MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 47

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Ian heard the thunder, his body bent by the firewood paused, and he squinted his eyes to look up. The sky was clear, and the warm sunlight penetrated the dense canopy, leaving a little bit of golden light in the forest.

Is it going to rain? Thinking of this, he quickened his pace. The thunderstorm season is over, the weather is getting cooler, but the sudden thunderstorms have not disappeared yet. It's dangerous to be chilled outside, especially for sinners like them who live scattered in the forest. Every year, there are people who catch a cold and can't get sick.

The thunder came closer.

There was no sound of rain on leaves, no smell of rain in the air. Ian stopped and listened, but his expression became more dignified.

Where does the thunder come from if it is not about to rain? For the residents on the border of Thebes, this is nothing more than a howling alarm. In the depths of the forest lived Thunder Monkeys, hordes of strange beasts that could destroy any small settlement they passed by. Ian dropped the firewood and ran, he heard the slight vibration under the thunder.

His choice was very wise, and soon the voice was clearly audible. It was the trampling sound of countless footsteps trampling on fallen leaves and weeds, as if thousands of creatures were migrating at high speed, shaking the entire forest. A group of rabbits flew past Ian's feet and rushed forward. Were they chased away by the Lightning Monkey? Ian didn't know, he ran faster and faster, not daring to look back, and finally ran home before being chased.

"Uncle Mike! Aunt Amy!" he yelled out of breath. "Run!"

The settlements of criminals in the forest are very small and scattered in the forest, so as not to be caught by the hunters. Since his father's death, Ian's residence here has only three families, and they are all in the house now. They poked their heads out of the window to look, their faces changed immediately, and it took a few seconds for them to rush out with the package in their arms.

As criminals who are ready to be transferred at any time, their houses are as simple as a stable, and their important belongings are placed in packages that are easy to carry. Ian quickly grabbed the backpack containing clothes, dry food and his parents' belongings, and ran out of the hut as if flying. His door was facing the direction he was running from. When he went out, he looked outside and felt that his legs were weak and he almost couldn't run.

A breed of monkey the size of a puppy, covered in yellow fur, might seem unremarkable if they weren't entwined with electric arcs. Dense groups of monkeys hang from the trees, and the flickering arcs on their bodies are connected into a daunting spider web. In an instant, Ian understood why the survivors of the Lightning Monkey Group had never encountered them head-on. How could the single and frail people escape from the deadly net in this chapter?

He gritted his teeth and ran wildly, their hut collapsed into ruins behind him. The sound of the wind kept ringing in my ears, and there was also the sound of shaking branches like tarsus maggots. Ian had never run so fast in his life, and after a while, there were people in front of him again, and they ran to another small settlement. "Run!" Uncle Mike, who ran the fastest, shouted, and the shouts of reminders merged into one.

New people are constantly joining, and residences are constantly being destroyed. Ian gradually feels exhausted. He can only hear himself panting violently like pulling a bellows, and the sound of stepping on dead branches and leaves under his feet becomes louder and louder. Wait, this isn't the sound of dead branches under your feet! Ian's pupils contracted, and he stumbled to the ground under distraction. He looked back with great fear, and a few steps away above his head, monkeys had already covered the branches.

It was so close that he could even see their fierce faces, with yellow, sharp teeth bared in their mouths, indicating that the monkeys' diet included meat. Ian couldn't move, he could only watch the monkeys rushing towards him with wide eyes...

Then go over his head.

Ian couldn't believe what happened. The Thunder Monkey was the most bullying and fearless. Even if he wasn't hungry, he would playfully tear up people who were alone. How could they let him go? Aren't they here to hunt? Ian stared blankly at the monkeys passing over his head one by one, and suddenly felt that their grinning expressions did not seem to be threatening, but rather frightening.

A terrible thought rose in Ian's mind: What if these thunder monkeys were not chasing something, but running away?

He couldn't run anymore, struggling to stand up under the instinct of survival, dragging his sprained leg to climb the tree. He found the vine at a height of one person, and held onto it tightly to prevent himself from falling.

This action saved his life.

Thunder monkeys were not the first animals to escape, nor would they be the last. Ian saw countless animals running past his feet in the tree, like a big river running continuously. If he was still below, he must have been trampled to pieces. There are all kinds of them. Although they are not as strong as during the beast tide season, they are already an irresistible and terrifying force for Ian. This group of terrifying animals gathered together, completely ignoring their natural enemies, trying to escape like criminals being chased by the Thunder Monkey.

God, Ian thought desperately, is this year's beast tide ahead of schedule? Or has a more terrifying alien beast leader appeared again?

At this moment, Ian suddenly saw a person.

To be exact, two people. One of them was wearing a khaki robe. Ian's father said that he was from the church, and he had to run away immediately when he saw it. The other was wearing a hunting suit common to border soldiers, and was flying with the former in his arms.


The man's legs were hanging in the air, and his height was as high as Ian on the tree. The girl in the safari put her hands under the armpits of the girl in the khaki robe, holding her and floating at a height of one person, surreal like a ghost. Ian closed his eyes hard, but the two people did not disappear.

"You are so heavy, Lydia." The safari girl complained, "Shall I put you down?"

The girl in the khaki robe nodded.

The ground was covered by swarms of running beasts, and the fallen leaves would be crushed into mud immediately. Where is the safari girl going to put her? Is it also on a tree? Will you find me? Ian moved uneasily on the tree, curling himself into the shade. Then he realized that his worries were purely unfounded.

The safari girl didn't look for an open space, she created an open space by herself.

Ian didn't see what she did. It was like putting a ball of bread into a pan full of oil, and the crackling sound of frying sounded not far away. He saw a silver light penetrate into the herd, and suddenly there was a void in the rushing tide, as if a huge stone had been thrown into the river.

A deer suddenly raised its front hooves, neighed and ran to the side abruptly. The beast tide consciously avoided a circle. In that circle, all the creatures had fallen to the ground, steaming from their bodies.

Those two people flew over, the girl in yellow robe was put on the ground, and the girl in hunting suit also fell down. She picked and picked among the piles of animal carcasses, fished out a rabbit, and tossed it between her hands. "It's so hot." She said, tearing the rabbit apart with her bare hands. Like all creatures on the ground, this rabbit seemed to have been boiled for a long time, and it was already cooked.

For some reason, Ian retched in the burnt smell. He covered his mouth tightly to keep himself from making a sound.

The girl in the yellow robe took out a dagger and dismembered the rabbit neatly. It wasn't the Orion's proficiency in handling prey, but rather an atmosphere of ripping people open. The girl in the safari tilted her head with a sleepy expression, flipped through the pieces with her fingers without interest, closed her eyes and twisted a few pieces into her mouth.

After a while, she opened her eyes and exclaimed excitedly, "This is it!"

The girl in the safari floated up, without the girl in the yellow robe, her take-off posture was extraordinarily light. Ian saw that her clothes were bulging, and her light golden curly hair was dancing like a bird... no, that gesture without a trace of fireworks was like a bubble, floating gently into the sky. Ian had to straighten his neck to see her, and saw the petite girl standing on the canopy of the tree, stretching out a finger, and pointing to the distance.

Thunder, louder thunder than ever heard before.

Ian couldn't see what was happening in front of him at such a height, he could only see that the rushing beast tide became sticky for a moment, and flowed back instantly. The herd of beasts in front ran backward like crazy, while the herd of beasts behind couldn't stop due to inertia, and the whole "river" boiled up. The horns of the buffalo knocked the raccoon away, and the forest deer broke their necks on each other. Whether it was an ordinary animal or an exotic animal, it was like being thrown into a meat grinder.

Ian looked up at the instigator in shock. The girl was floating in mid-air, and the light golden hair under the sun seemed to be woven by light, shining transparently. Her face was hidden in the light, as bright as the sun and as frightening as thunder, and there was only one mechanical thought left in Ian's mind, God, God...

There was a loud bang in front, followed by the sound of iron chopping and human voices. The returning tide of beasts gained the upper hand, and soon the herd ran back. The girl in safari came in again through the gap in the canopy, her eyes were searching among the herd of beasts, and her raised fingers were gently pointing among them. The gesture is as light as an urchin splashing water, but at every point something will fall to the ground. She frowned at the prey engulfed by the beast tide, and began to swim towards the beast herd like a fish swimming in the air.

What looked like suicide to onlookers, turned out to be quite the opposite. Every time the girl raised her hand before landing, a pit several meters in diameter immediately appeared in the beast tide. As the surrounding beasts shied away in horror, she swam into the gap and picked up the slain prey - always a rabbit - torn off a piece and put it in her mouth, discarding the rest carelessly on the ground. Just like this, the girl walked through the herd of beasts, walking around and killing endlessly, turning the herd of beasts that had been straightened out into chaos again.

Ian trembled uncontrollably. He suspected that he had met a banshee who was hunting, and felt the fear of facing the creatures at the top of the food chain.

Not far away, a wall of fire suddenly rose up, scattering the exhausted herd of beasts from the middle. Trees began to smoke and several jets of water extinguished the forest fire before it could ignite.

"Anna Sullivan!"

A furious voice roared. Ian was finally able to shake off the fear of being unable to think. He barely poked his head in any direction, and saw the general of the frontier army rushing out from the herd of beasts, surrounded by flames.