MTL - I Made Scientific Magic-Chapter 24 [Chuan Gang] and [Harbor Town]

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  Chapter 24 [Boat Gang] and [Harbor Town]

  Harbor Town is located in the east of the entire Sekas Empire, and is famous for being close to the vast sea of ​​mist.

  Due to the influence of Lunar Day, the maelstrom named Eye of Death subsided for a short time, and countless merchant ships loaded with spices and ores were transported directly to Viknir, the capital of the Sekas Empire, by land and sea.

   This is also the busiest time for the port.

However, the situation this year is a little different. In order to arrest those devil believers who sneaked into the Nordland Territory and caused chaos, a guard post was added at the entrance of Harbor Town. .

   "There shouldn't be a problem, right?" Lin En, who had put on a disguise, was somewhat apprehensive, and was constantly adjusting the voice line, trying to keep it consistent with the struggling and shouting heard during the rescue last night.

   This is not so difficult to do.

  The essence of sound is nothing but the vibration of the eardrum caused by the wave source propagating through air and other media and reaching the ear. 071 has already recorded Lotter's sound characteristics, and all he needs to do is imitate it.

   And the next step is to test the mentality...

  With the most complicated mood, Lin En crossed the long line of caravans in the most natural posture, and did not stop after entering the sentry post. He nodded at the guards and stepped into the harbor town.

   Several guards stationed hesitated for a moment, but did not dare to intercept.

   "Who was the person who passed by just now?" Pastor Yadean who was stationed at the pass noticed Lynn leaving, and asked with a frown.

   "That is His Excellency Lott, the son of Baron Pedrol..." the guard replied truthfully.

  Yardan thought for a while, and immediately remembered that Baron Pedrol had donated a lot to the church in order to allow Lott to pass the knight examination smoothly in recent years. He still has some impressions.


   On the other side, Lynn, who successfully entered Harbor Town, was already covered in cold sweat. He was even ready to do it the moment he passed the sentry post. Fortunately, everything was as he thought.

  My current status is the son of a genuine hereditary baron, which may not be a big deal in the entire Nordland Territory, but this status can still provide a lot of convenience in a small seaport town.

After passing the most difficult hurdle, Lynn finally let go of the heart he had been carrying all the time, but soon the unfamiliarity with Haigang Town gave him a headache again, and he had to spend a lot of time going back and forth in the port, Silently record every location in my heart, but I still need to pretend to be familiar with everything.

   After patrolling until noon, Lynn cautiously walked into a shop engraved with a ring sign.

   If he is not mistaken, this is the sign of the [Boat Gang] to which Cripple Lauder belongs.

  The owner of the seaport store was an old halfling. When Lynn stepped into the door, he was busy moving a large bucket of heavy yellow and black ore to the other side of the room.

  However, due to his short stature, the heavy iron bucket was tightly attached to the halfling's face, shaking constantly while walking, and the fine ore above it was quickly shaken off.

   Seeing such a scene, Lynn stepped forward to give a hand, and the two piled the vat of ore into the corner together.

   "Thank you so much...guest!" With a thick nasal voice, the old halfling put his dusty hands on his pants and wiped them vigorously, then turned his head to look at Lynn, and said.

   "Okay, now let's talk about business, welcome to Bill's little shop... no, I mean... do you need anything, Lord Lott?"

  After seeing Lynn's appearance clearly, the halfling Bill's original casual attitude immediately became flattering.

  He almost flew directly to the counter, and took out several beautifully decorated boxes from the drawer, which contained some red and blue gems.

   "You can take a look at these, they are the best products this year... There is also a whole boat of high-quality spices, all of which are treasures that cannot be bought elsewhere..." Bill the halfling introduced eloquently.

  Lin En on the side waved his hand without interest, interrupting the other party's words. "I'm not here to buy anything. On the contrary, I have a batch of precious goods that I want to reach Viknir through the sea of ​​mist."

   "I heard that you have the ability to arrange a ship to go on a long voyage and protect the safety of the material, right?" Lynn asked tentatively.

   "Of course, everyone in Haigang Town knows the name of [Boat Gang]. Even those stinky pirates would never dare to intercept our ship!" Bill raised his messy beard and patted his chest as a promise.

"However, leasing an entire ship to transport goods requires a lot of manpower and guards..." Bill carefully watched Lynn's reaction, and prepared to decide the price based on the other party's expression. This is a big profit. good opportunity.

   "Money is not a problem!" Lynn threw out the pie without hesitation, and then changed his voice amidst Bill's ecstatic expression, and continued. "But this batch of goods is very important. I need to meet Lauder in person, preferably in person!"

  Bill's expression suddenly became a little hesitant.

   "What? You think I'm not qualified to meet Lauder the Cripple?" Lynn frowned, and his tone couldn't help but aggravate.

   "No, no, no," Bill shook his head frantically, but he didn't dare to say that.

   After hesitating for a moment, Bill looked around before speaking cautiously. "In fact, very few people in the [Boat Gang] know that Mr. Lauder is not in Harbor Town now."

   "What a coincidence?" Lynn paused for a while, and looked at the halfling in front of him with scrutiny. Suspecting that the other party was fooling himself, he asked again. "Do you know what he did?"

  Bill pouted and said helplessly. "That's not clear. In previous years, Mr. Lauder would stay in the port around Lunar New Year's Day, but this year is indeed an exception..."

  Lin En stared at the halfling in front of him for a long time, then suddenly spoke. "Forget it, since Mr. Lauder is not here, I'd better ask someone else to help."

  The old halfling immediately panicked. "Lord Lot, you might as well think about it again. Although Mr. Lauder is not in Harbor Town at the moment, I can help you contact Labour. He is Mr. Lauder's most capable subordinate and can take full charge of all affairs of the ship gang..."

"I should have said that this batch of goods is very precious. I need to have an interview with Lauder in person. Let me know when he comes back." Lynn ignored Bill who was still shouting behind him, and walked out without stopping. shop.

Outside the door, dozens of huge sailboats are docked on the flat pier. Dock workers in gray clothes are busy moving boxes full of goods from the deck to the wooden rafts beside the pier. The noise of the crowd There was an endless stream of shouts with the overseer.

  Lin En looked around at the bustling scene of Haigang Town, full of doubts in his heart.

   In the past few days, the port is at its busiest time. According to Jonny's description, the channel leading to the Wizard's Land will also be opened for a short time. There is only one chance to transport materials to the Wizard's Land once a year.

   If something goes wrong, decades of accumulation will be destroyed. At such a critical juncture, it is logically impossible for Lauder to leave...

   (PS: Ask for anything in the new book!)

   Thanks to the book friend Xingzhe for the 500 starting coins rewarded by three I am your reminders.



  (end of this chapter)