MTL - Hunter × Hunter: The Seven Deadly Sins-Chapter 507 10 minutes x Meteor Street

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Meteor Street, west.

"Tug Tutu..."



The continuous sound of gunfire and explosions echoed over Meteor Street, mixed with screams.

At this time, the Meteor Street residential area has become a battlefield, and the residents have been moved to a safe place, and both sides can open fire at will.

"Ding ding ding dong..."

In the battlefield, a black power armor was walking in the hail of bullets, and the dense bullets shot on the armor, rubbing sparks, and then fell to the ground.

This black power armor is exactly Amed who used his ability to manifest the power armor.


On the roof on the right side of the street, a gang member who was in ambush and shot on the roof lowered his head, held a gun in his right hand, and took out a grenade in his left hand.


The grenade was at Amed's feet, and there was a loud "bang", and shrapnel and stone soil splattered in all directions, causing the sky to be filled with dust.


Before the dust dissipated, a missile with a tail flame struck and hit Amed in the dust head-on.


In an instant, raging flames burst out, burning the gates on both sides of the street to black, the shock wave spread everywhere, and the doors and windows creaked.

"Whistle! Whistle!"

Two laser beams disappeared in a flash, and the gang members who were ambushed on the roof and the gang members who were carrying RPGs in an alley died one after another.


In the street full of ruins, a strange humming sound rang out, and I saw a long huge gun barrel sticking out flames, which was the Vulcan Cannon.

With a move in Emmed's heart, the electric motor started to run, the six gun barrels spun rapidly, and violent sparks burst out from the muzzle.

"Beep beep beep..."

In an instant, a violent storm of bullets swept through the streets, with a rate of fire of 6,000 rounds per minute. Within one second, the government fired at 45° on the horizontal plane. Every 200 meters at a distance of 3.14 meters, one bullet hit.

And these gang members who were ambushed in street houses and alleys were only tens of meters away from Amed.

"Puff puff puff..."

The energy bullets composed of psychic energy shot through the bunkers on the street and the houses on both sides in an instant. Dozens or hundreds of people were torn apart by a psychic bullet before they could even scream, and their internal organs burst. Flesh was flying, blood spilled on the ground and walls.


In the streets and alleys, the surviving gang members screamed on the spot, looking at the black figure slowly walking out of the flames with the Vulcan cannon, their eyes were full of fear, and their hearts were terrified.

"Run away~!"

"Monster~monster~ This kind of monster is simply not something we can deal with!"

"No, I don't want to fight this kind of thing!"

The instant mass casualties made the gang members no longer have the thought of resisting in their hearts.

It's a pity, after all, it's just gangsters and thugs, such an escape method...


A beam of white lasers with the thickness of an arm flashed into the sky and shot into the fleeing crowd.


The gang members who had just run more than ten meters only felt a dazzling white light burst out in front of them, followed by a wave of air that lifted them up and flew out like a ball.

More than a dozen gang members flew out, closing their eyes forever in midair.




The center of Meteor Street, the House of Elders.

At this time, there were already bunkers outside the House of Elders. Thousands of gang members armed with firearms and heavy weapons were ambushing behind the houses and bunkers, waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

"It's so intense outside."

"After all, it is a regular army. Although we have a lot of people, our equipment and quality are not comparable to each other."

"They only have so many people, can they really fight?"

"do not know."

The gang members who were guarding the House of Elders were still chatting at this time, and they had no idea how **** and cruel the outside world was at the moment when their communication was interrupted and the power was cut off.

And how desperate their companions are.


Suddenly, the sound of the helicopter's rotor turning rapidly came into my ears.

The gang members surrounding the House of Elders raised their heads when they heard the sound, and saw three helicopters slowly taking off from the roof of the House of Elders.

"The elders are running?"

"As for what? It didn't hit here again."

"Hey, could it be that the situation is so bad that the elders have to run away?"

The helicopter taking off from the roof of the House of Elders made the guarding gang members feel uneasy.

"Not necessarily, maybe just to be on the safe side."

"After all, the elders have noble status, and they don't want to put themselves in danger."

But soon, someone came out to comfort everyone, hoping to soothe the uneasy emotions.


However, just as the three helicopters were taking off, a piercing howling sounded suddenly.


Suddenly, with a deafening explosion, a helicopter that had just taken off volleyed into a flame and burst into pieces, scattering in all directions.

"Whistle! Whistle!"

The next moment, two more piercing sounds rang out, and the other two helicopters turned into flame fragments in the air in the same way, and flew out in all directions, scattered on the ground and the roof.

"All the elders..."

A gang member stood up and looked up at the fireworks that exploded in the sky, stunned.


A Night Crow aircraft came to the sky above the House of Elders, and the hatch at the bottom opened with a "click". Under the surprised eyes of the gang members, one after another burly figures jumped down from it.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

With a loud noise, twenty-four Albert-EII exoskeleton armors smashed the roof and fell into the interior of the House of Elders.

"The House of Elders has been invaded!"

"Come in and save the elder!"

The gang members immediately realized that their nest was invaded by the enemy, and rushed to the gate of the House of Elders with guns in their hands.

But before they could rush to the door, the sound of "squeak" suddenly sounded in their ears. Before they could react, there was a loud "boom" and the explosive flames wrapped and destroyed them.

The shock wave generated by the explosion directly shattered the surrounding doors and windows, and the glass fragments were scattered all over the place.

In mid-air, the two gathering cannons at the front of the Night Crow's aircraft were slowly put away. The two gathering cannons just now directly wiped out most of the armed members outside the House of Elders. Only a small group of gang members threw down on the ground in fear. die.

"It's worth it..."

A young boy who was only fourteen or fifteen years old fell to the ground, trembling with fear, and fighting uncontrollably between the upper and lower rows of teeth.

"Gulu... What kind of monster did we provoke?"

Beside him, a gang member who also pretended to be dead swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his face full of horror.

At this time, in the Elder Council, Elder Batu was sitting alone at the top of the Council. The golden sunlight poured in from the broken window and shone on his wrinkled old face.

I saw that his eyes were closed, his face was expressionless, his lips were shaking slightly, and he didn't know what he was talking about.

The dozens of elders who were originally in the chamber had long since dispersed. When they heard the artillery fire, they climbed to the window of the chamber and watched the battle between Meteor Street and the mysterious troops with binoculars.

But what caught their eyes was a one-sided massacre.

In an instant, dozens of elders all panicked and fled the House in a panic, each using their own means to escape from Meteor Street. Helicopter, drove hard, disguised as ordinary residents of Meteor Street and absconded.

In short, use all means to escape from this place that has been destined to be occupied.

They still have a lot of property outside, but they don't want to be caught here.

Only Elder Batu stayed in the chamber, because what the other party said on the phone at the time was that they would take over the place and make them surrender immediately, instead of killing them.

Since they are taking over here, they must be familiar with the managers of Meteor Street.

In this case, who else is a more suitable manager than him, the leader of the Meteor Street Presbyterian Council?

This sudden force is so powerful that if it really belongs to their subordinates, there may be unexpected benefits.


Suddenly, the door of the house was kicked open.

Elder Batu opened his eyes and looked at the gate. He saw two armored soldiers with Gauss rifles slowly stepping into the chamber, and then standing inside the gates on the left and right.


"It hurts, it hurts so much..."

"My leg, my leg is broken..."

Immediately after entering the chamber, there were elders in white robes, bulletproof vests, or tattered clothes disguised as ordinary civilians.

They were escorted by the Alpha Squad soldiers and gathered in the House.

"The House of Elders has been occupied, and the target has been completely controlled."

An indifferent electronic voice sounded in Elder Batu's ear, and when he turned his head, an Alpha soldier wearing exoskeleton armor and holding a single-molecule dense blade was standing beside him. A pair of electronic eyes glowing with cold light on his helmet were condescending. looked down at him.

"You... who are you?"

Elder Batu looked at him, his dry lips slightly opened, and he asked in a deep voice.


The answer to him was a long sword exuding a white glow. The long sword was placed on his shoulder. Elder Batu could even feel a burning sensation from the blade.

"Get up, go downstairs to gather."

The Alpha soldier put the single-molecule dense blade on his shoulder, his voice indifferent.


Elder Batu had a bitter look on his face, and he stood up calmly. Under the **** of the Alpha soldiers, he gathered with the elders in the lobby below. He glanced around, and everyone had a bitter look on their faces.

Many people still had bloodstains on their bodies. Either a blood hole was punched out of their hands or a blood hole was punched out of their feet.

"Elder Batu..."

An elder wearing a priest's sacrificial uniform looked at him bitterly, with fine beads of sweat constantly emerging from his forehead.


Elder Batu looked at his abdomen, and saw that the clothes there were charred and dark red. It was obvious that he had been hit in the abdomen, and he was now struggling to endure the injury.

Batu didn't say anything, he stretched out his hand and pressed his shoulder, letting him lie down and rest.

Looking up and looking around, twenty-four exoskeleton armored soldiers were guarding in all directions, not giving any chance to escape.

A group of old men and women sat on the ground in such a state of embarrassment, quietly waiting for their end.

After waiting quietly, after about ten minutes, there was finally movement outside the chamber.

"Da da da…"

A dense footstep sounded from outside the door, and a large number of people were walking towards the House.


The moment the footsteps reached the door, a black shadow was thrown in from outside the door and smashed **** the elders.


"Ouch, what kind of dog x's lost things, it hurts me to death."

"It's a person!"

The elders who were smashed were stunned, but they soon found out that it was a man, a long-haired man with wounds all over his body and blood on his clothes.

At the side, Elder Batu looked at the figure lying on the cold ground, and felt a little familiar, so he stepped forward and lifted the long hair covering his face.

"You are... Montemax!?"

The long hair was lifted to reveal his face, and Elder Batu stood up suddenly, looking surprised.



"How is that possible, he is the strongest person in Meteor Street to enhance his ability to train his thoughts!"

"How could such an injury be caused?"

The surrounding elders were also amazed. This telepathic person named Montemax was the strongest person in their Meteor Street to strengthen telepathy ability, and even RPGs couldn't hurt him at all.

But now, this senior person who has strengthened the ability of kinship, fell down in front of them with injuries all over his body, and he couldn't even say a word.


"It turns out his name is Montemax."

At this moment, a figure in a white t-shirt and a white denim jacket walked into the door, with a big back and a long strand of hair running down his cheek. It was Andres, who had not appeared for a long time.

And behind him, there were dozens of soldiers of the auxiliary defense force, escorting one after another of embarrassed figures.

"This toy is quite good. Without him, this war would have been in vain."

Andres stretched his hand to the top of his head, touched his big back and brushed his head back, walking towards the figure lying on the ground with the sound of crisp footsteps.

"Montmax, a nice toy."

Andres squatted in front of Montemax with a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Cough cough... puff!"

The long-haired man lying on the ground heard Andres' voice, opened his heavy eyelids, looked at him, opened his mouth to say something, but coughed out a large mouthful of blood.

Only the bloodshot eyes stared at him fiercely, inexorable.

It was this cruel smile, this man was wearing this extremely disgusting but extremely frightening smile, and tortured him and his companions to death one by one.

This man completely regards fighting as a game, a one-sided killing game.

The other party even disclosed their ability to think to increase the fun of the game, but they...

He clearly knew the other party's ability to think, but he had no choice but to watch his companions struggle one by one until they died.

"Hum hum hum..." Seeing his embarrassed appearance, Andres couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth and sneered, "Look at you, look at your incompetent eyes, your companion died so miserably, you Must be very angry, right?"

"Come on, kill me."

Andres spread his arms in front of him, the corners of his mouth cracked.

Montemax suddenly opened his eyes wide, his body trembling and he wanted to do something, but his injuries were so serious that he could only sway weakly on the ground like a fish out of the water.

"Can't you do it?" Andres saw that he didn't even have the strength to move, his face turned cold, and he got up and turned his back to him, "Since you are already a waste, then there is no value in existence. "


Just as Andres took a step, Montemax's **** hands grabbed the cuffs of his white trousers.


With a loud bang, Montemax, who was lying on the ground, shot back violently, knocking off the elders, and a loud bang hit the wall of the lobby with a loud bang.

Looking back at Andres, he saw that his right leg was raised high and his expression was cold.

"A mere toy has soiled my designer pants."

While speaking, Andres slowly put down his right leg, looked at the elders in front of him, and saw that they were all stained with blood and stains, showing dissatisfaction.

But when he saw Elder Batu, the corners of his mouth twitched and he walked towards him.

"Da da…"

Elder Batu looked at Andres who was walking towards him step by step, feeling uneasy in his heart, but his face was calm.


Under the surprised and angry eyes of the elders, Andres stretched out his left leg stained with **** handprints and slowly wiped it on Elder Batu's white robe.

After a while, Andres retracted his left leg, walked towards the seat of the Council of Elders, and finally sat down in the top seat.

That was the original position of Elder Batu.

"Everyone obeys the order, the boss will come soon, and bring all the residents of Meteor Street to the central square of the inner street of Meteor Street."

As soon as Andres sat down, Amide's voice sounded in the communication, informing everyone that the boss was coming to Meteor Street, and asked all the soldiers to **** the residents of Meteor Street to the central square.

This sentence means the end of the action and the completion of the task.

From the start of the battle to the end, it only took ten minutes.

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