MTL - Invincible Exchange System-Chapter 17 Stop me

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Although the sound of the fracture of the cheekbones was not great, everyone present was clearly heard.

"Bai Ye has broken a leg before he even shot!"

啧啧 "Oh, this kid really doesn't know how to die!"

"Well, what a good young man, unfortunately, I'm afraid I'll be on my legs for a lifetime."

When the king of the king's book broke his bones and knelt down, most of the people present were gloats of joy, only a few regrets.

"Boy, don't you admit wrong to Bai Ye kneeling down?"

Another big man came forward, and the two took control of Wang Shu, clutching Wang Shu's hand firmly, and pressing Wang Shu's head firmly.

Naturally, Wang Shu couldn't bow his head and grimaced and rebelled. The two big Hans were not as good as him, but he really didn't want to cause any trouble. However, these two big Hans were so powerful that Wang Shu's head was little by little. The ground was approaching, and finally hesitated, and stuck his face to the ground.

"Boy, I didn't see that you still have some energy, but in the face of our Big Four, it's not enough!"

"In front of our white grandfather, it is dragon you want to dangle me, it is tiger you want to lie to me, not to mention you!" After pressing Wang Shu down, the two men said arrogantly.

"Boy, why not be convinced?"

The old white man squatted down, patted Wang Shu's face with his hand, and asked with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth. But before Wang Shu answered, the old man continued to say, "I know you disagree. After all, young people are proud and proud, who didn't make a mistake when they were young? I won't embarrass you, as long as you willingly kneel Come down and call me Baiye, not only will I not embarrass you, but I will let you go! "

"Dream! No one in this world can make me kneel, even if it's impossible, I only kneel my parents!"

Wang Wangshu stared at the old white man with red eyes and said coldly. Wang Shu found that he could not bear it anymore. If the other party dared to insult him, even if he exposed himself, he would let the other party kneel.

"Give me a shame, hit me, and break his other leg!" The old man pulled his face down, turned around, and said lightly.


He slammed again, and Wang Shu's other leg was also interrupted, and he could not help yelling. The sweat on his forehead burst out, but he still insisted on gnashing his teeth and did not give in.

The old man Bai Bai asked again, "How about, have you considered it clearly?"

Master Wang Shu just gave the old man a cold glance, and then spit at the old man with a spit of sputum. The old man never thought that Wang Shu dare to oppose him, and spit it into his face without notice.

"Broken me up his other two hands, and then dig out his eyes!"

The old man Bai has lost his patience. He originally saw that Wang Shu was very young, and planned to accept it as a running dog. He did not expect it to be a gimmick who did n’t know how to be flexible. .

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Two consecutive sounds of bone fracture, Wang Shu's left and right hands were abolished at the same time, and Wang Shu was dizzy again with pain.

The original onlookers still looked at Wang Shu with indulgence, but at this moment they changed their faces one by one, calmed down, and did not dare to make any dissonant sounds again, for fear of annoying the white old man, then trouble It's big.

"Baiye, this boy passed out!"

After a big man saw that Wang Shu was dizzy, he took the initiative to seek the opinion of the old man.

"Wake up and dig out those eyes!"

The old man Bai Bai glanced at Wang Shu, who was fainted on the ground, without guilt on his face, and closed his eyes.

Uh ...

"Idiot, waste!"

"You listen, this is a world where people can eat people. If you don't eat people, people eat you!"

"Wang Shu, when you graduate, let's get married!"

"Brother, where are you going? When are you coming back?"

"Boy, stop!"

"Wang Shu, you are a poor girl, let's break up!"

"Sister, you are confused!"

"I hope you are not an idiot waste."

"Drink it, drink it and you will be born again!"

After Wang Shu fainted, countless noisy sounds echoed in his mind, as if there were countless people talking in his ears, male and female, old and young.

Uh ...


A bucket of water was poured onto Wang Shu's body, and a spirit woke up. When Wang Shu was awake, he only saw a big man holding a bright dagger in his hand and kept shaking in front of his eyes.

"Baiye, this boy is awake!"

大 The moment when the big man saw Wang Shu awake, especially the moment when he looked at Wang Shu, he seemed to be stared at by the beast, he felt a little stunned in his heart, and immediately stepped back two steps, a little nervous.

"Dug his eyes, and then drag them to the gate of the city to hang them, let the crow pecking!" Said the old white man without even opening his eyes.

"But ..."

The big man holding the dagger always felt uneasy and stopped talking, approaching Wang Shu carefully.

"Boy, don't blame me for being cruel and hot. If you are good, blame you for not having long eyes and provoking people who shouldn't be provoked. I hope that your eyes will be brighter when you give birth in the next life. Don't provoke people who you can't afford! Ming Xiaohuang's dagger came over. It seemed that Wang Shu's state was a little scary at the moment, and his voice was a little low, not like a threat, but more like a kind of atonement.

The big man raised his hand, closed his eyes a little bit unbearably, and dug down the dagger toward Wang Shu's eyes, but just halfway, he suddenly stopped in mid-air and only felt that his wrist was caught, no matter how hard he tried , It is difficult to move forward.

"Huh? Ah ..."

Dahan opened his eyes and wanted to see what was going on, but at the moment he opened his eyes, he felt that a terrible burst of power suddenly broke out, and the entire wrist was crushed in a split second, and the dagger in his hand came out. .


The dagger had not yet landed, and the original docile king book like sheep suddenly moved. Not only did he crush his right hand for a moment, but he also snatched the dagger, only to feel that his neck was cold, and his head was grunted out.

"The next one is you!"

After King Wang Shu killed a big man, he made a perfect arc in the air with his right hand, and another big man beside him was also killed by a single blow. After killing two people in a row, Wang Shu once again turned his target to the other.


But after all, the man was a blood cultivator in the first layer of blood awakening. After Wang Shu killed the two, he immediately reacted, screamed, and escaped the fatal blow with great thrill, but one arm was like tofu. Was pared out.

"Boy, how dare you!"

The old white man also responded. The whole person was like frightened hair, his beard and hair all up, and he sang loudly. However, the old man did not take a head-to-head battle with Wang Shu, but took a stun and immediately backed off a distance.

"Kill me, kill everyone a hundred dollars again!"

The old man of Bai Bai is not a blood cult, and he can't compare with those big men. Since Wang Shu can kill those big men with one stroke, it means that the other party has absolute strength to kill himself, but after all, he is special and can be called. But no one is a fool, and no one dares to come forward, pretending to be deaf and dumb.

"Stop me!"

Wang Shushu's eyes turned red, and he transformed into a **** of killing. He went forward step by step. Although the speed was not fast, in the eyes of the old man, every step seemed to step on his heart, making it difficult for him to breathe.