MTL - Marvel: Start with God of Destruction-Chapter 18

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"That is the ancestor of mutants, are you really sure?" Qin looked at Sol in front of him, no matter how he looked at it, he was a reckless man.

"Aha! The one standing in front of you is a true god! Worship it! Mortal." Thor said arrogantly.

Little did he know that in front of him was the power of the phoenix that his father feared.

"Uh, that's fine!" Qin said helplessly.

Not because she had confidence in Sol, but because a purple portal had appeared in front of them.

"Let you see, what is Thor!" Saul said arrogantly, the Thor's Hammer in his hand let go and smashed at Tian Qi's group who had just walked out of the portal.

(Seeking support for the new book, asking for flowers, asking for a very good evaluation ticket! Asking for comments! Asking for a monthly ticket for flowers!!).

Chapter 49 The hammer is the body

"Huh?" Apocalypse just walked out of his portal when he saw a meow hammer hitting him.

Subconsciously, Apocalypse raised his hand and grabbed the Miaomiao Hammer.

As a result, a huge thunder rushed out, and Tian Qi recognized the hammer in his hand immediately. But one arm was still struck by lightning beyond recognition.

"Aha!" Mortals are mortals. It is absolutely impossible to be his opponent of Thor.

Who is he, Thor of Asgard, the eldest son of Odin, the future king of Asgard!

It didn't take long for Apocalypse's electric-injured arm to recover as before.

Indeed, it hurt Apocalypse just now. Apocalypse looked at the hammer on the ground with interest.

Reaching for the handle of the hammer, trying to pick it up.

"Huh!" Sol smiled contemptuously. Apocalypse couldn't possibly afford his Thor's Hammer. In fact it is.

"Come on!" Apocalypse said to Magneto behind him.

"Don't try, it's impossible for mortals to hold my Thor's Hammer!" Thor said proudly.

Thor's hammer, Murmir, has Odin's curse on it, and only a living person can hold it. At the same time can also master the power of thunder.

However, then a scene that made Thor unbelievable appeared.

Seeing that Magneto just stretched out his hand, Thor's Hammer easily flew into Magneto's hands.

(Following the original Marvel book here, Thor's hammer is also a metal. Magneto can indeed control Thor's hammer with magnetic force. But he can't use the power of thunder.)

"How is this possible? Miaoermir! How can mortals be able to hold my Thor's Hammer?" Thor was immediately startled and wanted to grab his own hammer.

He stretched out his hand to let Miaoermir come back, but found that Miaoermir in the hands of Magneto did not move at all.

In a hurry, Sol had to rush over and grab the hammer from Magneto himself.

However, Thor without a hammer is really too weak in Apocalypse's eyes.

Apocalypse easily grabbed Thor who was rushing over, and easily hanged Saul.

The yellow sand rises and drowns Sol. After a moment, Sol had only his head sticking out of the sand.

"It seems that you are very weak without a hammer! God of hammers!" Tian Qi's words contained no joke at all.

In Apocalypse's view, Thor with a hammer and Thor without a hammer are completely two levels, so they should be called the **** of hammers. Even if it is said that the hammer is the body, Apocalypse will believe it without hesitation!

"Mortal, ants, return my Miaoermir to me!" Thor said stubbornly.

"Ant, you offended me!" Apocalypse's casserole-sized fist smashed into Sol's face mercilessly.

"Ah! You dare to blaspheme the gods, and you will definitely be punished!" Saul shouted in pain, while still saying uncompromisingly.

"I knew that this guy is not so reliable." Qin said speechlessly, covering his forehead.

It took less than a minute from Thor's appearance to being hung up by Apocalypse with sand (really hung up).

However, no matter how stupid this Sol is, he is still her teammate at this moment, isn't he! So, Jean decided to help him.

Professor X is still at war with Apocalypse in the spiritual world, and it is obviously impossible to help them.

A psychic force smashed towards Magneto, and Magneto, caught off guard, subconsciously picked up the hammer in his hand to block.

clang! !

With a loud bang, the hammer in Magneto's hand was smashed out.

"Next!" Jyn shouted loudly at Sol.

Then he controlled the telekinesis to return the hammer to Thor's hands.

"Haha! Miaoermir!" Although Saul has been beaten by Apocalypse at the moment, but if he can get Miaoermir back, he will have a chance to come back.

Sure enough, Thor with a hammer and Thor without a hammer are completely two people (at this stage).

The Thor's Hammer in his hand swung quickly, and all the yellow sand attached to Sol was scattered.

"Mortal, you dare to blaspheme the gods, then die!" Thor shouted loudly. In a thousand years, he had never fought such a suffocating battle. Now even his face is swollen by Apocalypse. How could it not be a good revenge.

Picking up Mauermir in his hand, Sol played with all his strength and fought with Apocalypse.

Immediately afterwards, Sol found that things did not seem to be as simple as he thought. The apocalypse in front of him is not only not weak, but can even be said to be strong, not even weaker than him holding Miaoermir.

Of course Sol wouldn't know that while Apocalypse was fighting him, he was distracted and fighting with Professor X.

And Apocalypse also realized that the God of Hammer in front of him seems to be stronger than he imagined. It's not a big problem to be called God.

However, although it is admitted that Thor has some strength, Tianqi does not think that he will lose.

In normal times, Apocalypse wouldn't mind playing with this hammer **** for a while. But now, he has more important things to do.

That is, the ability to plunder Professor X.

"Eric!" Apocalypse exited the battle circle and shouted to Magneto behind him.

"Yes!" Magneto stood up again and began to activate super powers on Thor's Hammer.

(Thank you readers for your comments and suggestions. The author will try not to commit the same problem in future stories and plots.

Thank you also for your support! The author will always work hard to write books, and I will continue to improve and learn how to write books!

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Chapter 50 You can go, but you don't have to

With the activation of Magneto's ability, Thor once again felt that his hammer seemed to be out of control.

"My hammer! Miaoermir!" Thor was immediately startled.

This time, she couldn't give up her hammer no matter what. Thor held his hammer tightly. Just don't let go.

"In this case, you can fly for a while!" Magneto, strengthened by the apocalypse, can easily control the metal of a city, while Thor, the **** of thunder, is obviously not that heavy.

Magneto easily controlled Thor's hammer and flew around the sky with Thor.

"Stop! Mauermir!" Sol finally understood why that person could easily pick up his Mauermir.

"Eric, send him away, we have more important things to do." Apocalypse told Magneto.

If he just wants to defeat Thor completely, he can do it himself, it just takes a lot of effort.

Let Magneto take the shot, just to save time.

(?1!!2.:) "Yes!" After all, Magneto is one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Because he bears hatred, he will naturally not show mercy to Thor.

"Ah...!" Thor's Hammer flew into the distance with Thor.

But even so, Thor did not let go of his hammer.

"Uh..." Looking at Thor who flew far away, Qin realized again that this Avengers alliance didn't seem so reliable!

Now it seems that she can only rely on her.

The psychic power in her hand was looming, and Qin protected Professor X behind her.

The professor is kind to her, no matter how strong the opponent is, Qin will never give up Professor X.

"It's just that I may never see Vegeta again in the future." Qin thought sadly.

Then he looked at Tian Qi and his group with serious eyes.

The power of the phoenix is ​​just around the corner.

"What kind of power is this?" Apocalypse felt the threat to him from the power in Qin's body.

However, Apocalypse does not lack powerful abilities. Compared with powerful abilities, he obviously wants to get psychic abilities at this moment.

The power that Qin exposed was indeed very powerful, so powerful that it moved his heart. If it weren't for the temptation of Professor X's psychic ability, Apocalypse would definitely not be able to resist plundering Qin's power.

"Child, get out of the way! I will lead the mutants to rule the world. And you are all my children." Tian Qi walked towards Qin step by step, bewitchingly said.

"Child, you have great potential, join us, you will become my Apocalypse Knight!" Apocalypse stretched out his hand to Qin.

Qin does not have a deep bond with ordinary people like Professor X does. But she knew she was going to be on the professor's side.

For Qin, she only has two important people in this world.

Professor X who taught her when she was young. Vegeta, with whom she decides to be with her lifelong friend.

The original plan was to go to Vegeta after repaying Professor X's kindness.

Now it seems that I am afraid that I will not have that chance.

"Ma'am, it looks like you need help." Just as Qin fell into despair, Iron Man angrily made a 360-degree turn from the air and landed. Landed next to Qin.

"Now, your crisis is lifted, because I am here!" Tony Stark said very proudly. Showing glamour in front of beautiful women has always been his forte.

"..." Originally, when she heard reinforcements coming, Qin instantly had hope again.

However, when she saw the "steel warrior" in front of him wearing a steel armor, Qin knew that another person took off the oil bottle.

Plus, that sentence seemed to have heard deja vu words not long ago. Jean completely lost faith in Iron Man.

"You..." Qin Qin didn't know how to remind him without hurting the angry middle-aged uncle in front of him.

"Is it just you?" Qin asked tentatively.

"Of course, but Thor came one step ahead of me, what? Didn't he come?" Tony Stark began to look around. No trace of Thor was found.

"But it doesn't matter, let's see how Iron Man helps your lady!" Tony Stark said angrily again, and then began to prepare.

"Let's wait for your partner to come and do it!" Jean stopped Tony Stark immediately.

You are looking for trouble with Magneto wearing a steel armor, isn't that a gift? Qin said she was too difficult. Who are the Avengers from?

The current Iron Man has not evolved his steel armor into nano armor, which is essentially made of relatively hard metal.

"Oh, that's fine!" Tony Stark thinks to himself that he belongs to the intelligent level of the Avengers, and it is possible to do things like charge, but it is not necessary. After all, it is necessary to leave some presence to the other Avengers.

What's more, Tony Stark will definitely give this beautiful lady a face first, and then defeat the opponent with a godlike attitude. Definitely will leave an indelible impression on this beautiful lady in front of you.

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Chapter 51 Magneto who wants to release water

"Mortals get out of the way! You can't intervene here." In Apocalypse's view, ordinary people only have the right to become slaves, and naturally they will not be as pleasant as he treats "compatriots".

"Wow? I'm the strongest superhero on earth, Iron Man." Tony Stark said arrogantly while posing poss.

Fortunately, at this stage, Tony Stark's steel suit is not much faster than the fighters of the Avengers.

So, during the conversation, the Avengers fighter finally arrived.

Jean looked at the people who got off the plane. Want to find a reliable teammate.

A tight-fitting muscular man holding a shield - the shield is the main weapon, not to mention the steel, the only bright spot on his body is the American flag and the small buttocks. pass!

In the style of the Matrix, holding a bow and arrow, carrying a variety of high-tech bows and arrows on his back. It seems to be very strong, but in fact, Qin can feel with her telekinesis... Magneto's arsenal has arrived.

Immediately after this, there was no metal substance on his body, not even any weapon. Seems like a cultural person. But that wretched smile really made it difficult for Qin to have confidence in him.

And the last one... seems to be a heroine. It looked heroic and valiant, with the spirit of a heroine.

Subconsciously, Jean regarded Natasha as the strongest among the Avengers, or the most reliable one.

"Okay, Avengers, assemble!" Tony Stark shouted for the first time in order to pretend to be in front of the beauty.


In normal times, these slogans should have been shouted by the captain.

But the moment they saw Qin, everyone in the Avengers understood why Tony Stark was so active today.

After all, Iron Man is a playboy. This is not to say that it is inside the Avengers, but the entire United States knows it.