MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 54 Wraith Campus (8)

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Seeing that the youngster looks like he is going to Su Ling, although he knows that this is a memory of the world, but Cheng Zhichu’s heart is inevitably more strange, because in addition to the uniform, the “Cheng Zhichu” here is almost exactly the same as the high school. .

The young man came to Su Ling and fell down halfway. He seemed to be very concerned about his condition.

Seeing that Su Ling didn't care about his arrival, he just buried his face in his arms. The teenager was not angry. Instead, he asked more worriedly: "Are you a heatstroke? I need you to get some water and musk. Is it positive?"


Su Ling still did not speak, slightly raised his head, revealing a dark look at him.

The teenager smiled at him cautiously, reaching for a light touch on his forehead, but Su Ling’s reaction was fierce, his back suddenly tightened, and his handcuffs were shot down, whispering: “Don’ touch me!"

"Sorry, I just want to try your body temperature and see if you have a fever." The young man touched his back with a red hand and apologized to him a little. "I am embarrassed to offend you... I am going to give Do you take the water?"

He knows that Su Ling will not respond to him, so he simply did not ask, and directly brought Su Ling to come over. As for Su Ling, drinking or not is his own business.

When the boy turned around, Su Ling finally revealed his entire face from his arms, his lips slightly squinting, looking at his back from a distance, unconsciously tightening his fingers and grabbing the fabric of his clothes.

Su Ling looks beautiful, although it is always dark and gloomy, but it is also a pretty beautiful young boy. At this time, the young man left, he even removed the spikes of his body, showing a soft and helpless expression, like a mistake The little animal, with a low eyebrow, whispered, "I'm sorry..."

Cheng Zhichu witnessed this scene, and only had a heartache in his heart.

He can see that Su Ling’s slap on the boy’s hand is definitely due to physical stress. He has been subjected to violence and abuse by Ouyang and others all the year round. He is very sensitive to anyone’s touch, not to mention that he does not want to Let the boy lean too close and find the scar on him.

After a while, the teenager came back with a bottle of water. When he came over, Cheng Zhichu also heard other students say a few words to him, probably meant to persuade him not to be so good to Su Ling.

"Su Ling loves to answer anyone. You are a hot face with his cold butt, and he will not appreciate you. Why do you want to do more..."

"It doesn't matter." The teenager smiled at them. "I just remembered that I used to be isolated by my classmates because my ears were not good. Some of them couldn't fit."

"In fact, it was my wishful thinking. Su Ling didn't hate me. I was already satisfied... Hey, shouldn't you hate it?"

Several classmates did not speak, touched his hair, and went with him. The young man came to Su Ling and handed the water over.

Su Ling silently unscrewed the water, put it down after a little bit of drinking, and licked his sleeves with his fingers. After a moment, the voice was very light.

"……Thank you."

"Nothing." The young man groaned and then asked happily. "Do you feel better?"

Su Ling’s margin was very small.

"If you still need something, just call me, I will help you. Then I will go back to class, you have a good rest."

His thanks seemed to make the teenager feel very happy, and even the steps of leaving were quite brisk.

Su Ling stared at the back of the boy for a long time, raised his hand to cover his face with a blushing blush, and covered the slightly raised lips. The beautiful eyes were full of brilliance, and the hidden feelings were no longer hidden at this moment.


Until this day of school, Cheng Zhichu did not see Su Ling taking pictures, watching him carry the bag off the classroom, hesitating, Cheng Zhichu decided to quietly follow Su Ling.

Su Ling’s home is in a very old residential area. His family is not good. His father is jealous. His mother works early and keeps the family’s livelihood.

Cheng Zhichu looked at Su Ling and returned home. He expertly took care of his father on the bed, did a lot of housework, made good dinner, set up a small table, and went to his father to serve his father.

"Good boy..."

The father sighed and touched the head of Su Ling, his eyes complex and guilty.

"I blame me for dragging you and your mother. If she didn't follow me, she could have been very good. You are, if not because of me..."

"Dad." Su Ling stopped his words and added some meals to him. He said calmly, "Mom never regrets choosing you, or she will not leave the house at the beginning." He paused. "I will always be I am proud of being your father."

"Good, good..."

The father’s hand holding the chopsticks shivered slightly and bowed his head slightly. He didn’t want to be found by his son’s reddish eyes. He just put some of his rice into the empty bowl and said with a hoarse voice: “After you finish eating, put These rice are fed to Xiaomi. They have just given birth to a kitten and it is not convenient to find food."

Su Ling nodded and accompanied his father to finish the meal. He took the rest of the meal and entered an alley in the street.

The alley was dilapidated and narrow, and there were piles of debris on both sides. He tapped a wooden box and there was a female cat and a few fluffy kittens. When he came over, he was very close to the past. , howling, licking his calf, and spoiling him with him.

Su Ling put the rice on the ground, sat down on the steps, watched them eat together, his eyes soft, and a slight smile on his lips.

It seems that only when he gets along with his family and small animals, he will let go of his heart.

Cheng Zhichu looked in his eyes and his mood was extremely complicated. He had both the regret and heartache of Su Ling, and more of it was the resentment of Ouyang and others. He didn’t understand how they could be so worried about such a pure and gentle teenager. The poisonous hand.

What is the hatred of "White Yi" and Su Ling in this world, why should he instruct Ouyang to abuse Su Ling?

While he was angry and confused, there was a sudden footstep on one end of the alley.

Upon hearing the footsteps, Su Ling suddenly changed his face, hurriedly hid the kitten in a wooden box, and then ran to the other end of the alley, but did not run a few steps, he stopped, because here At the exit, Zhao Xiaopeng was waiting for him to cast his own net.

"Where do you want to go?"

On the side of the footsteps, there were other figures. The white boy who was headed by the boy, he looked indifferently at Su Ling, who had no way to escape. The handsome face was frosty, and Ouyang behind him smiled and asked. .

Su Ling’s gaze suddenly sank, his fists were tight, and he was not surrounded by them and showed the color of fear. He stared at them without saying a word, his eyes filled with disgust and anger.

"Dare to see us like this, believe it or not, I have dug your eyes?"

Liang Wenbin stepped forward and slammed into the abdomen of Su Ling with a punch, making Su Ling look white and squatting on the floor with his abdomen painfully, but he did not even swear. a bit.

Cheng Zhichu was full of anger at the moment, and wanted to slam Liang Wenbin's fist, but his hand passed through Liang Wenbin's body, and there was no stopping power for their violence.


Seeing that Ouyang three people went to the front and surrounded Su Ling, Cheng Zhichu had already exploded innumerable times in the heart. I hope that these beasts will be violent immediately, but he also knows that they all lived to the beginning of the copy. This time, it was only once again that they were unilaterally abused by Su Ling.

Not a moment, Su Ling's body has been dyed with dust on the ground. Because of the struggling movement, the sleeves of the winter school uniforms are rolled up, revealing the large and small bruises on the arms, which is shocking and even more difficult. Imagine how many scars there will be on his body.

Su Ling protected his head and was beaten by them. He never made any sound. Bai Yi put his hands in his pockets and stood by the side. His face was completely free of the excitement shown by the Ouyang trio. He just watched quietly. .

Ouyang was tired of playing three people, his face was full of sweat, and he gasped and stood still.

Their movements just stopped, Su Ling sat up slowly, his movements were extremely difficult, but he did not want to lie on the ground all the time, but stood up and swayed, even if he was stumped by one foot, but I don’t want to bow my head, but I look straight ahead.

He is watching Bai Yi.

Bai Yiju was on the ground and looked at him. Although he had almost no expression, his eyes were very cold. Looking at Su Ling’s eyes was like watching something dirty.


At this moment, a faint meow came from the wooden box. Several kittens poked out the small head from inside. The squinting eyes stared at Su Ling for a few seconds and found that he had not left yet. The box jumped out and glared at his body with his tail.

Su Ling’s look suddenly became flustered, subconsciously protecting the kitten into his arms.

"Ah, it’s a kitten, so cute."

Standing behind Bai Yi, Lu Jie, who had never acted, suddenly opened her mouth and laughed at her lips. Her pure and beautiful face was chilling at the moment, and she went to Su Ling and lifted her foot on him. The head was crushed with a heel and said, "Hand over them."

Su Ling licked his body and held the kitten tighter. Zhao Xiaopeng and Liang Wenbin immediately pulled his hair and arms and forced him to hand over the kitten.

This time, Su Ling’s struggle was particularly fierce, but he still couldn’t resist the strength of the two. He watched Lu Jie pick up the neck of one of the kittens.


The cat’s fear of screaming led the female cat in the wooden box to slammed out, fiercely rushing to Lu Jie, but was smashed by Ouyang’s hand with a bag, smashed it into the bag, and served as a female cat. Struggling in the bag.

"Don't move them!"

Su Ling’s eyes turned red in an instant, turning his head and biting Zhao Xiaopeng to break away from their control. However, he only got more brutal beatings, and the kittens were covered by Lu Jie’s throat, and the voice and breathing gradually began. It became weak.

"The kitten is really cute." Lu Jie Chong Su Ling smiled. "So I have to kill them all in front of you."

This crazy woman!

Cheng Zhichu looked at Wen Jie's Lu Jie in disbelief. The back of the back raised a chill. Even the Ouyang trio showed a horrified look. It seemed that they had an auditory hallucination.

"Enough, Lu Jie, let go."

Bai Yi slightly frowned, preventing Lu Jie from killing the kitten. Lu Jie glanced, and immediately let go, the kitten shivered back to his nest, and the female cat trapped in the bag was also put back.

"Sorry, I am just... I want to make my white brother happy..."

The girl showed a pitiful expression, but few of the people present were deceived by her, and even some aversion.

Su Ling was pressed to the ground, his eyes were red, staring at her, and the lower lip had bitten the blood.

Bai Yi finally walked up to him, half-squatting in front of him, picking up his hair, deep and cold, and opening his mouth.

"I am not interested in cruelty to animals, but you have to understand, Su Ling."

"All that you like and hope, I will ruin it by myself."

"You don't deserve happiness."


After Bai Yi left Ouyang and others to leave, Su Ling took the soil on the school uniform as much as possible and went to the nearby small clinic to simply deal with the injury and then returned home.

When Ouyang abused him, he would avoid causing scars on his face. Therefore, when Su Ling entered the door, his father did not notice his abnormality because of the dim light in the house. He only asked strangely: "How did you go for so long? ?"

" with them."

After a short silence, Su Ling answered this question, then set up a dinner table next to it and took out the homework on it: "I will write homework right away."

"Well, Dad doesn't bother you. Hey, the light in the room is too dark, the lamp is a little more generous, I want your mother to buy you an eye-protection lamp, or you should be nearsighted..."

"Nothing, okay, don't have to buy."

Su Ling lowered his head and wrote his homework. The messy hair half covered his eyes. He could only see him biting his lower lip. The hand holding the pen was also shaking violently. The words written were twisted and twisted.

Cheng Zhichu went to his side and wanted to take a shot of his thin back, but his hand still passed through the body of Su Ling, and he could not even bring him the slightest comfort.

He could only watch Su Ling silently. It was very late, and Su Ling’s mother finally returned to work at home.

When I saw Su Ling’s mother, Cheng Zhichu understood why Su Ling was so beautiful because his mother was a beautiful woman.

Even if her horns are slightly white, her face has a lot of weather and a little sorrow, but she can still see how beautiful her eyebrows are. The plain dress can't hide her elegant temperament. The voice is gentle and gentle. Soft, laughing and chatting with his family.

"Look, Xiaoling, my mother brought you a present."

The mother took out a new smartphone from the bag and handed it to Su Ling. She said: "Now the young people use smart phones. You have never been, it is very inconvenient, so my mother bought you one, but It’s second-hand, wait for mom to have money, and give you a new one...”

"Thank you...thank you."

Su Ling tightened her lips and silenced for a while. She suddenly hugged her mother and thanked her in her ear: "Really... thank you very much, I like it very much, it is the best for me. gift."

The mother also blushed and hugged her son, showing a happy smile.


Going to school, Su Ling brought the phone into the school.

The school does not prohibit students from carrying mobile phones. Many students use mobile phones to take pictures of slides in order to organize their notes. Su Ling’s performance has always been excellent, but his notes are always very simple and even messy because the speed of recording is not The speed at which the teacher switches the slides.

With a smart machine, he can take a slide, but the reason he carries the phone is not only that, but more importantly -

The white finger presses the shooting button at the bottom of the screen. During the class, Su Ling relies on the wall near the corridor in the classroom. It seems to be browsing the page in the phone, but in fact he took a photo of the teenager. .

The teenager in the photo has a soft eyebrow, a bright smile, and is covered with golden daylight, if born from the light.

Even in Su Ling's heart, he is purer and warmer than light.

The teenager is the first person who is good to him except his parents.

Su Ling looked at the teenager in the screen, his eyes were hanging down, and his lips unconsciously overflowed with a shallow smile.

He put the photo of the boy and the family photo he just shot last night into the encrypted photo album. He didn't dare to let others know that there were photos of teenagers in his cell phone, especially the white people. If they let them know, they will be finished. .

He couldn't imagine what Bai Yi would do for the teenager.

... maybe he deleted the photo.

Su Ling’s finger moved to the delete button and paused for a long time, but he never stopped.

He probably won't be able to say his own mind forever, but he doesn't want to be qualified for the photo of his sweetheart.

He looked at it quietly for a while, and finally did not delete the photo, just pressing the black phone screen, but suddenly heard the girl's voice in the corridor.

"Lu Jie, sister, what you want, I brought it, but the school sister is not mistaken, I am in the sixth class, how do you stand in the seven classes?"

Su Ling’s face instantly lost his blood.

He slowly turned his head back, and across a window, he saw Lu Jie standing outside the window and slowly showing a smile to him.

"Sneak shots of people's photos?"

"Let me guess what it is because."

"Do you like him?"

"啪", Su Ling missed the phone and fell to the ground, the girl was delighted to bend, the voice is sweet and gentle.

"It seems that I guessed well."

"Original... you like him."

She didn't evaluate anything, turned and walked away, but Su Ling was trembling, rushing out of the classroom desperately, pulling her wrist in front of all the passing students and saying, "Don't go!"

" brother?"

The girl turned back and pretended to be a stunned color. She wanted to withdraw her wrist and said, "Please don't do this."

"Sister... please."

Su Ling lowered his head, his face pale, and his fingertips were shaking, and the cold voice revealed the meaning of pleading.

"Please... Don't say it, don't tell Bai Yi."

Bai Yi once said that he wants to ruin everything he likes.

He doesn't care about himself, but he is afraid... afraid that Bai Yi will destroy the boy.

"Don't tell him?" Lu Jie suddenly lowered his voice and said with the volume that only the two of them could hear. "Okay, then come and ask me, use the way I told you."

She is referring to letting Su Ling kneel down.

The four of them insulted Su Ling. In fact, most of the time Bai Yi was not present, but they spontaneously. In the past few years, they have already used Su Ling as their punching bag. Every time there is something wrong, they will It was vented by beating Su Ling.

Lu Jie basically never started, she just stood by and watched, every time Bai Yi is about to start, she will repeat the same words.

"Would you like us to let you go? Then kneel down and ask for us."

Su Ling never asked for mercy.

Every time, he will choose to endure silence.

However this time -


In the horrified arguments of the students, Su Ling slowly squatted down, clenched his hands into fists, forced the knuckles to be white, the sound was broken, and the shoulders were shaking.

"... please, sister."

The girl was surprised, and some couldn't believe that Su Ling really begged her because she knew how proud she was in Su Ling's bones. Even if she was trapped in dirty mud, she always looked up at the stars in the sky.

Unlike her, even though her appearance is pure, her inner self has long since rotted.

So now he puts down his pride, and asks her for the ones she likes without being implicated, and she will not have any sympathy for him.

She just wants to drag him into the same abyss.

Lu Jie’s eyes swept over the teenager who was standing in front of the classroom and worried. Then he stepped back and waved his hand and said, “School brother, you are getting up, I am sorry, I still can’t accept you, thank you. Mind, but I don’t want to think about love now..."

Su Ling’s big eyes stunned and looked up awkwardly. What he saw was the ridiculous smile in the girl’s eyes.

"It turned out that Su Ling likes Lu Jie, and he kneels down and asks people to accept him. This is too ugly..."

"I want to eat swan meat, is the goddess of the campus also he can remember?"


Satire, sneer, sly... As the cold waters hit the sky, the blood of Su Ling’s body was frozen.

The scene in front of me was like a slow-moving old movie, losing color and sound. The girl turned around and the hair crossed the beautiful arc in the air. Finally, she glanced at him deeply, and there was endless maliciousness hidden in her eyes.


He didn't like Lu Jie at all, how could he like Lu Jie?

No, no, no, no?

Su Ling rushed to the past, clinging to Lu Jie’s shoulders and shouting out of control.

"I don't like you, I don't like you! Why do you want to say this?!"

"Because I know that you like him."

The girl was scratched by his shoulder, but he smiled softly. The lips were lightly opened and spit out a short sentence.

"look back."


Su Ling slowly turned back and saw the teenager who did not know when he had entered the corridor, and looked at him with concern.

- Not what you saw...

- I like people... you are...

He groaned weakly, buried his face in his arms, his shoulders trembled, and the fingers tightened the fabric of the school uniform.

"Well, I have to go back, goodbye, Su Ling Xuedi."

Lu Jie smiled and said: "You can rest assured that I will do it, and I will not tell you what you like about him."

After that, she returned to her classroom regardless of whether Su Ling heard it or not.

Sitting in the seat, she looked down at her mobile phone and took a picture of it. It was the scene when Su Ling gave the teenager a photo, revealing a pure and innocent smile.

It’s just that... Bai Ge will not see this photo in “unintentional”, she will not know.


Bai Yi's Diary · Part 54

(Listed a few pages, he wants to set things to be done by lovers in this copy.)

The author has something to say: Thanks to Shiro's mine x5, and the cloudless, Lingling demon, Li Han, Xingzhi tears, reminder, 舜曦, Chenggu mulberry, Yiye Zhiqiu, Lucy Hartfili, 燏1279 is already a landmine, a scorpion and a landmine! =3=2k novel reading network