MTL - Hunter × Hunter: The Seven Deadly Sins-Chapter 506 action x start

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Elder Batu informed the elders of the information currently available.

"It turns out that, looking at it this way, the situation is not as bad as we feared."

"Yes, as long as you resist their attack before the support arrives."

"This is Meteor Street. We are more familiar with the terrain, and it may be beneficial to us to fight."

The elders present were relieved when they learned that this unit had no follow-up support and that it was not the Aztec Republic and the United States of Adimei.

As long as it's not these two countries that are adjacent to them.

"I've already drawn up a battle plan, and I'll assign the battle tasks to..."


Before Elder Batu could finish speaking, the lights in the elders house suddenly flickered.

The next moment, it was extinguished with a "pop".

"power cut?"

"Inform the maintenance personnel to check it out. You can't drop the chain at this time."

Regarding the power outage, the elders here did not react much, but the elder Batu, who was sitting in the first place, frowned and looked at a man in black behind him.

"Inform Varan, the opponent is about to attack, let him get ready!"

"Yes, elder!"

The man in black replied, reaching out to turn on the radio communication to convey the elder's order.


But when the man in black opened the communication, only the sound of electricity passed into his ears.

"Elder, the communication has failed and cannot be used."

"Then you can use the phone."

Elder Batu frowned and said that the communication failure at this time made him even more uneasy.

The man took out his mobile phone, opened it, and found that there was no signal.

"Uh, elder..."

The man looked at the elder with some embarrassment.


Elder Batu stood up suddenly, the seat behind him touched the wall, the elders looked at him, and saw that his face was extremely gloomy at this time.




Meteor Street Outer Street.

"let me go!"

"Who are you!?"

"This is Meteor Street, why are you arresting us!?"

In the square outside the church, more and more residents of Meteor Street gathered, and gradually could not stand, so everyone was arranged to gather on the streets on both sides of the square.

"Sir, the operation has begun."

Shang En came to Gride to report.

"Very good." Grid grinned, with a reckless smile on his face, and twisted his neck, "You take someone here, I'll go to activities."


Shang En nodded.

As soon as he finished speaking, Grid stepped forward and ran towards the central area of ​​Meteor Street.

As Grid left, 700 soldiers in the auxiliary defense force guarding the residents of Meteor Street immediately acted, opened the holographic map, and acted according to the assigned combat tasks.


A drone flew out of the hatch at the bottom of the Night Raven aircraft, crossed the sky above the head of the auxiliary defense force, and distributed to various areas of the inner street of Meteor Street.

Make sure that every area is under close surveillance by the Assisting Defence Force.

This time, 2,800 soldiers of the auxiliary defense force were mobilized, which is equivalent to one-third of the auxiliary defense force. Among them, 2,000 soldiers fought against the resistance forces on Meteor Street, and the House of Elders also carried out a clearing operation.

The remaining 800 soldiers are responsible for controlling the residents of Meteor Street. After all, the residents who can live in Meteor Street are also considered dangerous.

Maybe it will make them stumbling when they launch military operations.

Although it can't threaten the defense force, Ilu Mi wants to rectify the Meteor Street, but still can't kill too many people.




Meteor Street Inner Street.

In a dark hut, a group of people hid inside, armed with guns, staring at the street.

"Well, is the communication still unavailable?"

A burly man in a black field uniform asked his companion beside him.

"Yes, there is no problem with the communication equipment, but it just can't be used. It seems that something is interfering with it."

A man also wearing a field uniform but with a black scarf replied.

"Damn, these **** in the House of Elders, lose their chains at this time."

"Without communication, aren't we just a bunch of blind and deaf people?"

The other people in the room were instantly annoyed. They were all dressed in camouflage field uniforms and armed with various firearms, including sniper rifles, submachine guns, rifles, and machine guns.

They are a team, mercenaries who walked out of Meteor Street, and they are more familiar with things like fighting.

"I didn't expect that this kind of unfortunate thing would happen to me just after returning to Star Street."

"It's actually going to fight with regular troops."

A man with a sniper rifle complained.

"Okay, don't complain anymore." The burly man raised his palms to signal him to shut up, and then pointed to both sides, "Go to the arranged positions and ambush, and follow the old rules."


A group of people in the room secretly left the room, leaving only five soldiers, including the burly man.

"Boss, are those thugs and thugs really okay?"

The masked man in black scarf asked with his back against the wall inside the window.

"Whether it works or not, the other party has already started."

"Fortunately, the combat missions have already been assigned, so let's see what the mysterious troop does next."

The burly man replied in a deep voice, he was not optimistic about this battle at all, mercenaries, gangsters, and gangsters. In this era, even a tenfold difference in strength cannot make up for the gap in weaponry and military technology.

This burly man is exactly what the elder Batu called Varan. Because he was active on the battlefield as a mercenary, Batu entrusted him with the task of only fighting against the Meteor Street gang.

The battle plan was also drawn up by him and his fellow mercenaries.

"I don't know how long those gangsters and thugs can last. I hope they don't die too quickly."

The burly man thought to himself.

"Boss, someone is here!"

A man wearing a hood and a sniper rifle in his hand, lying on the ground, looked out from the crack of the door, and happened to see a man dressed in black walking out of the street.

"Is it the enemy?"

the burly man asked.

"I didn't wear a combat uniform, just a black suit with a black trench coat over it."

Through the crack of the door, the sniper looked at the person's clothing, walking posture, and expression.

I saw that man strutting down the street with a reckless smile on his mouth. With that kind of temperament, he almost wrote the words "I'm not a good person" on his face.

"It's hard to judge, this guy, maybe we are from Meteor Street."

The sniper looked at the reckless and murderous smile on Grid's face, and was a little unpredictable for a while. Maybe he was a bad guy, maybe he was from Meteor Street.

There are no such people in the regular army, and they don't wear combat uniforms.

"Then leave him alone and don't reveal his position."

Because the sniper was not sure of the identity of the person who came, the burly man also glanced at the window. His temperament was indeed not like a soldier, but like a desperado.


On the street, Grid stood in the middle of the street, looking around with bloodthirsty eyes, he could feel many eyes watching him.

"Hey, I'm standing here, why haven't I shot?"

"Trash fish."

Grid spread out his arms and shouted, provoking the members of the Meteor Street gang who were hiding in the dark.

"Ah~, I see, you are waiting for me to come to you, right?"

With a reckless smile on his face, Grid walked towards a room in front of him step by step.

He could feel the aura of a mind-capable person in that room. Although it was not strong, it was a mind-capable person anyway, and I hoped it could bring him a little fun.

"This guy is provocative?"

In the small room, the sniper looked at Grid, who was walking towards them, with a foolish look in his eyes.

"Maybe he's looking for a killer." The man in black hooded mask stood by the window, glanced at Grid, and said with a smile, "Just give him a shot and let him go."

"Alright." The sniper raised a smile on his face and pointed his gun at Grid through the crack of the door, "Although I don't know why there are people like you in the army, but I can also clear the door for your army. ."

At the same time as the sniper's voice fell, his finger pulled the trigger.


There was a gunshot, and the bullet came out of the chamber and shot at Grid's eyebrows.


On the street, Grid, who was walking, froze, and his head suddenly raised backwards, as if a heavy hammer had hit his head from the front.

"Hit, ten."

In the small room, the sniper was scoring his marksmanship, looking at Grid, who had stopped on the street, with his head thrown back, with a smug smile.

"Not right."

The burly man frowned. The sniper rifle of his companion was not large in caliber, but if a person was shot in the head by such a sniper rifle, he would have to open at least a hole to prevent his head from being blown open.

But that person is...


On the street, Grid, who was raising his head, suddenly burst into a smile, and his head that was thrown back by the sniper shot slowly raised his head to look at the house in front of him.

"Ding dong~"

The bullet that had hit the forehead into a cylindrical shape fell to the ground, bounced gently, and made a "ding-dong" sound.

I saw that the skin between Grid's eyebrows was black, and he had activated the strongest shield before he was shot.


In the small room, everyone's expressions changed, showing expressions of disbelief.

"It actually blocked the sniping, that guy..." The burly man's eyes suddenly became solemn, "Be careful, most of the other party is a psychic, and he is also an enhanced senior psychic."

"Our weapons are not lethal enough to hurt him, so let's go first."

The burly man stood up at the same time as he spoke. There are people in the army who have the ability to think, which means that there may be more than one.

He originally planned to try it out first, but now it seems that he should withdraw first, and then decide whether to take action depending on the situation. He doesn't want to risk his life for the elders.

"Zagyu, since you've started, then stay and play with me."

On the street, Grid's ten fingertips popped out ten sharp fingernails, which were as sharp as blades, and the strongest shield covered his body.


Grid turned into a black streamer and charged straight towards the front hut.

"Bang bang bang..."

The moment he set off, bullets shot at Grid, and a few of them were lucky enough to hit him, producing a slight touch. These bullets could not cause him any damage at all.


In the small house, as soon as the burly man turned around, the wall burst open as if it had been blasted, and a large amount of gravel splattered in all directions, and the house was instantly enveloped in a cloud of dust and smoke.

"Cough...what's the situation!?"

The five people in the room were startled by the sudden explosion, a lot of dust got into their noses and mouths, and their throats coughed.

"Pfft! Pfft! Pfft! Pfft!"


In the smoke, a shadow could vaguely be seen waving his arm rapidly, and four consecutive sounds of flesh and blood and a violent collision sounded.


The burly man leaned his back against the wall, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. In the smoke just now, he barely blocked his foot, but was seriously injured in an instant.

"Hey, are the telepaths of Meteor Street only capable of this?"

In the smoke, there was an unruly voice, and Grid slowly walked out of the dust and came to the burly man.


He stretched out his hand and squeezed the burly man's throat and slowly lifted it to the wall. The burly man's arms fell weakly to his sides, and Grid had just kicked his hands and fractured them.


The burly man was pinched by Grid's throat, his eyes were wide open, and his feet struggled hard, trying to break free and resume breathing.

"Forget it, I didn't have any hope."

Grid looked at his embarrassed appearance, and felt bored in his heart. He squeezed the burly man's neck with a "click" and threw him in the corner of the room.


Just as Grid was about to leave here, the door on the left side of the house was suddenly pushed open with a bang, and a man in a camouflage field uniform appeared at the door.

The first thing he saw was Grid, and when he turned his eyes, he found a burly man lying in the corner, his eyes were wide open, his mouth was wide open, and his neck was deformed.

Obviously the dead can't die anymore.


The man roared loudly, raised the submachine gun in his hand, aimed at Grid and pulled the trigger.

"Puff puff…"

Bullets were shot at Grid's body. In addition to shooting holes in his clothes, Grid even walked towards the man step by step despite the shooting.


Seeing that the bullet was useless, the man took off a grenade and threw it out, closed the door with a bang, turned around and flew.


With a loud bang, raging flames spewed out, the closed door was torn apart in the explosion, and a wave of aftermath wrapped in a heat wave swept through the scalp.

After a while, the explosion ended, and the man got up from the ground and was about to go back to take a look when suddenly there was a buzzing sound above his head.

Looking up, a drone was above his head.


A blood hole appeared on his forehead, the man fell slowly, and the drone raised its height and flew to an area.


In the house, Grid lifted the broken walls that were pressing on him, and his clothes were blown to pieces. Fortunately, his whole body was covered with the strongest shield, so he wouldn't run naked.

"Sir Grid, this area has been cleared by our side."

Grid, who was completely dark, walked out of the ruins of the house, and a soldier in the defense immediately ran to him to report.

"Hey, so fast."

Hearing this, Grid spit out a mouthful of saliva. He only killed a few people, and the other party was all dead.

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