MTL - Marvel: Start with God of Destruction-Chapter 19

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"By the way, what about Thor?" At this time, Natasha noticed that Thor, who was supposed to run the fastest, was gone now. asked cautiously.

"I don't know, it should be lost! We don't have to wait for him." Iron Man couldn't wait to show his skills.

"Let me, let's start the first arrow of the battle!" The sharpshooter Hawkeye Barton took out a blasting arrow from behind and fired it at Tianqi and his party.

"Wait a minute!" Qin stopped for the first time, but was still a step slower.

All the Avengers had to send arrows on the string, and Captain America's shield followed and threw it to Apocalypse.

Even the usually cautious Iron Man rushed forward.

"Quick fight~!" Apocalypse said to Magneto next to him.


In the face of Zeng Jin's good base friend, Lao Wan originally wanted to release the water properly.

But the Avengers in front of him did not give him this chance at all! Crazy giveaway.

He is a scene man after all. It would be unreasonable if the heads were not taken.

(I'm very sorry, the author has caught a cold for the past two days, and today I have a headache for a day. I'm completely inactive. I hereby ask for a day off, and I will try to make it up tomorrow, thank you for your support!).

Chapter 52 Magneto vs Avengers



Boom~! !

Captain America's shield hit Iron Man's crotch accurately, and then the blasting arrow shot by Hawkeye accurately hit Iron Man's chrysanthemum, and a huge explosion sounded. The impact of the explosion blasted Iron Man to the ground.

"!!" Iron Man climbed up from the ground in dismay. Pointing at the teammates behind him and shouting.

Just a few times, even if Tony Stark has a steel armor shock absorption, it is not good.

Even Hawkeye and the captain of the United States looked at each other. The moment the weapon was shot, the US captain felt that it seemed to be different from the trajectory he had calculated, and Hawkeye could even clearly see that the arrow he shot had turned!

But Tony obviously didn't realize the reason for all this at this time. In his opinion, a perfect moment of flirting with girls was ruined by the two pig teammates.

"Tony! Come back first, they are weird." Captain America immediately shouted to Tony Stark.

Immediately afterwards, Tony Stark's steel armor began to disintegrate in front of the Avengers. It turned into a pile of scrap iron and piled it up in front of the people of the Avengers.

" is this possible?" Although Stark is a playboy, he has absolute confidence in the steel armor he made!

But now, the battle armor he is proud of has become scrap iron in front of him. How could he accept it.

Without the protection of steel armor, Tony Stark is just an ordinary person. In terms of skill alone, Natasha can hang him.

Therefore, Tony Stark, who lost the protection of his armor, ran behind his teammates for the first time, hoping to be protected by his teammates.

Warren Kenneth Worthington III originally had a pair of snow-white wings, and the mutant titled Angel. After being transformed by Apocalypse, the wings became steel wings, and they even called themselves the archangel.

After seeing Stark escape, Worthington III naturally would not miss this opportunity, spread his wings behind him, and flew towards Stark.

"Be careful!" Captain America rushed to support immediately.

A sturdy vibranium shield blocked Worthington III's steel wings.

Then brought Tony Stark back.

"Oh! Thank you, my old man!" Tony Stark exhaled a long breath. Said to escape.

"By the way, why does my steel armor decompose by itself? I dare to guarantee that it is not a quality problem when I made it." Tony Stark asked inexplicably.

His invincible steel armor has become so vulnerable here. This made it difficult for him to accept.

"Be careful, Magneto's ability is to control all metal substances." Qin stood up and explained to the Avengers.

Iron Man rushed too fast just now, giving him no chance to explain at all.

"Haha! The strongest avenger is back!" At this moment, Sol's arrogant voice came again.

However, this time he did not fly out with a hammer, but ran out.

"Sol, where's your hammer?" Dr. Banna asked Thor in confusion. You know, Sol's hammer has always been with him, and it will not fall for a moment.

Since they came late, they don't know what happened after Sol came. Certainly not knowing that Thor nearly lost his beloved hammer.

"Cough, I left it at home and forgot to bring it." Sol said a little embarrassedly.

In fact, he just flew out of the reach of Magneto's magnetic force with the hammer (the hammer took him). After dinner, Sol hid his beloved Meow Hammer.

Adhering to the principle that the warriors of Asgard never flinch, they ran back step by step.

"Then why do you have a blue nose and a swollen face?"


"Didn't you come first with the hammer, Sol? Why did the hammer leave the house again?" Someone asked Sol again.

"..." Don't people know if it's hard to tear down?

Even if it's a god, you can't not show me face like this!

Sol's face gradually became ugly.

"Since our Avengers have expired, let's go!" Sol forcibly changed the topic.

"But how much of your strength can you play without a hammer?" Hawkeye obviously didn't have much confidence in Sol.

"I will lead the charge!" Thor roared and charged up. He rushed halfway, but was embarrassed to find that no one of his teammates followed him.

"Why? Don't you get on?" Sol stopped, but he didn't forget how the stick on his face just came. Naturally, he will not rush up alone.

The reason why I rushed so fast just now was just to divert everyone's attention! After all, Asgardians are known to have the best face.

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Chapter 53 The Hulk Attacks

"Let's not say I'm a shooter, how to rush, and my arrows are all made of metal." Hawkeye explained to Sol.

"My steel armor has been decomposed into scrap iron, and I am an ordinary person now." Tony Stark pointed to a pile of scrap iron not far away and said to Thor, the **** of thunder.

Sol took a closer look and it seemed that it really was Tony Stark's steel armor. Moreover, there seems to be an arrow hole in the part of the chrysanthemum.

"Saul, although I really want to help you, but with a shield, I will only drag you down." Captain America said helplessly.

"How about I come with you?" Dr. Banner asked tentatively.

"Haha, I knew it, you are the best brother." Sol laughed and patted Dr. Banner on the shoulder.

A look that motioned for Dr. Banner to come first, and he came to the rear.


"Don't worry about who comes first to die, none of you can escape." Tian Qi said with a grim expression.

A bunch of mortals who are beyond their own power, dare to bark in front of his mutant ancestor.

From the quiver behind Hawkeye, arrows flew out of thin air. Floating in front of everyone in the Avengers, a pair of swords drawn.

As long as Magneto waved his hand, he would immediately return with a thousand arrows.

"Ah O, what should we do now?" Tony Stark asked as he consciously ran to Dr. Banner's side. It looks like she's about to hug her thighs.

Without the steel armor, he would never be able to resist these arrows with his flesh. Right now, he is definitely the weakest member of the Avengers. You have to find someone strong to hold your thighs.

"Hulk, hurry, we can only rely on you now!" Thor shouted loudly to Dr. Banner.

"Hulk!!" In a roar, Dr. Banner began to grow bigger, greener, and stronger at the same time!

After the transformation, Hulk roared, and then directly lined up the arrows floating in the sky.

"No, that's a blasting arrow!" Hawkeye reminded immediately.

However, the Hulk obviously won't care so much at this time!

boom! !

boom! !

The blasting of arrows caused a chain reaction.

After blowing up all the Avengers, Captain America protected Hawkeye with a shield in time, Hulk Hulk protected Natasha for the first time, and Tony Stark consciously hid under Hulk's crotch.

"Roar!!" Hulk let out a huge roar. Jin rushes straight to the apocalypse.

Magneto tried to block Hulk's way with steel, but ordinary steel obviously couldn't see Hulk.

The steel along the way was either shot by the Hulk or folded into two pieces by the Hulk.

"Huh! Fortunately, we still have Hulk!" Tony Stark said with a sigh of relief.

"Yeah!" The rest of the Avengers nodded in agreement.

For so long, they haven't seen Hulk lose, even Thor, without a hammer, is definitely not Hulk's opponent.

Among the clouds in the sky.

Angel Yan and Angel Azui are sitting there.

"Sister Yan, do you think they can win?" The angel chased after Angel Yan and asked.

Yan didn't answer right away, but instead wrinkled, he stretched out his hand and used a flying steel rod.

This steel bar was just used by Magneto to stop Hulk, but was slapped by Hulk with a slap.

"What a lot of strength!" Yan couldn't help but sigh.

They were already in the sky, but when Yan Yan caught the steel bar, he could still feel the terrible power above.

"This kind of power, I'm afraid it can reach three generations of gods!" Angel Chai said in surprise.

The seemingly ugly monster has such great strength.

"If that green monster really has the power of three generations of gods, then this battle is not without suspense." Angel Chai continued.

"No, strength does not equal strength." Yan retorted.

You know, the reason why human beings can inform the earth has never depended on strength.

And Yan had already seen that the green monster, although its strength was terrifying, seemed to have only the intelligence of a three-year-old child.

Even if a three-year-old is armed with a weapon, how can it be an opponent of an adult!

If it is the general weak, there is no way to face the Hulk, and can only be crushed by the Hulk.

However, if you encounter an opponent of the same level, even if the strength cannot be compared with the Hulk, it is still very simple to limit the Hulk.

With Tianqi's shot, layers of yellow sand completely surrounded Hulk.

Storm Girl also followed suit, summoning lightning to strike Hulk one after another.

"Roar!! Roar!!!" Hulk was completely irritated, but he couldn't do anything to the sand in front of him.

"What kind of monster is this, can lightning kill you?" Storm Girl shouted in surprise.

She actually saw that the lightning, which was enough to blow through a mountain, did not cause a fatal injury to Hulk.

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Chapter 54 The Delusional Archangel

"Roar!!" The vision was completely blocked by the sand, and Hulk couldn't get close to Apocalypse at all.

"What a perfect body, what a pity..." Apocalypse sighed.

Hulk's invincible strength and defense made his heart move.

It's just a pity that the power that Apocalypse wants most now is still Professor X's spiritual power.

As long as you have psychic ability, plus his reinforcement, you can easily manipulate the life and death of all ordinary people.

At that time, Apocalypse can easily build an empire of his own again.

"Show our strength to the world!" Apocalypse raised his hands, and a pyramid rose to the ground with Apocalypse's gesture.

He intends to plunder Professor X's body here.

At this moment, Apocalypse was already winning, and Hulk was completely played around by him, and it was impossible to cause any threat at all, and the remaining Avengers, if they were handed over to the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse, could be easily solved. There is absolutely no need for him to do it himself.

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