MTL - Lessons on Raising a Partner-Chapter 96 Bomb

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Auguste had just been thinking about the main star. He didn't pay attention to the arguments between Colin and Cosson. When he said the words, he found that everyone stared at him with a strange look.

"You see what I do," Auguste is puzzled.

"Nothing, the weather is good today." Cosson immediately shut up and shifted the topic, he is not awkward, what if August August deducted his salary?

Unskilled, he immediately slammed Cossen’s old bottom: "They thought you were going to eat. Hey."

Hai'an had long been hiding behind Auguste and laughing silently. After hearing the words, he even laughed directly.

August: ""

Why did he have such a group of unscrupulous men.

In retaliation, August didn't agree with Reston's request to stay with the ship, but let him take the plane with him and leave Jaime.

The distance between the main star and the companion star is very short, so the explosion of the distance above the main star can affect the companion star. They only took a few minutes to board the main star. After the main star, they understood why the planet was called the tomb.

Here is the grave of mechanical life.

There is no land on the tomb. Any land that they step on is a metal mechanical wreck. There are scrapped spaceships, old-fashioned smart homes with maintenance period, robots with broken hands, and various types of materials. All of them are piled up together, and there is no naked land and no trace of life.

“The time span is more than one hundred years.” Aria came down from the cockpit of the red guard and looked at the models of several robots. “The detector showed that the place below the 10,000 meters was still a metal wreck, and no traces of life were found.”

"Ye Shu does not say that there are two people living on it. How can there be no trace of life?" Colin scratched his head, wondering why this is the case. It is difficult to bring the two people in the explosion of the main star and finally died. But how? Explain the letter they received.

"Either they are dead, the letter is sent late. Or" Aria continued to operate the detector on her hand, her face was very serious. "They live in the heart of the earth."

"Aria, you are not kidding. There are metal wrecks everywhere, there is no hole, how do they go to the heart?"

Colin walked a dozen meters forward and found no abnormalities. The ultrasonic feedback was transmitted to everyone's brain. Until the depth of 20,000 meters underground, there was no channel to the center of the earth. The lower the metal is pressed, the tighter it is. Unless the metal seal is blown up, it is impossible to reach the center of the earth.

"Don't go too far." Seeing Colin leave the team, Cossen quickly yelled at him. "There is a magnetic storm here."

Winchester has begun to direct his soldiers to build small bases here, and the soldiers took the materials on the spot and moved very quickly.

"What is your plan to get a training base here?"

"Yes." Wenche nodded, and there was a dignification between the eyebrows.

"I don't think how sensible you are." Auguste frowned. He didn't feel murderous on the planet, but he didn't think the planet was dangerous. Without exploring the complete planet. Auguste does not agree with Winchester's practice of starting training directly.

Winchet also knows that this approach is very dangerous, but their time is really not much. "The planets affected by the war are increasing rapidly. Our time is running out. Before the freedom of the Freedom League and the Empire expanded to the entire galaxy, We have to go back. And Queltan, we don't have that much time to grow up enough to shoulder the burden of his father."

"If you train a perfect warrior, how can you do it?" Aria went straight and yelled. "Take the human body to fight the Ivan's mechanical army. Is it even more crazy with Dean? You are a vegetarian and a nightmare." If they see the blood, they won’t stop at all. When you get there, you don’t even have the chance to escape.”

"We can help you with the Black Raven and Alila at most on the Empire side, but don't forget that the Freedom League has Cain and Dean." Even Carl felt that Winchester's approach was simply killing.

"In fact, I can help." Hai'an took a step and was about to say that he could teach the magic to everyone. But if he hadn't finished talking, the ground began to violently tumbling, and all the robots stood up from the ground. And pick up the metal debris on the ground to assemble the weapon by itself, the red and blue lights flash, the mechanical gear, the rotation of the Katz between the connections is very obvious.

At the same time, the detectors in Aria's hands began to flash frequently, and the green dots belonging to life appeared one after another on the screen. In the blink of an eye, all the dead mechanical creatures on this planet are like the resurrection, all Get active.

"Running" Carl quickly picked up Lidney. Lidini is the most vulnerable among all the people here. Even with a protective cover, he still doesn't feel relieved. He didn't want to repeat it again.

He took Lydney and jumped into the back of a broken fighter. He knelt down and assembled a small particle gun, and then handed the gun to Lydney: "This gun is for you, you are responsible for shooting the robot behind me." "Well, Lidney nodded. Carl smiled. He kissed him on his forehead, took out the folding mechanical chair, picked up Lidney, and let Lidney sit back against him in the mechanical chair. Give your back to Lidini completely.

The resurrected robots raised their kinetic energy guns and fired them at Winchester's soldiers. In a few seconds, several soldiers were shot, but the spacecraft they were riding in was inexplicably disappeared, and the red guards quickly opened. Protective shield, put his arm in front of Aria, so that she can quickly sit in the cockpit.

Coseen Colin's insurance bolts that had opened their weapons began to shoot at the robot, and Winchester's soldiers only knew how to retreat. Although no one fled, they did not face the preparation for such a sneak attack. The accuracy has almost dropped to the level of the recruits. They simply can't hit the robot's activity center, just interrupting their legs or breastplates, and wasting a lot of ammunition.

Reston looked at them and pulled him to the side. He shot ten bullets in succession, but none of the bullets were deflected. All of them hit the robot's active center, and the light of the robot that was destroyed by the active center flashed. After a few seconds, it went out and stopped all actions. He sighed and snorted: "It’s a bunch of waste."

The emperor's group is really in a certain realm. Even the people in the father's army of Greorto Queltan are so scum, it is conceivable that the legions after their rankings will look like rotten.

"Reston, at six o'clock, there will be bullets hitting you after three seconds."

"啥" Reston did not hear clearly, asked.

He didn't answer Reston's question, but took him to the right and took a step. When Reston felt a grenade flying over his ear, it overturned the abandoned fighter behind them, the grenade. The shooting speed is very fast, and the wind is very small. Except for Jieming, Auguste and Karl, no one on the tramp can hear it. The reason why Jieming can hear the grenade is because his wife died. This kind of bullet, so he will not remember this sound for the rest of his life.

If he didn't just pull him away from the position, he is probably already shot.

Reston looked at the burning flame behind him, and looked at him with shock. "Hey, can you see the flight path of the bullet?"

"Yes." He looked proud and patted his chest. "If I throw my eyes out, I can see more."

"Now." Reston hugged his shoulders. "You can just throw your eyes."

"Go to the other side of the planet and run away from us." Colin smashed a robot with a high-explosive gun and shouted at Winchester. As a result, I saw that Reston threw something at him and caught it. It was actually an eyeball.

"Colin, pick up the communication mic" Reston's voice was blurred in the explosion.

"What do you do?" Colin is inexplicable, but still connected to the communication wheat.

Communication Mai is something that Auguste and Reston screamed together. It was used for communication in the battle. It was connected to the light brain of everyone on the Wanderer. Reston is not a Marine, he is only responsible. Stay on the Wandering, observe the general situation of the war, and when they play fighters or mechs, they will remind them to avoid the high-risk shooting monitors, but Reston is not on the wandering, they are not driving the fighters. Or mech, you can't use communication microphone at all.

"Bend the waist" was connected to the communication wheat, Colin heard the instructions that Reston let him bend over, and without saying anything, Colin did not ask why he directly bent down the battle, August did not give instructions. Everything must be directed by the monitor, and no one is allowed to ask why.

This is the Wandering's ship rules, everyone must abide by them. They have been fighting each other for nearly a hundred years, and the deep understanding has been integrated into the flesh and blood. Colin believes that Reston will not give orders for no reason.

The slamming sound of "咻" was smashed from Colin’s back, which was a grenade.

Colin’s eyes lit up and praised the headset: “Reston, you are fine”

"Of course, I don't want to think about who has been helping you avoid bullets."

"Hey." Colin snorted and continued to pick up the high-explosive gun and interrupted the action of the robot chasing the Winchester team.

Compared with other people's hot water, Hai'an and Auguste are more relaxed. Hai'an is surrounded by ice and fog. When each bullet is approaching him, it will be iced and then fall to the ground, and those who want to Robots that want to approach Hai'an will be entangled in vines and then turned into ashes in the flames.

Hai'an wanted to rescue the soldiers who were shot, and walked to them and found that they had already died. Some soldiers were even broken into pieces by grenade.

The strong **** suffocation made Hai'an a bit disgusting, but Auguste had been pulling Hai'an to the center of the machine, not following Winchester's retreat.

"Where are we going?" Haian asked in confusion.
