MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 55 Wraith Campus (9)

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Cheng Zhichu opened his eyes with dizziness.

The light around him was a little dim. He stumbled and found himself standing in the haunted classroom. The female teacher stood on the stage and looked at him with white eyes, seemingly waiting for his answer.

The projector on the ceiling seems to have some faults, the photos on the screen suddenly become a little blurry, the picture jumps and jumps, except that everything is the same as before, as if he entered the past and only happened in an instant. The illusion.

His hands were on the table and he gasped slightly, which seemed to consume a lot of energy. Everyone else was watching him, and his face was a little white, and Bai Yi covered his hand on the back of his hand. The skin was very warm and warm.


The feeling of anger and heartache still remains in my heart. Cheng Zhi first slowed down for a while, and his eyes swept over several people sitting in the back row, especially Lu Jie, who was not dry, was pure and innocent, and did not provoke pity, but nothing at first. Shen Qiqi, Cheng Zhichu, has no way to look at the other three people with the previous attitude.

There is also Liang Wenbin. None of the four people is innocent, and they should all be retribution.

Thinking of Su Ling's scars and pale and gloomy face, Cheng Zhichu's anger is unstoppable. At this moment, it is inevitable that such thoughts will arise. Even if these people die, they are purely self-sufficient and do not live happily.

But he quickly took control of this dark idea and forced himself to turn his attention back to the task.

He found that the expressions of other people have not changed. He guessed that he should only see the phantom of the past, and it only happened in a flash. If he had a dream, it was a cruel fact that happened. .

"Now do you know who took the photo?" The female teacher was expressionless and there was no ups and downs in the voice.

"...I know." Cheng Zhichu replied dryly, "It is Su Ling."

[You judge the photo shooter is Su Ling. 】

【correct answer. 】

[Complete the branch task: look for the photographer. 】

[Get reward: survival point x1000. 】

The teacher nodded and looked at him for a few seconds and said, "You can sit down."

Cheng Zhichu slowly sat down, silent and did not speak. The questions he was asked were short and simple, attracting the complicated gaze of the second row of Ouyang and others, both envious and fearful of being questioned by female ghosts.

The ghost of the female ghost turned slightly, seemingly looking for the next person to be questioned. Ouyang and others became extremely nervous, deeply buried their heads and did not dare to look at her until she called a name.

"Lu Jie, please answer my question."


Lu Jie stood up in a panic and even touched the chair aside. Since she saw the photo, her face became very pale, and now she was trembling, she looked down at her face and cried in a low voice.

Her performance did not cause any change in the expression of the female ghost, and even the eyes did not blink, just click the mouse to switch the slide to the next one.

The picture on the screen is very disgusting. In a narrow alley, the body of a female cat is on the ground.

In a dark red blood stain, the skin of the female cat was stained with blood, revealing a wound, and the body was already rotted. Several kittens arched its belly, as if they did not believe the fact that it died, refused to leave it. By the side.

"Do you know how this cat died?" asked the female teacher.

Lu Jie looked up at the screen and seemed to be frightened. He didn't dare to look at it, and quickly bowed his head and replied intermittently: "Know, know."

"Is its death related to you?"


"Is it you killed? How to kill?"

"I took the dog at home and let the dog bite it... I killed it."

The girl whimpered, crying and tears, but several people in the room knew that she was crying because she was afraid to die like Liang Wenbin, instead of regretting what she did.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Su Ling often feeds this cat. I killed it. I want Su Ling to feel pain." She closed her eyes and almost couldn't stop crying. "I will be very happy to see him showing a painful expression..."

"Do you hate Su Ling? Why?"


Lu Jie’s body is shaking even more, and the pure face has completely lost its blood.

When she was silent, the female ghost released the next photo and said, "Do you know who the person in the photo is?"

Upon hearing her next question, Lu Jie, who was suffering from the torment, looked up and suddenly screamed and shouted: "Why... why do you have this photo?!"

Everyone else in the classroom was a little glimpsed, and it didn't reflect why her reaction was so intense.

This photo is a scene of a seven- or eight-year-old girl being bullied by other children. The girl is very fat, her body is like a balloon, and the facial features are squeezed by the flesh of her face, almost no recognition, and her face is full. Tear marks.

She was caught by a girl in a pair of ponytails, and her new dress was ripped. The other children clapped around her and laughed. Every child was very happy except her.

"Don't look, don't look, don't look!!"

Lu Jie suddenly seemed to be crazy, knocked down the desk, stumbled and rushed out to tear the screen, trying to cover the eyes of others with his own body, but forgot that this is the projection projected by the projector above, The figure of the fat girl just fell on her body, and the facial features subtly overlapped -

"She is... you?" Zhao Xiaopeng groaned, and the words blurted out.

"No! Not me, I don't know who she is!"

Lu Jie's head was sitting on the ground, his eyes were sore and swollen, and his hair was desperately denied.

However, when the voice just fell, she suddenly remembered something, her face suddenly changed, her lips were slightly open, her eyes shook like a sifting, and she looked up at the female ghost standing in front of her, and she saw the latter suddenly squirming her lips. Corner, open road.

"This child is clearly you, Lu Jie."

"You have been bullied by your classmates because of your past body shape, leaving a serious psychological shadow. However, you did not oppose bullying. Instead, after losing weight, you changed from victim to abuser and bullied Su with others. Ling."

"This is an irrefutable fact and the last thing you want to mention."

"You answered my question with a lie, violated the discipline of the classroom, and was punished accordingly."

"No-! It's not me, it's not me, I don't lie, you can't punish me!"

Lu Jie coldly shook his head and sat on the ground, continually receding, and the look on his face was already terrified.

At this moment, the children in the photo suddenly moved. They showed a weird and empty smile, and they extended their hands to the front. The fingertips were actually worn out from the screen, then the arms, the head, and finally the whole. The body, one by one, jumped out of the screen.

They surrounded Lu Jie, who was about to faint, and laughed and joked: "The big fat pig Lu Jie is back!"

"I am not a fat pig, I have already changed. I am not like that before!" Lu Jie cried and cried. "No..."

"You really are not what you used to be."

A child licked his head and touched her hairline and said, "Because you have become a real fat pig."

"I - oh, oh..."


Ouyang and Zhao Xiaopeng Huo Ran stood up, scared to face no one, and the heartbeat had to stop. Shen Qiqi grabbed his mouth and kept pumping. He was afraid that even the call could not be called out. Cheng Zhichu and Yang Qianfan also showed horror. Gu Zhen slightly frowned, Bai Yi hugged his arms and said nothing.


The original girl has disappeared, and a white fat pig has been drilled in her clothes. She sniffs on the ground with her nose and has completely lost her mind and turned into a pig.

"All said that you are a fat pig, even if you are too young, you can only be bullied by us."

The children slammed into the past, grabbed the fat pig and grabbed its ears, as if they were holding the fat girl's scorpion, lifting the pig up and drilling it back into the picture on the screen.

The screen suddenly turned black, and a "squeaky" sound spurted a lot of blood.

After a few seconds, there was a strong scent in the house.

The screen flickers and the screen reappears. The photo inside has changed and it has become another photo.

The children set up a bonfire, excitedly surrounded by a circle, a slaughtered pig was placed on a campfire, has been roast cooked, crispy skin with pale gold oil beads, beautiful color is not appetizing Daihatsu.

The female teacher came out of the table and baked a plate of grilled meat and asked, "Do you eat?"

She said, she picked up a piece from the plate and put it in the mouth, chewing pork and aphids together.


The second row of Ouyang three people retched again and again, Zhao Xiaopeng even spit out a little juice. Cheng Zhichu also had a cold face and closed his eyes. He did not dare to look at the cruel scene.

Bai Yi gently put him into his arms, flapping his back, gently calming him, and Yang Qianfan, whose face was a little white, was touched by Gu Zhen.

After a while, the fragrance in the house disappeared. The female teacher wiped the lips and fingers that were stained with oil and said: "The next question. Ouyang classmate."


Ouyang was shocked and stood on the table and trembled, trying to stand up, but because he was frightened and frustrated, he tried several times to succeed.

"You, you ask," he said with a sigh of his lips. "As long as you don't kill me, I must answer you and I will not lie. I promise you..."

"The first question."

The teacher spoke, but this time she asked questions not related to Ouyang.

"Does Bai Yi hate Su Ling?"

"Yes." Ouyang nodded hard and did not dare to delay. He replied, "He hates Su Ling, and he can even say that he hates Su Ling very much."

After he replied, the female teacher's gaze slipped to Bai Yi quietly. Seeing that he had no special reaction, she paused and continued to ask: "Why would he hate Su Ling?"

"It is because of family reasons." Ouyang also looked at Bai Yi, swallowed and swallowed, and replied, "He and Su Ling are actually brothers of the same mother."

Brother of the same mother?

Cheng Zhichu’s eyes widened and he looked at Bai Yi with some embarrassment.

He knows that this is a fictitious copy setting. In fact, Bai Yi certainly does not have the younger brother of Su Ling, but this "secret" is spit out, and then thinks of the elegant and noble temperament of Su Ling's mother, he has been able to faintly guess What happened?

Like being afraid that he was not exhaustive enough, he was punished by the female ghost, and Ouyang then said everything he knew.

"Bai Ge... Bai Yi's mother was born into a giant, is a famous beauty in the circle, just like the dog play in the TV series, for the development of the company, her family forced her to marry a man she did not like, also It is the father of Bai Yi."

"Mr. Bai is more than twenty years older than her. She is still divorced and looks flat. She is an old man who has no fun. But he likes his little wife very much. Even if his wife is cold to him, he is very fond of her."

"The two have given birth to a child in less than a year, that is, Bai Yi, but just after the birth of Bai Yi, the two of them divorced because his mother finally met the person he likes."

"That is a male doctor in the hospital, surnamed Su, young and funny, and looks very handsome. Every time she does a medical checkup, she will meet this doctor Su. When I go to the two, I have a good impression on each other."

"Mr. Bai is a good husband. She is accompanying her every check-up, but she doesn't know that his wife often looks at other people in front of him."

"Although she did not have a relationship with Dr. Su, but her mind was not in her husband, but she was crazy about Dr. Su, so after she gave birth to Bai Yi, she could not wait to ask Mr. Bai for a divorce request."

"Mr. Bai didn't want to divorce her. She said directly to him that she didn't love him. She loved Dr. Su. If she didn't divorce, she couldn't control herself. She would definitely derail the white hat for Mr. Bai."

"Any man can't stand this kind of insult. Of course, Mr. Bai is also divorced from her. The original Mrs. White immediately plunged into the arms of Dr. Su and became Mrs. Su."

"The reason for the divorce is on her side. Mr. Bai has not made any mistakes, so Mrs. Su has gone out of her house. She heard about this incident at home. In order to maintain her relationship with Bai, she immediately broke off her relationship with her. The hospital pressed and fired Dr. Su."

"After this, Dr. Su had a serious car accident that was life-threatening. In order to heal him, his family spent all his savings and was heavily in debt, and suddenly fell into a dilemma."

"But even so, he just barely saved his life, but he was embarrassed, and he couldn't be better in this life."

"At that time, Mrs. Su was pregnant, she was a spoiled young lady, but now she has to go out to work to support her family. She doesn't pick any work, as long as she can make money."

"Mr. Bai, who has not remarried, has heard about this and wants to take her back. He also proposed to pay Dr. Su a generous living allowance every month, but he was rejected by Mrs. Su."

“She said that although she is bitter, she feels happy as long as she is with someone she likes.”

"And when she returns to the White House, she will only fall into misfortune."

"Even if Mr. Bai still holds Bai Yi, she still said so."

Ouyang said this past event, even the fear has faded a lot, showing a sneer, his eyes are full of sarcasm.

"It’s ridiculous. She would rather go back to her own husband than the disabled, and she would never go back to Bai Yi. She only treated Su Ling as her baby."

"For Dr. Su, she is the best lover and wife in the world. For Su Ling, she is the best mother, but she regards Mr. Bai and Bai Yi as something, is it for her? Unfortunately?"


The more he said, the more excited he was, but Bai Yi, who was sitting in the front row, looked indifferent, as if he was talking about something completely unrelated to him.

At this point, the screen of the screen is followed by a turn and a video is played.

A luxury car slowly drove past a normal elementary school, attracting many people's attention. The driver stopped the car, got off the car and opened the door, and walked down a little boy.

The little boy's eyebrows are exquisite and beautiful, black and white, with a little tears under his eyes, wearing white shirts and bibs, and at first glance, he is a young master of the rich family.

His eyes stalked back and forth in the vicinity. When he saw a woman dressed up in a plain but beautiful, his eyes lit up and he walked up and shouted, "Mom."

"……You got the wrong person."

When I saw the boy, the beautiful woman squinted and turned her head, unnaturally avoiding his clear eyes: "I am not your mother."


The boy showed his grievances and pulled her clothes. The woman’s eyes flashed a bit, but she resolutely repeated: "I am not your mother... I can’t be your mother. Don’t look for me, I will give Nothing you want."

"I don't want anything." The boy whimpered. "I just want you to go back with me."

"I have completely cut off the relationship with the past, so..." The woman brows slightly and mourns, but replies without hesitation, "I'm sorry, I can't go back."

"Xiao Yi, you will be dead when I am, this is the best result for you and me."


The boy's hand froze, and the woman gently pushed his hand away. At this time, the school bell rang, a large number of students came out, and the woman found her own child, and suddenly smiled and looked bright, and softly called: " Xiaoling!"


Su Ling, who was still a child, ran over and threw herself into the mother's arms. His eyes passed over the pale boy, but there was no reaction, just like watching a strange child, holding the mother's hand, two people. I left here with a smile, and the back was melted into the crowd and disappeared.

The boy stood silent in place until most of the children left the school and he stood here. The driver came over worriedly and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Go back, Mr. Bai is still waiting for you."

"...She doesn't love me, she only loves Su Ling."

The boy lowered his head and his voice was a little hoarse.


The driver was silent, did not know how to comfort him, but the boy suddenly raised his head, clearly with a red touch on his eyes, his eyes were dark and cold, and he had no innocence at his age.

"Since she said this, then I will die when she is."

He whispered.

"If she owes me, let her beloved ‘only child’ come back.”

The video is over.


Gu Zhen hugged his arm and watched it quietly. After the screen was black, he suddenly turned his head and looked at Bai Yi. He smiled with his lips and said, "Cry?"

Bai Yi’s look suddenly cooled down.

Cheng Zhichu took a look at Gu Zhen. These people clearly knew that this was fictitious, but Gu Zhen still asked this question, and it was only ironic.

"Like the video..."

Ouyang finally replied: "It is for this reason that he hates Su Ling and wants to ruin everything in Su Ling... I am finished."

The female teacher was slightly beheaded.

"Next question."

"Why is Bai Yi approaching Cheng Zhichu, is it for the recovery?"


Ouyang nodded and admits: "At that time, we accidentally saw a photo in Lu Jie's mobile phone... Now think about it, she should deliberately let us see it. The content is that Su Ling took a photo of Cheng Xuedi, which was just displayed on the screen. Photo."

"We know that Su Ling likes Cheng Xuedi... Ha, although I didn't know how to do it at the time, people in the school rumored that Su Ling likes Lu Jie. Only we know very well that even if he likes the female cat, he won't I like Lu Jie."

"In order to make Su Ling more painful, we approached Cheng Xuedi. Originally, I said that I simply gave my schoolmate a meal, but Lu Jie proposed a better way: let Cheng Xuedi like to go to Baiyi."

"The person who looks at his crush is fond of his half-brother, and this brother is the one he hates most, and he will be able to stimulate Su Ling."

"and so……"

The female ghost beheaded and continued to speak.

"The third question. Does Bai Yi like to know Cheng Zhichu?"

This question was asked before Bai Yi, so when I heard it again, Ouyang gave a slight glimpse, but quickly reacted and said: "He likes it, of course he likes it."

"But if he loses his memory after a car accident, how can he only remember Cheng Xuedi? It is because he loves him and he is going crazy. Without Cheng Xuedi, he will definitely not survive."

Ouyang Yu opened his mouth and his face looked like a smile.

"He just wanted to report the recovery, but the two of them are brothers. Some things in the bones are still the same. They are all obsessed with the same person..."


That night, after he and Bai Yi met with Cheng Zhichu for the first time, in order to thank Bai Yi for help, Cheng Zhichu sent Bai Yi a few pieces of sugar, but was thrown into the trash by Bai Yi.

For his move, Ouyang did not feel the slightest surprise. On weekdays, Bai Yi looked gentle and easy-going on the surface, but several of them knew that because of his childhood experience, he was a very indifferent person, and all the gifts he gave him would He was thrown away, not to mention just a few pieces of sugar.

Ouyang's sarcasm Cheng Zhichu must be easy to be fooled. It will not be long before the plan will succeed. When he left the school with Bai Yi, after going to high school, Bai Yi will not let the driver pick up, but he will go home. Ouyang and he have a section. It was a smooth road, and went with Bai Yi.

He kept talking, Bai Yi was like a frost, and he never said a word. Ouyang saw that he seemed to be in a bad mood. He quickly closed his mouth and quietly followed Bai Yi, wondering. Who provoked this young master.

Is it what Cheng Zhichu did?

Ouyang secretly groaned, thinking that Bai Yi will go home directly today, but he does not want the latter to enter a supermarket in a rare way, holding his arms in front of the display rack for a long time, has been gazing at a certain area.

What is Bai Ge looking at? ……Ok? How to get a bag of milk sugar, isn't he the most hateful dessert?

Ouyang became more and more confused. Bai Yi’s series of actions were beyond his understanding. Until Bai Yi ate a piece of sugar and raised his brow slightly, he only thought of something awkwardly.

This milk candy... seems to be the same as the sugar that Cheng Zhichu just sent?

"too sweet."

Bai Yi wrinkled his eyebrows and swallowed the sugar, and threw the remaining bag to Ouyang.

Ouyang took over the past and had not had time to ask anything. He heard Bai Yi whispering to himself.

"...Why does he like such sweet things?"

Is this the white brother's preference for analyzing Cheng Zhichu?

At that time, Ouyang held the sugar bag and showed it, but even if it was an analysis, I didn't have to try it myself, obviously he hated sweets.

But later recalled, he suddenly felt that it might be that Bai Yi was purely curious about Cheng Zhichu.

It is also the beginning of the heart.

- The moment they first saw it.


Bai Yi's Diary · Part 55

Who is the child in the video? that's not me.

I am a little worried, I will not have any strange misunderstandings about me at first.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the grenades and mines, the mines that boil water and coffee, x3, and the tears of Ling Ling, Xing zero, 34421822, Lucy Hartfili, 1279 is already a waste, 舜曦, Marianne Panda, the flowers have red and white like yellow and Jing laugh mine! =3=2k novel reading network