MTL - Longevity Gourd-Chapter 4 Fairy gourd green liquid

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An hour later, Bai Guang disappeared into the jade gourd one after another.

"After so many days, the gourd has been unable to open, I don't know today..."

When Xiao Ping picked up the fairy gourd, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the weight was much heavier!

He hurriedly went to unscrew the gourd cover. The gourd cover, which had been motionless a few days ago, was suddenly lifted!

A mysterious liquid glowing green is flowing back and forth in the gourd!

Although Xiao Ping didn't know what it was, he also knew that it would definitely work against the sky!

"This body can't stand even the slightly precious medicinal materials, let alone take the green liquid directly!"

When Lao Dao was in the Taoist temple during his lifetime, he raised many small animals, either for food or for testing medicines.

Xiao Ping grabbed a few rabbits and tied them to a tree outside the Taoist temple. In the event of an accident, it will not destroy the Taoist temple.

Then he took a large porcelain bowl, filled it with ordinary water, and finally poured a drop of mysterious green liquid.

The green liquid quickly dispersed in the clear water, turning the whole bowl of clear water into a piece of green oil!

Xiao Ping looked at the bowl of strange liquid with green light, his body was full of cold air.

The rabbit was very impatient, but he didn't eat or drink for most of the day, and he looked like he was about to faint.

Xiao Ping took the opportunity to pour out the liquid in the bowl and place it in front of them.

The rabbit was thirsty for a long time, and drank it all in three or two.

Xiao Ping stood aside with the porcelain bowls in his hands, carefully observing their reactions.

After drinking the green liquid, the rabbit immediately recovered. But before he was happy, he began to get restless, jumping around and finally biting the tree...

Xiao Ping snorted in his heart, and felt that it was not good, and began to retreat gradually.

In less than a stick of incense, egg-like bumps suddenly appeared on the rabbit's body, more and more, and finally merged with each other, making the rabbit gain a lot of weight.

Such a strange scene is obviously not a good thing!

An even more terrifying thing happened. The rabbit's body became bigger and bigger, like a balloon that was constantly inflating, and soon no limbs could be seen, and its head and body instantly turned into two huge gourd-shaped balloons!

Xiao Ping's face changed, he threw down the porcelain bowl as if his hands were hot, turned around and ran away.

As soon as he closed the courtyard door, there was a loud bang outside.

The world is silent for a moment.

Xiao Ping never imagined that the green liquid in the fairy gourd would cause such terrifying consequences!

Fortunately, he didn't take it himself!

Xiao Ping looked at the emerald green gourd in his hand with a complicated expression:

"It's definitely useful, but what it's useful for needs to be carefully explored..."

After waiting for a while, Xiao Ping opened the door and looked out carefully.

No danger.

After Xiao Ping came out, he found that the rabbit's body had been blown into pieces, and the scene was terrible. The tree that tied the rabbit was actually blown apart!

He has never even killed a chicken, how has he ever seen such a scene? Immediately ran back to the hospital and vomited.

Afterwards, he still resisted cleaning up the scene.

After everything was done, it was already evening.

Xiao Ping didn't have the energy to comprehend "Aoki Gong" any more, so he fell asleep immediately.

In the early morning of the second day, I was refreshed and comprehended the exercises.

Although he had no sense of anger in the past year, Lao Dao explained many key points of the first-level exercises very carefully.

In fact, this time, I was only familiar with it once.

Xiao Ping quickly acquired the first-level exercises in "Qingmu Gong".

Feel the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, slowly incorporate it into the body, and then run the exercises...

The first practice was surprisingly smooth.

After a few hours, Xiao Ping opened his eyes with a complicated expression.

Although he can feel the "aura of heaven and earth" mentioned in the practice method, it seems to be near and far, so small that he can't feel it if he is not "immersed" a little.

As for the training speed, it is even more ridiculously slow. After training for so long, the increase in the cool aura in the body can be said to be minimal!

Combined with Yuan Shi's one-year training, Xiao Ping smiled bitterly:

"My aptitude for cultivating immortals doesn't seem to be very good..."

Although the original body is young, the factor of qualifications cannot be ignored.

"The powerful medicine that the old monster used for the original body directly gave me a sense of qi. If it can be used for training, it will definitely speed up the training!"

It's a pity that this medicine is extremely precious, and the quantity is scarce. That old man only dispensed one dose, and the rest are roots and leaves.

Ren Xiaoping wanted to break the sky, but he only had the share of "Wangmei to quench thirst".

"I just don't know what the green liquid of this gourd is for..."

Xiao Ping needs to step up his exploration.

He grabbed two rabbits, a few bowls, a water bag, and a few sturdy ropes again, and walked outside the Taoist temple.

This time, Xiao Ping decided to stay away from the Taoist temple.

"Is it not enough dilution last time..."

Xiao Ping had just walked out not far when suddenly he felt that the surroundings were not quite right, so he turned back to observe carefully.


"When did such a big piece of grass appear?!"

Yesterday, not far from the rabbit, it was still a piece of dirt and nothing...

"Wait! Yesterday...the rabbit..."

Xiao Ping thought of yesterday's green liquid, and suddenly connected his eyes!

"Could it be..."

Xiao Ping hurriedly dropped the tools in his hand, went back and rummaged through the boxes, and found a book on plants.

Immediately, he carefully observed this piece of grass, smelling, smelling, touching...

Xiao Ping's eyes became brighter and brighter, and finally he trembled slightly with excitement:

"Sure enough! These are plants of more than ten years!"

"Weeds have grown for more than ten years overnight. This is definitely the credit of Green Liquid!"

The only extra factor in this place in the past two days is the green liquid that was accidentally spilled yesterday!

Xiao Ping's heart skipped a beat and he pinched his thigh a few times!


He is not dreaming!

This is real!

"The green liquid can actually accelerate the ripening of medicinal herbs! Haha!"

Such a heaven-defying thing, even if Xiao Ping is an adult soul, UU reading www. can't help but laugh!

"I'm very lucky too! If I ripen in this way, wouldn't there be countless precious medicinal materials?! My qualifications may not be enough, but I can make up for it with a huge amount of rare medicinal materials!"

For example, the powerful medicine that helps him generate a sense of qi is also useful for the practice of "Aoki Gong".

The raw materials for this powerful medicine were originally extremely rare. Now that he has the Immortal Gourd Green Liquid, he can continue to ripen this medicinal material and speed up his practice!

Even if he doesn't use it himself, he can exchange it for gold and silver and become the richest man in the county just around the corner...

Xiao Ping couldn't hold back his excitement, he danced and began to think wildly...

After a long time, he slowly woke up.

Xiao Ping regained his vigilance and realized a problem after Lenovo's "explosion" of the rabbit yesterday:

"Is there any danger in the herbs ripened by green liquid?"

Xiao Ping won't be relieved if he doesn't see the final facts.

He picked up the two rabbits on the ground and threw them into the tall and lush grass.

The rabbit is like a big man who meets the nectar for a long time, biting at the big grass like a hungry tiger, and eating it with a big mouth...

After a while, the two rabbits ate their stomachs round and round, but they were still alive and kicking.

Xiao Ping frowned and observed carefully.

After a quarter of an hour, the rabbit did not change significantly.

After an hour, the rabbit was obviously more energetic.

After two weeks, these two rabbits were not only sturdy and sturdy to the naked eye, but even their heads were much smarter than other rabbits!

Xiao Ping breathed a sigh of relief, completely reassured about the green liquid.

To celebrate, he used these two rabbits to make braised rabbit meat that night.

The fragrance drifts for ten miles, and the tongue is full of saliva...
