MTL - Marvel: Start with God of Destruction-Chapter 17

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It's better known as: reporting tasks.

"Sister Yan, what should we do now? Morgana is actually on Earth!" Angel Ah Chai asked Angel Yan in the sky.

"The queen of the family wants to come in person, then we will guard Morgana on earth. When the queen comes, it will be the end of Morgana!"

"Hmm! Sister Yan, what do we do now?" Ah Chai asked to Yan.

"There are still many local figures or forces on the earth, and we can contact them to ensure that the earth is in a just order."

"Yes, Sister Yan!"



In X Academy, because of Cyclops' death, the X-Men have no way to deal with Apocalypse.

"Jin, contact S.H.I.E.L.D.! We need the help of the Avengers." In the desperate situation, Professor X had no choice but to seek the help of the Avengers.

"Teacher, why don't you tell Vegett everything you know? If that's the case, we don't need to seek help from the Avengers at all!" Qin asked in confusion.

Obviously, the professor treats them very well and doesn't even hide anything from them, but on this matter, the professor has been keeping a tight lip.

"Qin, you don't understand, some things, even if I die, I can't tell." Professor X shook his head.

"My heart aches for Vegetto to be like this, but I can't let him go wrong."

"But, Professor..." Qin didn't understand what was wrong with revenge. Should Vegeta be hurt?

"Okay, Jean. Contact the Avengers!" After Professor X finished speaking, he closed his eyes.

"Yes, Professor!" Qin walked down in despair.

(Ah, the author is a bit autistic now, and I am very sorry. The author is a newcomer. If there is anything wrong or not understood, please give me more advice. Thank you very much.

As for the plot that you mentioned about revealing your identity, it is also being arranged. The author will try to speed up the pace as much as possible, I am very sorry, and thank you for your support and opinions! thanks. )

Chapter 46 Thor VS Thunder God of War

In the headquarters of the Avengers, a group of Avengers are discussing the problem of angels.

"By the way, Sol, do you know those two angels?" Beside him, Tony Stark asked Sol excitedly.

Except for Lian Bing, he had never seen such a beautiful woman.

"Of course I do! Shouldn't you?" Looking at Tony Stark's gleaming expression, Thor seemed to understand something.

"Hehe!" Tony Stark smiled and gave a look that a man could understand. The current Tony Stark is far from the Iron Man who is willing to sacrifice himself, but more of the playboy.

"Don't! Don't! Those angels look young, but they are actually old witches!" Thor, the **** of thunder, persuaded him.

"By the way, Sol, why do I always feel that the angel is more like Thor than you!" Rogers pointed to the thunder and lightning on the screen.

He has also seen Sol discharge, affecting a small piece of the sky at most, and he has to rely on his Meow Hammer. But Yan, suddenly mobilized the lightning over the entire United States.

The difference is already visible to the naked eye.

"Uh..." For a while, Sol didn't know how to reply to the honest man of Captain.

Haven't you heard of hitting someone without slapping their face, and scolding someone without exposing their shortcomings?

"That angel's name is Yan, the left-wing guard of the holy Kaisha, and the universe is called the Thunder God of War. And I am the Thor of Asgard, and I am the eldest son of Odin, the future king of Asgard, she has absolutely nothing to do with me. Better!" Sol said proudly.

"Then, which of the two of you is stronger?" Captain America continued to ask honestly.

"..." Thor looked at Rogers resentfully.

"That old woman is already seven thousand years old! Am I just over a thousand years old?" Sol felt that she had to do something to restore her dignity as a god.

"And..." Sol's voice dropped a notch, and he decided to slander Ichiban Yan and raise his worth. After all, the people here are their own people. It shouldn't be a problem to brag!

"And what?" A female voice came from behind Sol. But Sol didn't care.

"It is rumored that Angel Yan is an old witch who likes to seduce men." Sol whispered to the surrounding companions, fearing that the louder voice would be heard by others.

"Also, her temper is particularly grumpy, and she will act whenever she disagrees, a typical endocrine disorder." Sol said to himself.

Without noticing it, Tony kept winking at him.

"Tony, what's the matter? Are your eyes uncomfortable?" Thor has always been a bad brain, otherwise he wouldn't be fooled by his brother again and again.

"Is there something behind me?" Sol finally reacted.

Immediately afterwards, she turned around and saw that Angel Yan was sitting on a chair behind her, and Angel was chasing behind Angel Yan.

"..." Sol's eyelids began to twitch.

"Go on! Child, I'd like to hear how you describe me." Angel Yan raised his chin slightly and said softly to Sol. Like the eve of a storm.

"Haha! How could it be! How can I slander you! I wish the friendship between Asgard and the angel will last forever!"

Why can you meet the righteous master if you blow an NP well, his luck is so bad.

"Oh? I really wish you didn't say that you were slandering me! Could it be that you were slandering me just now?" Angel Yan said teasingly again.

"Cough cough..." Sol coughed out all the wine he had just drank.

"Okay, the joke is over, I need to find a person or **** who can represent the earth, and I have something to talk to him about." Yan said bluntly.

"I really can't think of it, what's the use of you looking for the leaders of Earth?"

"Tell him face-to-face, surrender or die?" Tie Hanhansol felt like he had been tricked by Yan just now, and now of course he wants to get back on his feet.

After all, he, Thor, is a scene man.

"Oh! If it's what you said, I can directly modify your subconscious now, and let you submit to angels and believe in angels, but I didn't do that, did I?" Yan said provocatively, but it was undeniable that what she said is the truth.

(The author is working hard to speed up the rhythm, thank you for your support! All the authors in the comment area have read it. I will consider everyone's opinions!)

Chapter 47 Angel's Attitude

"Then what is your purpose?" US captain Rogers asked Angel Yan.

"Oh? Can you represent the whole earth?" Yan shook his head and didn't want to talk to Captain America.

Even if he is stronger than ordinary people, he is just a mortal.

"No one can represent the earth, the earth belongs to all human beings!" Rogers immediately retorted.

"If you're just looking for someone who can represent a human attitude, I think I can. If you're looking for a **** who can represent the earth, I don't think you can find it. Because the earth doesn't have a god. Even if there is, it can't Representing the entire planet." Rogers said righteously.

"Child, you are very naive, but for the sake of your courage, I will give you a chance to talk to me." Yan smiled and said to Rogers.

The reason why God can represent a civilization has never been because the whole civilization is of one mind.

Except for angels and demons in the universe, few civilizations can achieve unity.

God, on the other hand, represents the highest combat power of a civilization, and is also the absolute ruler of a civilization. There is this absolute power in charge of the civilization under his command.

"I need to know, why did you come to Earth and what do you want to do on Earth?" Rogers asked Angel Yan.

"Children, your catastrophe is imminent, Earth." Yan said to all the Avengers.

"The earth is suddenly exposed to the forces of the universe. We angels must ensure that the earth is under the command of justice." Angel Yan said clearly.

"Of course we stand for justice..." Rogers replied immediately, but was interrupted by Thor, the **** of thunder beside him.

"Cough...cough...Captain, what they say about justice may be different from what you understand." Thor reminded in a low voice.

"Then, we want to know, what is justice and what is evil when you angels see it?" Tony Stark asked Angel Yan standing behind the American captain.

"The so-called justice is that 17,000 years ago, Queen Keisha was in charge of Tiancheng, and for the orderly progress of the known universe, a set of very reasonable rules was customized. We call it - the justice order." Angel Ah Chai explained to them.

"Oh! It sounds nice, but it's actually just a rule made by the Holy Kaisha and decided by one person." Sol once again demolished.

"We don't know what the justice of angels is, but if you say justice is to **** the strong and help the weak, protect the people, and protect the earth, then I think we are justice!" Captain America once again used his speech expertise.

"Oh? Really? Then let me see your justice!" Angel Yan said with interest that the word justice has been spread in the universe for tens of thousands of years. On Earth, it is only a few thousand years at most.

For Yan, the justice that Captain America just said was just justice from the perspective of mortals.

True justice is the order for which countless angels have sacrificed their lives for more than 10,000 years. It is an order viewed from the perspective of the entire universe.

"Captain, Professor X just called and said that the first mutant in the history of the earth has been resurrected and wants to rule the earth again, hoping to get the help of our Avengers." An agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. came in and asked for revenge reported to.

"The first mutant in history? Okay, Avengers, assemble, let the angels see the justice that belongs to us!" Captain America stood up and said inspiringly.

"The X-Men are really bad, our Avengers are the most powerful group of heroes on earth!" Tony Stark said proudly.

"Haha! That's of course, after all, there is a **** like me in the Avengers!" Angered by Angel Yan, Sol decided to find a few mortals to take a good breath.

What if it was the first mutant in history? Thor didn't think he could beat a mortal.

"Just cheer for me in the back in a while. I'm going to tell the guy named Tianqi what a real **** is." Suo Ran said very swell.

I have even figured out how to show off my skills in front of these teammates, and how to let these ignorant mortals see what the real Thor is, the eldest son of Odin!

(The author has been making corrections these days.

Don't you find that the author has arranged for various cosmic forces and gods to come to earth?

A **** will not deliberately show his identity in front of mortals, not because he wants to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, because he is disdainful.

But when the gods from all walks of life came to the earth, it was time for the exposure of the author's bacteria arrangement!

Seeking support for the new book, asking for flowers, and asking for a very good vote! Ask for comments! Ask for a monthly ticket for flowers! ! ).

Chapter 48 The Inflated Thor Thor

Professor X somehow contacted S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers, and even used his ability to contact his good friend Magneto.

Although Professor X and Magneto have been old enemies for many years, they are also the most trusted friends.

"Eric! Don't make any more mistakes! Come back! The mutants need you!" Because Magneto wears a helmet that can block all psychic abilities, Professor X can only control the passers-by around him to talk to Magneto.

"Eric, we once said, don't give up, don't give up. As long as we are united, we will be able to overcome all difficulties." Charles persuaded bitterly.

"Yeah! So that was the past. Now, I just want revenge and make those humans pay the price!"

At this moment, Magneto has been completely blinded by hatred. He once listened to Professor X's words. In recent years, he didn't use his ability, and just worked as an ordinary worker in a steel factory.

However, not long ago, he used his ability to save a worker who was also a steel factory.

However, all his daughters and wives were killed.

"Eric!" Professor X wanted to persuade, but was discovered by Apocalypse beside him.

"Interesting ability!" Tian Qi couldn't help sighing.

"I have seen countless abilities, but I have never seen the ability to make myself everywhere." The next moment, Professor X felt that the apocalypse appeared in his spiritual world.

Moreover, Apocalypse's soul is several times stronger than himself.

It just so happened that Apocalypse's body was already very old, so Apocalypse made a decisive decision and decided to seize Professor X's ability.

Because it is in Professor X's spiritual world, Professor X can clearly feel the thoughts and hearts of Apocalypse.

He really is a person who has no good feelings for human beings. In the eyes of Apocalypse, if human beings cannot be enslaved, then there is no need to exist.

"No, no!" Professor X desperately expelled Apocalypse from his spiritual world.

If his ability is really obtained by an evil mutant like Apocalypse, the earth will definitely fall into an unprecedented panic.

"Qin, Qin! Let's get out of here immediately!" Professor X shouted loudly.

"It's useless, no matter where you escape, I can find you! You can't escape." Apocalypse said to Professor X without caring.

As long as he is still in Professor X's mind space, it is impossible for Professor X to escape his pursuit.

"Qin, let's get out of here soon. Apocalypse is coming soon. Let's find the Avengers." Professor X said in a panic. He knew very well that with the current X Academy, it was almost impossible to compete with Apocalypse and his Four Horsemen of Apocalypse.

"Hey! If you're looking for the Avengers, there's no need to go. Because the strongest Avengers have arrived." Thor spun his Meow Hammer down from the sky.

When Thor said that he wanted to take the Apocalypse alone, he was immediately denied by the Avengers.

In their eyes, mutants are just ordinary people who are stronger than ordinary people. (Actually, most mutants do.)

Even if the X-Men are stronger than those mutants, they're not at all comparable to their Avengers.

In this case, how can Thor be able to stand out alone!

However, Thor said it doesn't matter. In terms of speed, there are really few Avengers who can match her. When those people were making the plane, Sol had already arrived alone.

Sol believes that the Avengers is the most powerful superhero organization on the planet.

And he, Thor, is the most powerful existence in the Avengers. Dealing with a small mutant ancestor is not an easy task.

Moreover, the key is that Thor does not think that any creatures that threaten him can appear on the earth of Midgard, except for Hulk.