MTL - Legend of Swordsman-Chapter 3027 Elephant

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Chapter 3027 The Elephant

(The first is more!)


The words of the King of Kings set off huge waves in the hearts of these magic sound gods.

How long has this sword Tianhou battled the Lord of the Magic Sounds? Even if there are frontal collisions, there are only dozens of collisions so far. In such a short time, his sword power has improved?

From second-order extinction to third-order extinction?

This is too scary, right?


"Real monster !!"

These strong men of the magic sound kingdom can not help but marvel.

Even though it is the Lord of the Magic Sounds, the look at this moment is also wonderful.

"The power coming from his sword is getting more and more arrogant. Even if I perform the strongest move, I can't completely crush him now, and his sword skill level continues to improve." The head of the kingdom was horrified, "Moreover, he collided with me so many times. His body was damaged every time before the collision, and it took a lot of divine power to repair it. Is it still abundant? "

"What's the matter?"

Even the Lord of the Magic Sounds felt a little inexplicable.

He didn't know that the sword unparalleled at the moment, but when he collided directly with him, he also fell into the realization.

"No, no, although my swordsmanship has improved a lot in collisions, and has already entered the threshold of third-order extinction, but it always feels that it is almost a very important thing!" Jian Wushuang muttered With.

Now, due to the surge of sword power, he has not been crushed as he did before with the Lord of the Magic Sounds, but only slightly suppressed.

But at this moment he was carefully observing the hammer technique cast by the Lord of the Magic Sounds.

The two black sledgehammers swayed by the Lord of the Magic Sound contain extremely dark rules, and the power of the two sledgehammers is also extremely powerful and extremely fast.

But in this swiftness, Jian Wushuang soon realized another thing.

"Is this ... suffocating?"

"Yes, it's radon !!"

"I see, I know what I am missing from swordsmanship, it is this kind of stubborn stubbornness that has never gone forward!"

Jian Wushuang's eyes flashed sharply, and his heart suddenly opened up.

After all, he is aware of the rules of time and space. The rules of time and space are extremely vague. There is no fierce fire and thunder like the fierce and fierce. What a trick, can there be no suffocation?

"Bad gas, violent !!!"

"I want to make my swordsmanship violent."

Jian Wu's eyes flashed with gold, but the sword style in his hand had begun to change in the next moment.

The long sword smashed out, and the powerful power swept away instantly, and a strong snoring force swept out, and the sword-like power immediately improved a lot.

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!

Face to face confrontation again and again, the look of the Lord of the Magic Sounds became increasingly ugly.

"His sword skill, mighty power is getting stronger and stronger, and the mighty power is increasing faster and faster, and the sword style is becoming more and more violent?"

At the beginning, he exerted the strongest extinction. Jian Wushuang did not have the slightest resistance in front of him, and the **** body was directly defeated in one shot.

Later, even though Jian Wushuang's sword power has improved a lot, he can easily crush it.

Up to now, although Jian Wushuang's sword power has improved to the third-level peerless level, he is still not as good as him, and he can still suppress it.

But until now ... Jian Wushuang wields the same sword skill again, although it is still a little worse than him, but it can already cause him some pressure.

The speed at which such progress has increased is simply incredible.

And most importantly, this speed of improvement continues! !!


"That's the time." Jian Wushuang's eyes suddenly burst into an astonishing sharpness, and in the 30,000-foot-tall golden emperor's shadow behind him, there was endless golden light flashing.

Roar! !!

A thick roar came from heaven and earth.

Jian Wushuang is also a sword that suddenly slashes out, but at the moment of swinging, the sword awn is directly transformed into a complete and huge ancient beast.

This ancient strange beast is extremely horrible, and it is so arrogant that it carries the mighty power and directly bombards it.

The Lord of the Magic Sounds also seemed to notice the increase in the power of this sword, and in shock, he once again waved the double hammer.

"Dark meteor falls!"

boom! boom!

Heaven and earth went dark.

In this boundless darkness, two dark streamers were left in an instant, and in the blink of an eye they collided with the ancient beast.

Huh! !!

There was a loud noise, the world was violently shaking, and the surrounding void set off an endless wave, and a huge shock wave swept away unbridled.

In the center of the collision, the mouth of the Lord of the Magic Sounds opened slightly. This was purely horrified, because he had felt the power coming from his sledgehammer. The power of the power was unexpectedly ... Above him.


The void was about to explode, and the figure of the Lord of the Magic Sounds was also trembling, and it exploded a few steps directly.

As for Jian Wushuang, it seems that he has not been affected at all, and his figure is still standing.

Repelled! !!

The Lord of the Magic Sounds was repelled by the front! !!

"How can it be?"


"Hard-to-hit, the Lord's Lord was turned back?"

The multitude of powerful magic sound **** kingdom powers all stared with wide eyes, and their faces were incredible ~ ~ Even the magic sound **** himself was completely there.

As for sword Wushuang, he was holding the sword in one hand, standing in the void, his eyes were looking at the long sword in his hand, and his heart was very excited.

"How can swordsmanship be purely focused on power?"

"Only the stubborn suffocation can create an attack like a bamboo shooter. Such swordsmanship can be regarded as truly complete."

The sword could not help holding it without palms.

With the head-on confrontation and the head-on collision with the Lord of the Magic Sounds again and again, after being taken down again and again, the "Xixiang" style sword art he created has finally been truly perfected.

Since then, in addition to the 'Star Dream' style, the second type of swordplay prototype created by Jian Wushuang has been born.

"I just had this sword, and it should be no surprise that it should have reached the level of third-order peak extinction, but this sword is so amazing that it is no longer suitable to use 'Xixiang' as its name, and it should be used instead. Only right. "Jian Wushuang secretly thought.


Hey, it's violent! !!

This sword already has a complete framework and can become the prototype of swordsmanship.

And just now, with this sword, he repelled the Lord of the Magic Sounds positively, and for the first time in the frontal collision, defeated the Lord of the Magic Sounds.

And this is nothing fancy, no luck, it is purely superior in strength.

Like the Lord of the Magic Sounds, it has now been completely wiped out.

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