MTL - Longevity Gourd-Chapter 5 Red Whale Gate

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All the roots on Xiao Ping's handle were planted in Taoist medicinal fields.

These roots and hairs are all left over from old-fashioned medicine.

Pour out an appropriate amount of green liquid from the jade gourd, dilute it with a certain amount of water, and finally water it one by one.

How many times to dilute it and how many years it corresponds to ripening, after his time exploration, he has fully grasped it.

The rest, just wait for the roots to sprout and mature.

Xiao Ping then came to Lao Dao's study and began to study a prescription for "Yangjing Pills".

In this study, there are all the classics that Lao Dao collected in the latter half of his life, most of which are medical books. He searched for a long time, only to find the medicine that made him advance to practice Qi, called "Yangjing Pill".

Yangjing pills can increase the skill of the number of people practicing martial arts out of thin air, and it is invaluable. If it spreads to the rivers and lakes, it is enough to sell for sky-high prices!

But this Yangjing Pill is not something that everyone can eat. If it is an ordinary person with no skill, eating it will only lead to sudden death.

Lao Dao let the original body take it. Originally, it was just a fluke, but I didn't expect it to really assist in training.

A few days later, Xiao Ping was familiar with the prescription, and the herbs happened to be all mature at this time!

Precious pills like Yangjing Pills are naturally quite difficult to make, but Xiao Ping used a lot of ripening medicinal materials to make them successfully despite many difficulties.

Xiao Ping sat cross-legged on the futon in the quiet room and took a essence nourishing pill.

After a while, a warm current gradually rose in his abdomen, and he quickly calmed down and ran the exercises.

A few hours later, Xiao Ping opened his eyes suspiciously:

"Isn't it that I can directly increase my skill for a good year? Why is the refreshing breath I grew this time only 10% more than before..."

Compared with the last time I felt the qi, the effect of Yangjing Pills seemed to be greatly reduced.

After thinking about it, he had no choice but to attribute it to "cultivating immortals".

After all, immortal cultivators can live for a long time and can use various spells. Those who practice martial arts are far incomparable. The "energy" they rely on is naturally very different.

He also thought about going out early, but there are so many poisonous insects and beasts in the mountains that he can't deal with it now.

In this way, Xiao Ping started his immortal cultivation career in the deep mountains.

Practicing and ripening medicinal materials to prepare Yangjing Pills, studying the medical books left by Lao Dao, practicing celestial eye art and imperial object art...

There are no years in the mountains, the days are calm like flowing water, and a year will soon pass.

One day, Xiao Ping wiped his eyes with his fingers, and the next moment, a blue light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Xiao Ping looked around, there seemed to be no difference. When I looked at myself, I found that there was a faint green glow all over my body, and the closer it was to the dantian, the more obvious it was.

"One level of Qi practice is great!"

Although Yang Jing Pill has little effect, it can not be underestimated.

The celestial eye technique is relatively simple, and he practiced it in just one month.

The difficulty is another imperial art, it took him seven months to practice, and he was very unskilled.

Apart from medical skills and qigong practice, he spent the most time getting familiar with this technique.

Xiao Ping suddenly stretched out his hand to the stone bench, and the airflow in his body started to run.

The stone bench suddenly flew up, and under his control, it moved left and right, turned up and down, and was extremely flexible.

If you use the sky eye technique to check, you will find that a thin blue light extends from his hand, which is connected to the stone bench.

Xiao Ping nodded:

"The proficiency in Imperial Art is enough, and the fire is enough, you can set off to find the rest of "Aoki Gong"..."

Over the past year, it is naturally impossible for Lao Dao to learn all of his medical skills. He can only select the core parts to study, which happened to be mastered not long ago.

Xiao Ping cleaned up the Taoist temple, took the old Taoist sword, and walked out of the mountain...

After half a day, Xiao Ping panted and looked at the deep mountain behind him, still terrified.

After leaving the mountain, it was no longer appropriate to carry a sharp sword, so Xiao Ping simply hid it and turned to leave.

A few days later, outside Xiaoyuan Village.

The dirt road with potholes, huts, piles of straw... everything is so familiar.

Xiao Ping's heart surged, but he finally stopped.

The memories melted into his brain are not just mechanical images, but also physical pain, sadness and joy... Everything is indistinguishable from his personal experience.

Even though he has regarded this family as blood relatives, the torture of the old way, the concept of the past life, the enemies in the future, the way of cultivating immortals... almost all factors are destined that he can no longer serve the near future.

Suddenly, Lao Dao's letter sounded, and he instantly felt the price of asking immortals.

Xiao Ping's eyes were sour, but he still traced carefully with his eyes, as if he wanted to engrave his memory...

Unconsciously, the night was quiet.

Xiao Ping took out a piece of beautiful jade, cast it into his parents' room, and turned away the next moment.

After that, it was the separation of immortals and mortals.

Xiao's father and Xiao's mother seemed to feel something and woke up together.

"His father, there seems to be movement, is there a thief?"

"I'll take a look... my mother! Come here! It's actually a piece of jade! It's worth a lot of money at a glance!"

"How can there be jade, I just swiped it... It must be Ping'er! I said long ago that Ping'er will definitely become an immortal..."

Father Xiao suddenly felt that the little jade was extremely heavy.

The younger sister was lost since childhood; the second son went to learn martial arts but never came back; I thought that the old man had real skills, but after taking the fourth son with him, there was no news...

Father Xiao rubbed the beautiful jade in his hand, and his vision gradually blurred:

"Ping'er has indeed become an immortal and flew to the sky..."

A few months later, Xiao Ping reached the vicinity of Fengluo Mountain successfully by relying on one-handed magic and his body which improved greatly after practicing "Qingmu Gong".

"How does Laodao hide the cultivation techniques of immortals in the martial arts of Jianghu!"

Xiao Ping was crowded with people in the ruined temple, and was very depressed.

The place is safe enough to not have to worry about being stolen, but it took a lot of trouble when he came to get it.

He has no means of attack, and is almost no different from ordinary children.

The sneak attack of the Imperial Object Technique may be able to make merit, but when facing the enemy, it is far inferior to those who have been practicing martial arts all the year round. Not to mention, there must be countless blockades in the Red Whale Gate...

"It seems that the only way to get into the Red Whale Gate is to find a way..."

After Xiao Ping made up his mind, he turned his ears and carefully paid attention to the surrounding discussions.

Since practicing "Aoki Gong", UU reading www.uukanshu. com His insensitivity seems to be a little sharper than before...

After a long time, I captured useful information from the mouth of a beggar who just came in:

"Cui Er, have you figured it out? Is this Red Whale Sect still accepting disciples?"

"It does accept disciples, but the requirements are extremely strict! To receive the first one, the age must be under twelve years old..."

"It's over, I'm seventeen..."

As soon as the words fell, the temple was full of laments.

"Secondly, there are requirements for children's martial arts qualifications. I heard that the assessment of qualifications can beat more than half of them..."

Xiao Ping's heart suddenly sank.

As for the qualifications of martial arts, Lao Dao's study is also involved. He tried it himself roughly in combination with books, and found that it was extremely ordinary, even a little out of place.

If he relies on qualifications, it is not very likely that he will be earned.

"Ah... this!"

There was another wailing in the temple. Most of the people who gathered near the Red Whale Gate would like to worship and learn martial arts.

"Just... Except for this, are there any exceptions?"

"Yes, if you have enough money, you don't need any conditions."

Xiao Ping could do this, and he did think of using gold to smash the red whale door open.

But he weighed it for a long time and finally decided to give up.

He is only about ten, and it is almost impossible to bring the gold from such a distance. Even if you succeed in this way, you will be suspicious and lead to countless investigations.

"anything else?!"

The beggar frowned and thought for a long time. He wanted to shake his head, but suddenly his eyes lit up:

"Right! People with medical talent can enter directly after verification!"

There was another snort and sigh in the temple, but Xiao Ping's eyes lit up in the corner...