MTL - If You Can’t Be a Son-in-law, You Have To Be Sanctified-Chapter 262 Covering the big sun, shaking the sound of thunder, summoning the white deer

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  Chapter 262 Covering the big daylight, shaking the sound of thunder, summoning the white deer to set up Hongqiao!

   Sizzling and stormy, rumbling and hidden thunder!

  As the thunder bloomed in Lu Jing's palm, he saw a sudden storm outside the cave, and the thunder roared under the scorching sun.

  A drum of thunder dispelled the vortex in the sky, and thousands of miles of stars suddenly appeared in the void.

  Among them, there is a lingering vitality, and the thundering primordial star breaks through the clouds and mist, disturbing the sky.

   "Hou Chen Yuanxing?"

Si Wanyu looked at the thunder in Lu Jing's hand, thoughtful, she had extraordinary insight, but when this mysterious thunder continued to vibrate, and when all kinds of light under the primordial star fell on Lu Jing's hand, this extraordinary heavy Princess An thought hard, but she couldn't see the origin of Thunder at all.

   "What does this thunderbolt have to do with the West Cloud Sea Dragon Palace?"

  Si Wanyu was puzzled and was about to ask.

   But Lu Jing saluted her, and then sat cross-legged in the cave again.

  The next moment, behind Lu Jing suddenly burst into light, and a primordial spirit jumped out from the real palace above Lu Jing's head, suspended behind Lu Jing.


  Lu Jing opened his mouth slowly, and the Rain Calling Sword unsheathed in an instant and fell into Lu Jing's hands.

   "What is the intention of Lu Jing's Yuanshen coming out of his body?" Princess Chong'an thought of Lu Jing's words just now, and saw the mysterious thunder still flashing in Lu Jing's palm, and an astonishing guess suddenly popped up in her mind.

   "With the help of the mysterious talisman money, Xiyunjing, Yuanshen came to Hezhong Road, and now he happens to be not in Xiyun Dragon Palace..."

   "So you plan to treat him in the same way as the person, and the soul will go to that Dragon Palace?"

  Si Wanyu's eyes rippled, her expression was solemn, her eyes were roving the Thunder in Lu Jing's hand and Lu Jing's Yuanshen.

   "I can sense that with the help of Gou Chenyuan's starlight, this thunderbolt penetrates faintly through the void... Lu Jing! Do you really want to go to the West Cloud Sea?"

   Lu Jing's physical body had already closed his eyes, but there was a golden light overflowing from his soul, and his vitality turned into wind and rain, lingering around Lu Jing's soul.

  Lu Jing Yuanshen also closed his eyes, and slowly opened them again.

  In an instant, the wind and rain lingering on Yuanshen disappeared, and the golden light dimmed.

  Lu Jing Yuanshen manifested a white robe, and the golden lines on the white robe reflected a little light under the brilliance of the thunder, and the Rain Calling Sword was solemnly placed on his waist.

  Si Wanyu sighed inwardly when he saw Lu Jing's appearance.

   "Dafu's second white robe..."

   "Lu Jingyuan is dressed in white, and wants to wear the Rain Sword to go to Xiyun Dragon Palace..."

  As Si Wanyu thought, what responded to Si Wanyu was Lu Jing's calm expression.

  Si Wanyu is extremely handsome, even when she frowns, she has a special charm, but at this moment, her eyes look a little annoyed.

   "Lu Jing, I know that you have met many arrogances and great figures along the way, and escaped death with the sword in your waist.

  It's okay to act...still too impulsive. "

  Princess Chong'an spoke like this, her willow eyebrows were slightly erected, quite majestic.

She has been in a high position for a long time, and there are hundreds of thousands of soldiers from the three states of Chong'an behind her. She once stood on the Shanhaiguan Pass and watched those warriors in Beiqin who seemed to be crushing the world and rebuilding a mountain and river. chariot.

  Being kind to Lu Jing on weekdays doesn't mean she hasn't cultivated power.

  At this time, she seemed to be advising Lu Jing, and seemed to be afraid that Lu Jing would really do such impulsive things, so she couldn't help but be a little more severe when she spoke.

"Cultivate a fearless sword spirit with a fearless temperament, but if the word "fearless" means that you are alone like a reckless man, breaking into the Dragon Palace with a wounded body and a cultivation level of the first level of the star, it is not fearless, but ignorant. "

  At this time, the scorching sun was shining brightly, and the light from the light fell on the cave and on the princess.

  Princess's beautiful eyebrows are slightly frowned. The soft smoke on her body is matched with her fair complexion, and her slightly curved mouth...beautiful and daunting.

   "Since you mentioned that the Dragon King of Xiyun Yuanshen has never returned to the Sea of ​​West Clouds, I only assume that you know the exact news, and that the Dragon King of West Cloud is indeed not in the Dragon Palace of West Cloud.

But... you are planning to go to one of the five dragon palaces now. The West Cloud Sea is different from the Beique Sea. The Beique Sea is one of the battlefields of the spirit tide. The lifespan of the Dragon King of Beique is approaching, and several princes are dead and old.

   But even so, it still takes three great sages to go down the mountain to kill the Dragon King of Beique in Zhuxing Mountain, and even induce Gushe to come down to the world! "

   "Xiyun Dragon Palace is still strong, and many old dragons have survived.

  You are so impulsive today, I will count you as having some background and some reliance.

  But what kind of reliance can strengthen your courage and make you think that you can go to Xiyun Dragon Palace alone?

  Regardless of other things, if there are two or three old dragons with disabled legs, you might be able to carry them? "

   "Lu Jing! You have read ten thousand volumes of books. You are the leader of Taixuanjing's youth. You should cultivate a calm spirit. You have both the blood of a young man and a wise man who meditates. Why are you so..."


  Princess Chong'an knelt down opposite Lu Jing, her frowning made Lu Jing feel a little apprehensive.

  Lu Jingyuan quickly interrupted Si Wanyu, and then slowly raised his hand.

  In an instant, the thunder that was suspended in Lu Jing's physical palm turned into an aurora and flew into the palm of Lu Jing Yuanshen.

  Lu Jingyuan's snow-white robe fluttered, and he looked down at Lei Ting.

  He was about to speak, when the fate pattern of [Seeking good luck and avoiding evil] was triggered quietly, and a series of messages fell into Lu Jing's mind.

   "Ninth day of the ninth day: no falsehood, good luck."

  Lu Jing silently savored the hexagrams that appeared to seek good fortune and avoid evil, but his eyes were exceptionally firm.

   "Lu Jing is not going to die for nothing."

Lu Jing said to Si Wanyu: "Since the Dragon King of Xiyun is afraid of the blood sacrifices in the sea of ​​Xiyun and the sword in my hand, he came to kill me, now I have a good opportunity, and I just need a show of no hesitation to make He Zhong Take a look at the Dao and even the world... I, Lu Jing, follow the law, it is so impulsive, and I do what I say!

   Otherwise, wouldn’t my edict become empty words? "

   There is no brilliance in the soul.

  Lu Jing's voice could not be called deafening, he seemed to be calmly mentioning a trivial matter, but it made Si Wanyu look sideways.

  "Only by farming can there be harvest. I went to the Dragon Palace to uphold the morality in my heart, unite my knowledge and action, kill my enemies, and make me... stronger!

   If I don't go, I will really miss the opportunity! "

   "As the star-piercing fairy said, the opportunity is fleeting. If you don't seize it, it may be difficult to find it in the future."

  Si Wanyu didn't know why it was a chance for Lu Jing to go to the Dragon Palace.

   But seeing Lu Jing's determined expression, she didn't know how to persuade him.

  She was silent for a long time, sighed, and said: "It's just a chance, it depends on whether I can..."

  Si Wanyu hadn't finished speaking, but the constantly flashing thunder in Lu Jingyuan's palm seemed to have finally received enough starlight.

  When all the starlight gathered into the thunder, thunder lights suddenly flowed out of the thunder, and those thunder lights instantly fell into Lu Jing's eyebrows and turned into a little thunder light!

  Si Wanyu's expression suddenly changed.

   Lu Jing's left hand landed on the Rain Calling Sword, and he held it tightly!

   Fuguang sword energy rushed out!

  In an instant, Dong Jun slowly rose up in this cave, and he saw the sound of thunder drumming in Lu Jingyuan's spirit.

  At the same time, the starlight on Gochen Yuanxing nine days away became more and more blazing, and it fell directly on Lu Jing.

   Lu Jing's face remained the same, he just slowly stretched out his left hand, looking out of the void!

   "Royal Thunder!"

   "【Aura of thunder in the world】!"

  In his two black pupils, mist with lightning flickering faintly surged.

  Si Wanyu, who was kneeling and sitting opposite Lu Jing, was shocked. She seemed to see the thunder whipping the world, and the Fuguang hanging high in the world.

   "Princess, now I have thunder in my eyebrows, my sword is shining, and I have Dragon Slaying Terrace and Gochen Xing shining, can I... go to Xiyun Dragon Palace!"

   Lu Jingyuan put on the big sunlight and made a thunderous sound. His calm voice rang in Si Wanyu's ears.

  【Aura of thunder in the world】!

  Lu Jing got the trigger from the last time seeking good luck and avoiding bad luck.

At that time, he refused the qin sacrifice to An Nijing in the Hengshan Temple, and he did not want to go to Lingao Mountain to take shelter from the two immortals, but waited quietly in Changliu City, killed all 700 dragons, and obtained the thunder of the world. Qi.

  It's just... the thunderous energy in the world needs to gather the starlight, and Lu Jing was unable to gather the starlight after beheading the disabled old dragon.

   Later, he faced Yuan Qishou, Tong Xiuyan and other strong men to intercept and kill him, and the Dragon King of Xiyun came in person. This thunderous spirit of the world has been silent in his mind until today.

  Today, his cultivation base has been completely restored, his soul is shining, the stars are shining, and the world is full of thunder.

  【There are thunders in the world, and wherever they are reflected, the primordial spirit of the adult can suddenly arrive, and thousands of thunders gather in the body of the primordial spirit of the adult, doing fearless things. 】

  Lu Jing looked straight into Si Wanyu's eyes, and the power of the world's thunderous spirit was stirring in his mind.

   "Can I go to Dragon Palace?"

  Si Wanyu looked at the young man Lu Jing in front of him, and clearly felt the grand power on him, and felt the sharpness of Lu Jing's sword energy at the moment...

   "It seems that Lu Jing is determined to go to Xiyun Dragon Palace, just like the three great saints of Zhuxing Mountain, stirring up the situation in Dragon Palace."

  Si Wanyu thought so in his heart.

   Right now!

  The true meaning of Lei Ting, who was originally confined to this cave, seemed to be attracted by some strange force, and then...

   Unable to be controlled by Lu Jing, a trace escaped out of the cave.

   Just a hint!

  The sea of ​​clouds under the high mountain suddenly changed, the clouds and mist in the sea of ​​clouds rolled, and the dark abyss spread out at this time.

  From the clouds and mist of various colors, a phantom of a white deer suddenly ran out of it. The white deer was full of holy meaning, and the sound of the deer's cry was like a clear spring!

  Si Wanyu's expression changed.

   "Lutan White Deer..."

  It's not just Si Wanyu, but the two immortals Pi Xing and Dai Yue who are still standing on the top of the mountain and gathering the blood mist for hundreds of miles also lowered their eyes and landed on the white deer.

   "Lutan...a fallen fairyland." Immortal Phi Xing looked at the white deer, and then at the foot of Lingao Mountain.

  She knew that there was a cave in the mountain road, where Lu Jing was healing.

  Phixing Immortal watched the white deer rush towards the foot of Lingao Mountain, and a rainbow light hung where the white deer passed.

  Phixing Immortal was stunned, and murderous intent suddenly appeared in his eyes.

   "This mortal who is willing to be the brick and stone of the world has actually made Lutan Bailu come in person!"

   Immortal Daiyue on the side stroked the fairy sword at his waist, and shook his head at Immortal Pixing.

   "It doesn't matter, he is a disciple of Lord Qingdu, and when Lord Qingdu returns to heaven, he will naturally ascend to heaven."

  The star-piercing immortal restrained the murderous intent in her eyes, but there was still a strange color surging deep in her eyes.

  White Deer ran towards the cave, Princess Chong'an was fascinated by it.

   Lu Jing was also a little surprised.

   But the entire middle of the river was shaken inexplicably.

  However, far away, the scorching sun was shining brightly, and where there was no wind and smoke, a clear pool of water was filled with thick vitality, rising with mysterious immortal energy, floating in the air.

  Everyone with a strong cultivation base has seen this scene.

   "Lutan is alive."

  Many heroes in the middle of the river stared at Lutan. Their supernatural powers were running and the mysterious palace burst out. They could vaguely see a rainbow bridge was born in front of Lutan.

  There is Lin Gaoshan!

   "On Lingao Mountain, someone attracted the white deer in Lutan, causing Lutan to appear in the world!"

   "White Deer went to meet the living person in Lutan, we can stop on this Hongqiao, kill him, take the white deer, and take the opportunity of Lutan!"

   At this moment, the middle of the river was like thunder.

  Yuan Qishou held a silver gun and rushed to Hongqiao with more than 600 Xuanbing soldiers.

   "The one who attracts the white deer is the key to the deer pool."

   "He entered the deer pond, and the deer pond opened!"

   "When he dies, the deer pond will open!"

   "Soldier of Xuanbing, follow me to kill the one who caused Lutan!"

  Yuan Qishou issued an order, and another big curtain opened on Hezhong Road.

   Not only Yuan Qishou, Qi Guotong Xiuyan, Kaiyang Jianzuo, An Nijing, Qi Hanzhang and many other powerful people gathered together.

  Walkers in the Jingting Pavilion of Daleiyin Temple carried the Avalokitesvara on their backs again, and walked towards Lutan Hongqiao!

  Xu Xingzhi, General Holding Star, and a general holding a scythe gathered 1,200 prince's guards and headed for Hongqiao.

  Pingping Township Mingguang Heavenly King set up the Mingguang banner and called on other generals in Pingping Township!

   Donghe, the Thirty-Six Kingdoms of the Western Regions, and Nanzhao are all heading towards Hongqiao.

  ... These young Tianjiao want to see who is the one who can attract the white deer, and then... cut off his head, and open the deer pond!

   And Taixuanjing and even Dafu Tianxia have already learned the news of Lutan's existence.

  In Taixuanjing, many strong men looked at Taixuan Palace.

  In Taixuan Palace, the old red-clothed Diao Si slowly opened the palace gate, looked towards the direction of Hezhong Road, then coughed lightly, and said, "The Holy Monarch's Edict."

   "Go... let's take a look."

  In an instant, countless strong men in Taixuanjing stood up and headed for Hezhong Road.

   Among them, there are even princes, princes, dukes, and generals. The preciousness of Lutan's opportunity can be seen!


  In the cave, Si Wanyu stared closely at the white deer that was running through the void and came to the cave. He was stunned for a moment, then suddenly turned his head.

  The Princess Chong'an, who was used to seeing many big scenes, said in a hurried tone at this time: "Lu Jing, Lutan is both a chance and a death!

  You hurry up and follow the white deer, maybe it's okay..."

   "It's too late." Lu Jingshen took a deep breath: "Unlucky, the white deer is close at hand, but this deer pond is too far away from me."

  Si Wanyu lowered his head and thought for a while, then said: "Among the world's proudest, there are people who admire you, maybe..."

   Lu Jing shook his head again, and a thunder flashed between his brows.

   "It's okay, if they want to stop me, let them come."

   "But before that, I still have to go to Xiyun Dragon Palace!"

  (end of this chapter)

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