually a big guy.

Kneel big man, it's nothing.

Not to mention that people have already downplayed the rescue of her young master and healed the injuries of the other wounded at the scene.

But people don't seem to like being kneeled...

So the question is, how can she thank others if she doesn't kneel down?

Could it be…

Being a little overwhelmed, the young man known as the young master groaned and slowly opened his eyes.

Conscious, he was slightly stunned.

He clearly remembered that he was seriously injured and dying.

How can you wake up with no injuries on your body?

The female magician was overjoyed when she saw the young man wake up, and gestured to Li Jing with Dong Continent etiquette, and came to the young man with three steps and two steps with tears in his eyes.

"Master, are you awake? How are you feeling?"

Meeting the female magician's concerned face, the young man broke away from the daze, a gentle smile hung on the corner of his mouth, raised his hand to caress her cheek, and said.

"I'm fine, sorry for worrying you."

"It's fine."

The female magic pursed her lips, and tears the size of beans fell down unsatisfactorily.

Seeing this, the young man hurriedly struggled to sit up and hugged her gently.

Li Jing stood to the side with a blank expression on his face.

Inexplicably, these two gave him a mouthful of dog food.

What's the point of calling him?

The rest of the people present were very happy to see the young man wake up, but seeing him and the female magician behave like you and me, everyone was covered in cold sweat and no one dared to make a sound.

It's a blessing to have a big shot to save people.


People are still here, and we have not thanked them seriously.

You two can't stand it for a while?

But don't say it.

Young people are quite sharp.

As he hugged the female magician, he was about to comfort him when he noticed Li Jing standing in front of him.

Immediately, he realized that it was Li Jing, who obviously practiced orthodox immortality, who rescued him. He let go of the female magician and stood up. He beat his chest with one hand and made a standard knightly salute.

"Thank you for your rescue, senior. I'm Daniel, from the Lionheart family of the Manta Kingdom."

While speaking, he took out a few objects that revealed a good atmosphere with a face full of reluctance and delivered them over.

"This is…"

Before he could speak, Li Jing waved his hand.

"I just do what I do, and the thank you gift is waived."

Daniel was stunned when he heard the sound, but he didn't insist, and put away his things silently.

He didn't know how Li Jing healed himself, but he could see that people didn't care about these things.

Seeing that this young man is very interesting, Li Jing looked at him with great interest and said.

"Strictly speaking, the wounds on your body are not very difficult to heal. This time, there are so many people accompanying not only the people from the East Continent living in the West Continent, but also the forces of the world from the great world. Why didn't you seek their help? , instead of breaking away from most of them and appearing here?"

Before Daniel could speak, the female magician said helplessly.

"It's not that we don't want to ask for help, it's just that we encountered too many evil spirits in one breath, many of them powerful beings. The entire army was forcibly dispersed, and the Supreme Holy See did not intend to stop at all, breaking through the evil spirits. The siege went straight further south. If it wasn't for the evil spirits that seemed to be guarding something deep in the south and not just for sniping, they had no hesitation in chasing after the large force that broke through, and none of us would have survived. down."

Li Jing frowned slightly when he heard the words.

After entering the broken space, he saw quite a few evil spirits.

But to disperse the large army, how many evil spirits must there be?

This is missed!

In other words, the Supreme Holy See is too eager to be utilitarian, and it chooses to break through when encountering an evil spirit sniper.

How many people will this kill?

Undoubtedly bad for future trips.

However, after thinking about it, Li Jing was relieved again.

Having just come here and seeing so many corpses, he has already made a preliminary judgment. The evil spirits in the broken space are more sensitive to the belief system and will give priority to attack.

They broke through, mostly to preserve the power of the Holy See.

Just as he was thinking, Daniel hesitated for a while, then gritted his teeth and took out a stone that revealed a holy breath and handed it over.

"Senior, this is a holy relic that I accidentally harvested during this trip. If you don't dislike it, please accept it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lingling's **** voice sounded in Li Jing's ears.

"Broken supreme godhead! Quickly! Quickly accept it!"

Li Jing was not very interested in holy relics.

Mainly, this kind of thing is usually only useful in the hands of practitioners of the belief system, and it is useless in the orthodox immortal way.

Lingling suddenly made a sound, making him stunned for a moment.

Broken supreme godhead?

this stone?

Without opening the Eye of True Sight, he could not judge.

But since Lingling spoke, he must have not run away.

This kind of thing actually fell into the hands of Daniel, and did not ask the Holy See to find it?

Li Jing was secretly surprised, and did not politely accept the broken supreme godhead, and then spoke.

"I'm going to find the big team next, you...?"

"We're not going any further, this place is too dangerous."

Daniel shook his head and sighed softly.

"As far as our magic system is concerned, harvesting some holy relics is to trade with the Holy See. We have been out of touch with the large army for a long time. It is not so easy to chase after us. It is better to retreat and leave this place."

Saying that, he hugged the female magician with a soft look on his face.

"It's unavoidable that the return journey is dangerous, but it's definitely safer than moving on. It's okay for me to be here by myself, but I don't want to..."

Halfway through, he didn't say anything.

The female magician easily understood, her face flushed.


Li Jing.

This young man is very decisive.

The judgment of the situation is also very clear.

He didn't even hope that he could walk with them and protect them.

So these two just have to show him to a stranger?

Shaking his head secretly, Li Jing took out two lower-ranked godheads and stuffed them into Daniel's hands, transmitting the sound.

"Take it, these are two lower godheads, don't be noticed by the Supreme Holy See, and don't let this group of people know about you. With the strength of you and your girlfriend, you can't absorb it for the time being, you can put it away for the time being, and wait for the two of you to be strong enough. There will be surprises to absorb.”

Li Jing stuffed something, but Daniel caught it subconsciously.

He was stunned when he got its voice transmission.


What did you just say?

These two crystals are godheads! ?

All the symbols of the gods in the Holy See faith?


real or fake?

Before he could react, Li Jing smiled.

"Good people do it to the end and send Buddha to the West. Since you want to go out, I will give you a ride."

While speaking, he smashed the space with a backhand punch.

The space was broken, and everyone including Daniel and the female magician was immediately swallowed up, and they were sent to the junction of the broken space and the sea of ​​death.

Li Jing was so kind, of course he was too lazy to explain more to Daniel.

Sending everyone away, he took out the supreme godhead he just got, and his black eyes turned golden.

The eye of true vision peeps, and the feedback is indeed the supreme godhead.

Although it is broken, the energy contained in it is almost five hundred times that of the upper godhead, so that when he holds it in his hand, he has a feeling of trepidation.

"Lingling, can this thing still work?"

Li Jing asked.

"It's all broken, and it definitely can't be used directly."

Lingling probed from inside his neckline and babbled.

"However, if there is a powerful enough high-ranking godhead, after absorbing it, UU reading is not guaranteed to be able to become a supreme. This kind of good thing is actually encountered by you, you have no luck. Supreme. The Protoss has developed for millions of years, and there are only seven supreme gods, and on average, only one is born in millions of years."

As she said that, her saliva was drooling.

"If you don't mind, you can give it to me as a snack. I have grown up so much, and I have never eaten the supreme godhead."

Li Jing twitched the corner of his mouth when he heard the words, and silently put away the broken supreme godhead in his hand.

This thing can achieve a supreme.

How can this be casually said to be eaten by Lingling?

When the whole supreme **** comes out, isn't it fragrant?

Seeing someone put things away, Lingling was dissatisfied with all kinds of desires, and her mouth was pouted.

Seeing this, Li Jing smiled and coaxed.

"Don't worry about this piece, I can see that this piece of godhead is not owned by the supreme **** system. Since there is such a piece, there must still be this piece of broken space. I promise you, if you find more than four pieces, I will give you one piece. ."


Lingling slowly made a question mark.

Four bucks?

Is Li Jing wanting to eat farts?

Then this product is Mao so greedy?

The supreme **** race has only seven supreme gods in millions of years, and he wants to find four pieces in such a broken place?

Does he want that much dry ball?

Build a bunch of supreme gods and hit the supreme gods?

Li Jing didn't give Lingling any extra explanation.

There are supreme gods that can be created, and he also has the motivation to continue to find the godhead, and he rises with Lingling from the sky.

"Let's continue to go south, you can see where there is a godhead, we will charge if you pass by."+Bookmark+

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