MTL - I am a Chef in the Modern Era-Chapter 16 Kanto cooking

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Lin Yiyi poured a glass of water on Lao Yangtou, and the old Yangtou took it before he slowly came.

The house that Yang Jianguo and Yang Xiao said in the mouth is the house where Lao Yangtou lives now.

The house was bought by the old Yangtou and his wife. Yang Jianguo did not live in the city before he bought the house. The wife of Laoyangtou died early. Only the old Yangtou was left alone. The house carries all the memories of the old Yangtou and his wife. Everything in the house is a little old. In the eyes of others, this is an old house with little value. For the old Yangtou, this is the only thing that can make him I miss the place of my wife.

When Yang Jianguo’s family told him to live in the city for two days, he was very happy. After all, they moved to the city for so long. This has never been said. When they go, the daughter-in-law is also the tea that smiles all day. The pouring water seemed intimate, and the old Yangtou thought that it was finally possible to live together and chat together. As a result, the next day at the dinner table, the daughter-in-law gave Yang Jianguo several colors, and Yang Jianguo spoke about selling the house. .

Lao Yangtou’s own son knows clearly that he has been obedient since he was a child, but only a little bad, that is, weakness is not obvious. The old lady of Yang’s head is strong from entering the door. Yang Jianguo basically listens to her, Lao Yangtou wants The younger couple who lived the same who listened to them, never said a word, he always felt that his wife was strong and strong, and the heart was always good, so although he always provoked him, the old Yangtou never I said that her is not good. Later, when her daughter-in-law said that she didn't want to live at home to buy a house in the city, although Yang Yangtou could not bear to go, they still took all their savings and gave them money. The down payment, the things that went to live in the city, although they did not mention one sentence, but the old Yangtou himself did not think about it, the reason is because this house, the old Yangtou reluctant, reluctant to leave the house, leaving here is like taking his wife The same thing that a person abandoned here is to make the old Yang head uncomfortable.

Yang Jianguo said that his daughter-in-law looked at a store in the city and wanted to set aside a beauty salon. The old Yangtou’s daughter-in-law had studied beauty for a few years, but she had been staying at home since she got married. Going out to work, Yang Xiao was born, and my daughter-in-law did not want to go out to work to see the faces of others. I thought about opening my own shop as a boss, just learning beauty, and listening to people saying that the beauty salon recently made money, so I put my mind on this, but she doesn't go to work. The family's living expenses depend on Yang Jianguo alone. Although life doesn't have to worry, if you open a beauty salon, you can't count on it. If you don't know how, you think of it. This house of old Yangtou, then let Yang Jianguo come to talk to Lao Yangtou.

Lao Yangtou naturally disagrees, and does not say that this house is of great significance to him. He said that the idea of ​​opening a beauty salon is not supported by Lao Yangtou. It is not that he does not see his wife. It’s just that his daughter-in-law has been at home for so many years, and has never done anything. Even if the water is so deep, I don’t know how to open a shop as a boss. Lao Yangtou feels that it is not feasible.

After the euphemistic refusal at the dinner table, Lao Yangtou discovered that his daughter-in-law’s face was ugly, and then after a full-day look, the third day at noon finally fell to the bowl with the old Yangtou at the time of eating.

Yang Jianguo whispered a few words and was stunned. The old Yangtou’s face was ugly and came back from the city. Even the rice didn’t even have to eat.

Originally thought that he was back, this matter is over, who knows that Yang Jianguo will actually find a home, this time also brought a Yang Xiao.

"This house, I originally wanted to leave it to them, but what I thought was that after I died, now I am still alive, I can't let them sell this house. This is my and my mother. I worked hard to buy it, and it was all the memories of our life. How can I sell it and sell it?" Lao Yangtou said that he thought of the past, his eyes were a bit red, Lin Biao I immediately handed over a piece of paper, and the old Yangtou took it in the palm of his hand and said, "My son is a soft-skinned child. But what about this house that sells and sells?"

Shen Fu stood on the side and did not speak. This matter did not have room for them to talk. Moreover, even if they had to make remarks, it was mainly the meaning of Lao Yangtou.

Lin Yiyi obviously understood this truth, so he just reached out and patted the back of the old Yang head, and did not say anything.

When Lao Yangtou finished talking about what he wanted to say, he finally felt better in his heart. These things are always in my heart. It’s easy to say it now. Anyway, he is determined not to sell the house. No matter what they say.

"Well, don't say these unhappy things, I have said this, I want to come to Jianguo and Xiao Xiao will not come."

Lao Yangtou said with ease, but everyone can see that it is hard for his son to ask him to live in the house. The old Yangtou is actually very hurt. He doesn’t care about money. The house, he really does not want to sell.

Lin Biao’s opinion, Lao Yangtou’s words were all finished, and he only blessed the newly bought Oden to Lao Yangtou.

"Grandpa, we bought it outside, you taste it."

Shen Fu also smiled. "Yeah, he put more chili. When he eats, the hot face is red. Grandpa, you see, it is still red."

Lin Yuyi's rare cooperation with Shen Fu raised his face and called Lao Yangtou.

Lao Yangtou knew that the two of them were trying to tease him and barely hooked his lips. "Put the store and clean it up. Today, a few guests have been scared away by us." Although it is a ridiculous look, it is said to be big. truth.

Shen Fu and Lin Yiyi helped to clean and disinfect the chopsticks chopsticks that Yang Xiao knocked down. The water that was overturned on the table was also wiped clean, and the ground was dragged again before opening the door to open.

The words are divided into two, and Yang Jianguo and Yang Xiao, who were rejected by his father here.

In fact, for his wife's idea, Yang Jianguo originally disagreed. His mother died early, and the house has a meaning for Lao Yangtou. Yang Jianguo is naturally clear, so this idea he did not agree at first.

It’s just that he is too timid and weak, so timid enough to know that this idea is not right, or he dare not say anything to his wife. He has never had any status at home. Zhao Xuemei said that he dare not say two, one of them is him. Afraid of his rebuttal, Zhao Xuemei will be more angry, crying, screaming, and screaming. The second is that he is afraid to pass it out. Zhao Xuemei’s voice is louder at home. He has to think about whether he is doing something wrong. Anyway, there is no bone, Yang Jianguo himself. know.

I know that Zhao Xuemei has been a strong man for a lifetime. He also timidly shrinks for a lifetime. He has long been accustomed to listening to Zhao Xuemei’s command, so even if he knows that the old Yangtou will not agree, he will also swear. .

It was a matter of course to be rejected by the old Yangtou. He also secretly sighed. Who knows that Zhao Xuemei did not give up at all.

"No! You will tell him again! What is great about a broken house? Can you sell it? Is it right? Zhao Jianguo, I tell you, I have long been optimistic about the shop. The price is good with others. If you pass this village, you will not have this store. If you can't get the money, I will not finish it with you!"

Even Yang Xiao stood on his mother's side.

"Yeah, Dad, don't you have a house? What's so great, big deal, Grandpa will come and live with us, we don't care about him, why do you guard a broken house and baby?" There is also the noodle restaurant, which is so bitter and can make a few dollars..."

Yang Jianguo glared at Yang Xiao, "You shut up!"

Zhao Xuemei stood up and said, "What's wrong with Xiao Shuo? Xiao Shuo said something wrong? After so many years of restaurants, even a house can't afford it. The down payment must be patched up and borrowed from my family. More than 50,000, I still slammed the house and did not sell it. I said hello, now someone wants it. If it is two years, no one wants to sell his broken house!"

Thinking of the conversations that took place at home in the past few days, Yang Jianguo had a headache. When he went back, he might have to be pointed at by Zhao Xuemei.

Yang Xiao is still there, although he is not talking about his grandfather. "Where did the two people come out, the things in our own family are still getting their control, dare to follow me? If you are not dad, you are blocking. I don’t kill him!"

Yang Jianguo blinked. "Don't say it! Where did you learn these things?"

Yang Xiao saw Yang Jianguo swearing at him, only finally converges a bit, but still some reluctance, "I want to say that Grandpa is also true, not willing to sell the house actually called two outsiders, I am still his grandson?"

Yang Jianguo gimmicks, "Don't say, the house is different for your grandfather."

Yang Xiao has a stern neck. "Is there anything different? Isn't Grandma bought with him? But Grandma is dead, the house is not allowed to sell, not to sell grandma and will not come back..... ."

Yang Jianguo suddenly became angry. "How do you say it?"

Yang Xiao turned his head and whispered, "Is it what it is."

Yang Xiao has already been twenty-two. Yang Jianguo is busy with his work. He hasn’t managed it. He has always been taught by Zhao Xuemei, so Yang Xiao’s temperament is simply the true biography of Zhao Xuemei. Zhao Xuemei protects Yang Xiao’s protection, even if it is Yang Xiao did something wrong, let alone fight, even if there are more than two sentences, Zhao Xuemei will be confronted with him with a scorpion. Day after day, Yang Jianguo is too lazy to manage, and he has also taught Yang Xiao’s current temper.

Two people thought back home, Zhao Xuemei was cooking, and when they saw the two coming in, they asked, "How? Say it?"

Yang Jianguo shook his head. "Dad still disagrees."

Zhao Xuemei’s “嘭” gave the pot to the gas stove and strode out. The voice was pointed a few degrees. “What? Don’t agree?”

Yang Xiao then came in and said while changing the shoes. "I don't agree. My grandfather made a big fire today. He also called two outsiders and brought me back to my father."

Zhao Xuemei’s entire face was dark. As Yang Jianguo thought, he put his finger on his nose. “Yang Jianguo, this dad is really good. A broken house is like a baby. When we bought a house that year. He refused to sell it. Even if he made a down payment, he would like to open a beauty salon. Now that the house is optimistic, he still refuses to sell it. What do he keep? Don’t give Xiao Xiao what he wants to give? ”

Yang Jianguo reluctantly explained, "This is not the case. The house was bought with my mother..."

Zhao Xuemei interrupted his words with a scorpion. "What happened to buy together? It’s great to buy together. Do you want to say that this house is your father’s share without us? I tell you Yang Jianguo, I am married to your home. For many years, what did he do for us? Don't say us, even Xiao Xiao, he did not end up being a grandfather's heart! Now I am reluctant to sell the house, and then don't enter our door again!"

Then he turned his head and asked Yang Xiao, "Do you say outsiders? What outsiders?"

Yang Xiao shook his head. "I don't know, just two men. I don't know if I was a waitress in Grandpa. I still have a lot of courage. I want to follow me." It is obvious that he wants to push others, now But it is upside down to say that others want to start with him.

Zhao Xuemei’s face was cold and cold. “When he is so broken, can he still wait for the waiter? How big? Do you dare to talk to you?”

"Not big, the little one is a little smaller than me, and the grandfather’s name is very kind."

Zhao Xuemei looked at Yang Jianguo with a slanting eye. "Isn't it the wild seed where your father used to be?"

Yang Jianguo’s body shivered. “What are you talking about?”

Seeing Yang Jianguo’s face, Tie Qingmei, he snorted. “I’m talking about playing, what are you excited about? Who told him to dare to come with Xiao Xiao, Xiao Xiao, go, take the meal.” Walked back and looked back. "Yang Jianguo, anyway, I will say this first. I am not allowed to open this beauty salon. As for money, you can find a solution. If your dad is reluctant to sell a house, he will stop calling us."

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