MTL - Lord of the Myriad Demons-Chapter 896 The Sons of the Emperor of Heaven Gather

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  Chapter 896 The Sons of the Emperor of Heaven Gather

  Su Yi didn't hesitate, and directly agreed to let the two brothers reunite.

   Speaking of which, this was the first time that Emperor Tianwu and Qin Duyi teleported to each other.

  Whether they had private contact before, Su Yi didn't know.

   Both of them belonged to the sect and chatted very happily, but they rarely interacted in reality. Even when they met in Sudi Great World, they just nodded.

   "Didn't that kid escape from the Dayuan Realm? Why did he teleport back? Could it be that he was reluctant to part with Qin Duzun?"

  Su Yi muttered to himself, he missed Qin Duzun a little bit.

  Of course, I want to beat that kid.

   After beating Qin Duzun for millions of years, he almost got used to it.

"Who are you talking about?"

  Nan Xiaopao asked, Xi Qingyue also looked at Su Yi.

  She has always been very interested in Su Dizong, but if she wants to invite her to join the sect, she needs to find someone to help. Now it is not easy to get an invitation quota.

  Su Yi still has a chance to force an invitation, but it is not easy to use it on her, so he has to save his life.

  Even if he is strong enough to transcend the Divine Source Realm, he cannot guarantee the absolute safety of Emperor Suzong.

   "Qin Duyi, this kid has been in the Great Origin Realm before, somehow he fled back to the Origin Plane, and now he's back."

  Su Yi replied, besides this, Qin Duzun and Qin Xueer are also in the Great Origin Realm.


   There is also Tiancheng Shenjun.

  That kid disappeared in the primordial realm a long time ago. He had heard Qin Duzun mention it in the extremely evil place before, that Tiancheng Shenjun had entered the Great Source Realm, and he used the divine body of the Heavenly Emperor to kill all directions and establish a great reputation.

  Su Yi always felt that the Emperor of Heaven had done it for him, otherwise, that kid's breaking through to the Immortal Realm would be regarded as a high profile.

   "How good would it be if you guys could get together as brothers and work together?"

  Nan Xiaopao laughed, she has always been curious about how many brothers and sisters Su Yi has.

   Immediately afterwards, she shook her head again and said, "Forget it, it's better as it is. We can make out if we want to."

  When Xi Qingyue heard this, her cold and pretty face blushed.

  Su Yi rolled his eyes, this girl became more and more bold.

  After becoming a mother, she will completely let go, and sometimes even tease Su Yi and Xi Qingyue intentionally or unintentionally.

   "There is a planet ahead, there is no life there, and there is plenty of aura, go there and rest for a while."

  Su Yi changed the subject and let Xi Qingyue get out of embarrassment.

   When the voice fell, they landed.

  They landed on a high mountain, with undulating forests below and a sea of ​​clouds above their heads.

   At first glance, it is very similar to Huanggu, the environment is beautiful and picturesque, and it seems that there is no danger.

   Except for plants and ignorant creatures without intelligence, there is no living creature on this planet, which is very strange.

  This kind of planet should be occupied by humans.

  Su Yi let the three war beasts play casually, and then took the two girls to start sightseeing, walking and chatting at the same time, without feeling bored at all.

   Don't even have some fun.


  In front of a cliff, Emperor Tianwu and Qin Duyi stood together, next to a huge waterfall, and below was a vast and boundless ocean.

  The two brothers faced each other in silence.

  The atmosphere is a bit awkward.

  Emperor Tianwu couldn't help but said, "Hey, what are you looking for?"

Qin Duyi rolled his eyes and said, "You come to Dayuan Realm. I'm afraid that something will happen to you. I'll take you to find my younger brother. Let him lead you around. He is very powerful. He used his magical powers to tell me earlier that he has Break through the realm of eternal life."

  When Emperor Tianwu heard this, his eyes lit up immediately.

  He nodded and said, "Where is he?"

  Qin Duyi often brags about Qin Duzun in Emperor Su's sect, which makes him also very curious about how good that mysterious younger brother is.

   "If you meet him, you have to be generous. This kid has a bad temper. He has always been dissatisfied with us brothers and sisters. He wants to be the strongest son of the Emperor of Heaven."

   "However, if we are in danger and he happens to meet him, he will definitely make a move. In his heart, family affection is the most important thing."

  Qin Duzun smiled, and every time Qin Duzun was mentioned, a smile would appear on his face.

  Those who didn’t know thought Qin Duzun was his proud son.

  Emperor Tianwu nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, I just want to find Tiancheng and Wushou. Those two boys have already entered the Great Source Realm before me. Together, we brothers will be able to gallop in the Great Source Realm!"

  The Emperor of Heaven wants to choose the strongest, they all already know.

  Of course, they didn’t know until they were about to enter the Great Source Realm.

   "Oh, it is said that the two elder brothers, Tian Cheng and Fu Ren, are very talented. Before the eldest brother was reincarnated, they were considered by the emperor to be the strongest talents. I really want to meet them."

   Qin Duyi smiled, and the chat atmosphere between the two became more and more harmonious.

  No matter where it is, family affection can always make people let their guard down.

  The more they talked, the happier they became, and they even laughed from time to time.

   Just as they were about to leave, a spatial crack suddenly appeared above the vast ocean, as if the sky had been torn open for thousands of miles.

  The two brothers were on alert immediately, ready to fight.

  A figure entwined with lightning stepped out from the crack in space.

   It is the Emperor Negating Heaven.

  He was wearing a dragon-patterned black robe and an emperor's crown, quite similar to the Heavenly Emperor. The thunder and lightning around him were like dragons roaring, making a chilling sound.

  Seeing him, Emperor Tianwu heaved a sigh of relief, and scolded with a smile: "Stinky boy, you are scaring your brother!"

   "This kid just lives up to it."

  Qin Duyi didn't smile when he heard the words, but was still very alert.

  He frowned, and asked in a deep voice, "What power have you cultivated?"

  Emperor Negative Sky flew over their heads and said condescendingly, "This is my power, which I awakened during the battle with Tian Cheng."

  He and Tiancheng Shenjun are similar in age, and they will fight when they meet.

  When he was in Hongmeng before, he controlled the Demon Court and competed with the Heavenly Court, but in his heart, the biggest opponent was not the Emperor Ming, but the Divine Lord Tiancheng.

  The two of them seemed to be born to be at odds with each other, and they had fought countless times since they were young.

   "What do you mean? What happened to his power?"

  Emperor Tianwu asked with a bewildered expression, his cultivation base was too low, and he couldn't see through Qin Duyi and Emperor Yingtian at all.

  Qin Duyi didn't answer, staring closely at Emperor Lingtian.

  The Emperor Negative Sky descended slowly and landed in front of them.

  He said quietly: "Recently, there is a mysterious strong man in the Great Source Realm chasing and killing the son of the Emperor of Heaven. Tian Cheng was seriously injured by him and has disappeared. Come with me, and I will take you to a place to awaken the original power."

   Tiancheng Shenjun was seriously injured!

   Mentioning this matter, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

  Emperor Tianwu frowned and asked, "Could it be that the other party is spying on the strongest throne?"

  Emperor Lingtian nodded, and said: "Leave here first, it's not safe, I have a premonition that you are in danger, so I came here."

   After speaking, he waved his right hand and swept the two brothers away.

  After they left.

   About half a day has passed.

   There was a loud bang!

  A beam of light descended from the sky, hitting the vast ocean, and then the ocean dried up at a speed visible to the naked eye. The picture was extremely shocking.

  (end of this chapter)