MTL - How Come These Monsters Have Health Bars-Chapter 430 veil of power, old man

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, why do these monsters have blood strips?

The godhead in the south is much less than the east.

But the quality is very good.

The lower godheads were very rare on Li Jing's journey southward. Those who were found were at least the middle godheads, and there were a lot of upper godheads.

All the way, under the guidance of Lingling, he picked up the godhead, and Li Jing also had an estimate.

The east that he went to before may be the initial battlefield where the supreme **** system and the war worshiping **** system clashed, or it may be the location where the supreme **** system crossed the border and invaded this broken space.

Therefore, the confrontation between the two sides in the east is more of a test of each other, and the lower gods are the main force.

To the south, the middle and upper gods began to end up in large numbers.

Even if there is at least one supreme **** on both sides, the one from the Byzantine court eventually lost to the enemy and perished.

The situation is roughly the same.

based on this.

Combined with the fact that the Holy See was attacked by a large number of evil spirits who seemed to be guarding something on the way to the clear destination, it is not difficult to come to a conclusion.

The destination of the Supreme Holy See is a main battlefield where the two gods battle the most tragic.

At the same time, the destination is also the last barrier of the Byzantine system after the retreat, and there is something they want to protect even if they are unwilling to incarnate as evil spirits after death.

Evil spirits have no reason.

However, they still rely on a little obsession in their lifetimes, desperately guarding something.

Li Jing is very interested.

He had encountered a similar situation once in the Heavenly Sacred Realm.

After Long Xu's death, he turned into a remnant with incomplete memory, guarding the Qingyuan Immortal Palace for tens of thousands of years.

The evil spirits in the broken space here are guarding, and it will definitely not be easy.

Speechless all the way.

Li Jing is accompanied by Lingling.

Stop and go, picking up the lost godhead while walking towards Alicia's location where the spirit sensed.

This walk is a whole day.

In one day, Li Jing gained more than 300 pieces of godhead.

For this group of godheads, he did not give Lingling any points.

To create a few supreme gods, he needs a lot of godheads at all levels, and he needs to "pad" a little bit.

Although there is only a broken supreme godhead in front of him, Li Jing's expectations in the follow-up may not be unattainable. It would not be wrong to collect more godheads to prepare, and we will talk more about the surplus after that.

On the way to the south, Li Jing saw many large troops advancing and leaving dead bodies.

On the way, it is rare to see evil spirits.

According to the way the Holy See is eager for utility, it is unlikely that the evil spirits will be annihilated along the way, and there is a high probability that they will join the sniper team and pursue the evil spirit team.

In a collapsed palace, he pulled out a piece of the upper godhead and put it away. Li Jingwang looked at Lingling, who had little feet dangling on his shoulders.

"How far are we from the saints of the Goddess of Radiance?"

"It's not too far, we can get there in a short half-day walk at our speed."

Lingling responded, saying.

"She seems to have stopped at her destination or encountered something, and her position has not changed for a long time."


Li Jing raised his eyebrows, thought about it, and said.

"Let's continue walking while looking for Godhead, and you will remind me when we're approaching."

Having said that, his figure moved and Lingling rose again from the sky.

Half a day passed quickly.

Along the way, under the guidance of Lingling, Li Jing "picked up" a lot of godheads, and he already had no less than 500 yuan in his pocket, enough for wholesale.

In such a situation, Li Jing couldn't help sighing sincerely.

The supreme **** system is really blind.

It's fine if you don't lick Lingling angrily, the benefits you get through her will not be distributed to her.

Change the way to narrow the road...

Why bother?


Lingling's existence is a huge potential threat to the supreme gods, and no matter how she grows, it will increase the threat level.

But as long as the little guy is tied up, where can the problem be?

Can't deal with the "enemy" that can bring great benefits, wouldn't it be fragrant to make her a friend?

The mouse is short-sighted!

Leaving aside Li Jing's sigh.

When he was about to rise from the sky after harvesting a piece of median godhead in a ruin again, Lingling, who was sitting on his shoulder and biting the godhead, suddenly made a sound.

"We're getting close, and the Shining Lady Apostle is near the curtain in front."


Li Jing was stunned and turned his head subconsciously.

There is nothing in the distance, how can there be a curtain?

At this time.

Lingling spoke again.

"The veil is sheltered by a special kind of power, which isolates all external prying eyes. I only noticed it when I got here. Although you have power, you are just starting to apply power, and it is normal to not feel it. Wait. Just a little bit closer."

Hearing those words, Li Jing nodded silently.

Strictly speaking, he really just stepped on the threshold of being able to control the rules.

In terms of understanding, except for the two rules that the status bar allows to control in advance, his understanding of the rules is just that.

If you can't feel it, you don't need to force it.

Without thinking much, Li Jing turned on the silent phantom, turned into thunder, and lifted off again.

After a while.

Li Jing sensed the existence of the curtain.

at the same time.

I also saw that the total number of troops had been reduced by at least one third, and their respective camps were stationed in front of the curtain.

Before Li Jing's arrival, they had obviously gone through a brutal battle.

In the camps of each camp, a large number of wounded can be seen.

Some uninjured people are being treated for them.

On the way closer, Li Jing did see a large number of dead bodies.

Look at this situation.

The veil is clearly the destination of the High Holy See.

After they successfully arrived, they started to deal with the evil spirits that hindered their journey in order to have time to recuperate and recover.

This battle was quite brutal.

But the real main force is not these ordinary practitioners.

to the place.

Li Jing's powerful Jiujing Yuanshen easily captured two auras of the same realm as himself.

The power characteristics of both are the unique holy power of the supreme gods.

It is not difficult to guess who the two are.

In the Heavenly Holy Realm, it stands to reason that there are no nine realms.

The two nine realms in the induction can only be the descending goddess Wella and the saint Alicia who has temporarily gained the favor of the radiant goddess.


When the two arrived, they were no longer hiding.

In order to ensure that there will be enough manpower for him to send in the future, they each took out their true skills to turn the tide and deal with the evil spirits that were chasing them.

The evil spirits that require two people to use their real skills to solve it must be very powerful, and there are definitely a lot of them.


Addicted to picking up Godhead and mistaking people!

While Li Jing was grief-stricken, his face was strange.

At this moment, he is feeling it.

Wella and Alicia are in two camps.

The people of the Supreme Holy See are all on Alicia's side.

The present Supreme Church is on Wella's side.

The two camps kept a certain distance from each other, and there was a faint sense of opposition.

To be honest, Li Jing never expected this situation.

Wella and Alicia are right.

But Li Jing didn't expect Wella to be brave, so he turned against Alicia.

It is clear that the main **** she serves is far inferior to the Goddess of Radiance, who is even one of the seven supreme gods.

Who gave her confidence?

Could it be the self who has been missing for nine days?

Li Jing didn't think that would be the case.

Wella is so innocent, but she is not so stupid.

Put your hope in a man who has been missing for nine days.

To say that the situation in front of me is really a little subtle.

The people of the Supreme Holy See are all standing with Acilia, and the current Supreme Church is standing with Weena.

Could it be that for the gain of this trip, the main **** behind the two directly tore his face and started a game?


Can't you?

To know that the Goddess of Radiance is one of the seven supreme gods, what does the master of Wella do to fight with others?

Li Jing was bewildered, and his eyes fell on a camp where Long Yu's flag was flying.

Take a look at it.

Many people came to Long Yu's exploration team on this trip.

It is estimated that there are at least 100,000 large groups.

Many of them were injured, and the rest of the expedition team members were all depressed and gloomy.

It looks like.

They not only participated in the previous fierce battle, but also suffered a large number of casualties.

Looking back at the road where there were corpses everywhere, Li Jing quietly landed at the camp where Longyu's flag was flying, and turned his eyes to a tent erected in the center of the camp where there was a quarrel.

"It can't be left like this! We Long Yu lost a full 20,000 elites in this battle! Those **** from the Supreme Church deliberately put on our shoes and let us take the lead, and we have to make them pay the price!"

An irritable male voice sounded, and his words were full of resentment.

Before he finished speaking, a female voice sounded.

"Of course this can't be left alone, but now is not the time to find trouble with the Supreme Church. They have the goddess Wella, and none of us will be her opponent. And when we fight, Wella is not only with us the best There are also people who take care of us on the front line. If not, our casualties would probably be far more than 20,000. This is considered a kindness for now, and when we fought against the army of evil spirits, we shared the same enemy, and it is not wise to rashly become an enemy of her."

Hearing the female voice narrate, Li Jing was stunned.

The key is this voice, he is very familiar with it.

The dog demon Su Qiong.

This old acquaintance actually came to the Heavenly Sacred Realm, and was a member of the expedition team that led the team to explore the Western Continent, which was beyond Li Jing's expectations.

He was stunned.

Another flat male voice sounded.

"Commander Su is right, it is neither wise nor appropriate to be the enemy of the Supreme Church at this time. We can't deal with the descending **** Weina alone, and many brothers survive because of her. We have arrived at our final destination, and when the Holy See lifts the restrictions, we may not encounter anything on the way forward. Now is not the time to tear up our face with the church. We will not be in a hurry to settle this account after we go back. "

This flat male voice seems to have a high status.

He spoke.

The irritable male voice didn't speak, and Su Qiong didn't speak anymore.

Others in the tent have begun to talk about the next strategy and arrangement.

Li Jing stood in front of the tent and did not go in.

The situation, he has roughly understood.

Long Yu was put together by the people of the Supreme Church and sacrificed 20,000 elites.

This hatred, he remembered.

But he didn't plan to do that.

It's good that he is from Longyu, but he doesn't have to pay for all of Longyu's decisions.

On the one hand, this is very tiring.

On the other hand, it was a mistake for Long Yu's expedition team to mix with the Western Continent.

they do not know.

What did you encounter.

And what kind of existence do you want to take advantage of?

Especially in this trip, the Supreme Church, which Long Yu has not dealt with for many years, occupies a certain dominant position.

This time, the Heavenly Sacred Realm is different from the past, and each family has enhanced strengths and elites.

However, the highest combat power of each expedition team is only around the five realms.

Long Yu's expedition team participated for profit without knowing the situation, and it was not bad that they were not eaten clean.

To Li Jing was somewhat surprised.

Wella actually took care of Long Yu's expedition team during the battle.

This is really unscientific.

Long Yu was an atheist, and Wella taking care of Long Yu's exploration team didn't make much sense.

Could it be because the body she used for her descent was a mixed race?

The meeting in the tent did not last long.

After a while, the senior members of the expedition team gathered inside walked out in batches.

During the meeting, they had a lot of arguments and disagreements with each other.

There are those who advocate withdrawing from this, others who advocate uniting the northern kingdom of God to strive for it as much as possible, and some people who advocate finding an opportunity to take revenge on the Supreme Church to breathe a sigh of relief.

The whole meeting process was not pleasant.

After walking out of three batches of high-level expedition team members, Li Jing finally waited until Su Qiong came out.

There were two people with him.

Looking at the badges on their uniforms, they both belong to the Xiangcheng Administration Bureau with Su Qiong.

Not caring about the two, Li Jing lifted the silent phantom from Su Qiong alone.

Su Qiong and two companions walked out of the tent, looking tired and ready to go to her tent to rest.

Leng Buding caught a glimpse of Li Jing standing not far away from the corner of her eyes, she was stunned for a moment, then stopped, raised her hand and rubbed her eyes forcefully.

Seeing this, Li Jing smiled without saying a word, raised his hand silently to compare the gesture of silence.

As a monster, Su Qiong can get along well in the Xiangcheng Administration Bureau, and she is naturally clever.

Seeing Li Jing's gesture, she immediately understood, pretending that she didn't see anyone, and resumed her pace to talk with her two colleagues in parallel.

Seeing this, Li Jing followed quietly and took a look at Su Qiong's head.


The late stage of the Five Realms.

Compared to the time when she stepped into the four realms, Su Qiong's growth rate is truly astonishing.

It looks like.

After all the things that happened in Little Secret Realm No. 107, Su Qiong's promotion brought a lot of convenience to her cultivation path. It is estimated that she has not eaten less of the flesh and blood of monsters that were difficult to get started in the past.

Looking at the blood strip on Su Qiong's head, Li Jing couldn't help thinking of the waste cat he knew.

If only Ji Qing could work as hard as Su Qiong.

With his feeding, is she afraid that she has entered the sixth realm?

Thinking that she hadn't come home for a long time, Chen Yuran went to the secret realm again. Xiao Yan needed to charge up and had to let Ji Qing come. It was estimated that the two would have to get together and drive to the dark. Li Jing raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows. Choose to let go of this thought.

Ji Qing was one of Li Jing's few friends, so he naturally took it to heart.

This trip has harvested so many godheads and the inheritance stone monument of Qingyuan Immortal Palace. When I go back, I simply arrest this waste cat and lock it up in the small universe. Without the Internet, should she be able to practice honestly?

Not long after they left, Su Qiong bid farewell to her two colleagues and walked into a tent.

Seeing this, Li Jing followed suit.

As soon as he entered the door, Su Qiong took out an isolation sign and stuck it on the curtain with a slap, and then stared at it.

"Little plum! Long time no see!"


Li Jing.

Su Qiong and him are also old friends.

But this little plum is really something.

Looking at Su Qiong's face full of joy, Liu Yao's waist was slightly swaying, and it was obvious that even after stepping into the Five Realms, he could not get rid of his canine instinct.

"It's really been a long time, and I didn't expect to meet you here."

Before she finished speaking, Su Qiong snorted softly.

"You're too embarrassed to say it! I heard that you were involved and volunteered to lead the team this time, but I couldn't find you when I came to the secret realm."

Li Jing was dumbfounded when he heard the sound, and then asked in doubt.

"You have to find someone from our Jianghai Administration. I should have news."

"I wanted to ask someone from the Jianghai Administration, but there was no way."

Su Qiong spread her hands and said.

"I'm following an airborne leader in the delegation this time. You don't need me to tell you about the open and secret fights at the top. It's a coincidence that I don't have a good deal with the Jiang family. The director of your Jianghai Administration is Jiang. Family, I'm going to find someone from your family, I'm afraid I'll have to put on several pairs of shoes if I don't turn around."


Li Jing was silent.

Su Qiong's explanation made him not know what to say.

If she can't look for it clearly, doesn't she know that she came secretly?

However, Su Qiong is so cautious, it is not understandable.

Those open and secret battles among the high-level people are indeed a bit troublesome for the people below them.

Especially when it comes to the struggle of such a big thing as the Jiang family...

Those who dare not deal with the Jiang family will definitely not be easy.

Shaking his head secretly, Li Jing said.

"I just listened to your meeting outside, and I have a general understanding of your experience in this trip. You'd better not go too deep into the next thing."

"It's not something I can do alone."

Su Qiong sighed softly and said.

"I don't want to be too involved in these **** things, but I can't help myself in the game, and it's impossible for me to leave the people under my command and run away."

Saying that, she smiled.

"But knowing you're here this time, I'm relieved."

Li Jing laughed when he heard this.

"Don't worry if I'm with you, you might think too highly of me."

"Although I don't know how strong you are now, I know that you will never suffer in doing things."

Su Qiong said with a smile, pulled over a bench and sat down.

"If I guessed correctly, you should be looking for me to find out what the Holy See is going to do next?"


Li Jing nodded.

"How much do you know about the follow-up?"

"I don't know much."

Su Qiong responded, saying.

"This trip to the Supreme Holy See has always been mysterious, and the Supreme Church has also stood on the opposite side of the Holy See after going through the sea of ​​death. Anyone with discernment can see that there is a bigger black hand behind them. Opposition to compete for certain interests."

Saying that, she pursed her red lips and continued.

"You have followed quietly this time, and you must have grasped the situation. The only thing I know about is that it will take about three days for both the Holy See and the Church to break the curtain blocking the front. We don't know what is behind the curtain. Love. But there are signals from both sides that we, the 'wage boys' who are accompanying us, are actively preparing for the battle. If it is not unexpected, there will be a fierce battle after the curtain is broken."

Li Jing listened to Su Qiong's remarks and nodded silently.

He could see that the Supreme Church and the Holy See were opposed to each other.

But he didn't know beforehand that the two sides were facing each other after the sea of ​​death.

This is a bit intriguing.

Probably as he expected.

After the Supreme God was tricked by him once, there was indeed an oracle revelation left behind.

However, this oracle revelation is not necessarily the supreme god.

Instead, it may be the main **** that Wella serves, and the higher-ranking main **** of her faction.

This follow-up "entry" is very likely to be another supreme other than the supreme **** and the goddess of glory.

Only in this way can Wella have the confidence to turn against Alicia under the premise that his whereabouts are unknown.

Calculated to this.

Li Jing also came to a conclusion.

The will of the Supreme God descended to the Heavenly Holy Realm has already spread in the Supreme God Realm, and people suffered a little bit of damage, making the Supreme God behind the main **** that Wella serves, and at the same time insight into the broken space. The Goddess of Glory stepped in, and personally stepped in to compete.

Taking a breath, Li Jing sorted out his thoughts.

This **** is complicated.

Now it gets more complicated.

There are at least two supreme players in the game, and the supreme **** will not stop there.

Originally, the Supreme God did not participate, and the Goddess of Radiance stepped in halfway.

based on this.

Think about it, each of the main gods has its own territory.

The Heavenly Sacred Realm must belong to the supreme being behind the Lord God that Wella serves, and others should not rashly interfere.

With the powerful intervention of the Goddess of Radiance, that Supreme Supreme would naturally not be willing.

Fighting is inevitable.

The Supreme God has been tricked by him for a while, and it is not certain whether he will send someone to settle accounts with him.

what is has been confirmed is.

The Supreme God now has ample excuses to step in.

After sorting out his thoughts, Li Jing raised his eyes.

"Since the curtain takes three days to break, you should take a temporary leave for the next three days."

Saying that, he smiled.

"You are lucky. I have gained a lot from this trip. You and I are old friends. Of course, I will give you some benefits."

Li Jing's words are quite true.

Su Qiong's eyes lit up when she heard it.

Li Jing's benefits, she has experienced.

And suffered more than once.

"It's easy to take a leave of absence, just let me know."

Su Qiong smiled brightly, got up and walked outside the tent.

"You stay here and wait for me, I'll be right back."

Before she finished speaking, she hurried out.

Li Jing looked at Su Qiong's small waist and went out the door as if it was about to be twisted, and laughed dumbly.

If this Bo Suqiong showed his monster characteristics, he might see the stinky tofu hit the "secret technique" propeller-style tail flick that he often uses.

Taking back his gaze, Li Jing took off his collar.

Entering his eyes, Lingling was lying on his collarbone with his eyes closed and a peaceful and slumbering appearance.

have to say.

This little thing has a lot of drama.

Aware that Li Jing had taken off the collar, she quietly opened one eye to take a peek, and then quickly closed her eyes to pretend to be asleep.

Seeing this, Li Jing said with a smile.

"The one just now was my friend, and her strength should not be enough to integrate with the lower godhead. I'll ask you a favor."

While speaking, he took out a piece of the upper godhead and handed it over.

Lingling seems to be heartless, but she is actually very clever.

She pretended to be asleep because, through Li Jing's words, she knew that he wanted to give people divine status, and then asked her for help.

Seeing someone hand over the upper godhead, the little guy reluctantly hugged him and snorted.


Lingling is easy to be satisfied and gluttonous.

Although she already has no less than 150 godheads in her pocket, she won't mind if there are more.

If there are more upper-level godheads, that would be great.

Seeing that Lingling agreed, Li Jing asked while laughing.

"She is a living monster, and the situation should be different from that of Long Xu. How long does it take for her to absorb a piece of lower-level godhead? How many lower-middle-upper-level godheads are needed to feed her godhead to the upper level?"

"Her condition is indeed different from Long Xu's, and I can see that she has a very strong body like you."

Lingling responded, bowing her head "quack" and nibbled at the godhead, said.

"For the lower godhead, she only needs two hours. To feed her godhead to the upper level, it will cost about 20 yuan, 10 yuan, and then two yuan. But three days is not enough for her to digest it all at once. So much, at most to the median."


Li Jing nodded.

Just as the two of them were talking, Su Qiong walked back in a hurry.

When she entered the door and saw a little goblin lying on Li Jing's collarbone, she stayed for a while.

Li Jing took advantage of the situation to speak out.

"Let me introduce, this is Lingling, a friend I met by chance."

Meeting such a bland introduction, Su Qiong was slightly stunned, and subconsciously spoke up.

"Hello, I'm Su Qiong."


Lingling responded with a laugh, lying down and raising her little hand to make a move.

Seeing that the two had greeted each other, Li Jing didn't delay, got up and pulled Su Qiong over.

"Don't resist."

? ? ?

Su Qiong.

Speaking well, why did Li Jing suddenly pull her up?

And tell her not to resist?

This is…

What are you going to do?

Could it be that he wanted to...


Would it be too sudden?

While thinking wildly, Su Qiong suddenly felt a pulling force around her body.

With this feeling, she suddenly realized that she thought too much.

Think about it too.

It is a blessing for me to have a friend like Li Jing.

He has experienced so much, how could Li Jing as a human...

Before the thought came to an end, Li Jing had already brought Su Qiong to the top of the Hidden Dragon Mountain in the Small Universe Realm.

Before she had time to stand still to see the surrounding situation, Li Jing stuffed a piece of the lower godhead into her hand.

"This is the godhead, and Lingling will help you absorb it. The godhead can help you achieve the status of god, increase your strength and let you understand a rule."


Su Qiong slowly made a question mark.

As the demon of the East.

Like Orientals, she is a typical atheist.

But what the godhead is, it is easy to understand.

This is something that only Western gods have.

Only with a godhead can one be called a god.

In an instant, Su Qiong thought a lot.

The godhead Li Jing gave her is something in the broken space.

This is what the Holy See does.


Because Mao Zhigao has been on his way since he came in, UU reading did not gain the slightest, but Li Jing has a godhead?

And it seems that you have gained a lot, and you even want to give yourself a piece?

Before she could understand, Li Jing turned his hand and took out nineteen yuan of lower-level godheads, ten yuan of middle-level gods, plus two pieces of upper-level godheads, according to the amount that Lingling had told beforehand, and said.

"In these three days, your task is to try your best to absorb the 30 low-level and middle-level godheads, and the two high-level ones will be put away by yourself. Three days are not enough, and you will have a chance to talk about it later."


Su Qiong.

What Li Jing gave her was not a piece of godhead.

It's a set, thirty-two!

Listening to his words is not difficult to hear, the absorption of Godhead needs to be gradually absorbed.

If she absorbs this wave, will she become a god?

An incomparably noble upper **** in the supreme church culture! ?

Su Qiong couldn't accept this wave of information.

Li Jing, however, didn't care so much, and looked down at Lingling to signal.

Lingling was also ambiguous when she saw this, so she took it easy.

A touch of dark green energy wrapped Shu Qiong's body, and then the lower godhead in her hand merged into her palm.

! !

Su Qiong.

With the integration of the godhead, she clearly felt an energy strong enough to burst herself into her body.

It was the greenery wrapped around him that protected him.

Otherwise, she would have exploded in place.

Without thinking about it, she hurriedly tried to digest this power, cross-legged.

Godhead, it's amazing.

After being integrated, Su Qiong already knew how to digest.
