MTL - Just Been Repented By the Super Diva and Blocked the Door with Her Baby-Chapter 1177 Shan Fangning: Coward!

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  Ye Mo withdrew his gaze, with a slightly strange expression on his face.

  This ability is quite useful. Compared with his wisdom eyes, it has a different use.

   However, it cannot be used casually.

   "There is no task triggered this time!"

  He sat down, temporarily withdrew from the clone, opened his eyes, and returned to his own body. He picked up the tea on the desk in the study, took a sip, and muttered to himself.

  At first, I thought that a mission might be triggered this time, but it seems hopeless. Is it because of the avatar, or... because this event is not difficult?

   After pondering for a while, he returned to the avatar, got up and walked out, just in time to see the girl next door open the door and come out. After changing into a black suit, her demeanor became more sassy and more mature.

  The figure is still unmistakably graceful and sexy. Her long legs are eye-catching. Her figure is very tall, comparable to a model.

  Seeing him, the girl glared at him, scowled, and ignored him coldly.

Da da da!

  She stepped on her leather shoes hard, walked ahead, flicking her ponytail, which made people want to grab it.

   "What a mean!"

  Ye Mo whispered.

  Ahead, the girl's footsteps stopped abruptly, apparently hearing it. Her fists were gradually clenched, and her plump chest rose and fell sharply.

  She is stingy?

   Just kidding!

   Obviously this guy is ignoring others, but now you still blame her for being stingy? How unreasonable!

  She wanted to turn around and smash this guy with her fist.

  What do you care about with this kind of person, just ignore him!

She took another deep breath, gritted her silver teeth, and finally held back, and walked quickly, and walked to a room in front. Inside, all the team members arrived, surrounded by the bed, and Yuan Bin was in the middle. .

   "It's all here, let's start!"

  Yuan Bin said seriously.

"We discussed this situation on the plane and came to the conclusion that there are two directions to investigate, one is the personal grievances of these missing persons, and the other is the previous mission of Huatian. enemy."

"It's not like in China. The situation is very complicated. There are many illegal forces, big and small, rampant. There are many forces in Austrian territory. Two of them are worth noting. One is the Carter Brothers, and the other is The stock is the Rose Society."

   "The former is a power in Austria. You should have heard of the latter. It is one of the largest powers in the world. It is not easy to mess with. So, be careful when investigating the latter."

"These two forces are related to our previous missions. We need to investigate clearly to see if they arrested our people for revenge. Since the situation here is more dangerous, we will go to collect the guns later and divide them up." The Ministry will also send some people to act with us."

   "Now, we are divided into two groups, a total of ten people, just a group of five, you, you... the four of you and me, go investigate the Carter brothers first."

   "Shan girl, Brother five go to investigate the situation of the missing persons."

  He looked left and right, and quickly divided into groups. Those with him were more powerful, and the tasks were more dangerous.

   "Okay, is there anything unclear? Brother Chen, what's the matter, what do you want to say?"

  Ye Mo raised his hand and said, "I'll investigate that employer!"


  Yuan Bin was taken aback, somewhat astonished.

  Investigate employers for what?

   Didn't I check it, there is nothing wrong with it, he is a legal and decent entrepreneur, clean and innocent, and he has no enmity with Hua Tian.

   Instead, she was a victim and was almost implicated.

  Others also showed a little bit of astonishment and doubt.

   "I think this employer is a bit suspicious, maybe we can find clues from him." Ye Mo said.


  Yuan Bin hesitated for a moment, then nodded when he thought of something, "Well, then, go and investigate this employer!"

  Brother Chen doesn't know what his background is or whether he has any skills. Since he was sent by the big boss, he naturally has to take care of him so that no accidents will happen.

  So, he specially arranged for this person to investigate the situation of the missing person, which is safer.

   But now, this guy said to investigate the employer, wouldn’t it be better and safer, anyway, a few gold medals from them are enough for the investigation.


  Shan Fangning glared, quite sarcasticly.

   This guy must be afraid of death, so he doesn't want to go to investigate with them, but to investigate some employer, isn't this just evasion!

   Coward who is greedy for life and afraid of death!

  Ye Mo glanced at her, but didn't care.

   "Okay, let's go!"

  Yuan Bin got up, clapped his hands, and called everyone to go downstairs.

  At the door, I saw Mr. Fred from the branch again.

   "Wait a minute, Mr. Fred, please take this Mr. Chen to visit that employer." Yuan Bin stepped forward, chatted with him for a few words, then turned and pointed.


  Mr. Fred was stunned, and his face was full of astonishment, "I still need to investigate? We have already checked, and there is no problem!"

   "Cough! Mr. Fred, he wants to check again. This Mr. Chen belongs to the big boss, yes, he is the big boss of our entire Huatian Group."

   Yuan Bin explained in a low voice.

   "Oh! Good good!"

  Fred was taken aback, and responded again and again.

  Since you belong to the big boss, you can do whatever you want.

   "Coward, let's go. After you finish checking the employer, we may all find clues and find out the facts. Just wait and see!"

   Went to the company, took the gun, and the two groups left one after another. When the single girl left, she even provoked him and walked away triumphantly.

   "This girl!"

  Ye Mo didn't take it to heart either, she was just a little girl, like a younger sister, with a straightforward and lively personality, enthusiastic and cheerful, but there was nothing to hate.

   "Mr. Chen, let's go!"


  Ye Mo smiled and followed Mr. Fred into the car.

   "Mr. Chen, you also know German, so fluent?" Fred asked in surprise.

   "Let's do it a little bit!"

  Ye Mo sat down and smiled.

   "As expected of a big boss!" Fred complimented, and then said, "Mr. Chen, we have checked this employer, but there is nothing suspicious? Why do we need to check again?"

  He was extremely puzzled.

   "Because you didn't investigate thoroughly!"

  Ye Mo looked at him and said coldly.

  Fred's face froze for a moment, and then turned red. Didn't this slap him in the face and accuse him of being unfavorable at work!

  He was angry and clenched his fists, but he didn't dare to attack.

  You are a Chinese, what do you know! Well, you go check it! I'd like to see what you can find out!

   When the time comes, don’t blame me for wasting effort!

  He groaned inwardly, ready to see the joke of the Chinese people.

  He remained silent, and half an hour later, the car stopped in front of a villa.