MTL - Lessons on Raising a Partner-Chapter 97 哔 哔 哔

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"Ready to read the archive."

"Reading the archive, what is the archive is a book?" Hai'an has never been exposed to such vocabulary before, and he can't understand what the "read archive file" in August is.

"Not a book." Auguste 揉揉 Hai'an's head, but did not explain to him, "so soon you know what it is."

On the way to the tomb, Aria communicated with him in the light brain. The original mechs can sense each other's abilities. As early as the first time the tomb exploded, the red guards Already sensed the energy fluctuations enabled by the original Mech Warrior on the Tomb Star, but she was not sure if it was him or not. After all,

In the black market, all the original mechs should be degraded.

However, Red Guard sent him a contact message for the original Mech Warrior. After that, they received a letter from the Tomb Star.

Auguste was shot in the process of moving to the robot gathering center. Haian put his wound on his wound and prepared to treat him. But he was blocked by Auguste. He took Hai'an to hide in a ditch. "Oh, I am fine, we are here for a while."

"How is Colin going over there?" Auguste picked up the newsletter and asked about the situation at Colin Winchet.

"The soldier has more than half of the damage, his teeth." Colin pinched the small earphones on his left ear and looked back at Queltan, who was holding his teeth. "Why would this be too much for Queltan? Still a child."

"Is he crying?"

"No crying, but I think"

"That's good, at least he learned it in the first lesson." Auguste frowned, but his face had no extra expression. "Tears and concessions can't bring peace. We want a rational one." The new president, not one who does not even hide the bullets, will only hide, and will only wait for others to protect his weak chicken."

"Hey, they are finally negotiating a clear division of operations. I can't believe there will be such a subordinate." Colin took up the high-explosive gun and watched the soldiers brought by Winchet start to fight. "It’s just too wasteful, the **** is dead, and the rest of the elite is useless. I think you can start reading."

Auguste sighed slightly, picking up the high-explosive grenade gun on his hand and firing a high-explosive grenade at the robot gathering center. The fire from the sky lit up Auguste’s **** face, and he was deep red. The eyes are like coagulated blood, and an orange flame is printed on the eyelids. Somehow, Hai'an thought of the scene when the Elune Forest burned. When Auguste raised his hand and stroked his side, Hai'an shivered a little, then he saw the Auguste disappeared, the whole world. Gradually distorted, broken, and then glaring white light.

Hai'an couldn't help but close his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, he found that they had returned to the aircraft. Outside is the dark universe, occasionally a few stars flashing in the distance, the tomb in front of it is still as dark as ever, without a warm glow.

"Dizziness?" Hai'an hasn't returned to God. He heard August's voice. Then he felt a pair of warm hands gently licking his temples, soothing the strong disgusting. "Reading you for the first time." There may be some incompatibility."

"I" Hai'an opened his mouth and found that he had nothing to say.

"Auguster" Winchester snarled to unfasten the seat belt, rushed up from the seat behind the aircraft, and punched Auguste, but Auguste quickly stood up from the chair and sideways. Flash, escaped Winchester’s attack, "What the **** are you doing?"

"You asked me to train your soldiers for you." Auguste looked calm and his voice was not ups and downs.

"I" Winchet raised his fist, but quickly put it down. "But I didn't let you do this."

"I just took advantage of the situation, your soldier is too weak, this is just a small test." Auguste snorted. "But you see, how much lost your hand, I don't know how Alto is." Train yours, and perhaps even he never thought that the war would break out. The comfort time of nearly a hundred years has made you forget everything."

"We didn't know that this happened on the tomb." Aria also untied the seat belt and walked over. "At the moment of the resurrection of the robot, the red guard felt the energy fluctuation of the original mech, so we I am going to see how much your strength is, so that we can determine the training plan."

"You are really too weak." Colin shrugged.

"These soldiers were only responsible for guarding the safe retreat of Queltan." Winchet took a deep breath and wanted to continue to explain, but he looked at Auguste's face with no expression, and suddenly he couldn't say anything.

"Winchett, this is no excuse. You should know that their mission as a rescue force is over at the moment of receiving Queltan." Auguste no longer looks at Winchester, but sits back. On the chair, I slowly put a safety buckle on myself. "But you also gave me confidence. From your opinion, the people of the emperor are probably a group of soft persimmons. They don’t know that after Ivan’s training, they can How strong is it."

There was a silence in the cabin, and Winchet frowned and sat back in the chair.

The scenes they saw after they disembarked again were the same as before. The places where they landed, the broken fighters, and the robots connected to the wires were all the same. Only the soldiers who landed behind them, most of them were pale, with fine sweat on their foreheads, and some even needed help from others to walk.

Those who were injured or died in the "archive" just.

Although they did not suffer a little bit of harm in reality, the feelings in the "archive" are very real, whether they are death or injury, they have experienced the pain.

They only got off the spaceship and the spacecraft disappeared behind them.

Aria looked at the time on the wrist and showed me three minutes left before they were attacked.

"You only have three minutes." Auguste, with everyone on the wandering, stood under the red guard. "This time, unless you all die, I will read the files for you. The pain will grow exponentially." You can do it yourself."

Auguste’s voice just fell, and the red guards opened the protective cover and shrouded them in the blue aperture.

As soon as Wencesett’s soldiers heard August, they immediately opened the insurance bolts in their hands. After all, no one wanted to die.

That pain is too real.

"Augusta you"

"Winchett, give me a gun." Winchet walked a few steps forward, but Queltan pulled the sleeves. Queltan had no expression on his face, very calm, but talking. The tone is very firm. "I don't have weapons."


"I don't want to be protected by you, I want to protect you too."

Winchester sighed and took a high-explosive gun to him, reminding Queltan by the way: "The recoil of the weapon is very large."

But when Winchester’s words were not finished, the ground began to vibrate again, and the robots got up from the metal ruins and began to shoot at them.

Three minutes have arrived.

Queltan opened the safety bolt of the high-explosive gun, and the robot in front of it fired a shot. The robot did not kill, but he was shocked by the recoil, and he overwhelmed the tooth standing behind him.

Winchester: ""

His little master is not only physically incapable, but the accuracy of shooting is also terrible.

After the previous trip, the soldiers also had their own methods to deal with these robots. The formations were also different. Colin stood on the red arm and looked at it with enthusiasm. The bullets from the robot hit the red support. The open protective cover was bounced off and did not cause any substantial harm to them. Colin poked Kosen’s shoulder and whispered, “Hey, you said who lived on the tomb star. These things."

"How do I know, I heard that I am a relative of Red Guard." Cosson shook his head and gave Colin a blank eye.

“It’s backtracking.” Red and mature female voices came from their heads. “Backtracking can be archived, copying a certain period of time, destroying the file, and then reading the file and returning to the time before the archive.”

"Then we are in reality now, or in the archives"

“In the archive, a time period can be copied three times. The time limit of the file is 72 hours. After 72 hours, the file will be automatically read. The ratio of time to reality is 10:1.”

Colin sighed a few times. "It's no wonder that the tomb star has been blown up so many times. It can be read. Red guard, how do I feel that your ability is frustrating? The protective cover Auguste can also study. Your ability seems to be of no use."

Red guard: "Oh."

The **** soldiers saw the blue shield of the red guard flashing in a flash, and then a person was thrown out to see his appearance as if he had just screened them to retreat the hero.

"The hero is over there, and he is going to fight with him." A soldier waved his arm and greeted the soldier behind him and moved to Colin.

Colin is yelling at the protective cover and shouting: "Red protects me wrong. I am really wrong. You are super arrogant. You are the most powerful Aria. Let the red guard open the shield and let me in." what"

However, the protective cover did not open. Instead, a grenade slammed into the protective cover on the edge of Colin's head, igniting a burst of blue light, blocked by the protective cover, and landed in the metal wreck. The sound of the sound, Colin looked back, many soldiers looked excited, running towards him, followed by countless robots, bullets also waved one after another.

"The trough" Colin widened his eyes and quickly picked up the high-explosive gun and turned and ran.

"Oh, let him force." Red guard sneered, watching Colin's embarrassing escape, Cosson swallowed a sip, not dare to plead for his brother.
