MTL - Legend of Swordsman-Chapter 2825 Before the battle

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(The first is more!)

Many of the strong men from the sacred realm in Danyang all stared at Jian Wushuang.

Jian Wushuang's prestige in Danyang Holy Realm is too high, and many insiders know that the reason why Redstone Castle can win in previous battles and regain control of Danyang Holy Realm is mainly due to Jian Wushuang.

Jian Wushuang created one miracle after another in Danyang Holy Realm.

Now, with such huge disadvantages on both sides, these people also hope that Jian Wushuang can create a miracle again.

Seeing this, Jian Wushuang smiled indifferently. "I did prepare some means for this war. If they are used well and everyone works together, it should be enough to compete with the Tianxu Palace powerhouse in front of them. The odds of winning, as for what this means, I will not say for now, I will use it as soon as it arrives. "

Hearing these words, all around focus on the head, and at the same time a little more confidence in my heart.

If Jian Wushuang did not prepare any means, they could not compete with each other based on their current faction strength. However, since Jian Wushuang was prepared in advance and they were in various legends before Jian Wushuang, they could barely have some confidence in their hearts.

But Yin Suer looked at Yunshan face to face.

The two of them didn't think that Jian Wushuang really had any hole cards.

On the contrary, it is believed that Jian Wushuang is calming down in order to prevent the morale of his own camp from collapsing completely.

And in the opposite camp, that day in the virtual army.

The sergeants of the Tianxu Army were indifferent and expressionless, and in the forefront, many of the great gods of the Tianxu Palace gathered together, headed by a burly man wearing a teal armor.

This burly man is the leader of the Tianxu Army.

As the leader of the Tianxu Army, although he is only a peak god, but his status in the Tianxu Palace, he is no less than Sanyinhou who is invincible.

Behind the leader of the virtual army, there were several silver warframe men standing there, all of whom were 'generals' in the virtual army.

At this moment, many powerful men in Tianxu Palace are looking at the scene ahead with great interest.

"Danyang Holy Realm seems to be really declining, giving them so much time to prepare, but this Redstone Fortress only made up such strong points, and even less than 70 great deities?" The generals could not help laughing.

The people next to them also showed disdain.

After all, it is a realm. It should be easy to take out hundreds of great deities according to reason. But Redstone Castle has so much time to prepare, and it only has less than seventy deities. The number is indeed too small.

These people in Tianxu Palace look down, and that's normal.

You must know that in the Heavenly Realm, the Lord of the Heavenly Realm said nothing, and he didn't need to prepare at all. In a word, he ordered that the great gods he mobilized were far more than the Danyang Holy Realm.

"Danyang Holy Realm, when the Red Stone Saint was alive, it was worthy of my attention in Heaven and Earth Realm, but now ... too weak!"

"I came out this time and thought that I would come to a tough battle with Danyang Holy Realm, but now it seems that I am afraid there is no chance."

"Only the strong men gathered in the Danyang Holy Realm now, my Tianxu Army just needs to run into them, and these strong in the Danyang Holy Realm will be defeated!"

Many of the strong men in Tianxu Palace are talking at will. Not many people think of these strong men in Danyang Holy Realm.

Only the commander of the Heavenly Void Army has always been indifferent. "Although the Danyang Holy Camp is not as good as ours, their strength is still not weak. We must not only defeat them, but also strive for the smallest casualties. . "

"Sanyinhou." The Tianxu army commander suddenly looked at Sanyinhou who was standing quietly beside him.

Sanyinhou ranks extremely high in Tianxu Palace, second only to Tianxu Palace.

But the commander of the Tianxu Army is also the left and right arm of the Lord of the Tianxu Palace. The two can talk to each other equally.

"Anything?" Sanyinhou glanced over.

"I heard that you have fought against the strongest in the Danyang Holy Realm before, and you have the absolute upper hand?" Tianxu Army commanded.

"It happened." Sanyinhou nodded.

"It's so good. I need you to come forward now, and fight against the strongest in Danyang Holy Realm in front of the strong on both sides." The Heavenly Virtual Army commanded.

"Another battle? You want to ..." Sanyinhou frowned, and he had already guessed the intention of the commander of the Heavenly Army.

"Yes, I want to weaken the morale of the Danyang Holy Realm." The Tianxu Army commanded: "The Danyang Holy Realm is the strongest. I have heard of it before, it seems to be called Jianyi, and it is just a senior. Great deity, but his prestige in the Danyang Holy Realm is very high. Previously, the Danyang Holy Realm was fighting endlessly. It was because of his help that Yin Suer was able to turn things around.

"Now, once the battle between Heavenly Realm and Danyang Holy World broke out ~ ~ Even if the strong men in Danyang Holy World are not defeated, it is estimated that they will fight hard to the end, because most of them will believe that the sword will once again try to turn the tide. Even if this sword does not have this strength at all, he only needs to say something at will, such as what means in his hand did not show his cards, and the strong men in Danyang Holy World will probably believe that when they fight fiercely, yes We can also make a lot of trouble. "

"That's why I let you do it now. In front of those in the Danyang Holy Realm, behead the sword and kill him, or hit him badly, no matter how bad it is, just defeat him or suppress it."

"As long as the people in the Danyang Holy Reality see their strongest person showing defeat, their morale will plummet, and they will not be too crazy to resist, which can save us a lot of trouble."

"I see." Sanyinhou nodded slightly, and he knew the intention of the commander of the Heavenly Virtual Army.

Sanyinhou did not hesitate too much, and immediately went straight forward.

Sanyinhou crossed over a distance, his body stopped at the center of the two camps, and his icy eyes looked at the strong men in the Holy Land of Danyang.

"Jianyi !!"

A magnificent voice emanated from these Sanyinhou mouths, and spread throughout the ice field.

In Danyang Holy Realm, the eyes of many powerful men immediately brushed their swords and looked at them.

Jian Wushuang's complexion was quite eccentric, and he immediately stepped forward.

"Sanyinhou, what do you want to do?" Jian Wushuang said in a deep voice.

"It's nothing, it was just the last battle in your sword league's nest, not so happy, and now I see again, I can't help but want to fight you again." Sanyinhou smiled lightly.

Hearing this, Jian Wu's eyes and pupils shrank sharply.