MTL - Hunter × Hunter: The Seven Deadly Sins-Chapter 508 set off again x making waves

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Meteor Street, Central Square.

Under the scorching sun, hundreds of men and women in different clothes gathered in the square. All of these people were managers of various gangs in Meteor Street. According to the class division of Meteor Street, they were all high-level members of Meteor Street.

Around the square, hundreds of soldiers of the auxiliary defense force guarded them.

Although the number of gangsters in the square is the same as the number of soldiers, they have no idea of ​​resistance. After all, they have already tried the power of this unit.

"Gather us on the square, what are you going to do?"

"Looking at their appearance, they seem to be waiting for someone."

"It's been half an hour, what kind of big man is coming?"

Hundreds of people in the square have been standing under the scorching sun for half an hour. From the beginning, it was quiet and silent, and now there is a lot of discussion. When they found that the soldiers were ignoring them, they spoke louder and louder.

The elders standing at the front of the crowd gradually quieted down and thought to themselves.

After the fear at the start of the war, the anxiety when they were caught, and the calmness now, they are guessing the purpose of this mysterious force.

There is a high platform on the square, which is usually used for activities for the residents of Meteor Street. Now there are three solid wood chairs on it. From left to right sit Andres, Grid, and Amed.

Grid sat in a chair boredly, overlooking the hundreds of high-rise Meteor Street people present.

"Imed, didn't you say that the boss will be here soon?" Andres sat on the chair and looked at Amed, who was sitting on the chair with his arms folded, "It's been half an hour."


Two words came out of Amed's throat.


As soon as the voice fell, a shadow shrouded the square. Everyone present looked up at the sky above. A Night Crow aircraft was slowly descending into the open space of the square.


When the Night Crow aircraft landed, gusts of strong wind blew up the dust on the square, and everyone raised their hands to cover their faces.


The hatch opened, first ten soldiers of the auxiliary defense force stepped out, then the soldiers of the Albert team, and finally Ilumi walked out of the aircraft with Riley and Kain.

Under the gaze of hundreds of people, Ilumi came to the high platform in the square and overlooked them.

Riley walked to the three of Grid, while Cain stood under the high platform, looking calmly at the high-rises of Meteor Street on the square.

"Cain..." Elder Batu noticed Cain under the high platform, his expression changed, and then he figured out something and sighed, "So it is, the Barahona Dynasty has been exposed."

"No wonder someone suddenly knocked on the door." Elder Batu looked up at the young face on the high platform with a solemn expression, "Is this person the commander of this unit?"

"But the voice on the phone is not so young, it should be a middle-aged man."

On the high platform, a large number of black silk threads suddenly shot out from under Yilu Mi's feet and condensed into a black chair. He sat down slowly, resting his right elbow on the armrest, clenched his five fingers to support his chin, and looked at the Meteor Street below with a smile on his face. Seniors.

"Who is Elder Batu?"

Yilu Mi opened her mouth, and her voice was not loud, but it could clearly reach the ears of everyone in the square.

"The old man is Batu."

Elder Batu stepped out of the line with a calm expression, looking up at Ilumi.


As soon as the voice fell, a black spike rose from the ground, pierced through Elder Batu's crotch, and then emerged from the top of his head.


The nearest elders opened their lips and looked up at Ilumi, their faces full of shock and fear.

"Well, the top leader of Meteor Street is dead." Yilu Mi glanced at the hundreds of high-level Meteor Street executives present with a smile, and the corners of his mouth raised, "From today, Meteor Street is under the jurisdiction of the **** Foundation, and hundreds of Meteor Street All the wealth accumulated over the years will be turned over to the foundation.”

"As for the new leader." Yilu Mi tilted his head and looked at the left side below the high platform, "Cain, give you a chance to show your worth."

"Yes, boss." Kain bowed slightly to Ilumi, "I will develop Meteor Street into a city that you are satisfied with."

"Very good." Ilumi grinned and looked at the high-level officials of Meteor Street in the square, "You have seen that now your leader is Kain, I believe you are no strangers to him."

"Next, your life and death will be left to him to decide."

After Yilu finished the riddle, he got up and left, and the black seat dissipated. Grid and Riley followed in the footsteps of Ilumi, walked to a stretched car, bent over to enter it, and drove towards the villa area on Meteor Street.

Ten minutes later, the extended car stopped in front of the gate of a villa manor, the iron gate slowly opened, the car drove into the manor and stopped in front of the villa's main entrance.

"Oh, this villa is bigger than the one that beat the enemy Hakka."

Yilu Mi got out of the car, looked up at the huge villa in front of him that was comparable to a castle, and complained.

The main entrance of the villa is a very heavy copper door. Two housekeepers in tuxedos have been waiting for a long time. When Ilumi got out of the car, he turned around and pushed the door open.

Ilumi and the four of them stepped into it. After entering the door, two rows of hot and beautiful maids stood on both sides of the lobby, with sweet smiles on their faces, and greeted Ilumi Five who stepped into the villa. Man bows.

"Tsk, it's obviously a slum-like place, yet there are still people living like a king."

Grid scorned.

"The more such a place is, the easier it is to oppress others and not be overthrown."

Amed said solemnly.

"Emed, recently, you should stay in Meteor Street."

Illumi ignored the maids, sat down on a sofa, and looked at Amed.


Amed nodded. The current situation of Meteor Street is similar to the situation when the Aztecs just ended the civil war, except that Meteor Street did not have the power to resist them, and Ilumi kept Amed for two purposes.

First, while stabilizing the situation in Meteor Street, destroy all the old forces in Meteor Street.

Second, block Meteor Street, block the powerful secrets about the Barahona Dynasty, and find out and clear out those who know the information.

"Sir, afternoon tea and snacks are ready."

At this moment, a young butler came over, followed by a number of maids pushing a dining car. The dining car was full of desserts and famous teas.

Afternoon tea is a daily necessity in this castle, and the elders who sit in this castle drink afternoon tea every day.

"let it go."

Illumi waved his hand casually, motioning him to put all the desserts on the coffee table in front of him.

The beautiful maids took the dessert plates and placed them on the coffee table. As soon as they were placed, Riley reached out and picked up two and ate them one bite at a time.

Amed and Andres were also welcome, and they all picked up the desserts to taste.

Only Grid leaned on the sofa with a disdainful face, holding the back of his head with both hands, he didn't need to eat.

"When are we leaving again?"

Riley finished eating the dessert in her hand in two or three times, picked up a cup of hot tea, took a sip, looked at Ilumi again, and asked.

"Take a rest tonight and leave tomorrow morning."

Yilu Mi replied casually, picked up a snack in front of him, opened his mouth and took a bite.

In the inner street of Meteor Street, many residents of Meteor Street ran back to their homes after the battle, only to see their homes in ruins.

The soldiers of the auxiliary defense force mobilized the residents of Meteor Street and asked them to clean up all the corpses in the ruins, and then use trucks one by one to take them out of Meteor Street like garbage and burn them.

While Ilumi and others were enjoying afternoon tea, in the desert in the distance, the United States Army of Eddie continued to send more troops, as if they would enter the secret realm even if they had friction with the Aztec army and the auxiliary defense force.

At the same time as the additional troops were dispatched, a scientific expedition team set off from the capital of the United States of America and rushed to the border in a transport helicopter.

After Kim Bradley learned about it, he also dispatched additional troops, as if we dared to fight if you dared to move.

The hundreds of co-defense soldiers stationed at the entrance were also in high spirits. Once a battle broke out, they would quickly suppress the Aidimei team and control it.

Eddie, the US Secretary of Defense, called Kim Bradley's office directly and asked him to lift the blockade on the secret realm according to the content of the [sharing agreement] and let their scientific expedition team go in and explore.

"Eddie's American expedition team?" In the villa, Ilumi learned about Kim Bradley's report, pondered for a moment, and said, "Let's do it."

"Let our people take out all the ancient machines in the secret realm tonight, and clean up the clues about the Barahona Dynasty."

"Leave some monster corpses and ruins for them. After cleaning up, let their scientific research team enter the secret realm."

After Yilu Riddle finished talking, the two hung up the communication. Yilu Mi got up from the sofa, stepped out of the castle, came to the atrium, sat down on the garden lawn, closed his eyes, meditated, and began to practice.

The next day, twelve o'clock noon.

After learning that the ancient machines in the secret realm of the three power armored teams of Albert and Alpha were all in the air, Illumi and Riley took the Night Raven aircraft and headed to Silkes Island in the north, which is one of the marked points.




Silkes Island, 18:50.


A Night Crow hovered over a coastal cliff in the southwest of Silkes Island. The hatch at the bottom opened, and Illumi and Riley jumped out of the hatch and fell into the forest.

After Yilu Mi and the two landed safely, the Yeya aircraft slowly took off and went to find a safe place to hide the aircraft.


Illumi turned around and walked to the edge of the cliff, looked down at the waves that kept hitting the rocks below the cliff, raised his wrist and looked at the time, it was dinner time.

"Let's go to the Zuohuan City in Silkes first." Ilu Mi turned around and walked along the coast towards the east, "First go there for dinner, and then go to the secret realm tomorrow."

Regarding this secret realm, someone has actually discovered it long ago, and there is even relevant information and exploration tasks in the explorer organization.

Therefore, Illumi doesn't need to find it on its own.


When Riley heard the words, her expression suddenly became excited. She put her hands behind her back, and followed Ilumi to Zuohuan City.

Silkes Island is a ring-shaped island, divided into an outer ring island and a central island. There are two coastal cities on the island, Zuohuan City and Youhuan City, separated by a strait only 3 kilometers wide.

Both cities are tourist cities. After all, as the only annular island in the human world, there is a huge inland sea around the island, and Silkes Island is a tourist attraction.

Ilumi and the two walked along the coast, and in about twenty minutes, they saw the city's hub in the distance.

A semi-circular city located on the coast, glistening in the night, the buildings in the city are very low, there are no tall buildings like the metropolis, and the coast is full of yachts and cruise ships.

With their eyesight, they can even see tourists shopping on the streets of the city, with happy smiles on their faces, enjoying their leisurely vacation to the fullest.

This is a vibrant city.

On the other side of the strait, there is also a splendid city that gleams in the night and is full of vitality.

This is the left ring city and the right ring city, the tourist cities known as "the gems of twin stars dotted on the ocean".

"Welcome to Gemini Hotel."

On the coast of Zuohuan City, Yilu Mi and Riley entered the most luxurious hotel in the city, and came to the restaurant on the second floor with the welcome sound of the hotel's welcome.

"You two, this way please."

Illumi and Riley were led by the waiter to the open-air restaurant on the second floor and took a seat at the edge.

There was a tablet with a stand on the table, the waiter opened the tablet, opened the menu, handed it to Riley, and asked her to order.

"Silks gem fish, I want it. Gemini Golden Crab, this one is also good. Gemini Royal Artillery Pig, this one too. And..."

With the warm smile of the waiter, Riley ordered more than a dozen dishes in one go, no matter how expensive they were, all of them were local specialties.

Illumi was sitting on a chair, blowing the cool, wet and salty sea breeze, thinking about the next action in his mind.

After a long time, the two of them finished dinner and booked a room in the hotel. Ilumi went shopping with Riley.

"Boss, here's a Gemini Rainbow Package."

In a stall by the coast, Ilumi and Riley sat down one after another. Riley quickly read the menu and ordered the most expensive set.

"Okay~! Little girl, big brother will make it for you right away!"

The owner of the shop is a forty-year-old middle-aged uncle with short hair and squinting eyes. Hearing Riley's order of the rainbow set meal, his smiling eyes suddenly became a seam.

"Can you still eat?"

Ilumi looked at Riley helplessly, sizing up her slender figure. She ate a dozen dishes in the hotel just now, but her stomach didn't feel propped up at all.

"I'm an experienced mind-reader, it's trivial to eat this little."

Riley looked at Illumi with a smile, grabbed a few snacks from the stall and ate them, and picked up a few snacks in the other hand and handed them to Illumi.

Yilu Mi shook her head, took the snack she handed over, and enjoyed it comfortably.

"Hey, boss!"

"Bring us a hundred skewers of silk-style squid."

At this moment, two thin men opened the curtain and walked in, sitting beside Ilumi. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

One has a bald head and the other has an inch head. Both of them are wearing the same tight black clothes, showing their sturdy bodies.

"Wait a minute, two guests."

The uncle turned around to say hello, gave his work to another young man in the shop, and went to make snacks for the two new customers.

"There are more and more people."

The bald man who sat down glanced at Illumi and Riley, who was masturbating, and turned back to communicate.

"Many people have taken up the task." Another bald man nodded, "Most of the people who came are D-level, only a few C-level, and B-level has not been seen yet."

"I'm not afraid of death, just D-level."

"However, as a pathfinder, D-class is just right."

"Anyway, they're all cannon fodder."

"However, there was news from Red Dragon just now that there was a B-level team coming."

"real or fake."

The two communicated as if no one else was around, and Ilumi listened attentively, and a hint of interest arose in his heart.

"How long has the Explorers Organization been made public?"

"Now you can hear their voices wherever you go. The words mystery and unknown are really the best propaganda."

Yilu Mi sighed in his heart that it has only been nearly eight months since the Explorers Organization was made public. Although it is far less well-known than the Hunter Association, there have been waves of exploration of the unknown on the Internet.

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