MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 48

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simple. Stewart was furious, literally. The fury made this fire-type power user burn wildly, and the power was turned to the maximum. If her adjutant with water-type powers hadn't followed closely behind, a fire was imminent. The general cooperated with her army to restrain the running herd, and they finally appeared in time, preventing all the people living in the forest from dying in this innocent disaster.

She saw the person who had caused all this at a glance, Miss Sullivan was floating in the air, throwing the rabbit carcass back to the ground at will. Hearing someone call her name, Anna tilted her head and waved to them.

"Why is Miss Sullivan here?" Jane asked with suppressed anger.

"If you don't open the city gate, I'll crawl out." An Xu replied.

"What the **** are you doing?!"


"You call this hunting? Every kind of beast has a range of movement. You sweep half of the forest and let them run wild like wasps whose nest has been knocked out. Don't you know what that will lead to?"

"I don't know, tell me?" An Xu said.

In the point of driving people crazy without malice or swearing, An Xu's level has reached its peak. The general gritted his teeth, and the adjutant hurriedly spoke for her: "That would make the herd run wild and cause great chaos."

"I asked if it would affect the ecological balance, but you didn't tell me that at the beginning." An Xu spread his hands.

"People who live in the forest may die because of this!" Jane said angrily.

"Is there anyone in the forest?" An Xu raised his eyebrows, "I thought the residents of Tibes were inside the line of defense."

Now many people's faces became ugly.

There are no "people" in the forest, and the only people who live outside the city where strange beasts are infested are "criminals" who are not legally considered human beings. The criminals are somewhat similar to the converts of the monastery, but these criminals either do not have the wealth to impress the monastery to issue pardons, or their crimes offend the nobles or the Holy See, and they can only be exiled and guarded for generations. It's funny to say, but according to the concept in Anxu's world, these punishments are so severe that they will become the first batch of cannon fodder when the beast tide strikes, and their crimes are far less serious than the converts who are free in the monastery.

People who are disrespectful to the nobles and the Holy See (such as radicals who did not keep silent when they were violated), suicide attempts or relatives of those who committed suicide (who dared to waste human resources and blaspheme the God who created human beings), people who took forbidden drugs in an attempt to obtain supernatural powers (Mainly civilians who failed to be discovered or were accused), abortion caused infertility omega (crimes against humanity, would be burned alive in the early years, but now they are only exiled, the law is really too merciful), the above descendants of man, and so on.

Marquis Samuel used the lack of manpower as an excuse to let these people enter the Tibes defense line during the beast swarm season, and selected criminals who performed well in fighting the beast swarm to be incorporated into the border army. His daughter Jane also continued this move, and now among the soldiers who rushed to the rescue with the general were criminals. They couldn't refute the words of the favored one, they just clenched their fists silently.

"Is that why you watched them die?" Jane said sharply, she was already a temper tantrum, and her anger was stronger than that of the soldiers under her command, "They are also breathing, and they will bleed red blood. When the beast tide comes They are also important defenders of the Tibes line of defense!"

"What does that have to do with me?" the God-Fated One said coldly.

Everyone was speechless, except for the sound of the herd running around. The feet of the favored person still haven't landed on the ground, she is suspended in the air, her light golden hair is flying in the heat wave, and a pair of almost silver eyes is condescendingly looking down at the crowd. As she grew older, the girl lost her baby fat, and her delicate face was heart-wrenchingly beautiful, but because of her almost transparent fair skin and an untimely expression, it was so beautiful that people were afraid of it.

Like an angel, like an elf, like a banshee, in short, not like a human.

A frightened hare ran past the feet of the God's favored man in a panic. The thunder light landed in front of it, then behind it, like a cat's paw playing with its prey, and landed on the rabbit for the third time. The thunder was as terrifying as it looked, it was a sledgehammer, and the rabbit's body was blown into several pieces. anna. Sullivan covered his mouth, but the expression of indifference on his face remained unchanged, as if trying to fake the surprise of ordinary human beings failed.

She sank down#, stirred the wreckage with two slender fingers, took out a piece of minced meat, and twisted off the excess, leaving only fingernail-sized crystals. She snorted, looked at the sun with interest, and swallowed it into her mouth.

The adjutant who was closest behind the general gasped, watched the god-favored man crunching the crystal nucleus, licked his lips, closed his eyes as if no one else was there, and soon opened them with vigor. David immediately understood the reason for the failure of #poisoning. It is strange that the colorless, odorless and undetectable crystal nucleus powder is useful. People can chew raw crystal nucleus dryly!

Is that human being? He thought in shock, glancing at the general to see her reaction. At this distance, only Jane and David, who were the closest, saw clearly what had just happened, but the cloudy anger on Jane's face was obviously not aimed at the crystal nucleus. David secretly thought something was wrong, the general had already opened his mouth.

"Since you think that the life and death of mortals has nothing to do with you," she said slowly, her voice sounded like steel that has been scorched by flames and put into a cooling pool, which has been hardened at the bottom of the pool, "the holy people in the sky don't need The land does not need mortals, and of course it does not need the cloth woven by mortals, the houses built by mortals, and the food made by mortals! Leave! Just as you don’t need us, we don’t need you either!”

Before the adjutant could stop her, the ultimatum had already been delivered, and there was no room for maneuver. He sighed in his heart, and resigned himself to comforting himself, the general was not good at hypocrisy, so he might as well just tear his face. Jane turned around quickly and shouted: "Gather the refugees, treat the wounded, let's go back!"

Her red hair and cloak fluttered like flames, and she walked resolutely without looking back.

The god-favored person didn't stop her either.

If the spectator's perspective uses the epic soundtrack in the game, then the background music of Anxu's perspective must come from the radio of the square dancing aunt downstairs in her house, playing the low-end rustic BGM in a loop.

Here's her experience:

The adjutant refused to open the door, and she climbed the wall with Lydia on her back. An Xu quietly climbed over the wall as she wished, but unfortunately the city wall of Tibes was far taller than any one she had climbed before, and when she got down to two-thirds of the height outside, this physically weak fighter slipped. She wailed in her heart, "don't wake up, don't wake up, don't wake up, don't wake up, don't wake up, don't wake up, don't wake up, don't wake up, don't wake up, don't wake up, don't wake up, don't wake up, don't wake up, don't wake up, don't wake up, don't wake up, don't wake up, don't wake up, don't wake up, don't wake up, don't wake up, don't wake up, don't wake up, don't wake up, don't wake up, don't wake up. After taking off the shackles, the thunder and lightning ability can really make people fly, thanks to the king of ten thousand, thanks to the violent girl, and thanks to the calm Dilydia who accompanied her quietly and did not scream halfway.

So the girl with the second illness began to happily enjoy the PVE (player VSnpc monster) career without touching the ground. She had bound milk on her arm, and she flew away from the distance of the monster's counterattack, and the flying turret Faye is simply a bomber, don't be too cool. An Xu rushed to collect blue medicine materials, but he couldn't find the rabbit without a guide, and he heard that the hares were all in the rabbit hole, so he started throwing thunder without distinction. Rabbits and a lot of things that were not the target ran out, and An Xu also began to falter. MP was in a hurry, and he blew up a bunch of them recklessly, and ate them casually. Meat without salt is not tasty, but fortunately, the edible part is cooked after Lei Hong, and it really turns blue after eating, which is gratifying.

The border army ran out and said that she had not completed the task of defending the city. This unreasonable accusation made An Xu puzzled. Please, isn't defending the city a mission for the king's camp? She didn't join the camp and didn't accept the mission, so it had nothing to do with her, so it wouldn't work if she came out to create a wilderness and collect materials? This guild is so domineering, do you want to fight?

An Xu was about to accept the provocation and start a fight when a rabbit suddenly jumped out. She slashed, but failed to slash twice, and shattered it with too much force the third time. An Xu was a little embarrassed, because such an off-chain thing happened during the stage of talking harshly, it's impossible to pretend to be funny. No, so many people are watching me, you have to keep calm, just cover your mouth subconsciously, don't change your expression, pretend that everything is under control, that's right. Hey, is that piece of useful meat wrapped in crystal nuclei? Is the crystal nucleus a blue drug material? Didn't the setting book say that you can't eat it? Forget it, after eating so many times, it's too early to burp. Anyway try again. Well, I can eat it. The effect is good, huh? Sure enough, it was this part that worked!

Then Jane went away angrily.

An Xu watched the departing army and the herd of beasts gradually disperse, and stood in the open space, as if he had finished a round of games in an Internet cafe, only to find that there was no one around when he took off his earphones. Confused, she poked Lydia with her elbow and asked, "What's wrong with her?"

Lydia shook her head honestly.

An Xu shrugged, and could only attribute it to the fact that the NPCs in the king's camp were also easily angry, and due to PK restrictions, they couldn't fight readily. She jerked her head, and suddenly felt that she had turned into a love branch and accidentally chose the wrong option, so she could only watch the girl leave angrily for unknown reasons with a silly face. This idea made her laugh for a while, she shook her hand, and after thinking about it, she decided to forget it.

An Xu is not a fighting fanatic who is indifferent to the love part. Apart from the main story line, she is also happy to dig out various branch lines. In order to collect all the love endings of all teammates, she can forcefully play a battle game with a long battle line more than a dozen times. She can carefully take notes for each character without a strategy, and inductively guess the personality, likes and dislikes, flag (special event) position, etc., and the first achievement in the whole forum is not a problem.

The girl who conquered the king made a calculation in her heart. If this was an ending with a love branch, there would probably have been five raiders, Chris, Lance, Esther, Lydia, and Jane. You ask what is the basis for the selection of the target of the strategy? Of course it is good looks! Otherwise, how could Lance get mixed in according to the favorability? The guy with only a cute face just wants to play R18G's bizarre killing ending. XD But even if the character meets the standard of appearance, sufficient favorability, and can continue, An Xu doesn't have " Make a good ending" mood. Her favorite save file is broken.

An Xu still misses that night in Alingu, when the moon was high and the stars were shining, and the people around him were brighter than the moonlight. She missed Chris' craftsmanship, the way he smiled, his great principles and his little bewilderment. It can even be said that Anshu longs for Chris, from his noble desire as if out of reality, to his pain of being bitten by the muddy reality-everything. They merge together and become a scent that seems to be absent, which makes people dream.

The headband disappears at the transition, and there is nothing to prove that Chris still exists. This has long been figured out by An Xu. It's just that without Chris's dream, it's not interesting to attack characters. Maybe there will be better new characters in the future, maybe this mood will disappear soon, but not today, not now.

Whether it is indifference or too narrow to take care of both, An Xu has always been a person who doesn't care about everything other than what he pays attention to. Even if she knew what a criminal was and the reason for Jane's anger, she would not want to make amends. The person who most wanted to attack couldn't attack, so An Xu gave up on attacking characters, gaining the prestige of the faction, and building the branch line of the camp, and devoted all his energy to killing monsters and leveling up.

She doesn't have a clear goal, but to become strong first, she feels that gaining strength here is like working hard to make money in reality, money is not everything, and without money, nothing is impossible. There is nothing wrong with it, Anxu lives a fulfilling and happy life every day.

It’s just that occasionally, during the gap between level training, when he has nothing to do and thinks wildly, An Xu can’t help but start to wonder: In the dream that Chris is in, is he working hard for his great ideal?

Can't be left behind, for a reunion that may never happen.