MTL - Legend of Swordsman-Chapter 3162 Temple of Time and Space, Ba Cang!

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Chapter 3,162 The Temple of Time and Space, Ba Cang! (Page 1/1)

(The first is more!)


"Here, it's quite lively!"

When the laughter of the five-meter-high domineering man sounded, the whole world was extremely silent.

The three rulers, and everyone present was stunned by the people who appeared.

For a long time, it was the three rulers who first reacted. The red-haired handsome man immediately asked: "Who are you?"

"Temple of space and time, domineering!" Five meters tall domineering man.

"Temple of Time and Space?"

"Someone from the Temple of Time and Space?"

An exclamation erupted immediately around the void.

The temple of time and space, one of the three major free alliances, was not as big as the Celestial Alliance and the Heavenly Ancestral Dojo in the early days of the kingdom of God, and the number of strong men was far less. But the temple of time and space was one of the three major free alliances. The most mysterious one recognized.

Not only are the three major free alliances, even in the whole early world of the gods, they are the most mysterious.

The temple of time and space is dedicated to studying the rules of time and space. But any strong person in the temple of time and space must be extremely proficient in time and space. Like many of the powerful men in the early world of the gods who had amazing means in time and space, many of them came from the temple of time and space.

But this is such a large and overbearing alliance, but so far, no one knows where the old nest is, except for the people in the time and space temple, and no one knows the purpose of the time and space temple, but since a long time ago, it was still too early When the realm just opened, the Temple of Time and Space already existed.

On ancient times, the cut heaven alliance and the ancestral dojo are inferior to the temple of time and space.

As for the three sacred realms of Mie Tian, ​​they are far less ancient than the Temple of Time and Space.

Such a mysterious and arrogant alliance, in the early world of God, there is no strong person who does not feel daunted.

This fear is even deeper than beating the Tianmeng and Tianzu dojo.

But there are very few strong men in the Temple of Time and Space, and they do not show up easily, and do not reveal their identity.

Therefore, in the early days of the realm of God, you can often see the strong and geniuses who cut Tianmeng or Tianzu Daojin, but the people in the Temple of Time and Space are rarely seen.

And now, the five-meter-tall domineering man is from the Temple of Time and Space, and his breath is still the ruler of the Temple of Time and Space! !!

When everyone around him was shocked by the identity of the coming person, the three rulers of the Witch God were shocked by the name of the coming person.

"Ba Cang? Lord of Cang of the Temple of Time and Space?"

"It turned out to be him?"

"He, why is he here?"

The three red-haired Junyi men stared at Ba Cang, their eyes full of fear.

The ruler is the same, but the fame of the overlord is much greater than the three of them.

"Mr. Ba Cang, what happened here should have nothing to do with the temple of time and space, and you have nothing to do with Mr. Ba Cang? I wonder if Mr. Ba Cang exactly, why?" The red-haired Junyi man's voice was gentle and his attitude was relatively low .

"Well, you three masters of the rules, even teamed up to bully me a little fourth-order Holy Saint in the Temple of Time and Space, and said that it has nothing to do with me?" Ba Cang said in a cold voice, sweeping with arrogance and arrogance.

Around the world, moments of wind and clouds surged.

"This boy, is your man in the Temple of Time and Space?" The red-haired Junyi man froze.

"Impossible." Xinzong said lowly, "Before we started, we had carefully checked his details. If he had a certain relationship with the cut heaven alliance and even the ancestor dojo field, we would all believe it, but the temple of time and space ... This boy has never had any contact with the Temple of Time and Space. When did he become a person in your Temple of Time and Space? "

"Oh, this little guy is indeed a member of my temple of time and space. As for when you join, it has nothing to do with you. If you are acquaintances, you will be honest and go back. Otherwise, don't blame me for you. You're welcome. "Ba Cang's mouth was cold.

"Ba Cang, you deceive people too much!" The red-haired Junyi man looked down and said lowly: "Although you are powerful, but I and the other three are not weak. They are also the masters of the rules, and the three of me are also to you. You're welcome, don't shame your face !!! "

Xin Zong's gaze was so cold with that evil old man.

Ba Cang's fame is big, that's right, but the three of them have only heard of some of the deeds of Ba Cang, but they have not really seen it, and they have some doubts in their hearts, not to mention they are also the rulers More or less his own strength.

If they face Ba Cang alone, it is estimated that they will still take the prestige of the other party and recede, but now they are three people together, naturally they are not afraid of Ba Cang.

"Oh, I bully too much? In this case, I will bully you." Ba Cang smiled coldly, but his right hand was slowly raised, and then moved in the direction of the red-haired handsome man. One finger.

A simple finger looks mediocre.

But in the space-time of the red-haired Junyi man, the space was suddenly distorted.

The entire void was completely twisted, showing a spiral shape, and even the body of the red-haired handsome man began to twist with the space.

"no no!!!"

"what have you done?"

The red-haired Junyi man screamed sternly, his spirit burst into madness, and he was desperately struggling.

However, no matter how he struggled, he couldn't get rid of the time and space he was in, and he couldn't stop the distortion of this time and space, as well as the distortion of his own body.

This twist is finally twisted to the limit.

Huh! !!

The void burst, and even the man's body with the red-haired Junyi burst on the spot.

After the burst, there was a terrible annihilation force in that void, instantly destroying the red-haired handsome man and the void in which it was located, annihilating and crushing, leaving no trace of dust.

silence! !!

The whole world is in a dead silence.

Countless practitioners present were all staring at the scene with incredible eyes.

Ruler, this is a true ruler! !!

A magnificent ruler ~ ~ is so short, it can be said that in just a moment, it was directly killed?

The ruler, is it so simple to die?


Nazong and the evil old man reacted from the terror, and the two of them fled their mad escapes without saying a word.

They no longer have the courage to compete with Naha.

No way, the power gap is too big! !!

And watching him run away, Ba Cang just smiled slightly, followed his right hand into a fist, and smashed into the void at will.

The void was smashed by a lot of space ripples, and these space ripples spread at an alarming rate, and spread to the two fleeing rule masters in a blink of an eye.

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