MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game-Chapter 268

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Standing on the core of the dream of all living beings, surrounded by a bright band of light like a sea of ​​stars, Zhao Yepai quietly examined this magnificent dream.

Just like the first time he saw the dream of sentient beings, this dream is indeed magnificent, enough to make people forget all the troubles in reality and indulge in it.

However, no matter how beautiful a dream is, it is only a dream after all.

At this point, the boundary between reality and dream has long been blurred. If Zhao Yesui was just an individual, he would be very happy to see this. Who wouldn't like this kind of world where one's wishes come true?

But he accepted the commission from Qing Yuejue to transform Qi Hengtian into a promised world where Lingyue could live happily.

Therefore, now he is Qi Hengtian's corrector, not an individual named "Zhao Yesui".

From the point of view of civilization, the dream world of all beings is an out-and-out cancer.

There are many reasons for Qi Hengtian's current situation, but in the end it still has to fall into the dream of all beings.

The breeding ground of desire, the source of sin, the evil of this time.

If it is not corrected, Qi Hengtian will have no future at all.

So Zhao Yesui looked at Li Suiye who was beside him, Li Suiye moved gently and walked behind Zhao Yeshou.

After that, Zhao Yeshou felt something cold and soft sticking up from behind. Then, Li Suiye's slender arms put on Zhao Yessang's hands,

merge with them.

She whispered in Zhao Ye's ear: "Everything is ready, big brother, you can make this world what you want it to be."


p.s. I didn't update yesterday, because I encountered the same problem as gamers.

Thanks to my light-speed skating and kneeling, there was no problem, but I was a little irritable, and I wasn't very satisfied with what I wrote, and I wrote the leave request with emotion, so I didn't post it. That is to say, if we have something to say, can we say it properly, and don’t “listen to the sky” (x

Chapter 324: Change Game V0.99 Closed Beta

What do you need to run an online game?

Before becoming a player, Zhao Yesui's life was still very colorful.

Apart from his daily "work", the game as the ninth art is the way he most often spends his time.

Because of Nilsyat, Zhao Yesang didn't want to contact others very much, and because Daya could only stay at home, Zhao Yesang planned to spend more time with her at home, and finally chose the game. A way to spend time.

In addition to various stand-alone games, Zhao Yesang's most frequently played online game is a multiplayer online role-playing game called "Super Dimension Game".

Although the name sounds a bit like a shoddy mobile game and web game, "Super Dimension Game" is currently the most popular online game on the planet, and its quality and operation are also worthy of its status. Therefore, Zhao Yesui is no stranger to the operation of online games.

First of all, marketing is needed. No matter how good the game is, if there is not enough publicity investment, it will still fall into a situation where no one cares.

However, the dream of all living beings in a dominant family obviously does not need to consider this kind of problem. Anyway, whether they like to play or not, Zhao Yesui skipped this step directly.

Second, good operations are required.

Such as daily tasks, game activities, updates of game content, these are important content to maintain user stickiness.

If Zhao Yejiao was allowed to do what he did, he would have the confidence to turn the dreams of all living beings into a masterpiece that people could indulge in 24 hours a day.

However, this is contrary to the original intention of transforming the dreams of all living beings, so Zhao Yejia decisively gave up these dross.

Finally, it's about the content of the game.

"If it is a completely real Second Life like the Metaverse, then it seems to be meaningless... Zhao Yesui pondered.

If the content of the dreams of sentient beings is still the same as before, then the dreams of sentient beings will at most become a less negative life simulator under his transformation, and people will still be drunk in the dreams of sentient beings, unwilling to face reality. Zhao Yesui's concept still does not match.

"Sure enough, you still need boundaries..."

Zhao Yesui thought, and gradually came up with an idea: "The dream of all living beings can be used as a tool for learning skills, a battlefield for simulating battles, and a platform for social interaction, but it can't take the lead and replace reality." Therefore, to be different from reality, it is the kind of A design that makes one realize at a glance that one is in a dream, not in reality.

Zhao Yesui thought about it for a while, and suddenly realized that there is actually such a design in online games.


A copy, in online games, means a "private room", an area that is exclusive to the player and his friends.

If when you enter the dreamland of all living beings to play the game, every time you enter a separate copy, then there will be a strong sense of estrangement from reality. Although there are still people who blur this boundary, it is also impossible. .

And Zhao Yesui's next plan can also be realized through the concept of this "copy".

"The types of dungeons should be distinguished according to the inclinations of different players. It is not suitable for players who only want to learn knowledge to be assigned to combat dungeons... Of course, there needs to be some positive incentives, such as clearing customs. After the dungeon, you will get a certain reward... Since each of the dungeons you are assigned is of interest to you, how about some of the items in the dungeon that you have cleared?"

When the idea of ​​copying appeared, Zhao Yesui's inspiration entered a state of blowout, and he quickly set the direction of the transformation of the dreams of all beings on his own.

He stretched out his hand, and the entire dream world began to vibrate slightly with his call.

This is the result of Li Suiye's sleepless nights in the dreams of all beings for so many days. Even though she is a psionic god, she has spent a lot of effort to completely hold the dreams of all beings in her hands. Everything is for Zhao Yesui to be able to transform the dreams of all living beings at will.

Li Suiye put his body on Zhao Yeshou's back, and quietly stretched out his head to look at Zhao Yessao's profile in a serious state. Sure enough, the serious big brother is super handsome......

Li Suiye couldn't help but think of the scene in the capital of resentment.

Wearing a cheap blood-stained suit, Zhao Yesui danced with the monsters, his face was covered with traces left by the monsters, but under the moonlight, his face was majestic and uncast, like a **** on earth, descending on the world. Some trials.

Thinking like this, Li Suiye couldn't help but hug Zhao Ye's jacket tightly, tilted his head and rested it on Zhao Ye's left shoulder, making a comfortable sound like a kitten. Of course, Zhao Yesui didn't know Li Suiye's current mental journey. He was still busy transforming the dreams of all living beings and had no time to manage his own obedience.

"The types of dungeons can be diversified, maybe it can be drawn from the experiences of players and randomly generated... If it develops in the future, it may be possible to select hero legends, historical battles and other records from other worlds to generate dungeons... ..\"

These are issues that need to be considered for long-term management in the future. In the next period of time, the content of the copy will of course be those Slaaneshites who are about to face off.

Zhao Yesui first used the highest authority to forcibly offline all those who were still in the dreams of sentient beings, lest they make any mistakes in the "version update" later, and then reformed the dreams of sentient beings.

The nebula rotates, the galaxy is bright, and between Zhao Yeshou's thoughts, the entire dream of all beings has quietly undergone earth-shaking changes. Personal space, public space, trading market, copy portal...

Zhao Yesui looked at the dream of all living beings in front of him, nodded with satisfaction, and then suddenly remembered something.

He transformed the dreams of all living beings in order to give Qi Hengtian a chance to change, and to see if Qi Hengtian could seize this opportunity to save Qi Hengtian and reverse Qi Hengtian from the previous state. In this case, the unnecessary PVP mechanism will only lead to estrangement. In contrast, PVE, which is still a concerted effort, can bring people together.

So, he stretched out his hand again and set a rule in the dreams of all beings.

"Don't carry out unnecessary instances of player struggles, focus on unity and cooperation, and reduce direct battles between players." After that, Zhao Yesui suddenly remembered something, and stared at the dream of all beings in deep thought:

"Speaking of which, why does this thing always give me a sense of sight..."

"I feel like I've seen it somewhere...\""

After pondering for a moment, Zhao Yeshou shook his head, fixed the changes in the dreams of all beings, and announced that the transformation of the dreams of all beings was over. "Now that you don't just exist as people's support, then, would it be better to give you a new name?"

Zhao Yeshou tapped his forehead and named it, this is the thing he is least good at.

In the end, considering that this new game symbolizes Qi Hengtian's transformation, Zhao Yesui finally named it "Changing Game V0.99 Closed Beta".

Afterwards, Zhao Yesui and Li Suiye left from the dream of sentient beings, or in other words, the game of change.

"Then, the promise I made has been fulfilled, the wheel of change has come, and now, your world will be handed over to you."

"Qi Hengtian, after all, we still have to rely on Qi Hengtian to save him."


After sending a message to Lingxuchen through the dreams of all living beings, the young human Yun Huaidong was a little anxiously waiting for Lingxuchen's reply.

He actually didn't know what he could do, but the Jingye Sect was currently the only force that stood up and volunteered. Except for them, it seemed that no one else had the idea of ​​taking the initiative to stand up and save Qi Hengtian.

And even Yun Huaidong, who is obsessed with the dreams of all beings and doesn't hear things outside the window, has heard of the famous "cult" of the Jingye Sect.

The High Tower Council naturally spared no effort in demonizing the Quiet Night Sect, but although Qi Hengtian likes to have fun, he is not a fool. The outrageous rumors fabricated by the High Tower Council are not worth mentioning compared to their own actions. , and the insiders who really know the concept of the Quiet Night Sect basically hold an admiring attitude towards the Quiet Night Sect.

They can't do everything for Qi Hengtian's future like the Jingye Sect, but they will at least have respect for such a forerunner.

"What kind of sleep are they going to make me do... The former God of Slaanesh seems to have said that he will wait for me in the dreams of all beings... What else can I do in the dreams of all beings? Is it a **** duel?"

This absurd idea emerged from Yun Huaidong's mind, and coupled with the teachings of the God of Slaanesh, he felt that it seemed to be quite possible.

Suddenly, he received a message.

Is there a reply so soon?

Yun Huaidong looked at the notification bar, but found that it was a system prompt from the dreams of all beings.

[Dream of all beings will be closed for update and maintenance, players will be temporarily offline, after the maintenance is completed, players will usher in a new dream of all beings] Update maintenance?

This news really surprised Yun Huaidong a little. Since the birth of the dream of all living beings, it has almost never stopped working, nor has it been updated in any way, because its definition is infinite freedom, infinite dreams, Meaning is given by the dreamer.

Also, a new dream of sentient beings?

Could the dreams of sentient beings become anything else?

Without waiting for Yun Huaidong to think about it, the message was repeated twice, and then he felt that his eyes were black. When he reopened his eyes, what he saw was the blue nutrient solution, and the liquid outside. own home.

He was forcibly logged out.

Just when Yun Huaidong was puzzled, he suddenly received another message.

This time, it was a message from the Patriarch of the Jingye Sect. It seemed to be sent in a group, but Yun Huaidong didn't expect such a big man to have time to reply one by one, so he quickly checked it. [Thank you for your willingness to work together to contribute to Qi Hengtian's future. I, Ling Xuchen, as the Patriarch of the Jingye Sect, thank you for your kindness and amazed you for your courage. ]

[Of course, you should be curious and worried, what use will you be used for? Will you be sent to the battlefield and sacrificed needlessly?]

[The sham case is, of course, negative. ]

[You only need to log in to the dream of sentient beings to get the answer. ]

[You will use the most familiar way and the most unfamiliar concept to save Qi Hengtian. ] The information ends here, Yun Huaidong looked at this piece of news and fell into deep thought. "Just log in to the dream of all beings? Is it possible to save Qi Hengtian just by dreaming?"

This idea was even more absurd than the previous "sex AI duel", and Yun Huaidong couldn't help laughing at himself. But no matter what happens, it's better than sitting still.

Yun Huaidong took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and chose to log in to the dream of sentient beings.

But this time the login time was much longer than before. When Yun Huaidong felt strange, a white light suddenly lit up in front of him. When he opened his eyes, what he saw was not the previous Nebula server.

In the past, as long as the dreamer logged into the dream of all living beings, he could freely choose the dream that he liked and had the qualification to enter, but now, Yun Huaidong found himself in a simple and small room.

The surroundings were empty and there was nothing but a small box.

Yun Huaidong walked to the box suspiciously and tried to open it, only to find that an item bar appeared in front of him, and there were neat rows of grids in it, but the grid was empty and nothing.

"what is this.…....\'

Yun Huaidong looked around in confusion, what happened in front of him was indeed something he had never experienced before, and he had no idea what to do next.

At this moment, an arrow appeared in front of his eyes, pointing to the only door in the room. "Does this mean let me out?"

Yun Huaidong blinked, tried to open the wooden door, and then his eyes lit up. When he regained consciousness, he found himself standing on a square surrounded by people who were almost as confused as him, all of whom looked the same. Vice looks at a loss.

When the last player entered the public space, a large ball of light emitting soft light rose from the center of the public space. It said in a calm voice:

"Welcome all players to the closed beta version of Change Game V0.99, I am the manager of Change Game, you can call me...\"

"The God of Quiet Night."


p.s. Qi Hengtian wrote it as the first world that Xiao Zhao mastered, and it was also the place where Xiao Zhao’s sect was formed in the future. Originally, he planned to write it in two times, but after thinking about it, he wrote it all at once==

Chapter 325 Bliss?????? (two in one)

The God of Quiet Night, also known as Li Suiye, was leaning on Zhao Ye's robe, casually informing the new dreamers of the "Tutorial for Beginners".

The current game of change is still in its infancy, and it basically belongs to the level where games and dreamers can run, so there is no need to subdivide them for the time being, as long as this group of dreamers can be trained in a short time, and then It's good to win in the battle of gods, and then there is time to upgrade slowly.

The reason why Li Suiye was the game administrator instead of Li Nuoyi or Ling Xuchen and the others was because the game of change still lacked the most important thing as an online game. That is the upgrade system.

Upgrading is the most direct and exciting thing in online games. Compared with killing monsters and dropping treasures, imperial city PK, and conquering dungeons, it is more direct to accumulate more experience, upgrade levels, improve attributes, and enhance strength. This is engraved. The instinct in the bones of intelligent beings, no one can resist this kind of pleasure.

It can be said that a game without an upgrade system is not necessarily unsuccessful, but compared to a game with an upgrade system, it takes more effort to make the dreamer feel happy.

And Zhao Yesang's demand for changing the game also destined that the game needs to have an upgrade system. Otherwise, even though these dreamers have a passion and may hone their skills in the future, they will still face powerful superhumans. It seemed a little powerless.

The dreams of all living beings are just pure dreams, and naturally they will not give people direct power. But now, it is Li Suiye, the **** of Slaanesh, who actually rules the dreams of all beings.

She won't directly upgrade people, but she can bestow blessings on dreamers. —Blessing from Slaanesh.

Although it sounds very evil, and it is very evil in practice, if it is just an upgrade, the blessing of Slaanesh can completely serve as an upgrade system, and it can even be looped back and forth to power the game change without burning the souls of dreamers .

All mysteries come from emotions.

As we all know, emotion is powerful, it is the echo from the depths of the soul, it is the source of psionic energy.

Slaanesh is the **** in charge of emotions and desires. His blessings can make the anointed become like the current Slaanesh, indulging in desire and unable to extricate themselves, and can also turn emotions into power to enhance the anointed.

For the dreamers, Li Suiye naturally took the latter.