MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 46

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The prologues of all legends were inconspicuous when they happened.

This discussion on the northern border is insignificant to the whole of Yamenan. The news that the queen is seriously ill and dying is spreading from the capital, occupying the leisure time of nobles and commoners. Only half a year later, when the first omega knight in history became famous, the Tibes defense line in the south would hear about it.

That's all for the future. The border of Tibes is still peaceful now, and the priests, abbots, and border army generals are in an unembarrassing stalemate. Or that the abbot and the general were in a stalemate, with the awakened divine being in the middle watching the sparks fly. Even An Xu with such rough nerves could feel the tug-of-war between the two sides.

"Your Excellency, God's Favored One, this is a secret herbal medicine prepared by the monastery, which can effectively restore mental power loss."

"Your Excellency, God's Favored One, this is the special rabbit meat soup on the border of Tibes. Everyone knows that it is delicious and nourishes the body, unlike some strange folk prescriptions that are unclear."

"Your Excellency, God's Favored One, please honor your stay at Thebes Monastery. The monastery's auditorium is so cleansing for the soul, it is not comparable to the place where ordinary people rush to kill all day long."

"Your Excellency, this is the market of Tibes, where you can feel the customs of this place. Broken? It's a bit broken, because some institutions pay heavy taxes every year, scraping the people's fat and anointing to build flashy big houses Well."

"Your Excellency, we have invited you the statue consecrated by His Excellency the Cardinal. As long as you place it under the eastern window, the incarnation of the Lord will bring the first ray of sunshine. Even if you don't need it, the ascetic Pray to it every day."

"Your Excellency, this is the statue of Earl Edward, carved by commoners and enshrined at home, let him bathe in the first ray of sunshine in the east, and treat him as his patron saint. If you don't mind, I will put it up for you ?”

The last two sentences occurred within less than a minute. The priest was holding the statue, and the orderly was holding Edward's wooden sculpture.

An Xu looked at the right side, the wooden sculpture was as abstract as Hokage Rock, she thought that if the cheap father really looked like this, how could her mother be so beautiful as a fairy to give birth to such a cute girl. She looked at the left side again, and said that she had never looked at the statue carefully. The craftsmanship of the statue was very exquisite, and it was carved with crystals, but there was no equal sign between "exquisite and realistic" and "beautiful". Rather, a beautifully carved fly that is magnified ten times will only magnify the area of ​​the goosebump ten times.

"My God..." she said, staring at the statue, "Why does the **** look like a big fat sheep?"

The orderly burst into laughter, the priest's face flushed, and he stumbled into a long hymn explaining that the incarnation of God is not a sheep, such as "His curly horns bear the sins of the world", "His velvet The body is covered with clouds." After speaking, he looked at Anxu and Lydia expectantly, wanting to ask for approval.

"The more it sounds, the more it looks like it." An Xu replied honestly, only thinking that it was an abstract sheep.

"The sheep are like the incarnation of the Lord, and we use them to sacrifice!" The poor priest struggled, "No, the gods are not like sheep! Look at the bottom of the statue, the wave-like feet symbolize that it is covered with clouds and steps on it. Waves come!"

"That's right," An Xu took a closer look and said, "A sheep with long tentacles."

The priest ran away beeping.

Lydia remained silent as before, and since the last conversation, she has seriously implemented An Shu's suggestion of "wait and see". She didn't say a word in the tug-of-war between the monastery and the border army, and just followed behind the favored man with her eyes wide open. The effect was like a portrait with moving eyes, which could send chills down everyone's spine.

"Don't put this one up!" An Xu stopped the victorious messenger, "Put such a big one on the edge of the window sill to block the light."

"Actually, it doesn't have to be a window," the messenger who ran away from competitors laughed dryly.

"No, take it back." An Xu said firmly, "It's too ugly."

The dislike of the favored ones is very fair, regardless of which camp you are. This pragmatic girl only chooses the side she likes, and there are no rules at all, so that Dennis and Jane gave up trying to seduce them personally. They hope that the favored one will stay on their own territory forever and heal their wounds obediently. .

Unfortunately, this is just a good wish.

"When can I go out?" An Xudi didn't know how many times he asked.

"It's getting cold and it's dangerous out there, you can't go out alone," the orderly repeated. "If you want to go out with a patrol..."

"I'm not alone, Lydia is following me!" An Xu patted the ascetic monk on the shoulder, and the ascetic monk nodded cooperatively. Two pairs of earnest eyes looked at the messenger, watching him flee in despair.

But this time An Xu didn't intend to let him run away easily. A bolt of lightning hit the messenger's right leg, causing his legs to go numb and fall to the ground. An Xu snapped his fingers triumphantly, and Lydia trot forward like a beagle, grabbed the soldier's leg, and dragged him back.

"It's useless for you to catch me!" The orderly lying on the ground cried bitterly, "The general said..."

"Then find someone useful." An Xu said understandingly, "Is there something on the messenger that can communicate remotely? Signal flares? No? Well, if a thunder strikes the house, someone will always come to put out the fire." Bar?"

Five minutes later, Adjutant David appeared in front of An Xu with a sad face.

"I'm done, I'm applying to open the city gate, thank you!" An Xu said straight to the point.

"Please don't force yourself." David said earnestly, "Spiritual exhaustion is not an injury that can be healed easily. If you want to better guard the Tibes defense line in the future, you should take a good rest now!"

"Aren't you guys guarding the Tibes defense line?" An Xu gave him a strange look, "You guys defend the city, I'll go out and spawn a wild monster, and I won't rob you."

David was choked by this answer without the slightest sense of honor, and persuaded: "If the old wound is not healed, it will leave a dark wound that cannot be healed, and even prevent the ability from advancing!"

"Really? But every time I finish my overdraft, I feel that I have improved." An Xu replied.

According to Anxu's own experience, the few outbreaks that can be counted on the fingers have indeed had good results. What kind of protagonist is the protagonist if he won't explode? After the explosion, I didn't pass the level successfully but abolished this kind of uninspiring development, so it wouldn't appear in my dream! The girl with rough nerves didn't care about other influencing factors. She optimistically felt that mental power was probably like a mobile phone battery, and it would last longer if it was fully used up and recharged.

David's expression was indescribable. He was amazed that a person with such a concept survived intact to this day. Or is it that such a strange way of thinking is a manifestation of Miss Sullivan's severe mental trauma?

"Forget it, don't worry about it, I'm fine anyway!" An Xu pouted at the orderly who was lying on the ground and still couldn't get up, "Otherwise he wouldn't be like this."

The adjutant finally found a reason again, and quickly said: "Look, your ability used to be able to chop down birds, but now it only makes people paralyzed..."

"Because of this? Oh, it's all a misunderstanding!" An Xu heaved a sigh of relief, and smiled calmly, "I mean, if my control has not been restored, he is now a pile of coke!"

The adjutant's lips twisted, and he said unwillingly: "Don't you feel mentally uncomfortable and unable to meditate? That is a hidden danger of mental power..."

"do not think so."


David maintained that posture, and was interrupted by the unflattering answer.

"It's all your special food that has a good curative effect." An Xu comforted, licking his mouth unsatisfied.

This is not a lie. During this period of time, An Xu has nothing to do, and she does not refuse all kinds of food/medicine from both sides. She wants to find out if there is a blue medicine that can return MP, but she really found it. The sticky and unknown meat soup like a dark dish makes people sweat profusely, and they feel refreshed after eating, as refreshing as eating spicy hot pot. She had a nosebleed from eating (Scared Lydia to use a bunch of healing spells for free), the speed of meditation was like an acceleration gear, and the whole person was very good.

"Is there any more? Can you make me a pot?" An Xu asked, planning to bring a dozen bottles with him, and pour it immediately after using the big move. Ma Ma is no longer afraid that I have no blue!

David felt a stomach ache.

The special food he added himself must have a significant curative effect, but the curative effect is definitely not in this direction. As a smart person cultivated by the second miss of the Stewart family and placed next to the elder sister, he thought a lot in a flash.

Could it be that the gods have discovered their small actions and are demonstrating to imply this? But how did she do it? It is impossible for Miss Eve’s secret letter to be leaked, and David himself is the only person who handles it. The raw materials used can be seen everywhere on the defense line, and the execution method is very clever. Go down) the effect is not immediate and cannot be detected by any means. Strictly speaking, it is not a poison #drug, it will only make the "weak and sick" god's loved ones sicker. anna. There was no reason for Sullivan to discover this, and there was no reason for Sullivan to eat red and look like he was about to go out and beat ten.

"You're flattering yourself." He had no choice but to say dryly, "The essence of dozens of Gale Rabbits is brewed, and the raw materials are not easy to collect."

"That's it, it's really hard work for you!" An Xu stroked his chin and said, "Ask..."

"Your health is our expectation, you don't have to worry about the ingredients yourself!" Her thinking made David vigilant and emphasized first.

"Don't worry, don't ask about this, I know your determination not to open the city gate!" The favored man waved his hands casually, as if he had made some decision, and asked with a smile: "I just want to ask, isn't the Gale Rabbit endangered? animal?"

"The Gale Rabbit is a very large number of strange beasts, but it is fast and good at hiding, so it is not easy to catch." David replied without knowing why.

"Is there anything in Tibes that must not be harmed? Will the death of a hundred animals endanger the ecological balance?" An Xu asked again.

"No, the beast tide season is approaching, and all animals are pests that may become alien beasts."

"Understood." An Xu rubbed his hands together and said with a bright smile, "Then I can rest assured."