MTL - Invincible Exchange System-Chapter 18 Impatiens

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怎么 "How is that possible? When will Snow Maple have such a genius?"

When the dagger in Wang Shu's head cut off the last person's head, there was no feeling of muddy water. The word chopping melon and vegetables appeared in Bai Lao's mind. He had never seen such a terrible boy. What made him even more afraid was why the boy who had just broken his hands stood in front of him as if nothing had happened.

大 The several big men who had previously surrounded Wang Shu died, their heads rolled to the side like black watermelons.

"Oh my god, this boy is so terrible!"

"This boy has such a courage to dare to kill the Qingfeng Pavilion!"

"Well, the old man kicked the nail this time. The young man was so young that he was not so high, and the means was so vicious. I am afraid that he is an extraordinary figure in the four big families, only the descendants of those four big families. It ’s so terrible! "

The original quiet atmosphere suddenly became hot, one by one, talking loudly, speculating about the true identity of Wang Shu. Many women are frightened and screaming, while others look back and dare not look at them. Only a few brave ones are beautiful.

"I said, no one in this world can make me kneel, not even the sky, you can't even do it!" Wang Shu walked to the old man in front of him, stopped only three steps away, his **** dagger finger Holding the old man's head, he said coldly, "Kneel me down and call me Grandpa. Grandpa is in a good mood, maybe I'll spare you!"

"Master, please, please let me go. It's the little old man who doesn't know Tarzan!" The old man was already scared, and immediately knelt on the ground for mercy, and he had incontinence. Not only was the ground wet. , Accompanied by a stench came out.

"Go to death!"

The dagger in the king's book turned into a life-threatening blade and stabbed it towards the old man's chest. He could not let go of this white old man. If he changed to any other person, he would surely die here. As for why he suddenly stood up, and his broken hands and feet are still intact, he still does not know, but whether Anyway, he just let go of the old white man. Just now the other party wanted his life for no reason, no, the other party has already killed him.

"not good!"

I didn't pierce it, but suddenly I felt that the dagger was interrupted by something. I made a cut and made two cuts, and he stood there as if he had been immobilized.

"Who, who is it? How brave, dare to kill in the place of the old woman!" The voice of a woman came in from the outside.

"No, it's Phoenix Fairy!"

The moment the dagger was broken in his hand, Wang Shu's mind could not help but the appearance of the first beauty Fengxian in Snow Maple City, screaming badly, but he was too late to escape, because his The body seemed to be immobilized and could not move at all.

I could n’t move, and Wang Shu ’s desire for killing dropped sharply, as if he was splashed with cold water, his eyes were clear, but it was because his head was sober that Wang Shu became more and more panicked.

I just felt that a scent of fragrance was passing by, and a fiery figure appeared in front of Wang Shu's eyes. Who else could the Phoenix Fairy be?

"What a terrible breath!"

Originally, the distance was relatively long, and I didn't feel the horror of the Phoenix Fairy, but now it is close at hand. The strength of the blood in Wang Shu's body was suppressed, and he could not give birth to a heart of resistance. This is definitely a strong person To have the momentum.

However, the situation was not as bad as Wang Shu expected. Feng Xianzi killed him without coming, but frowned, looked at the corpses that fell to the ground, looked at Wang Shu, and finally turned his eyes to white. The old man asked with a pleasant voice: "Bai Lao, I just made such a big noise just a few moments after going out. What the **** is going on?"

"Girl Feng, this is the thing, this boy ..."

The old man Bai saw the Phoenix Fairy willing to take the initiative for himself, and immediately thanked him for his tears. Then he remarked the course of the matter, but in his mouth, Wang Shu became an evil man who did nothing and did nothing. When he didn't say anything, he killed someone. And he also called him on his knees.

The old man's dissatisfaction with the onlookers immediately caused the dissatisfaction of the onlookers. Many people booed, and the white man's face was blue and white.

"Is that right?"

Xian Feng Xian apparently heard the old man's words had many inaccuracies, and asked with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"No, no, girl Feng, in any case, you have to be the master of the slave!" The old white man couldn't hide it, and fell on his knees, no longer justified, just begging for mercy.

"Huh, Bai Lao, it seems that you are living more and more back, and when I figure out the reason for the matter, naturally I will handle it impartially!" Feng Xianzi hummed, obviously dissatisfied with Bai Lao, turned her head, a pair of beautiful eyes I looked at Wang Shu carefully and then said gently: "Boy, I have the opportunity to explain it to you, say what you have now, otherwise I have a hard time guaranteeing whether I will kill you in a while!"

"Phoenix fairy, this is how ..."

Wang Shushu didn't feel that there was anything wrong with him, and he didn't have any reason to lose, so he directly told the story.

The Fengxian silently listened to Wang Shu ’s talk, but when she heard half of it, the original cold face was covered with frost. Wang Shu heard the old man killing for a while without seeing how the other party ’s hands moved. Screaming like a pig.

"Ah ... girl Phoenix ..."

The old man's right arm was cut off and **** fell to the ground. The old man also passed out in pain, without even talking.

"Bring Bai Lao down and send it to the Black Gold Mine after treatment!" Feng Xianzi coldly ordered. There were a few people who seemed to know the black gold mine, and his face became very unnatural, but no one dared to say anything, let alone plead for the old man. I saw a few people coming out immediately, dragging the old white man like a dead dog.

"Hurry up and clean up here so as not to affect the guests. In order to apologize, everyone who is shopping in Qingfeng Pavilion today will enjoy 20% discount!"

In order to appease everyone's emotions, Fengxianzi made a big news.

"What? 20% off discount, my God, I didn't expect to save so much money this time out shopping!"

"Haha, the extra money has fallen into my pockets. It turns out that running errands is also very good!"

The original shocked onlookers were overjoyed when they heard the news. This was what they really cared about.

After all, the Qingfeng Pavilion is an old-fashioned storefront, and the doorways are cleaned after a while. Most of the customers have been unusual in status. They have seen a lot of scenes, large and small. .

After the order returned to normal, it was unexpected that Feng Xianzi not only was not angry with Wang Shu, but apologized to Wang Shu with sincerity: "Today's thing is that I am not good at discipline, and I plead guilty to Shaoxia here. If the young man doesn't mind, can he speak further? "