MTL - I am a Chef in the Modern Era-Chapter 19 Rock sugar stewed pear

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Yang Xiao’s voice was not small. He suddenly shocked the old Yang head. Yang Jianguo moved. Before he reached the old Yangtou, he was stopped by Zhao Xuemei.

Zhao Xuemei stepped forward and looked at Lao Yangtou. "Dad, you see what you said, Xiao Xiao, he is big, and it is your grandson."

Zhao Xuemei took a look at Lin Yiyi. The implication is that the old Yangtou should not talk to an outsider, no matter what Yang Xiao did.

Lao Yangtou opened his mouth and was blocked by Zhao Xuemei. In fact, his original intention was that the two children were mixed with their mouths. The grandson was his grandson and he was more than Lin Biao, saying that he was also letting him However, it was said casually that I did not expect Zhao Xuemei and Yang Xiao to be so true.

"I, I don't mean that..."

Zhao Xuemei’s anger in her stomach has already turned over several times. She relied on the mind of the old Yangtou who could not offend the house. But the smile on her face could not hold back, and she looked at her eyes. Lin Yiyi looked cold and cold. "Dad is the best if it doesn't mean that."

The appearance of the previous attempt to disguise for a long time finally broke, and the old Yangtou sighed and looked up at Zhao Xuemei. "Snow Plum, you want to say something, let me listen."

He thought that he had not seen it in the past few years. This daughter-in-law had a good temper. Now it seems that Jiangshan is difficult to change his nature. He should not have any hope.

Nothing is not going to the Three Treasure Hall. Since it is not specifically to look at him, then Zhao Xuemei, they came to want to say something, the old Yangtou can also think of it, too, not for many years, and come back twice in the past two days. Now even Zhao Xuemei has come, can you explain what? It’s just that Lao Yangtou looks at Zhao Xuemei and looks at his son Yang Jianguo. He only hopes that the words will not be said from their mouths.

But Zhao Xuemei’s appearance is now even broken, and naturally she will not care what the old Yang’s heart is thinking. She will put Yang Xiao back to her back and look at the old Yangtou’s words. “It seems Dad knows why I came here." Then he curled up his mouth and put a smile on his face. He wanted to take the hand of Lao Yangtou. "Dad, look, we bought in the house in the city." After so long, I haven't picked you up to enjoy the blessing. Now Xiao Xiao is also big, you are old, why are you still opening this restaurant? Let's go to the city to enjoy the blessings, and I and Jianguo also There are Xiao Xiao who will be nice to you."

Zhao Xuemei said that these words have always been a set. If the old Yangtou first saw her, he might have believed, but he and she had lived under one roof for so long. He is the daughter-in-law. What kind of person is it, how can he not know? The reason why I have been driving this restaurant all the time, I don’t want to stop even when I am older. On the one hand, I am reluctant, on the other hand, because I don’t want to see the face of this daughter-in-law.

Seeing Zhao Xuemei’s hand extended, the old Yang’s head was withdrawn and pulled back, so that Zhao Xuemei’s hand was so stiffly stretched in front of the old Yang’s head. Zhao Xuemei’s look was a little embarrassing in a moment, and the eyes were burning and there was no Issued to.

Old Yangtou didn't have to look at her face. He just sat softly on the chair and looked at his hand. "Xuemei, if you come back for the house, I have nothing to say, this house is no matter what." How can I not sell it?"

Zhao Xuemei bit his teeth, Yang Xiao also called.

"I don't know what you are doing with this house! We are not raising you. Mom, isn't this an urgent use? Otherwise, this broken house will not be sold. Anyway, this house will always be left to us, otherwise you Who else do you want to leave?!"

Yang Jianguo kept silent during the latter half of the day. When he heard this sentence, he suddenly raised his head and slapped it on the back of Yang Xiao’s head. His face rose red. "How do you talk to your grandfather?!!"

Zhao Xuemei was ignited at once, and Yang Jianguo was pushed far away, and the voice was sharpened. "What do you do with Xiao Shao?!! What is wrong with him?"

Yang Jianguo blushes a face, and sees the outside slowly gathering to see the crowd, the head can only hang lower, not talking.

Zhao Xuemei looked at him like this. It was even more flamboyant. When he stretched his hand, he pointed at his nose. "You still get angry with Xiao Xiao. What is wrong with him?! If you didn't have a good future, I would like to pay for it because of this." Is it that you have been married for three years? I have married you for so many years. What are you? What is it? No one is better than me. Do you dare to play Xiao Xiao? You must blame yourself for not arguing. !"

Although it is said that he is in Yang Jianguo, he can do nothing, and a one-on-one, four-finger, four-finger sang is said to be old Yangtou.

When the old Yangtou was stunned, his face was a little white, and his body was a little bit swayed. Lin Biao’s eyes narrowed and he went up to support the old Yangtou. Shen Fu also squinted his eyes and stood next to the old Yangtou, opposite The three people have become hostile and have a strong escort.

Lao Yangtou just sat down and stood up again. He patted Lin Yiyi’s hand and said that he had nothing to do. He looked at Zhao Xuemei’s face and said little, “Xuemei, this house was bought by me and Jianguo’s mother.” My mother died early. This house is my last thought. Xiao Sha is right. This house is yours sooner or later. When I am dead, you are willing to sell and sell, but now I want to keep it. ......"

Lao Yangtou’s words are low and heavy, and the appearance is to move the true feelings, but Zhao Xuemei did not listen to a few words.

"At that time, I still want to use this broken house. Dad, you are also an old stubborn. You know this place too. It is said that the suburbs are all lifted and the house is broken. I just found someone personally. Say that I want this house, the price is good, although I am anxious, but there is not much money, I get the money to open the beauty salon, earn money, everyone can live a good life is not it? Otherwise By relying on your shackled and dead-hearted son, you can only guard the poor drinking of this house in this life!"

Zhao Xuemei is moving with reason and reason, saying that it is like selling a house with a good heart. The old Yangtou is slightly ups and downs by her mad chest, and finally she sighs. "Even if this house breaks again! Say no to sell is not to sell!" It is already moving.

Zhao Xuemei did not fight at the same time. She was afraid that she would not be able to get off the house. Now that the old Yangtou has said this, she will not be polite. Anyway, if Yang Yangtou does not sell this house, She did not intend to let Yang Xiao recognize him as this grandfather!

"Dad, if you say that, I can say the ugly words in front. This beauty salon is a profitable business. I can't open it. You can't sell this house. You never took Xiao Xiao as you. Grandson, you will never enter our door again from now on, Xiao Xiao will not call you grandfather again, Xiao Xiao, let's go!"

Even if you are saved, it will become you directly.

Old Yang’s lips shivered and his face was white, and Yang Jianguo also looked at Zhao Xuemei. “What are you talking nonsense? So many people are watching?!”

Zhao Xuemei glanced at it, and sure enough, she had already gathered a lot of people watching the excitement outside, but she did not feel that the ugliness of the family was ugly, but turned her head and turned to Yang Jianguo. "Someone is afraid of what? You know I want to face, I thought that you, such a person, can only shrink into a tortoise in the shell for a lifetime. Even if I ask him to say it again, I have nothing to dare. I said, if he does not agree to sell this house, then Xiao Xiao will not call him grandpa again!!"

Yang Jianguo was blushing by him, but there was no rebuttal. It was really pitiful and ridiculous.

Lin Yiyi helped Lao Yangtou. The thin arms of the old man shivered slightly under his hand. He felt that his heart had raised an unknown fire, and he was about to ignite him.

"You three, get out of me."

The sound is not big, but there is a sound in this small Xiqin restaurant.

The husband and wife who were arguing stopped, and even Shen Fu was a little surprised to see that Lin Yi, who seemed to have no fire on weekdays, actually began to show coolness in his eyes.

Zhao Xuemei was first made a bit embarrassed by Lin Yiyi’s sudden appearance. When he reacted, he was three feet high. He reached out and pointed to Lin’s nose. From this, Yang Xiaoyi said Refers to the habits of people, who is the true biography of who. "What are you talking about?! You say it again! How do you say a little bite? What do you count? I dare to let me go out, I tell you, I want to go in this room, I want to go, go round Not talking to you!"

Yang Xiao also began to squat his sleeves. He had long seen that this person was not pleasing to the eye. Now even his mother dared to lick his nose and face it. If he didn’t teach him, he would not surname Yang!

"I can't talk to him in the round? I don't see you, you can't speak!"

In the crowd, some people opened the crowd and walked in. At first glance, it was a grandmother’s grandmother. She inserted a waist and saw Zhao Xuemei’s eyebrows. “I said how many years have not come to see the old Yang’s you now. After coming in one after another, I asked Lao Yangtou to go back to live and see it. It turned out to be the house of Lao Yangtou’s house. I said that you can still point to the face. This house is old Yangtou and him. My wife’s hard work for a lifetime is the last thought of Lao Yangtou. You are still very interested in opening your mouth. Even if you open your mouth, Lao Yangtou said that he would not sell it. You dare to come here to make trouble! You are really old Yangtou. Bullying is right, I tell you, if you don’t call it, you won’t call it. If you don’t enter the door, you won’t go in. Old Yangtou’s original place is not good for you. If you say anything, you will be good to him, thinking that you don’t know what you are. Goods..."

Xiaolan’s grandmother was originally a gun temper, and her favorite thing was to gossip and gossip, but Lin Yiyi never felt that her nosy was so warm.

Some words, even if he knows it is not convenient to say it, after all, this is the family affairs of Lao Yangtou. After all, this is the family of Lao Yangtou. Although Lin Yiyi feels that such a family is better than not, he still can’t say anything, fortunately. Someone said it for him.

Lin Yiyi turned his head and looked at the old Yangtou, who was still pale, and said, "Grandpa."

The old Yangtou voice was hoarse. "Nothing, Grandpa is fine."

He just didn't understand why they had to hold the house, he said, the house is theirs.

The little grandmother and Zhao Xuemei over there have already quarreled.

Several neighbors around the village heard the news coming around and helped Xiaolan’s grandmother to quickly defeat Zhao Xuemei’s. Yang Xiao was angry and angry, but his mother could not do anything. He naturally could only do it. Looking at it, but it’s even more extreme for Lin’s disappointment.

"Well, it's all good, Xiao Xiao, let's go!" Zhao Xuemei finally looked at the old Yangtou standing together and they looked at each other and dragged Yang Xiao away.

Yang Jianguo stood there watching the old Yang head not moving, and Zhao Xuemei, who was quickly returned, grabbed his arm. "Don't leave?! Waiting for someone to drive you away? I thought it was your home?" Didn't you see that there is no place for you?!!"

Yang Jianguo was taken away by Zhao Xuemei, and the Xiqin restaurant was finally quiet.

The onlookers were driven away by the neighbors. The sudden farce was finally over. The old Yangtou was tired and sat in a chair, and did not want to say a word.

Xiaoyan’s grandmother came forward and gave her a comfort. “Old Yangtou, you want to open a little, don’t be too angry, feel uncomfortable in your heart, ask me to say, say, blame you, no. The son who is arrogant, has a belly of ink, does not have a long brain..." It may not be comforting to say that, looking at the old ugly face of Yang Yang finally closed his mouth.

Lin Yiyi didn't know what to say. He never comforted people. Instead, Shen Fu patted the shoulders of Lao Yangtou. "Grandpa, don't worry, there are us."

The old Yang head licked his dry eyes and said with a hoarse voice, "Nothing, Grandpa is fine."

Both are over and over, and it seems that they only say these two sentences.

Lin Yiyi stood for a while and turned and went. "I will cook some pears for my grandfather." The voice is dumb, of course, the most uncomfortable is the heart.