MTL - Interstellar Favorite Superstar-v2 Chapter 42 Fingertips

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"The braised pork is very good-looking and diligent. It is my favorite author!"

"Taking advantage of this literary contest, I have the opportunity to confess to him and tell the world that I love him!"

"And hug me every day on Weibo, which is low-key?"

Eddie's words stopped and looked suspiciously at Su Tan.

Su Tan laughed absurdly, feeling that the other party said so well, he couldn't even refute.


Su Tan thought for a while, and asked, "Can you see the braised pork in the literary contest?"

This literary competition was held locally by Rosewood. It had limited influence and did not extend beyond the planet. Therefore, even if Eddie posted a manuscript, he couldn't see the "braised meat" that he loved to a large extent.

However, after listening to his questioning, Eddie relaxed his tone and responded: "I can @author 大 的 on Weibo, rest assured!"

For such a warm and positive little angel, Su Tan couldn't help smiling. What can he do?

I have to encourage it.

"Come on!"

The students in the busy and congested half-corridor finally dispersed, and Su Tan went into the registration room and saw Teacher Kerry busy sorting out the registration form.

When he saw him, Kerry was surprised, a smile appeared on his face, and beckoned him, "Come to sign up?"

Su Tan nodded and answered yes.

Immediately, Mr. Kerry gave him a registration form, which clearly stated the rules of the competition. Su Tan looked down and read carefully from top to bottom.

The theme of this literary contest is "gifts", which is a gift for the National Day of Rosaria on October 10.

Focusing on the theme of "gift", regardless of subject matter, type, or style, everyone can submit contributions to the organizer's website. The number of favorite votes through the Internet, the highest winner is the final champion.

This way of selection guarantees to the maximum the taste of the reader.

Su Tan looked at the word "gift" and could not help thinking of the most prestigious world classic novel "The Gift of Maggie". O Henry described the kindness and love between a young and impoverished couple in a unique style. The unexpected suspense and twist at the end made the plot ups and downs, and produced an unparalleled charm among all readers in the world.

And this time the "gift" for the National Day is obviously not enough to set the story background between a young couple. It also needs positive energy to reflect certain national conditions and loyalty.

Su Tan filled out the registration form and handed it back to Mr. Kerry. In his mind, there was a flash of light, and a novel story frame slowly emerged.

He said goodbye to Teacher Kerry with a smile, went home expectantly, turned on the computer, and wrote the story.

Sutan's state of intent made Su Tan completely immersed in, and the smooth text poured out on the screen in large sections. Two hours later, a contribution novel was released.

The full text is even less than 10,000 words, with a lively rhythm and short dexterity.

From the beginning, Su Tan reviewed it again, revised some typos and redundant descriptive paragraphs, and firmly controlled the number of words in the article to within 8,000 words. He went directly to the literary contest submission website and clicked to publish.

Suddenly, an unknown short story was quietly published.

University student Anton signed up for this literary competition. In order to be fully prepared, after officially getting the theme of the competition, he did not rush to start drafting and started writing. Instead, he deliberately logged in to the competition website in advance to learn about other submissions. works.

The theme of the competition, "gifts", is easy to say and has a wide range. However, regardless of the genre requirements, countless people have a headache and cannot choose the form of expression.

In addition to the beginning of the essay, there are not many works published on the competition website at this time. Looking away, there are only a few sparse and hundreds of articles.

Anton casually opened an article and saw a hymn. This poem is neat and neat, and the words of beauty are not sprinkled out like money. The rich wheat ears are likened to the gift of Rose, and the rich life of the people is attributed to the gifts of the heyday of peace, full of praise. Endlessly.

Although very relevant to the subject, Anton inexplicably can't stand it anymore, and feels too boring and chanting.

He glanced at the author's information, and it turned out that he was certified as a first-level author of the Guilia Writers Association.

Opening a few more articles, Anton found that most of the submitted papers were of this type of meritorious deeds, with occasional ephemeral but slightly difficult and obscure essays. Various metaphors and metaphors made him read as a college student of the literature department. Quite laborious.

After half an hour, Anton felt disappointed.

Is Rosewood's literature really barren to this point? Can't even get a decent work?

Anton was in a low mood, and hovered his mouse casually until a slightly strange and inexplicable title of the work crossed his eyes.


He hesitated, and for a while, he felt that this topic had a unique style, especially in the blockbuster "Tomorrow", "Gift of the Earth", and "Gift of the Motherland".

Anton tentatively opened "Elf", and when he first saw the genre of the submission, it was even brighter.

"Short story?" Anton couldn't help laughing, "Fun."

The most attractive literary works to readers are, of course, novels.

But how about it?

With an expectation, Anton browsed intently from the first word in the first line, and unexpectedly found that the hero of the novel was a grumpy old man.

[The old Hande in Como town has a bad temper and a bad temper. He lives alone on crutches, and refuses to help anyone lonely and hard. When he met a guy who laughed at his broken leg, he raised his fist and unceremoniously stabbed him.

Everyone in the neighbourhood knows that, although it is pitiful for his disability, in private he quietly tells the children to stay away from him and not to be hurt by the old Hand, who has no name and is crazy.

Old Hand was coldly estranged from the crowd, and closed the door lonely, the black old door did not seem to be open to outsiders.

until one day--

He suddenly found a flower at the door.

The next day was a few cooked eggs.

The third day was a small and delicious cake.


Every day, a mysterious gift always appeared at his door, and the cold and hard heart of Old Hand gradually melted. He began to look for the owner of these gifts.

After observing carefully, he found that every day a group of children would rush to the doorstep of their own home, and would only play after being downstairs for a while. From the perspective of the window, Old Hand regretfully couldn't see what they did, only to notice that every time the children dispersed, something would always appear at the door.

Freshly baked cookies, hand-carved wooden toys, a crooked little clay figure ...]

Seeing this, Anton has almost determined that the people who give gifts to Old Hand are these children. Regardless of their parents' dissuasion and warning, they sent various small gifts to the grumpy old man Hand, with a very warm theme.

Anton thought the novel was unique and smirked, almost foreseeing the end of the novel.

Scanning at a glance and ten lines, the rest was naturally as he expected. Old Hand was touched by the children's warm gestures, and gradually opened his heart. He opened the door and awkwardly treated the children with hot tea and his only small meatloaf, which eliminated the gap between him and the residents of Como Town. .

The direction of the story gradually develops in a warm direction.

Anton has no expectation for the ending, but seeing here, he has made a judgment that this is a good novel.

He glanced casually towards the end of the last two hundred words, trying to quickly finish the expected ending.

However, when his gaze fell to a certain point, he suddenly closed his eyes, and then his eyes opened uncontrollably.

["No?" Old Hand yelled in amazement, and suddenly got up from the dining table, he couldn't even think of a crutch falling to the side. "Aren't you guys giving me gifts at the door every day?"

The children who were eating the little patties were startled by his shock, and answered babblely, "No, not us."

Old Hand's heart was covered with fog.

He put on the most formal military uniform with medals on the bottom of the cupboard, and stayed awake all night. He personally moved a chair and sat inside the house.

Waited for a night, until the morning, the door was gently placed and sounded.

Old Hand suddenly opened the door and saw—

"Hand?" The bag caught outside the door was a retired small military robot. His best assistant assistant in the past was standing in the early morning sunlight with a shy smile and a crooked head.

"How are you doing recently?"】

Seeing this unexpected ending, Anton's breathing suddenly stagnate, his eyes widened, and he couldn't return to his mind for a long time.

After a full ten minutes, he slowly reacted. For a moment, his heart was filled with indescribable touch and sourness, thick and heavy like a shock of a bell, hitting the deepest softness in his heart.

A retired veteran, a broken leg, a lonely and alienated life, a hard heart wrapped in a soft heart ... and a small, shabby little robot that has been caring about him silently.

Countless clues and foreshadowings were suddenly connected by the final ending, and a vivid picture appeared in front of him.

Anton couldn't help wondering what happened to Old Hand and the little robot during those years of battle.

As soon as his thoughts started, he suddenly laughed bitterly, clenching the corners of his lips bitterly, and seeing the distant past of war from the old Hand's crutches.

What else to ask?

Reality has already given the answer.

An Dong was deeply touched. The admiration and touch in his heart almost captured his whole heart, making him speechless.

After almost sucking his nose, he quickly embarked on Weibo, reposted the novel, and @ his countless friends and classmates.

"The most heartwarming novel with tears, push and push !!! @ everybody"

In addition to him, countless people who saw this novel spontaneously advertised and recommended it to their relatives and friends.

"When I followed the literary contest, I accidentally got a novel, which made me cry in class."

"" Pokemon ", the best work of this literary contest! No one!"

"I originally thought this was an ordinary warm text, but when I saw the abrupt reversal of the end, I knew how big a trap the author had carefully planned. Didn't it just require my care? I'll give you everything for you Give you!"


Numerous positive reviews came in madness, and people who have seen this work on Weibo have been attracted by curiosity for a moment, and they clicked forward links to look at it, only to find a three-level agricultural country small planet There is such a good work hidden in the literary competition.

The old man with a bad temper at the beginning was not flattering and cute. However, at the end, when the identity of Old Hand was finally revealed, and he learned that he was a veteran who was wounded and retired with a medal on his chest, the reader's unlovable and unpleasant time all turned into respect and admiration .

And the little robot who has been guarding and caring about Old Hand in no time has made many people burst into tears.

Such a peculiar story cut-in point did not preach how great the retired veterans were from the front, but after reading the novel, everyone's heart filled with emotion and admiration.

"Call on veterans, please worship me."

"My grandpa is also a veteran veteran. After I watched" Pokemon ", I was in tears, and I will go home to see grandpa tonight!"

"Little elf-the little robot really is the elf who brings hope and future to Old Hand. I never realized that I still lived in such a simple and kind group beside me."

"A little robot near our house is! Every time I see me, I try to stuff me with shyness!"


The countless praises and praises accumulated together, and a powerful force broke out, allowing more people to flood into the website of the literary contest, and one after another spontaneously and automatically voted for "Little Elf".

By the halfway of the game, the number of votes for "Little Elf" had exploded to over 10 million, far ahead of all the texts.

This time, even rose rose up and down.

The local evening news broadcast of Rosewood deliberately devoted a full ten minutes to broadcast the grand occasion of this literary competition.

At this time, at the table of the Su family, the robot's father was working hard to serve pots of potful dishes. Braised pork, eight treasure ducks, called flower chickens ... are all delicious foods previously made by Sutan.

With a bang, a large pot of fresh and sweet crayfish was brought to the table again, and the robot Suning was raising his sleeves and wearing a small floral apron full of enthusiasm.

In front of the few people at the table, his voice worried and distressed and said, "Eat more, you have all lost weight recently."

Su Tan:… laugh and cry.

Hayden, who is enjoying the food elegantly, peeled off a crayfish and handed it to Su Tan's lips, teasing teasingly: "Come, eat more."

Sutan :! !! !!

Big cousin is too blatant! Aren't you afraid that Abba finds anomalies?

He was startled, glaring at Hayden with a stunned glance, looking in the direction of Abba.

I saw that the robot Suning was chatting with Dr. Shu and said with a good temper: "Hey? The first time you eat crayfish, you won't peel it? It's okay, I'll help you."

Having said that, he sat down as Dr. Shu and picked up a crayfish softly to help him peel it off. His expression was serious and utterly absent-minded, and he didn't even notice his own situation.

Instead, Hayden raised a smile, handed the crawfish in the air to Su Tan's mouth, touched his lips lightly, and chuckled, "Hurry up."

A gentle, petting smile is a clear foul.

Sutan could not help but have a headache. She bit her mouth open and bite, and the sweet and fatty crayfish meat filled the mouth for a long time, which is very satisfying.

The texture of the slightly elastic teeth and the delicious taste make people intoxicated.

Su Tan just sat down contentedly, and saw another peeled crayfish handed to him. The movement was smooth and natural as if he knew his mind.

Eat again, feed again, eat again-

Until the end, when Hayden piled up neatly arranged crayfish shells in front of him, Su Tan rubbed his belly and rushed the last crawfish handed in, grabbing it directly into his cousin's mouth.

Hayden's eyes were soft with a smile, and he listened to the words of his "wife" and ate the last crayfish. The soft tongue tip across Sutan's fingers that were too late to be retrieved.

Immediately, Su Tan glanced at him in amazement and quickly retracted his fingertips, only to feel that the place touched was hot.

He tried to suppress the hot air on his face, turning his head to see the robot Abba and Dr. Shu holding hot tea and looking to this side.

Immediately, he held on silently, his heart beating like thunder, guessing that Dad would not see the scene just now?

Sure enough, the robot Suning held a hot tea cup and smiled at Dr. Shu, who was calm and gentle around him, and said, "Look, their brothers have a great relationship."

Shu Heng smiled and nodded, and Wen Run's eyes behind the glasses of Phnom Penh looked at the two of them from a distance, with a hint of fun, and agreed with Suning in a agreeable voice: "Yeah, the feeling is so good."

Su Tan breathed a sigh of relief, and could not help but stand up.

Yes, their brotherhood is stronger than iron.

Just then, a news broadcast on TV suddenly broadcast a piece of news. "The Rosewood Daily News: The recently-opened Rosewood Literary Star Contest has been well-documented, and tens of thousands of outstanding works have emerged."

This hot topic attracted the attention of several people at the table in a hurry, and looked at it with hot tea.

Dr. Shu said with a smile: "Su Tan, listen to Mr. Kerry, have you entered the competition?"

Su Tan nodded and admitted with a smile: "Yes."

As soon as he heard him, the robot daddy couldn't help wondering. "What is your name?"

Su Tan didn't hide it, she just smiled and said the name of her novel. "Called" Pokemon. "

"Well, I know!" Suning remembered in his heart, thinking that when he went back online, he would rush to Wenxia to support his son's work. Even if there is no award, in his heart, his son is the best!

The news broadcast continued: "In this literary star contest, a short story" Little Elf "swept the entire Weibo with a warm theme and unexpected ending."

Su Tan was surprised for a while that Guillah's local official news program actually named and praised her work.

The robot Suning was even more stunned, then quickly excited. "Son, it's your novel!"

It grabbed Dr. Shu's arm nearest him with excitement, not even noticing that the tea cup was crooked and spilled.

In the news, praise was praised, and the evaluation was praised for several minutes in a row: "This novel is exquisite, ingenious, and started with an ordinary and ordinary little person, but it reflects the silent dedication and selflessness of the entire veteran group. . The small robot that appeared at the turn of the end of the article was also the tears of hundreds of millions of readers and was hailed as the most tender and cute little robot in history. "

The words in the TV news were still in the ear, Su Tan suddenly laughed, and did not expect that his novel would have entered the eyes of the official media, and received such a high degree of recognition and appreciation.

When he was thinking about the news tonight, when he didn't know how many Roses would be seen, he suddenly saw the robot daddy turn his head suddenly and looked at him deeply, his whole body burning hot and moving. It was hot, and the plastic brain was still bubbling hot.

Su Tan suddenly smiled, knowing that Abba must have taken the little robot in the novel as its prototype, and wrote it into the text intentionally.

But that's right.

Without Abba, perhaps the "little robot" character at the end of his novel would be replaced by an old comrade in arms fighting side by side, a military dog ​​who has been silently accompanying each other for many years, or other settings.

But because of his warmth and sincerity, Su Tan turned the "little robot" into a kind and simple and beautiful "elf" prototype.

The robot Suning slammed with utter thump, and the uncontrollable force tightly held Su Tan full of arms. His voice moved to tears and promised: "Son, Abba will live with you forever!"

Su Tan was painfully squeezed, but clearly touched the other's hot and sincere chest. He responded with a smile and earnestly: "OK."

Hayden :? ? ? ? ?

Dr. Shu: "…………"