MTL - If You Can’t Be a Son-in-law, You Have To Be Sanctified-Chapter 259 What's so good about being a human being? It's better to be a fairy!

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  Chapter 259 What's so good about being a human being? It's better to be a fairy!

  It was like the rising sun, and the warm white light shone on the towering Lingao Mountain.

  The clouds and mists around the mountains, and even the **** mists in the sky were all dyed with white light!

  The white mist is light and purple, and the sun is shining red!

  The white light is dyed through, coupled with the unique brilliance of the cloud, it emits a bright red light.

  Princess Chong'an looked at the white light, her brows suddenly stretched, and there were some ripples in her eyes.

  The two immortals wearing stars and wearing moons also looked at Bai Guang at the same time, slightly surprised.

  After being astonished, a celestial light flashed in the eyes of the star-piercing fairy, and the celestial light floated through the thick clouds and mist, and he saw the white light clearly.

   Immortal Dai Yue also raised his head, as if he vaguely sensed strands of thunder shining in the sky.

   "Gou Chen Yuanxing."

   Immortal Dai Yue raised his eyebrows slightly.

   Immortal Phi Xing glanced at Princess Chong'an, and said, "It seems that you know Lu Jing quite well. He actually...can really escape the death calamity from the West Cloud Sea."

  Si Wanyu had already sensed the aura behind the cloud and mist, until the star-piercing fairy spoke like this, Si Wanyu was slightly stunned, and then saw a white dragon coming out of the cloud.

  The white dragon's scales still shone with a clear light, and the white dragon of more than a hundred feet came to the mountain and hovered in the void.

  The young gentleman who has not seen for a long time is wearing a black robe and is sitting between the horns of the white dragon.

  His complexion was a little pale, his breath was disordered, and his blood seemed to be unsustainable, but there was still a smile on his face.

  Then there is no complaint in the smile, it is full of clarity, with a special demeanor, Xiaoxiao is solemn, but also hearty and clean, Qiong Peishanshan.

  Seeing Lu Jing at this moment, Si Wanyu finally felt relieved and let out a long sigh of relief.

  She also glanced at the star-piercing fairy beside her.

  The star-piercing fairy plucked the flowers near her ears, her white clothes fluttered, and she stared at the strange white dragon under Lu Jing.

   "Using Qi to become a white dragon, you can come to the mountains in an instant, but I don't know what kind of treasure it is."

   Immortal Phi Xing talked to himself, then chuckled, and said to Immortal Dai Yue: "Lu Jing... is here."

   Immortal Dai Yue looked down at the fairy sword on his waist. The fairy sword rang, emitting a faint light, brewing wisps of fairy energy, rushing towards Lu Jing, and the wind exhaling knife and rain calling sword on Lu Jing's waist.

   Immortal Dai Yue's eyes were full of interest, and then he nodded and said: "Even this Luzhu thinks that Lu Jing's swordsmanship is very beautiful.

  It is his chance that he can come to Gaoshan, and it is also the chance of you and me. "

   "The building lacks a famous sword, and Lu Jing can make up for it."

   Immortal Dai Yue spoke eloquently.

  The star-piercing fairy fiddled with the red flower in his hand casually, and the smile on his face grew wider: "Princess, you know Lu Jing, but you don't know the preciousness of this fairy fate.

  I don’t know how many people in the world hate the fairyland in the sky, but if there is a fairyland here, how many people can refuse?

Lu Jing was robbed by the Dragon King of Xiyun. He entered my fairy tower and followed us to the sky. With his qualifications, he might be able to descend to the mortal world with authority and kill the Dragon King of Xiyun without cutting it for nine or ten years. Pull up that Xiyun Dragon Palace! "

   "Isn't this much simpler than his struggle in the world, not only to avoid murder, but also to find opportunities in the world, so that the soul casts the star palace with the light of the stars?"

  Phixing Immortal looked directly at Lu Jing, and spoke eloquently.

   Immortal Dai Yue stretched out his palm and flicked his sleeves slowly.

  A ray of wind blows all over the world, blowing away the blood mist that filled the sky, and also blowing away the sea of ​​clouds.

  The big dry white dragon flew from the sea of ​​clouds and landed directly on the mountain.

   This mysterious white dragon perched on Lingao's body, and the breath she exhaled was also mysterious. She poked the huge dragon's head towards the ground, and Lu Jing slowly got up and walked down following the dragon's head.

  Si Wanyu naturally heard what Immortal Phi Xing said.

   I have to admit that the monks in this world are really like what the star-studded fairy said.

  There is both immortal wisdom and immortal fate, how many people can refuse?

   "Even Mr. Four, they all went to heaven with their master, and the Dragon King of Xiyun wanted to kill Lu Jing, so it was right for Lu Jing to come to Lingao Mountain to find two immortals."

  Si Wanyu was thinking like this in her heart, but for some reason, the collapsed Mount Qingcheng always appeared in her mind.

  The thick blood mist on the high mountain here also made Si Wanyu feel uneasy.

  The immortals in the sky came here, not to save the mortal beings with mercy, but to gather these **** mist.

  The blood mist represents the death of millions, tens of millions of living beings. Hezhong Road is like a melting pot of flesh and blood, and the people of Hezhong Road have become soup boiled in the melting pot.

  At this very moment, Lu Jingqian came to the mountains to welcome the opportunity of winter, which made Si Wanyu feel a lot of thoughts.

  Perhaps after Lu Jing ascended to the sky, one day he would descend into the room like the two immortals wearing the stars and wearing the moon. He would not only kill the enemies who killed him in the past, but also gather the blood mist created by the people of the world with their lives and bring it back to the sky.

  Si Wanyu was thinking, stepped down from the dragon's head, and waved at the white dragon again, with a grateful Lu Jing on his face, watching the white dragon disappear into the sky in puffs of mist.

  He turned his head again, his eyes flashed, and the two immortals Pi Xing and Dai Yue fell into his eyes.

   But immediately after, Lu Jing turned his head and saluted Si Wanyu in the distance.

   "Princess, long time no see."

  Lu Jing's voice was the same as when he was in Taixuanjing, neutral and peaceful, with a smile on his face again.

   Si Wanyu, who was in deep thought, suddenly raised his head. He heard Lu Jing's voice, and saw the sincere smile on Lu Jing's face as before, and the thoughts in his mind disappeared in a blink of an eye.

   "Lu Jing... still the old Lu Jing."

  Si Wanyu thought so in his heart, with a serene smile on his face and a graceful demeanor.

   When the old people reunited, there was joy in the eyes of the always cold princess.

   "Lu Jing, it's been a long time."

  Si Wanyu tilted his head and said: "I told you a long time ago that since you and I are equals, you don't have to call me Princess, you can just call me by my first name."

   Lu Jing just smiled and didn't say much.

  The concubine was kind to him, even though Lu Jing fulfilled his promise through Yu Qixiang leaving Taixuanjing, this princess of Chong'an was still the one who helped Lu Jing when he was in trouble.

  It is the friendship of the same generation, and the two are friends with each other, so they must uphold some etiquette.

   "I said goodbye last year, but I never thought that it has been nearly a year, but I never thought that I could meet the princess on this river road. The princess came here with Qixiang?"

  The breath in Lu Jing's body surged, he coughed a few times, and looked around while talking to Si Wanyu.

  Lin Gaoshan is not like the mountains on Pingchuan, it looks unattainable.

  In the past, there were high mountains standing in the middle of the river.

   But now, there is only a bare piece of rock in Lingao Mountain, only the **** mist that covers the top of Lingao Mountain... Lu Jing looked sideways.

   "What? Qixiang is also in the middle of the river?"

  Princess Chong'an frowned, and she looked at Lu Jing with worry in her tone.

   When Lu Jing came back to his senses, he realized that Yu Qixiang must be a naughty girl who sneaked here.

  The two haven't said a few words yet.

   Immortal Dai Yue has turned around, stepped into the blood mist among the clouds, and with a light finger, the mist in the clouds seemed to turn into blood-colored silk threads, flying in front of Immortal Dai Yue's body.

   Immortal Dai Yue gathered a lot of blood-colored silk threads, and between his sleeves, there was a jade-colored vase in front of him.

  He opened the vase, and **** silk threads flew into the vase and disappeared instantly.

   Mr. Dai Yue meticulously collected the mist from the sky.

  The star-piercing immortal looked at Lu Jing.

  She casually pinned the blood flower in her hand back in her hair, her black and smooth hair fell straight to her shoulders, and there was a sense of immortality rippling between the brows.

  The immortal energy is completely different from the vitality energy, and it complements the star-studded fairy with its own charm.

   "It's really hard to find a boy like you in the world."

  The star-piercing fairy opened his mouth slowly, and said: "When Daiyue Immortal collects the blood mist from the middle of the river, the heaven will reopen the sky. At that can follow us to the fairyland in the sky."

  Si Wanyu's eyes moved slightly.

   Lu Jing was taken aback for a moment, he turned his head to look at Immortal Phi Xing, with puzzlement in his eyes.

  Si Wanyu pursed his lips and suppressed his smile: "Lu Jing, the immortal fate is here. The two immortals... want to take you as a disciple and take you to heaven."

   Lu Jing suddenly realized, nodded and said: "In the Dragon Burial City, there was An Nijing, the qin festival of the Hengshan Temple in Qi State, who once told me that two immortals came up from Lingao Mountain, and they wanted to give me a fairy fate."

   There seemed to be radiance in the eyes of Immortal Phi Star, she looked up at the sky, and said with a smile: "In this world, you can be said to be very talented, and you can reflect Gou Chen Yuanxing when you go to the Realm of Illuminating Stars.

  If you go to the Immortal Tower, worship me and Dai Yue as teachers, accept the immortal's law, and bring the immortal energy into your body, you will be able to leave the sky gate and look down on the world soon..."

   Immortal Phi Xing hadn't finished speaking, but Lu Jing suddenly frowned. He looked at Immortal Dai Yue's back collecting blood mist, and said to himself, "Why do you want to look down on the world when you ascend to the sky?"

   Lu Jing seemed to be talking to himself, and also seemed to be asking the star-piercing immortal.

  The star-piercing fairy smiled even more on his divinely radiant face: "The sky is above, and the earth is below.

  When you climb up to Tianguan and look down at the world, you can see the long river crawling like a snake, and hundreds of millions of living beings bustling like weeds growing on the ground.

  There are strong people in the world, but those strong people are still inferior to you.

  At that time, Lu Jing, you will be willing to look down on the world and see what the mortal beings are doing, which can be regarded as a kind of pastime. "


   Lu Jing sighed.

  Si Wanyu on the side thought of Mount Qingcheng who had suffered inexplicable punishment from heaven, and looked around again, looking at the **** mist covering Lingao Mountain.

  The princess of Chong'an couldn't help but said: "If all living beings in the world are entertainment in the eyes of immortals, why did the two immortals come to this place of death.

  Too many people have died here, and the living are also bustling, looking for a way out.

   You come to the middle of the river, I'm afraid you won't be able to see the entertainment. "

  Lu Jing was silent, he suddenly thought of Mr. Si who went up to the sky pass and then went down to the world.

   "Mr. Fourth drew his sword to kill the immortals, opened the gate of heaven, and returned to the world abruptly. Thinking about it, even if he thinks the sky is boring, he is unwilling to look down on the human beings who are also flesh and blood."

   "And these two immortals came to the world to collect the blood mist emitted by the mortal creatures, but they only treated the mortal creatures for entertainment... No wonder the master wants to go to the sky and sit in the small courtyard in the sky to study knowledge.

  The Master is here, and the immortals in the sky should not go too far. "

  Lu Jing's mind was calm, and there was no fluctuation in his eyes, let alone the slightest emotion.

  Pierce Star Immortal saw Lu Jing's expression, and the smile on his face subsided.

   "You don't want to follow us to the sky?" asked the star-piercing immortal.

Lu Jing nodded frankly and said: "Lu Jing was born on the ground, and many important people also live in the world. If he ascends to the sky, he will start to treat these creatures in the world as a pastime, and start looking down at the world. I'm afraid he won't be able to see those important people gone."

   "Besides... the two immortals, I have already worshiped the teacher, and I will worship the two as teachers, which is not in accordance with the etiquette."

   "It's too pedantic." Pixing Immortal said: "You have worshiped the teacher, so what's the point of worshiping the two of us as teachers? How can we not mind?"

   "But I don't mind." Lu Jing said: "There is indeed a lot of knowledge and rules in the world that are quite pedantic, but as a human being, one must always hold something in one's heart. There are some pedantic etiquettes, so naturally you don't have to follow them.

   But there are some etiquettes related to the way of being a human being. If you ignore these etiquettes, I'm afraid that before Lu Jing ascended to the sky, he would also treat the creatures of the world as a pastime. "

"What's so good about being a human is that it's better to be a fairy." The star-piercing fairy smiled, and it turned out to be a straightforward ridicule: "Mortal people can't live forever, and their life span is only a hundred years. Restricted by the rules of heaven and earth, he can live for only three hundred years!

  Besides, there are still many calamities in the world, such as suffering from thunder disasters, sickness, death, and prosperity. How can humans... be compared with immortals? "

   "Besides, it is your fairy fate that Immortal Dai Yue and I accepted you as your apprentice. Who is your teacher in the world? Can you compare with us?

   Lu Jing... What are you insisting on? "

   "Who is my teacher? Can I stand shoulder to shoulder with you"

   Lu Jing lowered his head, and there was also a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

  How can you… compare to the teacher?

   Far away is the Slim Tower of Taixuanjing Book Building.

  Mr. Guanqi has a tired face and heavy clothes on his body.

  The weather has already entered autumn, and the weather is slightly cool, but it is far from cold.

   But Mr. Guanqi seemed to be very cold, and occasionally reached out to grab the hot tea on the table, his hands trembling slightly.

  At this time, Mr. Guanqi took the teacup as usual and was about to drink tea.

  At this moment, the teacup he handed to his mouth trembled slightly, spilling some tea from it.

  The few drops of tea fell on the crime, and there were mountains, rivers, wind and rain in it.

  After the wind and rain in the mountains and rivers, several scenes flashed by each.

  In that scene, there is a place where the mysterious talisman money suddenly appeared, and the soul of the Dragon King of Xiyun flowed out of it, turning into a real dragon entrenched, looking down at Lu Jing.

   Bang Dang!

The cup in Mr. Guanqi's hand fell down and hit the table. This young man who had not stepped out of the cultivation tower for a long time and was about to die stood up suddenly. The strong dizziness made him unable to stand still, but he still faced go ahead...

   Until the scene in the tea water changed again, it became the scene on Lingao Mountain.

  On the high mountain, the Immortal Pied Star was talking to Lu Jing with a sneer on his face.

  Mr. Guanqi heaved a long sigh of relief when he saw that Lu Jing was safe, and then turned around and sat down.

   "Lu Jing... is my disciple."

  Mr. Guanqi took a pen and slowly started writing on the straw paper on the table.

   "What are you guys? You want to stand shoulder to shoulder with me?"

  (end of this chapter)