MTL - If You Can’t Be a Son-in-law, You Have To Be Sanctified-Chapter 260 Lu Jing enforced the law and ordered Hezhong Road

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  Chapter 260 Lu Jing enforces the law and orders He Zhongdao

   "It's just a young man in the world, full of enthusiasm, but he doesn't know what kind of opportunity is in front of you."

  The star-piercing fairy has a graceful figure, and the fairy energy behind her is surging, making this barren mountain of Lingao almost turn into a fairyland.

"You have never climbed to a high place, so naturally you don't know the grand scenery of the high place. When you step into the realm of a great master in the world one day, build a star palace or a martial arts temple, you will find that thousands of creatures in the world are just like bricks and stones. Have a broken day.

  Now you feel that you are also a masonry, and you have to follow your teacher who is also a masonry, give up this heavy fairy relationship, and wait for you to climb the peak in the future, and you will always regret it when it is difficult to continue. "

  The star-piercing fairy is unparalleled in her celestial appearance. She stands in front of the high mountain and abyss, and the stars in the sky seem to feel her demeanor, and she has been eclipsed so far.

Lu Jing also walked to the cliff on the top of the mountain, looked down at the blood mist in the mountain, and clearly sensed that Daiyue Immortal was still gathering the blood mist, so he couldn't help asking: "Since everything in the world is just for entertainment, all people in the world are just for fun. Bricks and stones, with the price of two immortals, why come here like a mortal, gathering the blood mist produced by these bricks and stones?"

The star-piercing immortal frowned, looked at Lu Jing coldly, and after two or three breaths passed, he shook his head and said, "Since you are willing to be a masonry, you have reflected the Gou Chen Yuanxing, and you will eventually be swallowed by the waves of heaven and earth. Those past arrogance are generally the same.

  It seems that Dai Yue and I... seem to have misjudged your potential. "

  The star-piercing immortal seemed a little bored. With a flick of his sleeves, a storm came. In an instant, the world was full of wind and smoke, and the billowing smoke of immortality rose into the void, turning into stars.

  The stars shone with starlight, and scattered them on this immortal, just like wearing a starlight robe.

   "I'll give you another chance. You can go to the fairyland in the sky with me and Dai Yue, and you will become a real fairy, and you will no longer be a brick or stone in the world."

  The star-piercing immortals looked directly at Lu Jing, but they looked down proudly and condescendingly, as if they brought Lu Jing to the sky as a gift to Lu Jing.

  When Lu Jing heard what Immortal Phi Xing said, his usual calm mood seemed to be ignited.

  He stared seriously at the immortal who was wearing starlight at the moment, and said equally seriously: "In the eyes of an immortal, are all mortals just bricks and stones?"

   "In the world, there is Baili Qingfeng, a drinker who raises a fairy in the sky on his shoulders. In the eyes of the fairy, is he a brick?"

   "There is Mr. Si who once entered the Tianguan and returned to the human world. When the Tianguan cave was opened, amazing blood spilled on Mount Tai. Is he a brick?"

   "There are five thousand immortal swords in the world, the sword armor Shangmin who forges the world-famous sword Bailu, and magic arts. Is he also a brick?"


   Lu Jing looked directly into the eyes of the star-piercing immortal, and asked word by word.

   "And there is still a master in the sky who ascended to Tianguan, but never became an immortal. He just lived in a hut in an immortal tower and studied knowledge. In the eyes of the two immortals, is the master also a brick?"

  Lu Jing mentioned the name of a strong man in the world.

  The original bright demeanor of Immortal Phi Star became dim at this moment.

  Her eyes were cold, and she still didn't answer Lu Jing.

  Si Wanyu looked at Lu Jing worriedly.

   It seems that it is not a wise move to annoy these two immortals on this Lingao mountain.

  But when she looked at Lu Jing's resolute eyes and Lu Jing's calm expression, she suddenly felt in her heart...

  If people in the world are submissive in everything, and dare not raise their heads in the face of the climbers looking down, then this really hopeless.

  So Si Wanyu took a step forward and stood beside Lu Jing. She didn't say anything, but smiled gently at Lu Jing.

   And Lu Jing, who was stared at by the star-studded fairy for a long time, suddenly laughed out loud.

   "Lu Jing, do you think you can be compared with Master, Ji Shen'an, Bailu and Lord of Divine Art, Baili Qingfeng?"

   "Throughout the ages, there have been countless arrogances of heaven, but there are very few who may have ascended very close alive.

   Besides, so what if he is on the top of the world, even as strong as Ji Shen'an, as strong as the king of men, Chen Baxian, as strong as Dafu, where is the founder of the country now?

  Even if it reflects Yuanxing, it is absolutely not qualified to despise the fairyland in the sky.

   What's more... the wind blowing knife and rain calling sword on your waist still come from Xianlou. "

   "Since you don't want to ascend to the sky, how can you wield the Wind Husking Knife and Rain Calling Sword?"

  The voice of Immortal Phi Star became ethereal, and there was a strong wind and heavy rain in the sky.

   But seeing the immortal raised his head slightly, then stretched out his jade finger, and pointed at Lu Jing's waist-whispering knife and rain-calling sword.

  In an instant, the billowing air of immortality turned away, frantically pouring into the two swords.

  The two immortal weapons began to tremble, as if they were about to unsheath in an instant and fly away from Lu Jing.

  Si Wanyu frowned, a little displeasure flashed in his eyes.

  She was about to speak, but she saw Lu Jing stretch out his hand and slowly grasp the handle of the Hufeng Knife, and another light-supporting sword energy suddenly appeared from the Rain Calling Sword.

  The fate of the soldier bone was triggered in an instant.

  The light on the Hufeng Knife and Rain Calling Sword became brighter and brighter.

   There was a light in Princess Wang's eyes.

  The star-piercing fairy's expression suddenly became stiff.

  Because the wind blowing knife and rain calling sword that had already started to vibrate surged with Lu Jing's light sword energy, they became quiet in an instant.

  The Fuguang Sword Qi shone with sword light, piercing through the dense fog on the top of the mountain, and turning this fairyland-like land into barrenness.

   "Swords and swords have spirits, since I have recognized me as master, I can naturally control them."

  At this time, Lu Jing's complexion was pale, and his blood and vitality were all sluggish, but he was standing not far from the Star-Pieling Immortal, and he was on par with the Immortal-Piiling Star-Piiling Immortal!


The starlight around Immortal Phi Xing suddenly exploded one after another, she sighed, shook her head and said, "I suddenly want to know which teacher taught you such a reckless young man who knows nothing about heaven and earth... Hot blood is actually the most useless thing.

  For example... If I want to smash your brick right now, no one can..."

  As soon as Immortal Phi Xing finished speaking, a light and shadow suddenly appeared in the sky.

  A landscape of ink and wash emerged in the sky, and there seemed to be an exiled immortal writing annotations on that landscape!

   Immortal Phi Xing raised his head suddenly, and Immortal Dai Yue, who had gathered the blood-colored mist safely, did the same.

   "I taught him."

   There was a gentle and upright voice, and the figure was still reflected in the landscape painting.

  The figure and the voice merged, and the two immortals, Pi Xing and Dai Yue, suddenly became stiff.

   They first raised their eyes to look at the sky, even though there was no vitality fluctuation in the center of the ink landscape, voice, and figure, the two immortals lowered their heads slowly after a few breaths of silence.

   "Mr. Qingdu..."

  The person wearing the moon star saluted the mountains and rivers on that day.

  The coldness on the face of Immortal Star Piece also disappeared at this moment. She lowered her noble head and saluted the landscape.

  The landscape was like a phantom, and the phantom suddenly appeared without any power, but the expressions of the two immortals became darker, and the immortal energy on their bodies became thinner and thinner.

   "Mr. Chess Watch?" Si Wanyu was a little surprised.

  Lu Jing worshiped Mr. Guanqi as his teacher?

  Lu Jing's actions responded to Si Wanyu's question.

   Lu Jing, who was originally calm, finally showed a sincere smile when he saw the ink landscape in the sky.

  His arms are wide open, performing the etiquette of his disciples.

   "Sir, when the first ray of wind blows, I know that the fragrance of your pen and ink has come to Lingaoshan."

   Lu Jing whispered in his heart.

  The image of the landscape slowly disappeared, and the two immortals looked quite embarrassed. The immortal energy on their bodies had disappeared, and their aura seemed chaotic.

   "Mr. Qingdu is Lu Jing's teacher?"

  The two immortals watched the landscape in the sky disappear, and then looked at each other.

   Immortals also have distinctions between high and low. There is Lord Qingdu as Lu Jing's teacher, but they still want to accept Lu Jing as a disciple, which is a bit ridiculous.

  The star-piercing fairy's eyes were slightly condensed, and she stopped looking at Lu Jing. She turned to look at the abyss below, as if she wanted to see through the abyss.

   Immortal Dai Yue pondered for a while, and then a bright smile appeared on his pale face.

   "Lu Jing, you don't want to go to the sky, but you worship Lord Qingdu as your teacher. This may be the real will of God."

   "Qingdu Lord was canonized by the Heavenly Emperor himself, once he enters the human world, he will eventually go back to heaven.

  At that time, you are a disciple of the immortal, and you will eventually become an immortal after you ascend the Tianguan. "

   "Mr. Qingdu..." Lu Jing whispered in his heart, and also heard Dai Yuexian's words, but he didn't care, just smiled.

   "Since the teacher is willing to abandon Yingwu Island for the blood and tears of the mortal people, even if he ascends to the sky, he is definitely not a fairy who looks down on the world with cold eyes."

  Lu Jing never had the slightest doubt in his heart.

   "The teacher is a teacher, not some Qingdu Lord."

   Immortal Phi Xing did not turn around, but seemed to sense the indifference in Lu Jing's eyes.

  She looked down at the abyss, her eyes went straight into the abyss, through the thick blood-colored mist, she saw clearly the desolation of the middle of the river.

   "Empty talk is always empty.

  You ask me as the master, Jianjia Shangmin, and Ji Chen'an, but I also want to ask you, what have you done for this world? "

  The star-piercing fairy whispered coldly.

   "What have I done for the world?" Lu Jing lowered his head, as if he was also asking himself.

  Si Wanyu looked at Lu Jing who was bowing his head in thought, and keenly sensed that there seemed to be some kind of unique power hidden in Immortal Pixing Star's question.

  So the slender fingers in the sleeves of the princess tapped slowly.

  A silent ripple swept across, and it was at this time that Princess Chong'an said slowly: "At your age, don't compare with Master and Mr. Four."

   "Lu Jing, you once beheaded Tai Xuanjing with a sword, and you claimed to be a natural and evil monster who made many people's eyes hurt.

  You once cut off the dragon's feet and chewed the dragon's meat, so that it could not return to the court, could not lie down at night, fell to the mortal world, and looked at all beings in the world.

  You once suppressed the Bengyuan Xiahe Dragon Palace, beheaded the Taichonghai prince who performed the blood sacrifice, let many bones buried under the dragon pan formation rest in peace, and attracted hundreds of dragons from Xixia and Dragon Kings to kill you. "

   "You have done so many things for the people of the world, but you are only eighteen years old now, and you have a long way to go. One day, you will always catch up with Mr. Si and Mr. Guanqi."

  Si Wanyu spoke eloquently.

  As the princess's soft voice reached Lu Jing's ears, Lu Jing's eyes gradually became clear.

   "Sometimes doing small things is worth living."

   A smile appeared on the corner of Lu Jing's mouth, and he turned to look at the abyss as well.

  Under the abyss, there are bones scattered on the side of the road. Those are the people of the river, and they are all dead in vain! "

   "Lu Jing's ability is still small, but in the middle of the river, because Lu Jing is missing nine dragon formations, and some practitioners who want to perform blood sacrifices are all panicking.

  Because Lu Jing is not dead, and he can wield a sword and wield the law of thunder, then they... always have to worry about me. "

   Lu Jing's face glowed, and she smiled at Si Wanyu.

  While probing his hand, he held the mind-holding pen in his hand again, and vigorous awe-inspiring aura gushed out, and the power to write with a **** was triggered.

   At the same time, the golden law holding his primordial spirit shone brightly.

  Gou Chen Yuanxing reflected, Yu Lei Yuanxing's supernatural powers suddenly operated.

   "Lu Jing enforces the law and orders He Zhongdao!"

   "If you build a blood sacrifice formation, you will be cut without mercy!"

  In just two sentences, it was infused with awe-inspiring energy, and the shimmering golden light merged with the starlight of Chen Yuanxing in the sky.

  Rolling law and thunder flowed into the golden text.

   All of a sudden!

  The two treasures, the Hufeng Knife and the Rain-calling Sword, trembled suddenly, and the treasures trembled and flew out.

  The torrential rain was swept away by the strong wind, and brought golden characters with it, heading towards the four directions from Lingao Mountain.

  The golden text is like a law, and it will travel all over the middle of the river in the next few months!

  The star-piercing immortal frowned as he watched the law and decree soaring into the void, with a mocking look on his face.

   "There is no hope in this world. I don't know how many people are trying to use the blood sacrifice formation to reach a higher level with the flesh and blood of the same kind.

  Lu Jing, can you kill the whole world? "

  Si Wanyu also looked directly at Lu Jing at this time.

   Lu Jing shook his head silently, and said: "I will kill it when I see it. I can't kill it all, and it also comforts my mood."

The smile on the face of the star-piercing fairy remained unchanged, and he turned his head and asked, "Lu Jing, you killed the prince Taichonghai and caused a disaster. If it weren't for the mysterious white dragon, you might have died already, and now you want to kill him again." who?"

  Lu Jing was about to speak when a familiar voice suddenly came from his mind.

  Hearing this voice, a little smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said: "Lu Jing will do what he says, please wait and see, Immortal Phi Xing."

  Philadelphia Star is about to speak.

  At this moment, a sapphire-colored ray of light flowed from afar.

  In the distance, a waterfall can be vaguely seen hanging upside down, with flowing water.

  Between the flowing water, there is a tall, vigorous man with supernatural powers flowing from his body. He is holding a green jade staff and appears in the sky...

   And the waterfall is right in front.

  The Dragon King of Xiyun came slowly in white clothes.

  He saluted the man in the waterfall in the sky, with a bit of doubt in his eyes.

   "The leader of supernatural powers... also came to Hezhongdao?"

   It was Madman Chu who came to the waterfall with a green jade stick in his hand.

  Chu Kuangren's majestic figure made him look like a Primordial Spirit cultivator at all, but he was seen striding up to the West Cloud Dragon King and staring at the West Cloud Dragon King.

  "In the first half of your life, you were drunk, dreaming and dying, and only had fun with your wife; in the second half of your life, when the woman died, you were in a daze, and there was no time to wake up."

   "That's all. You have lived a long time, but you are a little...shameless."

   Madman Chu sneered: "Those elders have an elder like you, but Lu Jing doesn't?"

  (end of this chapter)

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