MTL - Just Been Repented By the Super Diva and Blocked the Door with Her Baby-Chapter 1178 investigation

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  Chapter 1178 Investigation

   Ding Dong!

  The doorbell rang a few times, and there were footsteps from inside, and they quickly reached the door.

  The person who opened the door was a white man in his fifties. He was tall and had thick hair on his face, but his hair was half bald. His eyes were as brown as his hair.

   "Mr. Erich, sorry to trouble you again!"

   Fred smiled apologetically.


  Erich smiled enthusiastically, "This is what I should do, and I also want to find out the matter early, come in! Huh? This is...?"

   "Oh! This is the special investigator sent by the company headquarters!" Fred laughed, "He wants to ask you to learn more about the situation at that time."

   "Okay! Come in! What tea do you two drink?"

  Erich led the people in, came to the living room to sit down, and then went to make tea.

   "If you want to ask anything, just ask, I will cooperate, and I want to find him soon..." After a while, he came back with tea, sat down opposite him, put his hands on his knees naturally, and rubbed them a few times.

   "However, I have told you and the police several times about the same content, and it may not be useful."

  Hearing this, Fred smiled.

  He felt the same way, it was meaningless to ask again, but this Chinese man insisted on coming, and even accused him of incomplete investigation, ho! What a joke! He wants to see what this guy can ask!

  He glanced at the young man next to him, and there was a bit of playfulness and disdain in his slightly narrowed pupils.

  The young man didn't make a sound, but picked up the tea cup in front of him, took a breath, took a sip, and smiled again: "Mmm! The tea is good!" While speaking, his eyes were fixed on the opposite side.

   "Of course, this tea..."

   Erich laughed, and he is about to introduce his favorite black tea.

  But the next moment, it was interrupted.

   "Mr. Erich, you don't seem to be impatient at all, this... is not normal!"

  The young man smiled, but his eyes were piercing, as sharp as a knife, which made Erich's heart tremble.

   "What's not normal, isn't this... normal?"

  His face changed slightly, and he smiled, "Isn't it right to cooperate with your investigation! I've said it all, and I want to find him as soon as possible, otherwise, this matter will always be on my mind."

   "So, Mr. Erich, you are a good person?"

  The young man took another sip of tea and smiled.

   "Then... of course!"

  Erich froze for a moment, then smiled quickly.

  Aside, Fred still had a look of sarcasm in his eyes, just trying to bluff people with this little verbal trick? This Chinese man is too naive!

  He has no problem at all. What's the point of bluffing people like this? Even if there is a problem, they can survive their branch and the police investigation. How can they be bluffed with a few words.

   "Mr. Erich, your heartbeat is speeding up! What, are you nervous?"

  The young man's gaze looked directly at the other person's heart, and he said with a playful smile.

   "What?" Erich was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed, this Chinese man is really good at bluffing people! From such a distance, you can see that his heart beats faster? Who can be fooled by such a boring trick!

   "No way! Why am I nervous!"

   Instead, he completely relaxed, picked up the teacup, and took a sip leisurely.

   "Mr. Erich, how is your company doing recently? Is the business good?" the young man asked again.

   "Very good! Always good!"

   Erich laughed, "Thanks to you Huaguo people, many of the wines produced by my company have been sold to your Huaguo. You are my big customers!"

   Aside, Fred grinned.

  Why ask these!

  The status of the company, of course, has been checked. It is very good, and the performance is booming.

  How could there be a problem with such a character!

   "Really?" The young man smiled, "That's really good! But, I remember, your company is not yours, is it? It's your wife's!"

   "Ah! Yes...Yeah!"

  Erich's face changed instantly.

   Not many people know about this matter now, how did the Chinese people know?

"Fifteen years ago, your wife died in a car accident, and you took the company as a matter of course. However, you did a good job. From a small company to today's large group, you have also transformed into a big company. A great man in Austria."

"What do you mean!"

Erich listened, his face gradually turned livid, "This was all fifteen years ago, what does it have to do with now! Also, this is the last thing I want to mention, you know how much I was at that time Is it painful?"

  He stood up awkwardly, clenched his fists angrily, and stared at him.

   "Mr. Erich, calm down!"

  Fred was taken aback, hurriedly got up to persuade, and then angrily glared at the young man beside him.

   This guy must be sick! Why talk about what happened fifteen years ago? This is a sad thing for others. Also, as a successful person, relying on his wife's property is not a very glorious thing. Isn't this embarrassing for others!

   "How painful is it?"

  The young man sneered and said coldly.


  Erich's eyes widened with anger, his expression almost ferocious.

"Calm down! Calm down! Don't be as knowledgeable as him, you... you are crazy! Mr. Erich is not married yet, he must love his wife very much..." Fred hurriedly persuaded, then turned his head and shouted angrily Voice.

  Mr. Erich is famous for his loyalty to his wife.

"Not necessarily! If you really love so much, how could Mr. Erich keep a mistress outside! There is more than one, maybe a dozen! It seems that they are often changed, but one is quite long, it seems Herr Erich must love this!"

   "How long have you been? It's been more than ten years!"

  The young man still smiled, taking his time to speak.

   As soon as the words fell, the two people in front of him were stunned. Erich's eyes were wide open, full of disbelief, and even a hint of panic, while Fred's eyes only had extreme shock.

His first reaction was that it was nonsense and frightening, but when he saw Mr. Erich's expression, he understood that what he said was true. Mr. Erich really raised a bunch of people outside. Mistress, there was one even for ten years.

  All loyalty and true love are fake.

Over ten years?

   It won't be more than fifteen years! Also, the death of his wife must have something to do with him, right?

its not right! How did this Chinese man know these things?

  This is impossible!

  He also became a little dazed, unable to believe it at all.

   " are talking nonsense! You are slandering me!" Erich came back to his senses and roared angrily. His face was flushed red and his expression was ferocious, as if he had lost his mind.

  (end of this chapter)