MTL - Legend of Swordsman-Chapter 3161 Powerless

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Chapter 3161: Divine Power (Page 1/1)

(Second more!)


"How could this be?"

"This, is this impossible?"

"Seventeen times, his deity has been defeated a full seventeen times, and it has been reorganized seventeen times, but he is not dead yet, and it seems that his breath is still very powerful.

In the surrounding void, those practitioners in Shanleibao stared at the scene in front of them, and their expressions were mostly filled with astonishment.

Not to mention them, even the Lord of the Mountain Thunder Fortress and the Lord of the Three Rules of Witch God are extremely shocking.

"How could this boy, his divine power, be so full?"

"This divine power is probably too vast. The divine body is reorganized seventeen times, and the divine power has not weakened much."

The red-haired Junyi man and that Xinzong expression were strange.

"I don't believe it." The evil old man who shot the shot uttered a low drink. He continued to shoot again and again, each time he could easily defeat Jian Wushuang's **** body. Jian Wushuang had no room for backhand and was wanton. Hesitated.

Although it is a tadpole, Jian Wushuang is only consuming his own divine power.

In a flash, Jian Wushuang's **** body collapsed 15 times again, plus the previous 17 times, it was already a full thirty-two times.

However, the sword's magic power only consumed less than one-third.


The evil old man was amazed.

At the moment, the sword is unparalleled, and his eyes are extremely cold, but under this coldness, there is a strong one hidden.

He has always endured the frustration of the evil charm old man, and let the evil charm old man defeat his own body again and again. This is indeed because the power gap between the two sides is too large, but at the same time, Jian Wushuang has been actively showing weakness.

He has been stabbed all the time and has never taken the initiative to fight back.

But does he really have no room to fight back?

the answer is negative.

In the void, the old man with the evil charm was wantonly smashed, and the sword Wushuang, who was defeated by the **** body again and again, was in a state of extreme calmness and no waves, and his consciousness was always clear. In his hands, the red Beads have also been held by him.

"There is only one master of the rule now. Even if I do it now, I can at best kill this evil old man, but I cannot kill the remaining two rule masters. No matter who is alive, I do n’t have a chance to escape, so I do n’t have to do it, I have to find a way to kill all three rule rulers with a thunderbolt! ”Jian Wushuang ’s heart Muttered.

Slay the ruler, or kill all three?

If everyone around you knows Jian Wushuang's thoughts, I am afraid everyone will feel that Jian Wushuang is crazy.

The Lord of the Rules, how high is the existence, even the undead sage of the invincible level, in front of the Lord of the Rules, is just like the ants.

A fourth-order true saint, it is the ants among the ants.

A fourth-order true saint wants to kill the ruler? This is definitely a joke.

However, Jian Wushuang himself knew very well that he did absolutely cut off the strength of the ruler, which was exactly the hole card in his hand and was able to kill the ruler.

Not to mention, the two beads given by Mo Shan alone were made by the Lord of the Heavenly Palace and the Lord of the Water Cloud Palace. Each bead had the ability to easily kill the ruler of the rule, and Mo Shan also said at the time Now, this bead can be slain or the kind of rule that has opened up the secret world and has stronger strength.

If it ’s the kind of ruler with average strength that has n’t even opened up the secret world, the power of this bead evokes and it ’s not a problem to kill two or three at the same time. Wushuang is not clear about their specific strengths, but from the scenes in front of them, these three are afraid that they are not strong enough.

"The three palace masters donated only two beads, each of which is of immeasurable value. They are all wonderful treasures that can be used to save lives at a critical time. I must save some of these treasures. This crisis, if As long as one bead is used, it is best not to use the second bead, but as long as both beads are used, then all three rules must be cut and killed! "Jian Wushuang's mind turned.

It is because this bead is so precious that Jian Wushuang did not immediately urge it.

He is waiting, waiting for the perfect shot.

Even if he was wanton by the evil old man, he endured.

laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh! !!

Each dark sword light penetrated into Jian Wushuang's **** body, causing Jian Wushuang's **** body to collapse again and again.

Up to now, Jian Wushuang's **** body has collapsed a full 58 times, and his divine power has just consumed half.

This scene made the evil old man look extremely ugly. "Do n’t both of you, look at it and shoot together, so you can go faster."

The red-haired Junyi man looked at Xinzong and nodded slightly.

Immediately the two rulers moved at the same time.

When Jian Wushuang saw this, his eyes suddenly flashed.

"The opportunity is here!"

The sword Wushuang held both hands fiercely.

He was waiting for the opportunity, the timing, and the timing was to have the three rulers shoot at the same time.

Only when three people gather together, can he evoke the power of the bead, which can cause great damage to the three rulers at the same time. With luck, he can even kill one or two of them .

"bring it on."

Jian Wu's eyes flickered with a strong mang, holding the red bead firmly in the palm of his right hand, and gradually began to increase strength in his hands, so he planned to crush the bead.

But suddenly ... hum! !!

A strange wave of time and space came from the void next to it.

Feeling this time-space fluctuation, the evil old man, and the red-haired handsome man and Xinzong who were ready to start immediately stopped.

All three eyes looked at the source of the fluctuations at that time.

Jian Wushuang also looked at that.

Seeing this, everyone's eyes and pupils could not help shrinking.

I saw that the surrounding area had been completely blocked by reason. It was actually a ripple of space, and the amplitude of this space ripple became larger and larger. In the end, a space channel was formed out of nothing ~ ~ Yes , Is the space channel! !!

The time and space where Shanleibao is located has been completely blocked by the evil old man, that is, the Lord of the Emperor's manipulation. Under normal circumstances, even a mosquito cannot fly in, but now, some people are forcibly in this time and space A space channel was opened.

After the appearance of this space passage, wow! !!

A figure emerged directly from the other end of the space channel, and then appeared in this void, before the crowd.

He was more than five meters tall, like a mountain, holding his hands, and his cold gaze swore domineeringly at the audience, followed by a grin.

"Here, it's quite lively!"


PS: Two more arrived today!

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