MTL - If You Can’t Be a Son-in-law, You Have To Be Sanctified-Chapter 261 With a fearless heart, cultivate a fearless sword spirit

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  Chapter 261 With a fearless heart, cultivate a fearless sword soul

  In the middle of the river, few people have seen the scene of the waterfall, but they just feel that there is a lot of smoke and dust rising from the blood mist in the distant sky.

  Indistinctly, there seemed to be the sound of frightened and angry dragons, and then a cloud of mist suddenly appeared in the sky in the middle of the river. Under the sunlight, these clouds and mist unexpectedly glowed like jade.

   It's one in the middle of the river cares about the color of the clouds.

  Some people walk in the barrenness like walking dead, trying to find a way out.

  Some people walk in every hidden place in the middle of the river, trying to find the location of Lutan.

  If you can find Lutan, make Lutan show its traces, and be selected by Lutan, you are very likely to get the opportunity of Lutan, and you will become the person who inherits the legacy of the fairyland from then on.

  The waterfall hanging upside down, and the towering young man walking out of the waterfall with a green jade staff in hand came quietly, and seemed to disappear quietly.

  The same is true for the primordial spirit of the Dragon King of Xiyun.

  Using the power of the mysterious talisman Qian, he came to the middle of the river in an instant, but disappeared in an instant.

  It's just that... many powerful people in the Hezhong Road and even the nobles in Taixuanjing already knew that the Dragon King of Xiyun personally took action but failed to kill the boy who was only eighteen years old as he wished.

  There are many evildoers in the world, but these evildoers are often distributed in the magnificent history.

  So when an evildoer like Lu Jing walked alone in the middle of the river, but never died in the hands of the Dragon King of Xiyun, the undercurrent of Taixuanjing also caused a raging wave.

  After the original storm, everything will slowly return to calm.

  It's just... Two months later, when winter came, and the cold winter brought wind and snow, another shocking news came to Taixuanjing, and even spread throughout Dafu and the world.

  The young man Lu Jing, in the name of enforcing the law, issued an edict that blood sacrifices must never be performed within the territory of Dafu.

  Life has life, and life is precious. If the strong can act recklessly, then the country, etiquette, laws, and rules will have no meaning of existence.

There are many idle officials in Taixuanjing who don't eat the fireworks of the world, but care about the world. When they heard the news, they were surprised that there are still people in the land of Dafu who are so cruel and sacrifice the lives of the people. After achieving the goal, the results made Lu Jing even more admired.

  More scholars regard Lu Jing as a role model, and think that a scholar swordsman who walks the world with a sword should be like Lu Jing.

  Suddenly, among the young scholars in Taixuanjing, there was a trend of taking Lu Jing as an example.

  But whether it is these leisurely officials or these young scholars, they all think that those who perform blood sacrifices are treacherous monsters, and maybe occasionally other people will be bewitched by monsters and do wrong things.

   But these characters, after all, are very few.

  Since Mr. Lu Jing has issued an edict, it is natural that he can order it to prevent this kind of blood sacrifice from happening. Many powerful people in Hezhong Dao will also help if they want to.

  But... Among the people in Taixuanjing who overlook the world beyond Xuandu, some people don't care about it.

   "Even the imperial court has never pursued this matter. Equipped with the two treasures of Wind Hurting Knife and Rain Calling Sword, Lu Jing really thinks he can exercise the power of law enforcement?"

  The Seventh Prince Yuxuanlou held a bamboo slip in his hand. The bamboo slip was spread out, and it seemed that a secret method was engraved on it.

Yuxuanlou's double pupils flickered, and every seal and every mantra in the secret technique was clearly imprinted into his mind, but he didn't seem to be fully engrossed, and said slowly: "Shaozhu Kingdom told me a long time ago Well, people like Lu Jing always make mistakes.

  He has made many mistakes in the past, but he was saved from the price only by relying on his extreme talent, great opportunity, and someone secretly protecting him, which made him even more arrogant. "

  Yuxuanlou seemed to be talking to himself, but there was a faint light cluster flickering and beating above the bamboo slips.

  A shadow was reflected in the center of the light group.

   "Mr. Lu Jingchengsi's sword, influenced by Bai Guanqi, seems to be becoming the sword of the library."

  A voice suddenly came from the light group, and the shadow in it flickered, as if it would disperse in an instant.

   "Prince, since Master ascended to heaven, Mr. Da took half of the power of the library to Beiqin. After Mr. Si died, the library became a place for teaching and educating people. They... have no swords anymore."

Yuxuanlou called the shadow in the light group the prince: "Besides, Bai Guanqi suffered the consequences of falling to Yingwuzhou. Under the rules of heaven and earth, he will not live long. At most, he will be like Mr. Si in two or three years." follow suit.

  The Dafu Bookstore without Master, Mr. Da, Mr. Si, and Mr. Guanqi has a sword, so what? "

  The light and shadow were silent for a few moments, and then reminded Yuxuanlou: "Your Highness, any truly arrogant generation can always overcome all kinds of disasters and stand proudly in the world.

   Regardless of whether Lu Jing will become the sword of the library, there is no doubt that we tried to kill him several times, but he escaped from the deep sky.

  Master Shen went to Xiyun Dragon Palace in person, and with the help of the ghost valley money talisman, he ordered Xiyun Dragon King to come to Hezhong Road, but he still didn't kill Lu Jing...Your Highness, don't be careless. "

"I've never been careless." Yuxuanlou turned his head and thought for a while: "Except for the first time when Lu Jing just left Jiuhu Lu's house, I just thought he was an ordinary boy, and I acquiesced to Li Yushi to lobby him, but I didn't want to make a promise for myself. Such a great enemy."

   "It's just that Lu Jing can't always have so many inexplicable backgrounds. Once Lutan appears and the real heroes of the world gather in the middle of the river, I will go there in person...

   So let me... kill him. "

  The light and shadow seemed to be nodding: "I have ordered Yuan Qishou to set up a formation. Since His Highness has immortal double pupils, when the time comes, the double pupils will be used as the eyes of the formation, which can also induce the blood mist in the sky in the middle of the river."

  Yu Xuanlou nodded, and then suddenly said: "It is said that Yu Qixiang, the daughter of King Chong'an, also went to Hezhong Road."

  Guangying's voice was calm, and there was nothing unusual: "The one who destroyed the Dongnv Country was the King Chong'an who held the Heavenly Halberd.

  I crawled all the way here to avenge killing him.

  Yu Qixiang was not born at that time, so my enmity has nothing to do with her. "

  Yu Xuanlou's double pupil moved slightly: "Since we want to avenge the subjugation of the country and family, how can we relieve our anger by killing just one person?"

   "I have no anger in my heart." Guangying said: "When Dongnvguo was still there, I read and wrote articles every day, and I hated this kind of life in my heart.

But the Dongnv Country was destroyed, and I was at a loss. I felt that life was meaningless. Later, I heard that the one who destroyed my Dongnv Country was King Dafu Chong'an, the leader of martial arts in the world, so I thought... I must try my best to survive. kill him. "

   "I have forgotten the appearance of the Dongnv Kingdom's palace, and I don't have any hatred in my heart. It's just that a person must start well and end well. Since I have killed King Chong'an for half my life and supported it, I must make this matter complete."

  The figure in the light and shadow is the head of the Huai Gang, and also the prince of Dongnu Kingdom who was subjugated by King Chong'an in the past.

  Yu Xuanlou just shook his head casually when he heard the words of the leader of the Huai Gang.

   "Half a year has passed, but I don't know when this deer pond will show its traces."

  Facing the foothills of high mountains.

  Lu Jing sat cross-legged in front of a cave alone, and there were books and books in front of him, all of which had Lu Jing's detailed annotations.

  Two months passed quickly.

  Lu Jing was alone in this cave to heal his wounds.

  Fuzi Xingtan was reflected in the entire cave. Lu Jing was practicing, healing, and reading in the cave. Except for sometimes missing people and things in Taixuanjing, the past two months have been quite pleasant and fulfilling.

  At this time, Lu Jing was reading. He looked down at the miscellaneous notes in front of him called "Zhongquan Miscellaneous Notes".

   "A husband and an immortal have already known the greatness of the universe, and they especially pity the green grass and trees."

   "This sentence...doesn't make sense."

  Lu Jing was reading a book with his head down, when a gentle voice suddenly came from beside him.


  Lu Jing looked up, only to see Princess Chong'an was still wearing a graceful Chinese dress, and she was also looking down at the miscellaneous journal on the table.

"It really doesn't make sense." Lu Jing stood up: "This magazine was written by Mr. Zhong Quan more than 40 years ago. He has never practiced, and he doesn't know the truth of heaven and earth. All sentient beings feel that immortals have seen the universe and know the vastness of the universe and the wonder of the universe. When they bend down to see the vegetation grow, the spring breeze is green, and the world is full of vitality, they can still feel joy."

   "But in fact... the immortals in the sky just regard the world as a pastime, and regard the creatures in the world as bricks and stones."

  Lu Jing sighed: "Most of the people in the world are pure and kind. If there is something to eat, they will only regard the high-level people and immortals as kind and compassionate."

  For more than two months, Si Wanyu has also been in this Lingao mountain, looking for something, and occasionally came to Lu Jing's place as a guest.

  Si Wanyu looked at Lu Jing, and keenly noticed that Lu Jing's complexion was much better again.

   "The primordial spirit reflected the primordial star, stepped into the seventh realm, and was able to recover from injuries in such a short period of time. It is indeed a person of immortal wisdom."

  Si Wanyu thought in his heart: "And among the immortals, there are not many evildoers like Lu Jing."

  Her thoughts flashed, and suddenly a ray of sunlight shone from the sky and fell directly in front of the cave, making the cave even hotter.

   "The blood mist covering Lingao Mountain is about to be taken away by the two immortals wearing the stars and wearing the moon."

  Si Wan Yu Yuanshen circulated: "You are right, there have been catastrophes in the middle of the river year after year, countless people were killed and injured, and they turned into this strange blood mist, gathering in the sky.

   Now that two more immortals have fallen into the mortal world, they come to collect these blood mist, which inevitably makes people a little suspicious. "

   "You are so bold. When you meet the immortal who wants to give you a fairy fate, you are so stubborn, and you would rather bend than bend."

  Lu Jing asked Princess Chong'an to sit down, checked the Yun Kongwen again, and apologized: "When I came here, I never wanted to stay in Hezhong Road for so long. I have no more tea and wine here."

  Princess Chong'an waved her hand lightly, signaling him that it's okay.

  Lu Jing gave a rare wry smile, and said: "Many people think my personality is a bit weird, always causing trouble, but at the age of eighteen, I already have many enemies."

  Si Wanyu took the miscellaneous journal and flipped through the pages, but said in his words: "How can you be so arrogant if you have the talent of arrogance?

  There is only talent, but no temperament. This world is just one more answering dog, who can't even fully display his talent.

Throughout the Dafu Sijiazi, and even dating back to the Taiwu Dynasty, which Tianjiao who became famous didn't suppress every enemy, and which Tianjiao didn't break all laws with temperament, cultivation base, and supernatural powers? Is there anyone who has reached the pinnacle safely? "

   "Now you have both courage and temperament, more talent, and you have something in your heart, and you will achieve something in the future."

  After saying this, Si Wanyu raised his head again to look at Lu Jing's Rain Calling Sword.

  The white blade of the Rain Calling Sword is still so flawless, and it seems that it has not changed much compared to before.

   But in Si Wanyu's eyes, he felt that the sword energy faintly flowing from the Rain Calling Sword at this moment was quite different from the past.

  Lu Jing also nodded seriously when he heard Si Wanyu's words: "A man stands in heaven and earth, sometimes he can't shrink back, he must hold a fearless heart, walk his own way, step on distant mountains, walk on flat rivers, and what he says is what he does."

  Si Wanyu heard Lu Jing say the word fearless, and suddenly remembered Lu Jing's law enforcement edict.

   "Not long ago, I went down Lingao Mountain. I originally wanted to find Qixiang, but because of the abnormal movement of the Zhenwu Mountain rune, I went back to the mountain."

   "The monks of Hezhong Dao presumably already know about your edict, and even outside of Hezhong Dao have news.

   Among them, some people should admire you, some people want to kill you, and some people should laugh at you for being overwhelmed.

   Today you mentioned the word fearless, and you told Immortal Phi Xing before... Let her wait and see, I am a little curious... What will you do? "

  Lu Jing's eyes moved slightly, and he suddenly said to Si Wanyu: "It is said that the Yuanshen of the Dragon King of Xiyun disappeared inexplicably, and has never returned to the body of the Dragon Palace of Xiyunhai."

Si Wanyu remained silent, and Lu Jing's eyes became more serious: "If the Dragon King of Xiyun hadn't sat with me and told me about Xiyunlian, the dragon girl of Xiyunhai, I wouldn't have known that Wufanghai would be so dead. thorough.

  Xi Yunlian dispatched generals from the Dragon Palace to plunder the islanders and the people on the border of Dafu for blood sacrifices, so as to revive the old dragons who survived the Lingchao era and make her self-cultivation even more tyrannical. "

   "The Dragon King of Xiyun also feels that with my character, since I have a grudge against the dragon, and I know the crimes committed by Xiyunlian, I will definitely enter the Dragon Palace with a sword in the future, and liquidate the dragon girl of Xiyunhai.

  He wanted to get rid of me as a hidden danger for Dalongnu, so he came here in person and wanted to kill me. "

  Lu Jing stretched out his right hand, held the Rain Calling Sword at his waist, and slowly pulled the Rain Calling Sword out of its sheath.

  The sword light flickered on the Rain Calling Sword, and the light-supporting sword energy was just as Princess Chong'an thought, it was indeed very different.

   "I cultivated a sword spirit." Lu Jing said suddenly.

   "Sword Soul?" The princess was slightly taken aback.

  Lu Jingdao: "It's called Wuwei, and it hasn't been fully cultivated yet.

  Just like what the princess said just now, the practice of one way depends on both talent and aura. Because of this, I want to cultivate this fearless sword soul with a fearless heart. "

   "Since I have issued an edict, since the Dragon King of Xiyun personally came to kill me, and since that half-dragon, half-human dragon girl feels that the life of a living being is nothing."

   "I'm going to personally visit the West Cloud Dragon Palace, to let the world know that Lu Jing is not someone who breaks his promise."

  Si Wanyu's eyes moved slightly: "Xiyun Dragon Palace is thousands of miles away, you want to leave Hezhong Road and go to West Cloud Sea?"

   Lu Jing shook his head, then slowly stretched out his left hand.

  On the left hand... the thunder moves!

  (end of this chapter)

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