MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 45

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The long line of recruiting soldiers began to move, and many people in the line were absent-minded, straightening their necks and looking to the side. The short team for recruiting knights was quickly registered under the auspices of the knights, and the participants evacuated an open space as a stage for temporary discussions.

Bearded Quick grinned and swung an ax as big as himself. Compared with it, his opponent who had not drawn his sword looked a lot smaller-anyone would look short against the background of that northern barbarian, but the onlookers subconsciously didn't think of this. They compared the two sides of the battle, and wisely settled the outcome before the "discussion" started: Quick would win, and that omega would lose, as it should be.

That omega.

They called him this in their hearts. The young man with blond hair didn't declare his name, and the registrar didn't ask.

"I, Quake of Wenjialuo!" The bearded man said loudly, "Physical enhancement!"

Omega waved his sword and gave a warrior salute, but Quick didn't wait for him to speak according to the procedure, let alone return the salute.

"Shut up, Omega!" Quick said, throwing his battle ax to the ground, and sneered, "I don't want to know Omega's name, unless it's my child's mother!"

The poleaxe cut deep into the ground, leaving long gashes in the dry, hard ground of Ashwood. The debris of the soil was lifted by the strong wind and rolled all the way to Omega's feet. The knight candidate who didn't know Quick secretly estimated the strength of his future opponent in his heart, and his partner was already clapping his hands and laughing.

The blond-haired omega's expression remained unchanged, as if no one had taken advantage of her verbally. He simply nodded and said, "I am also physically strengthened."

Laughter rang out from the crowd of onlookers, and Hank, who squeezed into the first row, shook his head regretfully. Physical enhancement is the worst ability on the street, but once it is as strong as Quick, it is also one of the most difficult abilities to deal with. The best way to deal with it is to deprive the physical strength enhancer of their mobility through long-range attacks, but if it is also physical strength enhancement, they can only face head-to-head. He secretly hoped that Omega could find some trouble for Quick, which seemed difficult to do now.

Apparently Quick himself thought so, he snorted contemptuously, stood still after the registrar signaled the start of the game, and gave his opponent a defiant hook of the fingers. Omega glanced at him calmly and drew his sword.

And then it's over.

The entire square was silent for a moment, and everyone opened their eyes wide, trying to understand what happened just now. A stream of light - that's the only way to describe it, no one saw how the long sword was unsheathed. First, there was a lightning-sharp silver light, and then people heard the extremely thin metallic sound of the blade cutting through the air. When did that sword end up on Quick's neck? When did the swordsman with the sword flash to the enemy? Perhaps the sword light was so dazzling that even Hank, who had always been proud of his own vision, didn't notice it.

This is not a life-and-death fight, as long as the registrar or the knight nods, that omega will win.

The first to react was Quick, his face was flushed red, and the veins on his scalp were bulging, like a wild bull, roaring and directly shook the long sword with his neck, and rushed towards Omega. The sword edge left a long bloodstain on his neck, and the blood spilled on the ground. This strong man didn't care about the price at all, he raised the battle ax above his head and slammed it down heavily.

This wasn't the random attack from before. Quick was furious because of the mistake just now, and he no longer cared about staying on Omega. The huge ax slashed down with the force of uprooting mountains and trees, and even the spectators who were not targeted felt terrified, but the blond swordsman suddenly turned sideways at the critical moment, and then jumped a few steps away. The missed ax roared and smashed down, the ground took this as the center of a circle and cracked and cracked, and the ground was shaken.

Before the raised dust fell, the retreating swordsman charged up again. Hank could see clearly that the huge strength of the bearded barbarian had become a burden instead, and half of the ax was stuck in the hard soil, unable to pull it out for a while. The swordsman stepped on the huge axe, jumped up high on the handle of the axe, and swung his sword condescendingly.

The edge of the sword left an afterimage like a bright moon in the air, and Quick only had time to pull out the ax after the flash of the sword, and slashed wildly. The swordsman opened the distance as lightly as before, stood still ten steps away, shook his long sword, and a strand of brown hair fell to the ground.

That's Quick's beard.

If the miss just now can be explained by underestimating the enemy and being caught off guard, the outcome of this round is already very obvious. Since the swordsman could cut off the long beard around Quick's neck with precision, it would be easy to cut off the neck, and he was just showing mercy. Hank read it right, this young man is indeed a great fighter, even though he is an omega.

"Life and death!" Quick roared earth-shatteringly, his eyes turned red, "It will never end until one person dies!"

This northern barbarian who had been on the battlefield since he was a child didn't feel any mercy at all, he only felt that he was humiliated by an omega. The giant ax was danced imperceptibly, and Quick looked at the thick benzene, but his movements were not slow at all, sweeping across the entire battlefield like a storm. If this is a dense forest, there must be a clearing in the forest. The onlookers couldn't help but backed away, and they could still feel the tingling pain of their skin being cut after taking a few steps back.

The expression of the person who had been secretly contemptuous of Quick just now gradually changed. They compared in their hearts, and immediately realized that this person did have the capital of arrogance. If they were the opponents on the field, they would not last a round at all.

What's frightening is that the omega that fought against Quick could not only "hold on"?

A menacing greataxe means nothing unless it hits the target. The blond swordsman flew up and down, as swift as an eagle, as nimble as a fox, escaping in undetectable gaps time and time again, and even returned the color from time to time. There were rips and bloodstains on Quick's clothes, like a brown bear being played by bees.

The swordsman didn't confront him head-on, and fully utilized his speed advantage, making Quick lose his aim further and further in his rage. Others were guessing when Quick would hit the watch who was hiding everywhere, but Hank had already seen the end. These idiots, swordsmen consume far less energy than Quick! As physical strength enhancers, who will slow down first? It is clear at a glance.

"Damn it, how long are you going to hide!" Quick stopped and yelled, "It's kind of like stopping to compete with me!"

"Why don't you let the shark come to the shore to compare with you!" A voice said abruptly, and the crowd who watched the excitement laughed loudly. Quick looked around with red eyes, and the culprit, Hank, had already hid in the crowd, pinching his throat again and inciting: "If you lose a few times, you'll be fighting to the death, can't you afford to lose? Omega has 'no seed' in the first place, don't you? Neither?"

The onlookers laughed together, they desperately needed to find someone to gloat over, so that they could selectively forget that the winner was an omega. "Public opinion" is like this, and it's not good for the knights present to continue watching. It's better to declare an end to this farce that embarrasses everyone as soon as possible. Hank has seen clearly the strength of that omega in this battle. He is not superstitious about the power of alpha, and he is happy to do something to show his favor to that omega.

"Enough." Sure enough, the knight stood up and said with an uneasy expression, "That's it."

"Wait a minute! My lord!" Quick turned his head abruptly, unwilling to say, "I'll be able to defeat him right away!"

"I've said enough, if this goes on forever." The knight waved his hand annoyedly, "Then it's a tie..."

"Please wait a moment, my lord." The swordsman spoke instead.

"What?" the knight glared at the ignorant Omega, and asked impatiently.

"I think Mr. Quick will not be convinced if we stop here." The omega said, "To avoid the difference in weapons, please allow us to do one last move without weapons. This time I will not dodge again."

The crowd turned into a buzzing swarm of wild bees again. Hank slapped his forehead in disappointment, thinking that it was over. This omega must have read too many knight novels. Doesn't he know that knights in reality don't abide by any knight virtues at all? ? It doesn't matter if you are convinced or not, your life is more important! Quick's eyes lit up, and he nodded vigorously. The knight looked at the silly Omega in surprise, and agreed.

The swordsman put away his sword, and Quick dropped his axe, his expression became more ferocious, full of the pleasure of revenge. Quick doesn't use an axe; his muscular body and palms are weapons in themselves. He once strangled an adult bison with his bare hands, what's the point of wringing out the head of an omega?

Quick charged forward with a murderous spirit, and Hank prayed in his heart that Mr. Swordsman was as despicable as himself, so that he could pull out his sword halfway and kill the enemy. However, Omega actually kept his promise and remained motionless, allowing the chariot-like giant to kill him.

Ten steps, five steps, one step. The giant man's deadly hands had already reached out to the omega's neck, and some people couldn't bear to look away, not wanting to see that handsome young man turn into a puddle of flesh.


The ground shook again, and those who looked away didn't hear the cracking sound of bone shattering, only heard something heavy being smashed to the ground. Hank stared wide-eyed, staring dumbfounded at Quick's huge body drawing an arc in mid-air and flying to the other end of the open space.

He saw clearly what happened just now, and most people could see clearly that this series of movements did not happen fast at all, relying not on speed at all, but on strength and skill. Quick rushed to the swordsman, and stretched out his hand to the swordsman; the swordsman grabbed Quick's elbow, pressed it against his waist, twisted his body short, and threw Quick away—he just used his bare hands, easily, The giant man who was much larger than himself was thrown a full four or five meters away.

Hank suddenly came to his senses: the reason why the swordsman agreed to the request was not because of his naivety and stupidity, but because he had the strength.

That is the confidence of a strong man.

Quick didn't get up, he wasn't seriously injured, but he had already received a fatal blow mentally, his entire face looked dull and depressed. The swordsman stood as straight as he did at the beginning. He glanced at Quick to make sure that his opponent had no objections.

"My name is Chris Field." He said loudly.

The registrar was pushed by his companions, and then he remembered to close his jaw that was about to fall, and hastily registered Chris. Chris nodded politely and walked into the crowd of onlookers. The crowd naturally parted ways, and the knight candidates backed away in awe, not daring to meet his gaze.

"Wait!" the defeated Quick yelled, "Kill me! I can afford to lose! If you say life and death, it is life and death!"

Chris didn't stop, just turned around and said briefly: "Use your life on the battlefield."

The blond omega left the crowd without hesitation.