MTL - Lord of the Myriad Demons-Chapter 895 Four Divine Irons

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  Chapter 895 Four Pieces of Divine Iron

  After arriving at the garrison of the Western God Clan, the three of Su Yi stayed for half a day, but they didn't wait for the Western God Clan to receive them.

  Nan Xiaopao sat on a chair and asked in a low voice: "Is there any fraud?"

  Su Yi smiled mysteriously: "Yes, they are discussing how to deal with us."

  Hearing this, Nan Xiaopao's eyes widened.

   "In this case, why should we wait here?"

  She asked in doubt, and while speaking, she tore off Shen Tiao from her shoulders, and said, "Shen Tiao, bite them later!"


   God screamed, looking very lazy.

  Su Yi said: "Don't worry, it's fun to lead the snake out of the hole, and..."

  He moved his mind, and the divine sign at his feet disappeared immediately.

  Nan Xiaopao and Xi Qingyue looked at each other, puzzled.

after awhile.

  Shenzheng appeared in the tree house with four pieces of divine iron in his mouth.

  These four pieces of holy iron of the gods look similar, suspended above Shenzheng's head, shining with strange light.

   "There are many souls imprisoned in some palaces in the depths, all of them are treated as slaves, and they are still calculating how to deal with us."

  Su Yi opened his mouth and said, his eyes fell on the holy iron of the gods.

   "According to the capture of my divine sense, I learned that the Western Protoss are notorious in the Great Source Realm. They specialize in wandering around the edge of the Great Source Realm or places where time and space are unstable, waiting for the creatures from the lower realms, and then ransacking them."

  The two women were moved, but they didn't expect the Xishen clan to be so vicious.

   "That person pretended to be difficult before, it was really a good intention."

  Nan Xiaopao murmured to herself in a low voice, if Su Yi hadn't followed her, she might really know the way.

  Of course, if she came alone, she would definitely take a detour, but whether the Western Protoss can let her go is another matter.

  Su Yi said: "Four pieces of divine iron, two for me, and one for each of you."

  Nowadays, the holy iron of the gods has little effect on him, at least in terms of cultivation, it cannot make him improve.

  As for Nan Xiaopao and the two daughters, they couldn't bear too many rules.

  Under his mighty power beyond the source of God, he can barely help them master another power of rules.

  Nan Xiaopao inherits destiny, and with the help of Su Yi over the years, he has successfully developed the rules of destiny, with unlimited potential.

  Xi Qingyue is the rule of time, and it is no longer what it used to be.

  The two women each took a piece of divine iron and began to absorb it on the spot.

  With Su Yi around, they were not at all worried about the conspiracy of the Western God Clan.

  Su Yi also quickly fused the two pieces of divine holy iron.

  The whole process takes less than five breaths.

   Wood source!


  These two rules are actually the five-element rule, the former creates wood to control wood, and the latter creates wind to control wind.

   are all powerful rules that override the source plane.

  Su Yi is quite satisfied, at least there are two different rules.

  If it hits the rules of time and battle, it will be meaningless to him.

  He began to help the two women merge.

  Wherever they looked, divine power penetrated into their bodies.

  Nan Xiaopao got the gold source rule, which can control the gold of ten thousand realms.

  Xi Qingyue obtained the Nether Rule, which is similar to the Dark Rule, but there are some differences, which she will have to study in the future.

   At this time.

  Su Yi squinted his eyes suddenly, outside the house, tens of thousands of Western Protoss warriors had already surrounded the tree house.

  The black-robed man who led them earlier whispered: "There is a very strong existence among them, and it is very likely that he has reached the tenth realm of eternal destiny. We must deal with it carefully."

  All the soldiers held their breath and concentrated.

   "You are so weak, you dare to hit our idea?"

  Su Yi's voice came from inside the room, his tone was light and light, and he didn't pay attention to them at all.


  The man in black robe shouted angrily, and tens of thousands of soldiers moved in unison.

   But at this moment.

   Tens of thousands of soldiers were wiped out directly.

  The man in black robe was stunned, somewhat unexpected.

  His face changed drastically, and he immediately turned and ran away.

   But before he flew out of the garrison, he turned into nothingness, leaving no sound, let alone escaped.

  The attics and palaces turned into ashes, and the imprisoned creatures were revealed in the starry sky.

  They were all seriously injured and their cultivation bases were sealed, making each of them more miserable than the other.

  In this starry sky, only the tree house where the three of Su Yi lived remained intact.

  Su Yi's divine sense swept over and lifted everyone's seal.

  The creatures wept with joy, and bowed down to Su Yi in the void.

   "We are saved!"

   "Who is that senior, it's a flash..."

   "Senior's kindness and virtue, we will never forget it!"

   "We were finally rescued. If it was a little later, I'm afraid I won't be able to endure it..."

   "God **** the Western Protoss, one day, I must eradicate the Western Protoss, leaving no one behind!"

   Tens of thousands of noises gathered together, making it extremely noisy.

   "You are all gone."

  Su Yi's voice came out again, and these creatures left in a hurry. For the rest of their lives, they just wanted to find a place to hide and restore their cultivation.

  Inside the house.

  Nan Xiaopao asked while meditating: "Aren't you going to ask them about the Dayuan world?"

  Su Yi shook his head and said: "What are you asking? I just wandered around. It was just to deceive the Western Protoss before."

  The cultivation bases of the two women are weak existences in the Dayuan Realm, and they must be given time to practice.

  He wanted to use Emperor Suzong's Shenzong to promote, but the other members of Emperor Suzong were waiting for food, so it was really hard to be partial.

  The two women continued to adjust their breath.

   It took about four days before they left.

  When they came to the Dayuan Realm, they had two goals, one was to find the Earth Immortal Realm, and the other was to cultivate.

   Traveling through such a long time, God knows how long it has been since the Earth Immortal Realm, so Nan Xiaopao has prepared for the worst and is not too anxious.

   Returning to Earth again, she just wanted to end the mortal memory.

  The same is true for Su Yi.

   Just as they were moving forward, the war between the Tianyuan Imperial Clan and the various source planes had already broken out.

  The known fourth source plane, sixth source plane, and eighth source plane have all started wars, and Emperor Suzong was also forced to join the battle.

  The chat within the sect became lively.

  Xiahou Jinxuan: Who will support me? The powerhouses of the Tianyuan Imperial Clan are all very powerful!

  Li Yuanba: Aren’t you good at bragging, everyone, don’t help him!

  Mieshidihuanghuang: The Tianyuan imperial family dares to act wildly on the source plane, let them come to the great source world, how dare they make trouble?

  Zhao Tuyuan: Actually, it’s not that strong.

  Taihuang God: That's right, I feel that the Tianyuan Emperor Clan is crazy. With this strength, they still want to dominate the Yuan plane?

  Yang Jian: Be careful everyone, don’t take it lightly.

  Emperor Tianwu: Hahaha, I'm going to the Dayuan Realm, and I will be the transmission link between the Dayuan Realm and the Emperor Suzong in the future. Sovereign, leave me a position as an elder of the sect.


  Looking at the chats in Emperor Su's sect, it seems that the army sent by the Tianyuan imperial clan is not too strong.

  At the same time, Su Yi and Nan Xiaopao also noticed the arrival of Emperor Tianwu.

   Didn't expect that this kid could also come to the Great Source Realm. Could it be that he broke through to the Supreme Master Realm without saying a word?

   "Qin Duyi requests to be sent to Emperor Tianwu, do you agree?"

  A teleportation request appeared in Su Yi's mind.

  (end of this chapter)